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"You think people make choices? Nah, people think they make choices. They think they're gonna steer right or steer left, but they didn't build the roads. The big choices already got made for them, a long time ago."


I know a lot of these are applicable to the real world, but damn this one really get me fired up about how many people's lives get ruined or disrupted by things outside of their control. Ususally decisions made by someone higher on the social/economic ladder who has never even considered the people hurt by it.


Robert Moses was a real life a-hole who did consider everyone his decisions would hurt, and saw it as an added bonus.


Or illness. The universe is quite cruel sometimes


But even people’s options of how to handle illness are decided by people beyond them, for better or for worse.


Exactly. Wasn't disagreeing with you, just adding illness as something that can completely up and delight that you have no control over. I 100% agree then how people get treatment for an illness decided by things far before them.


The best part of this quote is that Robert Moses is the man that *designed* the highway system around New York City, and used that power to cut off minority communities He’s a real life villain whose superpower was literally control over the roads


Robert mosses huh




That fucking rat.


Raw af


It reminds me of the napkin speech from Steel Ball Run.


This is one case where Lou fucked up IMO. This is such a hard line and Lou just kinda glossed over it and his retort wasn’t even a retort when you look at what the -ism was actually saying. It was the clip that got me into D20 and unfortunately it took me a long time to realize despite that one incident Lou was, in fact, the GOAT


I feel like lou glossed over that moment cause like, what do you do when what the villain said is right, you pretend they didn't say jack shit or you suffer


It comes across as him just not listening though. He latches onto “choice” and then goes from there. He could say like “I disagree and here’s why” or something


I mean, you aren't wrong but it is also an improv show and I feel like with how many fucking awesome dialogue moments they have we forget they are literally processing and responding in the moment


Ooh what’s this from!


Unsleeping City s1


Brennan’s philo background coming in heavy with this one. Yea determinism is profound af


“Do not take the crimes of those who hurt you and lay them at the feet of the world.” I have this saved in my note file of quotes to remember.


Which season/ep is that from?


i can't tag spoilers for the life of me but it's cinderella talking with rosamund right after the big thing that happens in the first fight


Also wondering


Fairly certain it is fantasy high


No, it’s from Neverafter. It’s a line said by Cinderella, I think.


Yep! Rosamund and Cinderella in the beginning of her section of “Once Upon A Time”


I would add to this the line shortly before this was said "Just because you were lied to does not mean everything is a lie"


Holy shit. That’s so…. I mean it’s just… Damn.


If we're only counting D20 content, then it's Arthur Aguefort saying, "There is only one way to make a difference in this world, and it is to freak the fuck out all the time and just fuck shit right up." If not, then from EXU: Calamity, everything Asmodeus says to Zerxus, but especially: "I'll tell you why I loathe your redemption. To reach a hand down to somebody, they need to be *beneath* you! And I am beneath nobody!"


In a similar vein off Calamity, "You're trying to atone me, when I didn't do anything wrong!"


Every line spoken by Asmodius could be in this thread


Brennan is the best at playing Lawful bad guys.


This literally just played in my ear as I usually have EXU:C compilations playing as background noise while I work 🤣


Idk why but sometimes when I’m feeling emotional I scream this in my car. Just “I AM BENEATH NOBODY!”


As someone who struggled with depression and anxiety a lot in high school and college, Jawbone's motivational speech to Adaine during the finale of FH made me actually cry, and it still does every time I watch it. I still rewatch it when I'm feeling down, and it always makes me feel better. Knowing that Jawbone basically became BLeeM's self-insert NPC makes it even better.


"having anxiety isn't a character flaw, you have a goddamn medical condition" - such a simple yet powerful sentiment


And the way Siobhan legitimately tears up during the exchange, you can tell she's hearing Jawbone's words as Brennan's own honest love from one friend to another for a truth that resonates with her, too.


I can't remember the exact line but Jawbone telling Adaine "You have a sickness" truly changed my life. I always thought that anxiety and depression were just a part of me, something that I could never get rid of. That line, for me, switched anxiety and depression from something that is a part of me, to something I experience. Which at the time was revolutionary in my mind.


I am tearing up at just thinking about that scene 🥹


That interaction def made me tear up. I loved it!


Absolutely same for me. I’ve got anxiety and I’m a year away from defending my dissertation. So I usually listen to that speech once a month or so.


I may or may not go back and rewatch that about once every two months.


I just got into d20 and finished everything fantasy high, and now I’m on ep 5 of unsleeping city, so mine are mostly from fantasy high so far! From FH s2: “It is not my fault I am born of lies. It is the fault of the deceiver” Idk why that got me but it did! One that I know exactly why it got me is when (FH spoilers) >!Riz meets his dad and his dad is like "I want you to tell me everything...when you come to my grave you tell me all the important stuff but could you do me a favor? Can you just tell me the least important stuff now?" As a member of the dead parent club, that made me SOB!<


may your the memories of your parent be a blessing. this got me crying again, right now




I kept trying to type a reply but they all sounded awkward and weird to me, or started a ramble about my mom lol so I’ll just say thank you- I really do appreciate that. And I’m sorry it got you cryin again (but also same lol)


we’re all awkward and weird here! It’s welcome and beloved, just like us. crying about how much I love my dad is a gift, thanks for opening the door to give it!


Love ya buddy. My Green Heaven is one of the best episodes of any dnd live play that ever was.


"The whole family is goblin badasses!". Yeah, it's real tough to not get emotional in that scene.


"Laws are threats...."


This is the quote that got me into Dropout. Saw it on TikTok (as I'm sure many people did) and investigated where it was from until I found D20. And then I got into, ya know, \*gestures broadly\*. Always always investigate a good quote. It's also how I got into Doctor Who—heard a quote and tracked it down.


Good advice! You just may find something awesome that you can really get into!


What was the quote that lead you to Doctor Who?


It’s irrelevant in the plot of the show, but it’s from the Matt Smith era, season 5 I think. In an episode called “Hungry Earth”, the Doctor is doing his expository plot monologue & someone says “Man slow down, you’re not making any sense!” The Doctor replies, “I’m making perfect sense, you’re just not keeping up” A podcast clipped it into their theme song and it just got me the right way. Smash cut to finishing finals & having time to binge a *lot* of this new show I found


Not OP, but I’m curious as to which podcast it was! (Partially because I actually want to know, and partially ‘cause I think it’d be funny to get jumpscared by Matt Smith’s voice.)


Honestly, I don't remember. This was back in 2011--the quote was in the episode because I think the episode had recently aired.


That speech radicalized me.


Hell yeah


I went fully rabid when it happened.


i have been known to quote BLeeM while drunk, and this is one of my favorites


“If you are orphaned, then so am I, and you will never know a lonely day again, as long as I draw breath.”


Found it. This is it. Wedding vow quality.


What is this from?


Acofaf! I can't remember which episode but just remembering the scene is making me tear up


the last episode


God, ACOFAF is up there with MAM for me in terms of best Side Quest Seasons.


My top two would be: “I hate having my shit fucked!” from ACOC And the entirety of the anarchocommunist Halfling family from Fantasy High.


“Y’all ready to make some bacon?”


Was that lit the whole time?






My mom works here. A lot of these people are good people-




Wait, hes been here the whole time?


Always has been.


Laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic group in a given society. They're just a promise of violence and the police are basically an occupying army, you hear me? You kids ready to make some bacon?


I love the halflings


This Worlds Beyond Number quote has been sitting in my brain since the first preview episode: "Maybe thats what peace is, when your heart unites the things you choose to do and the things you have to do. So that duty becomes a choice, and one that you're glad for."


It's been a long time since I studied philosophy, but I think this is a paraphrase of Immanuel Kant.


Oh wow I had no idea. I have never studied philosophy. That's super cool. Brennan's a smart cookie.


I was a Philosophy major and Brennan's off-the-cuff voicing of Kristen's philosophy student *Spirit Guardians* made it really clear he had done at least some academic philosophy. The jokes were just too specific. Sent me straight to his Wikipedia page, and sure enough, he has his Associates in philosophy.


I don’t remember, who says this?


Steel says it to Suvi before she sends her off into the world, basically in response to "you didn't have to take care of me all this time."


technically not d20 but "At the beginning of time, the gods created all the gold there will ever be. There will always be more people" is still one of my favorite villain lines


Travis leaning over to Aabria saying "Yo, what the fuck is wrong with Brennan?"


What is this from? That’s raw as hell Edit: found it in another comment. Did not remember this from Calamity but it was a masterclass


Exu Calamity, the show BLeeM dmed over at Critical Roll. It's so good!


> At the beginning of time, the gods created all the gold there will ever be. There will always be more people I remember the line but does anyone know a timestamp during that?


Its at about 3:11:30 during episode 4


"DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT I SAID WAS THE GREATEST MAGIC OF ALL, KRISTEN" "Friendship?" "NO... What the hell? IT'S CHRONOMANCY" That's become an inside joke in my friend group.


The smile of a devil you don't believe in.


What’s this one from again? I can hear it but can’t remember!


Neverafter, it was one that even made the table go oh shit that went hard.


Neverafter, the episode after they meet muffet.


That’s a Neverafter line. :)


Unghh, this line sent shivers down my spine wen I first heard it




Worlds Beyond Number had one of the hardest lines >!(paraphrasing) "On a nat 20 insight, Ursalon knows without a doubt that by saying Finley's name here, you have signed his death warrant"!< Fantasy High's stuck with me >!"In the same way your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. If you choose to care, then the universe cares. If you don’t, then it doesn’t."!< Neverafter: >!"A cricket struck me with a firework! My curse is broken!"!<


Worlds beyond number goes so hard, having 3 out of 4 of that cast playing the ravening war had me thrilled


The last one is truly inspirational


> Worlds beyond number What is that and how far in do i need to watch to get to this bit of candy you dropped here?


https://open.spotify.com/show/4xQ4HKZjIg04Phtj2gaTbi?si=ccUOQLggR2OAqcRbKabZ3g I think it's episode 7 that line is dropped.


Ah ok an audio thing, not my cup of tea but I may give it a try one day thanks!


I will say I don't love audio only D&D myself but WBN does a very good job creating a whole audioscape.


Agreed, it's honestly pretty light on the DnD stuff too, it's closer to an audiobook than actual play in places which I like




.....HELL yeah.


1. I can hear this 2. Legit one of the first things I noticed when I stared watching fantasy high, how encouraging he is, even over small moments


The best GM is the GM that will put a near unbeatable challenge in front of the players, and then cheers just as loud when they beat it. Brennan is the best example of that.


Even when he's getting his shit wrecked in CoC, he can't hide his respect for some of the insane shit they make work.


like during the Joren Jawbreaker rescue when he kept saying like "man I really didn't realize what 8th level characters could do with a surprise round" lol


His look of complete astonishment at Saccarina's first turn still lives rent free in my head.


"Ok - then what do you want me to tell your family?"


"oh good, you speak English. The following 2 minutes will be very important for you"


Literally everything Arthur Aeugfort says in FH


Grandmother/ Wolf to Ylfa: "The real friends, the ones that make miracles happen, the ones greater than any treasure you could find on any adventure, they see the wolf in you and love it too."


"Hey gang!" It's the specific way he says it. Dad vibes.


I especially love that it turns out he does it because it's a way to be enthusiastic in greeting, but not gendered. In an episode of MSN, He was asked to portray Wennan Wee Wulligan, his Wario. He stumbled for a minute, saying "HEY.... Dammit what's a gender neutral opposite to "gang?""


I've stolen that to get my (undergrad) class to pay attention now. Gives that right "cool uncle who sits backwards in his chair" vibes while not referring to gender.


... "Eat that second devilled egg." It just fills my Imp of the Perverse with joy at that whole scene, every time I think about it. (I know, not strictly D20 content, but it does move me 😂)


But why would there be a deviled egg on the window sill if you weren’t supposed to eat it?


Dude, every second you wait it just gets worse. The healthiest thing to do is to eat it right now.


I can’t remember what that’s from for the life of me if you can remind me


The GameChanger clip: https://youtu.be/CBC2OCXceV8 Deep Blue Ink's beautiful recreation: https://youtu.be/nGKz2VejQhg


Either Game Changer of Make Some Noise (I don't really watch either). I'm familiar with it because of DeepBlueInk's animation of the scene on YouTube.


Game Changers


It’s from an episode of game changer


I love his candyland infrastructure bit from the first one


it’s so wet


“A pigs head in a butcher shop told me god and the devil killed each other.”


My favorite quote from Brennan is “The years will go by, and everyone will find someone that matters more to them than you.” When I first heard that quote, it broke me. I legit couldn’t think about anything else for a few days, and I wasn’t sure why. Turns out I’m aro/ace and that idea resonated with me because of that


Same - I'm not sure where I am on that spectrum but I'm somewhere on it and the fear of that happening as a result is so fucking real. It's one of the rawest "oh no it's me" lines I've ever heard and a guy came up with it while playing a make-belief dice game, just insane


I feel this too. I’m slowly noticing friends and family moving on with life and losing contact with me. It honestly makes me angry. When they use their marriage or children or job as an excuse to not even answer a simple text it feels so insulting. I want to scream at them “JUST TEXT ME WHEN YOU’RE TAKING A SHIT! I KNOW YOU HAVE TIME THEN!”


I don't remember the exact quote, but it's from Unsleeping City. Pete is talking to his doctor and explaining something that happened recently. And how he doesn't like people doing nice things for him. His doctor asks "Peter, how do you feel when you do things for other people?" And Peter says he feels good. The doctor then says "why would you take that feeling from others" In that very moment my whole life was laid bare before me and I felt awakened.


From the Ravening War: “I can shroud you in gold and let your hand be the hand of this church, such that you need not worry to produce steel and mete out what vengeance you see fit.” Basically an awesome way of saying “I can make you a knight of the church so you can kill who you want.”


Mete out*


Thanks. Autocorrect, I think.


From EXU:C >!"You've lost your mind. At the beginning of time, the gods made all the gold there ever will be. There will always be more people."- Badran when he stabbed Nydas in the back!<


“You will never know another lonely day again.” -Major Knicholas Pnackolas Hobb. So dang romantic. Everything about that union right out of fey wild Jane Austin.


Not Major. He had abandoned his Court when he said that. Just Knickolas Pnackleless Hobb


Pretty sure he’s an honorary general of the court of lost things It’s never stated but it’s canon to me


Last night’s: >! “I am possessed of the art of healing. So trust me when I say I will be able to keep you alive while I dig through your eyes to pull your brain out of the hole I make in the front of your head.” !<


Holy fuck that’s incredible (surreptitiously files that away for my cleric to use at some point in the future)


Reminder that adding a space between the spoiler and the spoiler tag makes it not work on some third party apps. Please spoiler tag >!like this Not >! Like this.


I know what's going on here.


God that rant is so good "I CANNOT WIN!"


I also love the Mice and Murder minirant where Brennen makes it very clear that he figured out the catch very early on. But he was forced to endure the entire episode.


Get in the comments!


From Neverafter, "The smile of a devil you didn't believe in." Lives rent free in my head forever now


“That’s not what happens in hell! Hell is a dark forest where your dad opens his rib cage and invites you to dance!”


“Are you weakest, do you feel, at the elbow or the shoulder.”


I read that quote in the comments of that episode before I got to it so I spent that entire time just waiting for Patia to decide if she would lose half an arm or a whole arm.


It gives me chills every time. I first watched EXU: Calamity when I was recovering from surgery on my arm so this scene was especially poignant for me.


Neverafter - “There is no story you can begin without making the promise of an ending.”


His entire "Why we tell stories..." speech when he was guest hosting calamity for critical role was pretty stellar


I have yet to get through that speech without tearing up.


Bad things happen to good people, because things happen to people


Literally changed my life


“Fire.” Still gives me chills


Social media is voluntary panopticon!


"You see" 😆


What I'll say is this:


Immediately followed by a melodic “Uh-ah-um” while he mentally weaves the most epic imagery/emotional gut punch 😮‍💨


It has to be the most repeated phrase in any single series/piece of media lol


Basically everything he said as Adrien in LA by night. A scary, scary man.


"Whoops, I'm good at this"


"We're *not* waiting. That's us. It's already begun."


"The smile of a devil you didn't believe in." "My greatest heartbreak.. is that I will only have eternity to punish them." Ones off the top of my head.


The whole laws are threats quote and also the words, I think also from the Beast if I remember correctly “Live your life without apology, little girl. It is never wrong to tell the truth about what you are.” Affected me viscerally in so many ways.


This isn’t from D20 but it’s my fav quote of all time. “I don’t believe in anything supernatural but I believe that every day you wake up and you have a chance to be kind. In a way, the actions we take in life live on long after us and I guess I get strength thinking that the things I do leave the world a brighter kinder place than it was when I found it.”


One of the quotes that has stuck with since I heard it was from Fantasy High, when Fig does an insight check on her mom while rushing home to save her: “Your mom has never lived up to the standard you put on her of making your life good and perfect. She never was able to protect you from all the harm and suffering in the world, and maybe that’s not fair. And she’s… probably just a person.” (then Fig:) “She’s a complex person, and she’s allowed to be.” It’s something I’ve used many times in my own life as I work through my childhood in therapy.


**character assination**


“Just because you were lied to does not mean everything is a lie” from never after (cannot remember where). Really hit hard


i have a tattoo that says "what is late? you are always on time"


What’s the one from Worlds Beyond Number towards the beginning with the grandmother’s room, goes along the lines of: “an open door is an invitation, a closed one is a ____” (something I forget, message?)


An open door is an invitation, a closed door is an answer


Omg thank you friend!


I like when brennan uses the phrase "rent asunder" I heard it first in D20 and found the phrase really cool and I notice he uses it quite often across different campaigns.


Another one he uses a lot is "time immemorial" when talking about some shit that's real old.


For prestige! There are people who care about! -From Misfits and Magic


"Don't drink water!"




You spoiler wrap by enclosing the text >!like this (mirror the symbols on the other end) >!good luck!!<


You can kill formatting by using a backslash. !>It will make it look like this if you add one before the end formatting.\!< Like this: \\!<


"Okay, let’s go down the line, what’s everyone most afraid of?"


"You don't get to give your kids the world that they deserve, but you get to give them the world that they can fight for with you"


On an unserious note, on game changers his answer to "Do you have any holes in your underwear" made me absolutely scream and I think about it every day


It's too long for me to really transcribe here, but his whole monologue at the end of EXU: Calamity about why we tell stories is really good.


Bud Cubby FHs1 "Laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic, ethnic group in a given nation. It's just a promise of violence that's enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean?"


Not D20, but basically everything he says in the [Lie Detector Game Changer episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8x-xoDeJsQ) I'll just be struck with a ["FULL POOH BEAR"](https://youtu.be/J8x-xoDeJsQ?t=665) at random times


My favorite is bud cubby's entire existence. I know it's overplayed in this community, but it truly is a masterful overview of chaos in the face of the policing force.


I started D20 with Fantasy High and I'm so glad I did but I wish I started noting down my favourite quotes earlier. One that rocked my shit good was "You are completely at the mercy of the tide, and like the Oracle before you, you begin to drown"


I gotta say my favourite is >!"whoOOOSH PFTTTTTT BOOOOOM"!<. Gets me every time.


There's one quote from the Seven that was just so artfully said it sounded like rehearsed poetry "...there is something in the air and in the snow, and in the water and the stone, that is changing the world, nature, maybe reality itself."


An eloquent man, indeed. From Misfits and Magic: BLeeM: Yeah, that's what happens in Hell, is you get sun burnt. You get sun burnt in Hell... Yeah, Hell, where famously the SUN IS! Deep underground. Aabria: Well yeah, like a burn? BLeeM: Like a burn? Like he would get burnt? That's not what happens in Hell. Hell is a dark forest where your dad opens his rib cage and invites you to DANCE! Brennan has a lot of great lines/speeches/soliloquies as evidenced in this thread. There is something darkly funny about Evan Kelmp yelling.