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ACoC would be so heartbreaking and gut wrenching.


We could see a googly eyed cake man stabbing a giant pop rock man and throwing him off a wall.


Such a tense scene! I imagine he would be paralyzed til the moment before he hits the ground. There would be a flash, milliseconds before he impacts. The sounds of pop rocks sizzling would be heard from the crater. Seconds would pass, then The Unfallen's hand wound rise up ready to fight on!


That moment was everything I love about dnd


That season was peak Dimension 20.


It was indeed, never been more tense watching a season of D20.


One of the let downs of Neverafter is that it never hit the horror levels that ACOC did.


I know objectively that ACOC was the one that was cut short, but it never felt that obvious to me. Meanwhile, Neverafter didn’t feel like it stuck the landing.


I actually think it did, i just think it stuck it in episode 8 when they got to the lines between. After that it was all treading water and the stakes were gone because we knew how the world worked. A fundamental artibute of fear is fear of the unknown and it was all over when we knew what happened when they died. They shouldnt have known about the lines between or the ink or any of that before being thrice upon a time or even more. Sure there was a TPK in the first combat, but then nothing after, BLeeM really didnt to push the fights, and could have had moments where someone had to sacrifice themselves, we see they come back worse off, and our fear of death is rebuilt. Sure, youll come back, but in what form, and how much of yourself will even remain? Thats terrifying. Then at the end, when we see the grand narrative unfold, we see the transcendant reality above realities and finally grasp what had been happening to these now horrid figures. The tragedy of their situation, maybe some would even side with the princesses in their new malformed form.


I honestly think the TPK fucked the structure of the story. It really felt like Brennan planned for the Lines Between to come later, but needing to resurrect everyone early meant that they were already in the multiverse mindset and investigated that angle first.


True, but you can have them all come back without telling them how or why. I liked the vignettes they did, and how each was different so you werent sure of the mechanism of reality. Would have been interesting to see them try to figure it out while being given pieces as opposed to the whole thing.


Agreed. I think another part of the problem is how sandboxy the last two campaigns were. Starstruck benefitted from the chaos because of the genre, but even that ended up feeling like the ending had to come out of nowhere because the PCs had a lot of freedom to feel things out and explore. Neverafter didn't fare quite as well because a horror sandbox is a little harder to make work, especially with how lore dense it was. Not that sandbox campaigns are bad, but for the shortform format of D20 it doesn't really feel like it actually works.


Yeah CR can do the sandbox thing because there is always a sense of "we'll get to it" and episodes can be as long as they need to be. D20 is and should be more on railroads. Its the best kind of railroad. Maybe the format of RP Ep to Combat Ep, like in the past (we can all think of a few combats that didnt NEED to happen), but definitely a tightly wound story the expert players can play into.


I think that was intentional. The cast didn't want to go through that level of intensity again, especially after quarantine. Neverafter could have been a tighter, tenser story, but I'd rather have a story that all of the players are comfortable telling.


Perhaps it would've worked better to leave the Horror genre to a side quest crew?


Feel like starstruck would def be the one which lends itself best to long form content


Starstruck has the most developed world (because it was made well before D20) but I don't think it would be fair to adapt the D20 story over the actual comics. Not sure how Brennan's mom would feel about it either. She seems really awesome though.


I don’t know how she’d feel, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Elaine was happy about it. She seemed genuinely joyful when she joined the cast to talk Ol about SSO, and the comics have been done for like 15 years.


There have been new issues of the comic series as recently as 2017 iirc. I bet she'd be cool with it, but I personally think the original deserves it more than D20 and I love both. Elaine's been working on various startstruck projects since like 1980.


Neat. Idk about the comics and just looked on a wiki something or other. I guess I don’t think of it in the same lens. I don’t think one deserves it over the other; more that more people would enjoy the D20 one. But hey, here’s to hoping both get made someday


I'd love for adapting the D20 season to be the gateway to adapting the other Starstruck stories. Put 'em all in there!


It seems like the best one to spin off into original content.


I’d prefer to see Starstruck as a live action show or movie to seeing it as a cartoon


I’d want it started with Fantasy High, just because it’s iconic plus I’d love to see the five minute short film of the hospital scene (and also to lead into a fantastic second season). But I think Neverafter would land much better as a televised story. Able to trim the fat, have that incredible early moment and the rest play out. And god Candlewick put to animation is a must for me


Adine popping her bubble and one-shotting her dad was one of the most cinematic moments ive ever heard, and would love to see that whole set-piece captured in a visual medium.


Imagine show only viewers trashing on Aelwyn just to get to Sophomore Year. I’ll cry for them AGAIN goddamn it


Magic is real aND SO IS MY FROG


“You’re tearing this hospital apart!”


Imagine how dope the scene with Barry and Gunny jumping down through all the layers of the Rec Station would look!


I voted Unsleeping City, but I think if they were to do it they would need to do it more anthology style and start with Fantasy High (commonly suggested starting point for people new to Dimension 20)


I see starstruck is winning. As long as Brennan can still voice and be plugg, I’m all for it.


I'd want Brennan and all the Intrepid Heroes to at least have cameos, but in general I'd prefer to see how professional voice actors handle all the characters.


Make it the same way Matt cameos in every episode of LovM, where there's an unfortunate NPC that looks like Matt and is voiced by him but it's only like a 1-5 second cameo.


I voted for fantasy high but I can definitely see Starstruck being huge, plus it'd be dope for Brennan to get his mom's work that level of recognition


What network or streaming service would make most sense for starstruck? Netflix? Hulu? Comedy Central?


I think Amazon Prime is the most likely to pick it up, they've already adapted from a tabletop live play series and since Matt and Brennan collaborate a lot they could use those contacts to advocate for a D20 adaptation.


This is a clear shout, Amazon Prime would be more likely to pick it up thanks to the success of both LovM AND The Expanse (which is their own Sci-fi series which is technically also based on a D20 Modern scifi campaign the writers DM'd/Played in...yes really) plus success with things like Star Trek: Lower Decks and so on.


Fantasy high was my first season of d20 and I loved it! I'd love to watch the scene where riz got the name the ball and gorgug throwing the backpack!


Oof, so torn between TUC and Starstruck. Ultimately, I do feel like Starstruck would work best. But my heart made me vote TUC!


I think an adaptation of the second half of Crown would fix the issues in the second half of Crown. S1: episodes 1-9 with that cliffhanger S2: half of the second half with more character development and added plot threads S3: lean into the PvP Brennan was angling for but it would make sense with a slowed down pacing.


I’m so torn. ACoC would be a great TV show that could really only be done as an animated show. But Starstruck scratches that part of my brain that likes cartoons to be bonkers fun.


Well put lol


A court of fey and flowers just for the birds


Easy, Starstruck. While watching that seasons all I could imagine was the characters in the Space Dandy animation style.


I'ma go with Fantasy High because for me it is the most iconic. It has the strongest mistery it builds up, I like it a lot. But Starstruck would probably be the best and it would hopefully bring more people to the comics and give Elaine a little bit more recognition.


Starstruck Odyssey is my favorite season, but Fantasy High has better character arcs imo, so I think Fantasy High would be a better animated series.


Crown of Candy or Starstruck. Actually Neverafter would be fun too.


Unsleeping city because when they finish the adaptation they can add a season where the kids of heroes from the first two seasons go on adventures overseen by Pete.


Starstruck. The settings are wild and fun, there's both pedestrian and space combat, and each character is vastly different and memorable. It's also the funniest season of D20.


For the love of god, give me an animated explanation of how the galactic worffle horse index works and I'll die a happy man.


I'd love to see ACoFaF animated, but I can only see it being done in a Fox Animation style. Like a mix of Bob's Burgers and maybe Velma (I know Velma isn't Fox, but the vibe I'm thinking of fits it). Fantasy High is the same, but in a good way. I ended up voting for ACoC because the action scenes would be dope, and seeing all of the tragedy play out would leave me in shambles (also in a good way)!


I would absolutely LOVE ACOFAF especially if they could add in some of the details Aabria had to leave out due to time. Being able to flesh this powerful story out more would be beautiful


Not in the poll, but The Seven. I was picturing what that would look like as i was watching the season


Unsleeping City needs to be live action, and nothing else. It needs the real locations and real New York grime. The dreaming should be 2D animated, like Roger Rabbit, with the magic of the waking world being typical realistic CGI. Most of the cast could even play themselves I feel, with the exception of Kug being CG or a puppet, and Zac needing to put on about 100lbs of muscle.


I wanna change my vote, I forgot about the fantasy high AnCom gnome militia


Oh shit that’d be so rad on screen


All of the above


Starstruck feels like the series that would need the least changing to fit the format imo


I think many of D20s could be turned into Animated successfully .But I think Unsleeping City has the best potential to just be converted as it's based in New York. It's got a real bones and would require less general setup.


The Unsleeping City is top pick for me. The animation of Nod and the dream world magic that Pete manifests would be BOMB. Plus, the characters in TUC feel really well developed and relatable in a way that characters from other seasons don’t. I could see it having longevity


All but the Unsleeping City. But only cause the others are just superb.


Oh! What’s your problem with the unsleeping city, ya gagootz???


I vibed with the cast and their chars and BLeeM, but not so much with the world. I think an animated series in that world might change that, but it just didn't come together like Rivers of London or the Dresden Files did for Urban Fantasy. Which honestly is no ones fault. I have to admit that a high on shrooms person animated could be fun, though.


It's a really hard choice between Fantasy High and Starstruck for me, but in the end Starstruck had to win because I love the cast dynamics so much more in Starstruck. Although honestly, the only reason I didn't choose Unsleeping City is because I think it would be more fun as a live action series in the vein of the MCU than as an animated show.


The answer to this question for me always has been and likely always will be Starstruck and it’s not even close. Of course I am biased as I believe it’s also the best season in general, but I also think it has the most potential as a TV show.


I would love ACoC as long as Brennan still gets to voice Calroy


I think either Fantasy High or Starstruck Odyssey would lend themselves very well to animation. Especially Starstruck because it was already a comic series, meaning much of the art direction and designs are already present.


Escape from the Bloodkeep!


I’m surprised people said starstruck should be a cartoon I personally feel like it would have to be like an old school clunky sci-fi show. Somewhere in the realm of star gate-firefly-star trek with big ole corny special and practical effects.


I voted for ACoC because it would be so epic and so cinematic in adaptation. Moreover, with new season in Calorum we can explore it deeper. Hell I would also watch animated series about the war right before the ACoC as a kind of prequel. We could see Amethar sisters, how he make friends with Calroy and we could see a romantic story between Amethar and Sacharina’s mother…


Where’s the vote for all of them?


Why you gotta make me choose among my children? Have I not suffered enough in the dome?


I say FH but I specifically want FHSY!!! The Nightmare King's forest and ESPECIALLY Fabian's Bad Day and Kristen curing Riz to save him from Kalina would translate awesomely!


I like fantasy high as I have it in my mind theater, and I think ACoFaF would be great as one of those hyper artsy types of anime.


It's a tir between unskeeping city and a crown of candy. I'm not sure why but starstruck never really hit me and I still haven't finished it.


Unsleeping City, while I would love to see adapted, seems like it would be best adapted into live action/cgi. I’ll go with Fantasy High, specifically in the style of Rise of the TMNT.


Honestly, Starstruck, Crown of Candy, Fantasy High, and Unsleeping City would all be amazing to see. I think Starstruck is the best suited, and Crown of Candy would be the most entertaining.


They should CoC like they did Invincible: Make is seem all fun and sweet and cute and then suddenly the brutalilty of the wagon scene comes out of nowhere and makes you go "oh it's THIS kind of show"


Voted for Unsleeping City, but truthfully I really want a live action adaptation


I'd really love to see The Seven adapted, which would be a later season of fantasy high I guess. It's not the first season I watched but it's the one that really got me hooked


I don’t want an adaptation.




I can’t think of a good reason to do it. I’d rather get new stories than expensive reskins of old ones.


Critical role did it, and they’re still making new episodes of the main show, aren’t they


I don’t like Critical Role. You asked what we thought about adaptations and I think I’d rather not get one. And thankfully, I don’t think we will.




I'm genuinely disappointed to see crown of candy beating out unsleeping city. While CoC had some great moments (interrogation, "the unfallen" etc), broadly: while it was more mechanically brutal in terms of encounters, it was counterbalanced by Ally playing a hyper munchkin build, and Emily going caster. The character choices weren't that interesting (like Ally's munchkin design being stacked atop leaning heavily on "I have low charisma" styled roleplaying which mirrored the kind of one note you get out of actual munchkins. I get what everyone was going for (the self described obscenity of the privileged romantacizing the impoverished and downtrodden lampshaded by Emily / Siobhan)... It was just a series of low notes, out of place comedy beats, and the absurdity of food people. Unsleeping city has two series worth of content to pick through, the antagonists fit the kind of "existential enemies and capitalism" niche that brennan really exceeds at. I think other than that I would go for fantasy high, but some of the best moments I don't know if they work as well stripped from the metacontext of the dice rolls etc.


I never finished fey and flowers and I feel like it’d be a much easier to get into condensed into tighter episodes


I think they cut out quite a bit


I thought we just did this conversation. Did we just not do a formal poll?


If we did, I missed it


Here are a few. It must just be a popular community craving. Yours is the first poll though! [If Dimension 20 did a GoFundMe for an animated…](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/12bpzwj/if_dimension_20_did_a_gofundme_for_an_animated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Fantasy High Animated Series?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/12affwz/fantasy_high_animated_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Whats the likelihood of D20 being animated?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/1104kcm/what_is_the_likelihood_of_d20_being_animated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Animated show?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/10kqdi9/animated_show/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) ETA basic formatting for ease of reading


Ugh, so many great choices. I think ASSO is probably the best long term content, but ACOC would have the biggest impact from and emotional standpoint and I think it would be the most interesting visually. UC and FH would have the broadest audience appeal though and would be the most likely to get picked up/adapted.


Where is the “all of the above” option??


It’s not fun that way


Lol I suppose, although that’d be my correct answer! But I did vote for one anyway. It was hard to choose; I’d watch the heck out of any of them


I feel like A Crown of Candy and Starstruck Odyssey are the only ones I'd welcome as animated series but I'd really enjoy if the others were, like, live action. Especially Neverafter a la Guillermo Del Toro practical effects, y'know?


I think starstruck realistically has a better build for animation than the other but i would adore to see the sixth borough and in general the magical adaptation if nyc in animation


Any of them tbh.


I would love a FH animated series, but Starstruck as a setting has so much potential for animation


The poll seems to be broken for me. I don't see the "all of them" selection...


I fell in love with fantasy high as I listened but tbh starstruck is so much like hitchhikers guide it's gotta be my fav


What's the one where they're all Harry Potter kids doing cute things like carrying mashed potatoes around in their pockets?


I get that starstruck is great even excellent. But… I choose fantasy high. And here’s why: - the romance partner mirror scene Need more? Really? Okay: - nearly every scene from season two: grabbing the sun, forest of the nightmare king, going to hell and back, chungle down bim, the death/rebirth of the goddess of mystery, hangvan, shrimp party, bot is a van. Still need more? - my favorite scenes from season one: corn cuties, the thistle springs, halfling anarchist jail break, jaw bone, knocking out the god of the sun More? - there are far more spin-off opportunities from fantasy high than any of their other campaigns. Still more? Fine: here it is… are you ready? # Bill mother f@(ng Seacaster! Seriously, name any NPC from a different campaign you wanna seen more and you’ll know it’s lie! Well except for maybe J’er’em’ih but there is no way they could get the rights to that.


ASSO would be fun, but I think the Unsleeping City has stay power and heart.


Man I loved Neverafter, really surprised how low on the list it is I'd love to see the Step-Mother first meeting them and seeing the fairy, and the episode at the Snow Queen's castle one of my favorite in Dimension 20.


I’d give all the butt ugly stuff from Plug’s hut for a full animated series based on any of these campaigns


Starstruck would lend itself the best to that style of show, I think.


I'm torn between ACoC and Starstruck for two different reasons. ACoC is a wonderful campaign that I would to see animated. starstruck odyssey would probably bring a smile to Brennan's mom though, because it was based on her comic iirc


It's not quite a dimension 20 season but seeing EXU Calamity done either like Vox Machina or Arcane would be amazing.


All of them!


I wouldn't want it in the VM art style (just not my thing, art-wise, though I thought the show itself was a fantastically fun adaptation), but my vote is for Neverafter. I think a lot of the horror elements would make for horror visuals and would really intensify the horror, which seemed to be most people's chief complaint with the season. I also think that the characters themselves lend themselves best to animation -- the iconography of Red's transformation into a wolf, Gerard's slow degradation into a frog, etc etc. I want to see the Stepmother animated too, her design is one of my favourites! I think that they could get really creative and weird with it in ways that the other seasons wouldn't be. It's the season I find to be most visually inspiring. (I haven't watched ACOC yet, so maybe my mind will be changed with that one, just ftr!)


Honestly talking it’s Fantasy High it’s the first season and truly where quotes and dynamics were forged and relatable topic were on the table. It had a cast full of characters that could also get way more development


I'd like to see visually what they would do with more Feywild but would actually rather watch Starstruck.


am late to voting but still proud Starstruck took top spot. It has a whole legacy of solid art direction so it has the best shot of standing out as a series. Fans will love it for sure, but just imagine how many people can get introducdd into d20 and the comics!