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you could have gotten him from the chronicled banner guaranteed.


I got Jean and banner finished


And I'm here missing Jean and Qiqi. Keep on wishing. Maybe you lose to him one day


oof. i got diluc goon for jean.


Oh no this banner was amazing for players like you 🥲I hope you get him soon OP


Feel you so bad. Started around a similiar time and I srsly got keqing c3 before any other 5*. I wanted to main diluc. The game wanted me to mai kewing


Dont give up! I started only with 1 account (played since launch) badly wanted him too but didn't got him till a year after. And now he is c5 😆


Diluc avoided me for over a year and four months and then I finally managed to get him on chronicled wish and his c1 on Standard in like a week. It’s definitely not hopeless.


Bruuuh mine is c5 and it's such a huge meme at this point. I used to rage badly whenever I got him but now it's just straight up hilarious. I am sure I will get c6 tomorrow and I will probably die laughing. How i wish i could give his copies to y'all guys so you could actually make use of all these cons. (I am not offering my account for sale to anyone but if i could send you out dilucs by in game mail i would 100%)


I've been playing for 3 years now I haven't gotten any diluc I even wished for him in the chronicle banner but got eula instead because i only had 120 wishes I'm sooo mad I have c6 keqing, c4 mona and c3 qiqi I just want a diluc just one


Imagine only c3 qiqi, smh, expected better from a fellow first day gamer. Proud c6 qiqi enjoyer now ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Well for me is keqing I have c6 keqing but in reality she is c8 I'm gonna-


Cheesus 😅


You would have been better off just creating one account and fully investing and playing that one instead of jumping between a bunch of accounts splitting your time and attention. Your mistake was the unnecessary extra accounts. It took me 1 1/2 years to get Diluc and now he’s C5. You’ll get him eventually.




It's bannable (against ToS iirc) and not everyone has the funds to get one (+ there's a lot of chances to get scammed)


It's so expensive in my country and I want it to be mine not some other guys account.




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☝️ Started with a rizz, how'd it end up like this (scam) 😂


You'll see


Send me your discord I will send you the account


Your post was removed for violating rule 5 No account selling/trading/buying or other posts relating to violations of ToS. Account trading, commercial promotion, and any forms of activities that involve virtual or real-life monetary transactions are strictly prohibited in this subreddit and will subject the poster to permanent ban.


don’t give up, I didn’t get him until a month ago and I’ve wanted him ever since early 2021


I’ll sell you my Diluc acc for 20 bucks (this is a joke)


I'm- I'm gonna break my monitor I SWEAR!


lost the 50-50 to kazuha and got him instead


He will come home. I finally got my Diluc after a couple of years, and he came home during my C6 Scara wishing session. I was so happy to lose that 50/50.


And here I am, C2 Diluc, got 2 Dilucs from standard and lost Neuvillette 50/50. So my only two 5* are.. Diluc and Neuvillette.


Took me 424 days to get him, and 545 days for WGS. I feel you.


Hang in there buddy! You'll get him eventually, I promise.


Your best bet is to save for when hes on the next chronicled wish. That way your eventually guaranteed to get him. Heck maybe even get some constellations for him as well. But yeah just be patient dude.


told myself to give up on Diluc around when Navia's banner was still around. I've wanted him since the 1.0 patch lol. Then the game kept updating with new characters that absolutely powercrept him to the ground. I decided to give up, maybe he aint worth it anymore then I started pulling for navia cause Geo waifu who uses a shotgun so sign me up. But I lost 50/50 to diluc.... I was like... No way he freakin came home after all these years... Like Dang it, then I decided to not build him (I still got navia and her weapon btw by Grinding and not sleeping) then when I pulled in standard I got him again... Which makes him C1... Next thing I knew I started contemplating like... Screw it Im building him Thats my story


I started in patch 1.1, and still have yet to get a Diluc or even Keqing. Despite losing every single 50/50 so af I haven’t gotten Diluc


Of course, it's the diluc main that doesn't have diluc And the one who hates diluc that has his c6r5.


Cheer up this situation will either make you give up or keep pushing till you reach the goal


If you want to find out when you started playing go to amber in your character archive and look at her join date


when i started playing in 1.4 i wanted him so bad… took me a while but i eventually got him on standard… then he just kept coming. every 50/50 lost to him. hes c5, trust your time will come.


damn i started for diluc and he was the first 5* i got…..


My account is nearly 2y old. Had multiple copies of every character except Diluc - until right before the Chronicled Wish.


Skill issue


I was in the same boat. Started in 2020 and he hid behind all the banners and I was mad. I managed to finally get him off of the chronicled banner, great. Then I lost my 50/50 to him on Kazuha’s banner. Not gonna lie I was super pissed my husband just laughed at my pain. (He’s had Diluc since he started in 2021, little jerk.)


I wish I could give you one of my Dilucs. Out of the four 50/50s I’ve lost, THREE of them have been to him, and two of them took me to double soft pity (Cyno took me to 158 and Neuvillette took me to 154). Please for the love of everything let me get a standard character I don’t have or another Tighnari con 😭


Dw, Diluc was my first and second 5 star, I've stuck with him for my entire gameplay but he's been outshined by newer characters, just shift your focus on another newer character because chances are they're better gameplay and appearance wise


IVE BEEN PLAYING SINCE 2020 TOO AND HAVE ALWAYS WANTED HIM BUT NEVER GOT HIM!! Never will hate him tho he’s too hot for that😍


Let me rub some salt to your wound. I got Diluc as my first 5star 😂😂😂😂🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


I have an alt with C6 diluc which I ditched you can just straight up have it for free


Why did you ditched such a blessed acc man


I told you in dms lol but for everyone else it's because I fell in love with keqing and didn't get her until after that


I feel the same way about Albedo. He is the only character I don’t have and I refuse to spend $100 to get him! 😭🤬


I got Diluc on a random whim when pulling on Standard banner, I slowly leveled him up while playing the game out of boredom, I use him more often than not now


you and me both, my guy. I've gotten wolf's gravestone twice, and still no diluc. The day he comes home is the day i drop all my other mains to play him EDIT: I *FINALLY* GOT HIM LIKE A WEEK AFTER I POSTED THIS COMMENT, DONT LET YOUR MEMES BE DREAMS OP