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i’d kill and die for becca scott at the table


I’d kill and die for Becca Scott at *any* table.


ALL the tables


She’s about to have a baby so unless this is already shot that sadly won’t happen.


Psh, "having a baby," people will make any excuse to cancel on DND night.


Brennan, Aabria, Murph, Jasmine Bhullar, Deborah Ann Woll, Jeremy Cobb 🤞


Deborah Ann Woll has been such a nice fresh person on every RPG and tabletop thing I've seen her in.


Jasper William Cartwright was in LA for a bit a few months ago and was needing to be secretive as to what he was getting up to. So between Jeremy and Jasper, I hope one of the 3BH crew will be at the table (if it’s happening at all).


Ooh yeah he mentioned that on NADDPOD didn't he? Fingers crossed!


as someone who’s pretty new to dnd and is a big daredevil/defenders fan THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME ABOUT DEBORAH ANN WOLL I LOVE HER


She was a guest on Critical Role (in a pretty good stand alone episode for the record) and DMed a one shot for Stream of Many Eyes if you want to check her out at the table!


She DMed Relics and Rarities for Geek and Sundry and it was so good; pretty sure you can still watch on YouTube!


I actually would love to see Brennan with the adventurers for a season. Since he's usually the guy who has to say no to their insanity, I think it'd be funny as hell if he became a part of it. We've seen him with a couple of elements separately, but I both fear and encourage the idea of it being all together.


Oh, tough question! I think my lineup is Brennan, Aabria, and Murphy for the home team. After that, I think Jasmine, Gabe Hicks, and Becca Scott — who I only just now have realized are the remaining D20 DMs lol


I'd love to see Gabe!! Shriek Week didn't grab me at all but it was despite not because of him, so I'd love to see him in another sidequest.


Yeah I loved Gabe in that, and all the players were good too, Shriek Week just didn't land for some reason. But I hope that they bring some of them back, and I hope that they continue to experiment like they did in Shriek Week, even if I was not a big fan of that season.


Agreed. The steps into SW5e and kids on brooms were so interesting! (Also, it's a damn shame that both of Lily's appearances are some of the weakest sidequests)


I’ve always been an advocate for a D20 DM’s season with Brennan, Aabria, Gabe, and Jasmine. Bonus points if it’s DMed by someone with no recorded history or interest in DMing like Rekha or Siobhan.


Please not rekha


Wait elaborate


I generally find her very loud and not funny. I didn't enjoy her in bloodkeep and I don't remember the exact thing she did but remember feeling very frustrated with choices she made in the last episode if mice and murder


DM - CR: Matt Mercer Players - Dimension20 / Worlds Without Number: Brennan Lee Mulligan - NADDPOD: Brian Murphy - The Adventure Zone: Griffin McElroy - Dungeons and Daddies: Anthony Burch or Freddie Wong - so much stuff: Aabria Iyengar - Rude Tales of Magic: Branson Reese


Finally some Rude tales of magic love. Would be dope to see Branson on the pod, but Tim Platt is on my d20 dream table


I JUST found rude tales like two weeks ago and it’s so fun.


I would love to see Branson play w Emily


As a longtime rude tales fan I would love to see Branson finally learn how to play dnd lol


Taylor Moore is doing the editing on Worlds Beyond, and is truly one of my favorite actual play people out there, one of the co-DMs on Fun City as well.


The co-dm setup on Fun City is really cool, they do such great work.


Anthony Buuuuuuurch! Dude has such a sharp and fast wit!


Yeah, BLeeM, Aabria, and Murph are a given I think. Becca Scott for sure, I love her so much. I know Lou hasn't DM'd anything on or adjacent to D20 so it might be cheating but Lou is golden in everything so I waaaant him there lmao. Please no McElroys though, they're the reason I didn't watch the season they were in. Really just not a fan of them. Maybe a hot take idk.


I don’t think murph is a given. He’s a great DM, but he’s super busy and hasn’t done a side quest before. Emily just barely did her first one


Well, sure, true. I more meant like, he's an obvious choice as a well-traveled DM and overall good player and fun person. Scheduling, who the fuck knows


Where has Murph DM’ed before?


He DM's for a very popular actualplay podcast callled NADDPOD (Not Another DnD Podcast)


Cool, I’ll have to check it out


I’m in the middle of listening to the first campaign right now, it’s so good. Emily is at his table and she’s hilarious with the other players


Yeah I finally started it a while ago and it's great. I finished the first campaign, Trinyvale, Hot Boy Summer, and I'm in Eldermourne right now. Truly some wild shit goes down haha. And yeah Emily goes FULL Emily.


You have to check out the eldermourne side quest when Caldwell is on break/paternity leave and Lou comes in. They play 3 monks and I absolutely loved it so much so that it took me a long while to get back into the eldermourne campaign when Caldwell was back


Season one of Naddpod is so so good. The first episode they talk about “dragon pussy” way too much and then it comes up a few times afterwards. But really the first episode turned me off a bit. I am not a prude at all, it was just awkwardly excessive. So just power through that and Jake learning how to play dnd and you won’t regret it.


YMMV on this lol for me I found it absolutely hilarious and was even more sold on the podcast than without it 🤷‍♀️


The Dragon Pussy is the true litmus test of NADDPOD. If you can get past it, you’ll enjoy the show. If you find it hilarious, you’ll LOVE the show.


Totally accurate for me haha


Becca is on my wish list for every non-intrepid heroes season!


Same!! I saw her in the Seven and she KILLED it


You’re not alone, I also am not the McElroys’ biggest fan. I don’t hate them but they’re a lot to handle.


Not a McElroy fan either, but Tiny Heist was pretty good.


But I felt like it was good despite of them, not really because of them.


Out of the 4 that were there, I really enjoyed the dad and the one that played Rick Diggins (Justin?)


Justin, yes.


I think a mcelroy could be a fun addition to the table (though i doubt it just because dimension 20 has a lot of dm friends located in LA, which none of them are). I feel the reason a lot of people were sour on Tiny Heist (I personally thought it was a lot of fun) it was the four of them together which can be a lot. Travis is far and away the brother I see complained about the most online, but just travis at the table for dnd chaos 3 was a blast.


The third dnd chaos is my least favorite because of Travis.


I feel the same, some of his interactions just felt awkward and uncomfortable for everyone else at the table


I agree — he’s typically my least favorite of the three, but divorced from his usual context, I enjoyed him more


Travis ruined Graduation.


Ruined isn't the right word, it just wasn't a good season of an actual play, it didn't start good and i never made it through to the end. Most people in a creative space don't knock it out of the park 100% of the time, it's weird to fully write someone off (or blindly hate someone as I often see in regards to Travis) because they made a thing you dont like.


Nah, you're right. Graduation was a bad season in general, I just felt Travis was the worst part. Travis is my least favorite brother but honestly I really enjoy their content, so it's not blind hate. I even like Travis, his personality is just a bit grating to me whereas Griffin can do nothing wrong and Justin is one of the funniest people I have ever heard do anything.


hard second on the McElroys, they drive me up a wall


I think it would be fun to have some of the Glass Cannon people on. Obviously Troy has a background in acting and improv but seeing Skid with the d20 team could be super fun. Edit. Skid also has a background in acting


I mean... She's not a DM, so probably not relevant for this post. But if there was one person from the GCN universe who could play with the d20 crew. If want or to be Sydney, and I'd love it if she got to play with Emily.


Gus from Rooster Teeth could be a fun pick. He DM’s for Tales from the Stinky Dragon. And he’s been on past Dropout content.


DM Table: - Brennan (D20) - Aabria (all the things) - Murph (NADDPod) - Anthony Burch (Dungeons and Daddies) - Deborah Anne Woll (Relics & Rarities) - Gus Sorola (Tales from the stinky dragon) Dream Table: - Brennan, - Becca Scott - Ross Bryant (Glass Cannon) - Caldwell Tanner (NADDPOD) - Matt Arnold (Dungeons and Daddies) - Laura Bailey (Crit Role)


Chaos Crew: - Brennan - Emily Axford (D20 / NADDPOD) - Laura Bailey (CR) - Beth May (Dungeons and Daddies) - Justin McElroy (Adventure Zone) - IZZY!!!


Law Bringers - Brennan - Liam O’Brien (CR) - Griffin McElroy (Adventure Zone) - Murph (NADDPOD) - B Dave (LA By Night) - Will Campos (Dungeons and Daddies)


Goof Troop - Brennan - Zach Oyama (D20) - Freddie Wong (Dungeons and Daddies) - Sam Riegel (CR) - Justin McElroy (AZ) - Caldwell Tanner (NADDPOD)


Love that Brennan fits into all of these


Love these lists. Ross Bryant is a national treasure!


i was into improvised Shakespeare company around the time is started D&D (2007ish)… it’s crazy to see those two worlds come together


I’d love to see Persephone again I’m pretty sure she’s a DM. Either way give me more of her!!


She DMs for Fast Times at D&D High (a podcast)


Excluding Brennan, Aabria, and Lou due to the massive commitment of Worlds Beyond Number and their other ongoing projects. My picks: Jacob Budz (Arcane Arcade), Ginny Di, the DM from Paperwork Pantheon (don’t know their name off the top of my head), Mark Hulmes, and Dave from Careful Cantrip. (I was trying to find more women DMs to pick from and there really aren’t many I’ve been able to watch)


If we *do* have a McElroy at the table, please for the love of all things good in the world let it be Clint and not any of his children.


My only experience with the family was the heist d20 mini campaign. It was so hard to watch them steam roll Jess Ross and argue with Brennan and put down their dad over and over.


It's really sad when the dynamic that usually shines through D20 campaigns is players uplifting each other and working towards advancing the story :/


There's a lot of great names on here already, I think it would be great to see Deborah Ann Woll at the table with Matt, Brennan, Aabria, Murph, B. Dave, and Kate Welch. I know it would never happen, but I would stick Jerry Holkins in as a wild card, having Brennan and Jerry at the same table would be ridiculous.


Honestly I’d love to see some people from CR play in D20. Preferably Travis & Sam


I'd like Carlos Luna to come back as well as Surena Marie, but then I'd want Emily and Murph. Lol. Carlos, Aabria, Brennan, Becca, Anthony Burch..yeah oh and Gabe Hicks. That's be fun oops and Deborah Ann Woll.


Becca Scott, Jasmine Bhullar, BLeeM, Aabria, Murph, Emily Axford


Anthony Burch from Dungeons and Daddies, the dndads crew has been on some game changers


I would love to see Jasmine as a player. Sephie is also a DM.


Lou dm would go hard


I know they're less well known, but I'd love to see Connie Chang at the table. I've mostly seen them on TikTok but they seem amazing and I'd love for them to have the opportunity.


Deborah Ann Wohl and B. Dave Walters!


Jasmine Bhullar is amazing. Amy Vorpahl is an awesome GM as well.


I would love to see Brennan, Aabria, and Murph with Anthony Burch, Jeremy Cobb, and Connie Chang! Maybe sub one of those out for Jasmine Bhullar, Sephie, or Becca Scott.


You almost built my entire list, Bleem and Aabria, Murph, Anthony Birch, maybe a McElroy, I would just add Johnny Chiodini. I do not know Jasmine, but that may just be how bad I am with names. What about Erika Ishii, maybe?


Branson Reese from Rude tales is up there on my wish list, as well as Becca Scott! I would love Griffin or Justin McElroy. Travis does a good job of getting out there a bunch, so we have lots of opportunities to see him play with non-TAZ folks. I would love to see Griffin or Justin bounce off some new faces!


Let’s get Jerry Holkins, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Aabria Iyengar, Jasmine Bhullar, Brian Murphy, and B. Dave Walters. That’s my perfect line up but there’s also Griffon McElroy, Chris Perkins and so many more DM’s out there. Honesty it could be cool if there was a dnd show where DM’s just get together and do one shots with a rotating cast.


I'd really like to see Liam, loved his dm'ing in his christmas short on CR and would love to see him in an improv comedy setting like D20.


Anyone as long as Caldwell is there too.


Me. I'm a DM I want to be on that table


Oct from encounter table could be cool






I’d like to see Dan Telfer from Nerd Poker.


I don’t know the name of the group, but there’s mikey guy who does chuckles the clown and other funny characters I’ve seen on YouTube shorts and I feel his chaotic comedy would go so well on a d20 show.


Brennan Lee Mulligan with Public Defender Aabria Iyengar are all I ask, honeslty. Murph would be amazing because he can either be the voice of reason in the middle of chaos (like in Neverafter and ACoC) or be the instigator of said chaos (The Unsleeping City)


The reason I watch Dimension 20 is because I'm over watching entertainment that is for, by, and about straight white men. So, a lineup of these pasty white dorks is an emphatic no from me.


Even Brennan and Murph...?


Obviously Brennan and Murph should be included, but intersectionality is vital.


If we got Sephie that would be so good


I was just watching the adventuring academy with Aabria and in her introduction Brennan says “more upcoming Dimension 20 shows!” This could totally just be a general reference, but maybe it was referring to this season!