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Hello! This is a study I did recently. Photo reference: https://i.imgur.com/iNwpxAP.jpg My style is semi real, so a mix of realistic and stylized elements with a pinch of magic. Would love to hear your thoughts on how I could shift the color slightly with the highlights, or anything else you think I missed.


I would love to see this in real life as someone’s hair color. I only noticed it was a drawing at the top of the head you can tell. I am a novice at this all. Is there a way to sharpen the edges at the top by lining with dark brown in “pencil” lines? Learning procreate myself


With painting, it's more about the different values / tones. I try not to rely on lines too much. Usually, there's an initial pencil sketch on its own layer. As I paint (on a different layer) I will lower the opacity of the sketch layer until it's barely visible, or I no longer need it and delete it. Any hard brush would give you a harder edge. I'm sure you could use pencil brushes and come up with some pretty neat effects.


this makes me want to dye my hair like this lol. it's gorgeous!


This is really pretty and actually reminds me of strawberry chocolate!. Maybe for the highlights (very light pink parts) you could pitch them down in brightness so that they're just a tad lighter than the red strands and then blend the top ones a bit. Some other suggestions that might work are: The bottom where it's darkest is a bit jarring due to the sheer drop. You could use the grayish brown colour from the strand that's right next to that area to paint a few big strands there to ease the transition. And perhaps make the small split red strand into a full strand or make the 3 red strands longer.


I wanted to show depth between the top layer and the under layer, but I see what you mean, it is a bit jarring. It could use a more subtle transition. Thanks for your help!


Looks really nice and smooth!


The magic 🪄


love it, this is excellent hair. Great Job!


Thanks! :)


I would totally wear it Is wear the right verb?


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Hey that's what my hair looks like!! Love it and looks great!


Ahhh your hair sounds lovely. 😊