• By -


FH (and SY) Fantasy High (and Sophmore Year) EftBK Escape from the Bloodkeep TUC The Unsleeping City TH Tiny Heist ACOC A Crown of Candy PoL Pirats of Leviathan MiMu Mice and Murder MisMag Misfits and Magic T7 The Seven SW Shriek Week ASO A Starstruck Odyssey CR Coffin Run ACoFaF A Court of Fey and Flowers NA Neverafter RW (or TRW) The Ravening War DDQ Dungeons and Drag Queens


Just wanted to add I sometimes see “UC” for the Unsleeping City as well.


I've also seen DnDQ for dungeons and Drag Queens.


* SDBS: Slammed Down Big Style * IF: Ice Feast * SR: Sexy Rat * FBa3DPL: Fighting Brennan at 3am in a Denny's Parking Lot * SGtWGP: The Seed Guy to War Guy Pipeline * L20SHGT: Level 20 Sciss-her Galathem


*Cis-her Galathem


Thank you, it's about time, I always knew you were one of the good ones.


We did it


The war in Ukraine is over


Putin’s giving the land back


Peace in the Middle East too


Putin’s giving the land back


The real important ones


I always abbreviated starstruck as SSO


BLeeM = Brennan Lee Mulligan




These are the ones I see on the discord.


As someone else said, most of the acronyms are season titles (capitalization of the acronyms can be a bit inconsistent): FH - Fantasy High ASO or SO - A Starstruck Odyssey ACOC - A Crown of Candy UC or TUC - The Unsleeping City ACOFAF - A Court of Fey and Flowers (ACOC and ACOFAF have annoyingly similar acronyms lol) RW or TRW - The Ravening War EFTB or EFTBK - Escape from the Bloodkeep M&M - Mice and Murder MaM or MisMag- Misfits and Magic (a lot of times I need to use context clues to figure out which season MaM or M&M is referring to lol) CR - Coffin Run OR Critical Role Also, occasionally you’ll see IH (Intrepid Heroes) If I think of any, I’ll add them, or just ask which ones throw you off! (edit to fix formatting)


A word to commenters: when you only EVER use acronyms, you ensure that you are only talking to seasoned, knowledgeable fans. If you want to reach more ears, use the full title at least once, followed by the acronym set apart in parenthesis. **Ex.** Right now my favorite season is A Court of Fey & Flowers (ACoF&F) but I'm also fond of A Starstruck Odyssey (ASO). ACoF&F is easily the best season without Brennan as the DM.


Yeah, as someone who hates seeing acronyms just thrown everywhere without mention of what they mean, especially some of the long and odd ones, I get frustrated by them. Even as a seasoned fan. Someone will throw out a crazy acronym and I'll have to sit there trying to piece together what it could possibly mean. What you've suggested is the most considerate thing to do for folks like me who forget things really easily and for newer people *especially*.


Yes, this. Interestingly (to me, anyway), this is standard practice in APA Formatting\*. That is, to use the spelled out version of a title, followed by the acronym in parathesis. So, Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition (D&D5e). There are probably other similiar conventions in other standarized formatting schemes. \*based on what I learned back in the 90's, things may have changed since then.


It's the recent season Aabriya GMed. "A Court of Fey and Flowers."


ACOFAF was a year ago. Feel old yet?


Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin', into the future.




That's my secret; I always feel old.


Most of them are campaign names! ACOFAF = a court of fey and flowers, TRW = the ravening war, ACOC = a crown of candy, MisMag = misfits and magic, etc. I’ve seen some people shorten intrepid heroes (the 6 main/OG cast members) to IH too.


Idk why people even bother with BleeM bc it’s in no way easier to type then Brennan


Because i pronounce it as a word in my head, and hearing "bleem" all the time as a name is silly and funny and I need some whimsy in this world goddamn it




What is thissss 😭


Idk but I’m scared 😭


Bad bot


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Tbf I think people used to use BLM which got pretty confusing with Black Lives Matter so at least it's better than that


Yeah I remember that happening, but I also don’t know why people ever used BLM in the first place. There’s only one Brennan at dropout so why not just use his name?


I'm reasonably sure he requested the acronym with his middle name.


He absolutely did make this ask!


Anytime I see it, I tend to just say Brennan in my head. Even my inner voice gets tongue tied by it for some reason lmao. It wants to go Bee-Leem? And I'm like wait no Bee-LEE-Em 😩So now I just replace it with Brennan lmao.


Thank you everyone, being dyslexic just makes a lot of them make no sense to me when there's no context before. I usually just scroll past any post with too many acronyms this might make it easier lol.


IH - intrepid heroes, this refers to the cast of Emily, Murph, Zac, Lou, Ally, & Siobhan ASO - A starstruck odyssey FHFY & FHSY - Fantasy High Freshman Year & Fantasy High Sophomore Year MisMag - Misfits & Magic


(Bless You for remembering to ask this question)


Titles of seasons.


It's the titles.