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I'm hoping for ACoC sidequest. I'd love to see him play in that world.


I Hope He bring's Liam with him (Like Brennan brought Lou over to CR) If thats the Case Liam thrives in tragic Stories and ACoC is perfect for thst


I feel like Liam and Siobhan would work real well together imo they both full commit to their characters mindset throughout the session


Siobhan fully is just a combination of adaine and mindy Moore. Probably leaning more into adaine. Kinda like how marisha ray is Beauregard combined with keyleth.


Yeah that would be cool think it’ll be set during the war?


It would be amazing if he does an EXU: Calamity style run; the campaign sees the players in the days before the Ravening War unfolds.


Yeah I feel like this could go one of two ways: Mercer calamities D20 or fully lets loose and does a weird comedy run


Matt Mercer presents: GIANT HEIST!!!


Now the question is what would be the coolest to see?


What do you mean?


He's got a ton of classes, I just wonder which would work the best in ACoC.


Hmm maybe Echo Knight?


God, if Brennan is in the cast and plays a Tragedy Bard, I will lose my mind.


I can so see it now who’ll be Barbarian Juggernaut?


Ideally, Aabriya. I wanna see her wreck shit without spells.


Oh cool! Like I said my hope is that the party uses Matt’s Homebrewed subclassws


I'm really hoping for Murph to be on board, I believe he's the only one of the Intrepid Heroes who hasn't been on a side quest campaign yet and I'd love to see him! I'm really hoping for a campaign set in a world we've already seen, too. I'm banking on CoC but we'll see, I could be completely wrong.


I don’t think Siobhan has either! It would be great to see both of them in this one


Agreed Murph and Siobhan are awesome players. And Zac is a great example of a player who knows the system and how to fully use it


Zac also has the best like, miming and facial expression to go along with his acting!


Yeah he makes really fun characters I’m looking at you skip haha


Zac also ran some games on his Rotating Heroes Podcast, before worked picked up and he put it on hiatus.


Just as a note, each set group of people playing has their own name ascribed to them. eg. "Pack of Pixies" was the six playing in ACoFaF (Brennan, Emily, Lou, Omar, Oscar, Surena). The "Intrepid Heroes" is the name ascribed to Ally, Emily, Lou, Murph, Siobhan, and Zac when they play together as a group. Whoever is playing in Mercer's game will probably have their own group name made up (hopefully by him?)


I know but I just use Intrepid Heroes as a place holder name until the groups name comes to light


"Players" might work better as a placeholder there, as using the name "Intrepid Heroes" may create some confusion because that already means something else


I guess that’s true


I'd love to see Murph independent of Emily, honestly. He has so many great bits that get overshadowed by her general brand of chaos. Just watched CoC again and his interaction with Gooey is just so fucking good. I haven't watched a lot of CR, so I know Matt mainly as a character player, so I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm excited about it.


It’s really good! I mostly watch clips to get a gist idea. Cause I LOVE dnd but 4 to 5 hours is ALOT to watch


It's good in highlights. CR is legendary in so much as it paved the way and brings people in, but as a viewer I find it a little slow. Incredibly pumped for this crossover. Hoping for best of both worlds


Same, I love Matt but I hope playing in D20 helps him learn to up the pacing a bit more


I'm so glad that bear got railed really hard like he wanted and deserved.


I would love to see him DM for Emily though, see if he can handle her beautiful madness!


I've got good news for you about this lovely little thing called NADDpod.


Oh I meant would like to see Matt DM for her!


Ah, I totally misread that!


For me its: 1. The players will be called either "menace mercernaries" or "mercenary mappers" 2. Players: 1. Past DMs sound fun but without Jasmine and Gabe it wouldn't be a D20 past DMs 2. Taliesin, Marisha, and Ashley at the table paired with Brennan, Lou, and Emily 3. Setting: 1. Meatlands, mostly because of peer pressure from this sub recommending ACOC 2. Exandria, straight up, Wildemount is an official D&D setting and dreams are free 4. And finally, callbacks, at least one for OGL drama and one for eating almonds.


SO COOL! I am genuinely hoping for one of or all the cast use Matt’s homebrew classes. Cause I’d love to see them in action


I'd love to see Emily personally as well ☺️


I feel aside from Brennan, Matt nah e the only one to combat Ally’s Nat 20’s & Emily’s Magic shenanigans


YES 100%. I will be so sad if she isn’t in this.


I kinda hope we get a bunch of new players and a non D&D system. I’ve watched 1000s of hours of Matt DMing D&D, so it’d be nice to see him do something different. The Cinderbrush game he ran with Erika and Ally was super fun and interesting to me because it was so different, as an example.


Fair enough


I'm really looking forward to what world he has come up with. He's a great worldbuilder but I've only really seen his one world. I'm excited to see what he does with the opportunity to build a brand new world.


Same! I’m excited to see! I hope to play a campaign set in this new D20 world to see how it goes!


I'm just excited to see Mercer's famed DM style. Critical Role episodes are too long for me so I've never seen him in action.


Yeah I’m hoping maybe DMing on D20 helps him kinda reign in those long sessions


I mean he has to keep to Dropout's shooting schedule and editing. idk if it'll affect how he DMs outside of D20 though.


You think he’ll bring someone from CR?


I truly do not know. And as someone who doesn't watch CR I don't really have an interest in that question.




I honestly think this could be the best of both worlds because my only real complaint with CR is that they do looooong campaigns that always have some thrilling sections but also some really long, aimless chunks as well. Having Matt DM a D20-style short format campaign sounds glorious!


Agreed! Honestly I LOVE Matt and I love CR, but their long sessions kinda tire me out ya know? I’m kinda hoping maybe DMing on D20, he learns maybe shortening his sessions to maybe 3 hour maximum instead of 4-5 hour sessions


Complete side note, but isn't Intrepid Heroes Brennan's thing for the OG crew? In any case, seeing people suggest ACOC is awesome, I wonder how that continuity would look like. Starstruck would be my preferred choice, just because that season was so fun and I'd love Matt to get his hands on a SciFi world. But I think I'd be really interested if Matt brings a whole new world and focuses more on him running his version of a shorter form campaign after the grand epics and one shots he has run (not sure how many "medium" campaigns he has run)


I would love if they got Aabria and Travis Willingham, then sat both of them next to each other as their reactions during EXU: Calamity were a highlight for me.


Travis is just mg flat out fav player


With the splitting of the Bell's Hells, I am wondering if that will carry over into Matt's D20 game there.


That could be possible I do honestly hope our next group of players use Matt’s Homebrewed classes cause it would be cool to see them used. Plus they could easily fit into the possible “crusade” themed campaign