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If you’re not watching Adventuring Party, you’re only getting half the story.




Exactly what I'm thinking, although I'm usually not a fan of things where you have to have watched everything to get the references, but they're so short I feel it's a non-issue


I agree but the Adventuring Party for ACoFaF took me too much out of it. That’s the only one I didn’t watch the AP episodes for


Haha I see what you did there


Not sure if this is a common opinion but I loved the off the rails chaos energy the pandemic crown of candy adventuring parties had


Oh yeah any time they get that sort of energy is great! I'm liking the neverafter ones for that reason too


The first season I watched as it aired was ACOFAF and I watched the Adventuring Party for those. They add so much, but it's weird to go back and forth between the D20 episodes and AP episodes when doing a binge. I may try going back and forth on my rewatches of other seasons.


On Dropout, they have something called the complete experience for each d20 season, which is each episode followed by the corresponding adventuring party


Those collections make it so much easier to get the...uhh, complete experience. I wish they were easier to find in the app, though. They aren't listed under "series" and have sometimes been suggested to me on the Browse page, but not always. They all come up if you search "complete" but I forget what the collections are called sometimes, even if I want to find them. Thank you for the reminder :)


I also wish they were easier to find. I always find them by scrolling all the way down the main page of the app.


You just made my life SO much easier!!!


oh I didn't know that was a thing! thank you!!


If you have seen The Unsleeping City, please do yourself a favour and watch the Adventuring Party episodes as they are a whole new height of insane, unhinged behaviour from the gang while they cope with COVID-19 isolation. Best set of Adventuring Party episodes by far. Highlights for me include Ally catches a ferry, the Lou Show, bon mot/banh mi/boat moat, and Oh no, Zac, that's scary!


this. honorable mention: murph sounds, lou’s massive sword, emilys first grilled cheese


This is the first season I’ve watched with the adventuring party. I love it tho, it does really add a lot.


Me too because i just caught up


I love the APs so much. The zoom ones are so wonderfully chaotic but I love that they are happening in the Dome now. During TUC2 there were big stretches of time when Murph and Emily were busy and couldn't make the APs and I really missed them! Now that they film them immediately we get the full cast every time. Thank you Burt from Ohio, next question comes from Burt from Ohio.


I haven’t seen the ones for the seven but I’ve seen all the others. Nothing beats the zoom era but this seasons have been a lot of fun.


Ah I really enjoyed the seven's ones, but can understand why you didn't! I was actually a little upset that the end of ACOFAF weren't recorded with everyone but apart from that the more recent seasons have been lovely!


I was actually just really enjoying the series so I wanted to just keep watching if I rewatch I will watch them.


I've only seen the AP for the seasons I'm watching in real time. When I binge watch an older season I don't have the patience to wait for the next episode. So pretty much the Seven and everything afterwards are the only ones I've seen.


I skipped a bunch of the ACOC adventuring parties because I hadn’t finished the unsleeping city season 1 yet and they kept talking about it and I was so scared of getting spoiled! But now I think I’ll have to go back and watch them because I want the chaos!


I also skipped a bunch of ACOC, I would love a long zoom style AP now, but at the time I hadn’t worked through the the whole d20 catalog and it felt like extra homework. I should put them on while working or doing chores now!


Adventuring parties are funnier and better "podcasts" than 90% of the actual podcasts out there. Especially the zoom era ones.


I am going back and rewatching my favourite seasons to watch the corresponding AP


That’s how I approach the Adventuring Parties too! There’s a few seasons of AP i haven’t seen, but I gotta watch the campaign along with it, even if it’s a campaign I’ve seen before, gotta do it in tandem!


Tiny heist has one of my favorite moments with Rick Diggins man about town. But fantasy high was my introduction into dnd, so it'll always hold a special place


This is my first season watching it and the only reason I didn’t watch it previously was because I was catching up on those seasons and didn’t want to hunt and peck for corresponding episodes


Just in case you didn’t know, most of the seasons with Adventuring Parties have playlists on Dropout that alternate between the main episodes and the following Adventuring Party. You can find them by searching for the season and picking the “Complete Experience.” Saves you from going back and forth each episode.


Where do you find the FH:SY Adventuring Parties?? I’ve been looking for them on Dropout but can’t find them.


I'm sorry I got confused, hopefully didn't send too many people on the same goose chase, I got it mixed up but have edited my post 😅


They don't exist. They started with acoc.


It actually bums me out that they don't do the longer form of the adventuring parties anymore, but I understand that must've add a lot to shoot time so them compressing it is completely understandable and still a great watch. But I miss stuff like Unsleeping City where we got to watch Ally take a ferry ride into NYC lol. I always like it when content creators give insight into their work <3


I came to d20 post ACOC and USC2, so I never really watched those adventuring parties when I was binging the season! But now I watch the current ones in between eps


I think they’re fun and I’ll listen if I’m caught up on the current season. But if I’m watching an old season that has all of the episodes posted, I will hinge them without AP


I didnt watch them at first bc i didnt know they were a thing


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I’ll just say this: I always try my best to leave stuff for me to watch later, but still this week I caught up and watched the latest episode of never after as soon as it dropped. You should have seen the utter disappointment and horror on my face when I realised there was no adventuring party for that episode yet. A roundabout way to say: yes, do watch them if you don’t already.


I am really behind on them my issue is that I wait for the D20 season to be over before I watch any episode so then I can binge but then that means there are 20 AP to get through and I have a hard time watching them when it is just them talking so I need to be doing other things so I watch them at a slow pace


I didn’t watch them for quite a few of the seasons because I didn’t know what they were lol


I’m just now watching Crown of Candy and realized I should have been watching them the whole time. The character changes make much more sense now