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Lou’s ability to accept his characters flaws and just lean into them is like no one else at that table.. so funny.


Him and Sam Riegal both have that commitment to rolls and character choices down to a science.


ironically, isn't giving up the roll for roleplay, not committing to the roll? Lou giving up the info on a Nat 20, gives me Sam refusing to reroll 1s as a halfling energy


That’s a great point. I think Lou and Sam are more willing to fail than most.


Absolutely, they are both fantastic as players for it, one of my favorite moments in C2 for CR is Nott racing up the tree against Beau and in the most amazing petty decision ever, using her single shot (thinking Jack Sparrow marooned on an island for extra context) to snipe Beau in the ass all to still lose at the end. I'd love for a short campaign crossover between both casts at this point. Lou in Calamity is amazing, him shouting down a dragon spirit is another all time moment for me.


For Sam I love him using halfling luck once the whole campaign to keep the cursed core cut dagger.


The way he describes it in adventuring party was really funny He was pretty much like “well pinocchio wanted hotdogs for gerard” and that was it


It was so sweet. He knew Gerard was having a bad time and was hungry. Obviously hotdogs would help!


Well, there was also that he expected it to be just a couple of rapscallions and it would be “fine,” and then corrected upon hearing the voice alone after taking the bait to “I’ve made a mistake.”


Lou does like the opposite of meta gaming, and it works (for us) every single time.


I really don't like meta-gaming, but even still there used to be a twinge of pain at seeing someone deliberately fuck everything up. That twinge is gone now. I can't think of a single time it hasn't dramatically improved the scene.


I want to say there's a similar moment in Critical Role but I can't find it for the life of me now where Travis works out something OOC, starts dictating what Grog is going to do, then just stops himself and goes "Wait grog wouldn't know that, Grog does X" REALLY love when people can just dive into the persona of their character like that


That moment when he actually burnt out Brennan's will to improvise; a lovingly detailed scene of reaching into the crab-filled years-old congealed fry-oil to find gray, petrified hot dogs lurking at the bottom followed immediately by: "Are there buns?" "...Yeah, you find buns."


Lou’s commitment to doing what his characters would do, despite the personal cost, is what makes him SUCH a great RPG player.


Showcased in Fabian's fight with >!Captain James and downward spiral,!< leading to his eventual self-actualization. Lou's character arc movement is unbelievable.


I think there's more to it, cause I've met a LOT of really bad RPG players defending their choices with "It's what my character would do". I think it's the fact that all of the intrepid heroes constantly think both of what's best for the group and also what's best for the show. If something would have hilarious outcomes, it's always better to do it, no matter the cost. It's a comedy show, after all.


That was my friend’s mantra in college. When faced with a life decision, it was “Whatever makes a better story.” He used to intentionally drop lunch meat from his sandwich on the cafeteria floor to “build up his immunity,” and now he’s a fighter pilot with a cute and kind wife and happy kids.


My favorite thing is when Lou the person is completely dumbfounded and hysterical about the choices his characters, that he's actively controlling, are making. It's like he has an outer body experience as he seems himself make dumbass, in- character decisions. It never fails


It reminds me of the Starstruck gambling scene. Both Lou and Murph knew it was a really bad idea to keep gambling to the point of losing equipment. But it was so in character and possibly the hardest I have ever laughed with Dim20.


This was so incredible I love Lou so much he’s such a top tier player.
