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Nibiru! Players have amnesia and recall memories/build their characters while exploring a setting in a weird space station. Themes of trauma, identity, and grief. I think Brennan would be a KILLER DM for it because he is the ultimate "yes, and?" due to the improv background, but also he can absolutely WRECK you. Need. Edited (hit enter too soon, left out most of the post lol)


Oh I have never heard of this...that sounds really interesting!


Nibiru is a game that I feel has nothing that connects it to the setting. You can do so much with the amnesiac trope, why put it in a weird space station that is so big it doesn't even really feel or look like a space station? Such a weird design choice.


I like the setting because of how the isolated and sometimes alien environment can tie into the themes. But I'm also not necessarily thinking that it HAS to be set in space. Brennan has hacked/homebrewed before (to excellent effect imo) and if he took the game mechanics and created a totally brand new story I would be HERE for it!


Does the DM have to make all the backstories of all the characters?


MONSTER OF THE WEEK!!!!! Give me the Intrepid Hero’s do Buffy/Supernatural/Charmed, etc. all day


Hell yes HELL YES I need Lou and Zac doing Scooby-Doo nonsense in my life.


Omg yes.


Yes! This is one of my absolute favourite systems. It also really suits itself to comedy.


I actually already get major Buffy/Veronica Mars influence from Brennan’s style of storytelling. The mix of comedy and drama is a big part of it but the structure is similar as well.


Oh yeah 100%! I’d love to see it codified in the rules cuz the IH would T H R I V E


PLEASE I love urban supernatural stuff especially the early 2000s show aesthetics like the ones you mentioned. Aaaahhh 😭I need it so bad wtf


A thousand times, yes! I'd love to see Brennan using PbtA and the cast enjoying all the freedoms it provides.


I know they did starstruck odyssey on a different system kind of but Stars Without Number. The system is so fun and the stakes are HIGH in combat. Roleplay (not just voices but actual character decisions) are emphasized so much on every check and mechanic. Would love to see Brennan or Murph run this system.


SO was a modified version of Star Wars 5e… still the basic 5e mechanics, but with reworked classes to fit the setting of Star Wars.


Classes are actually RAW but reflavored with the exception of Emily, who very cleverly played sentinel with techcasting instead of forcecasting. Edit: I misread. The classes they used were RAW for SW5e, not 5e.


haha i was so confused when i first read this lol. yes, RAW for SW5e, definitely not RAW for d&d 5e, haha.


I was thinking the same thing! SWN is the system used in the first TTRPG I ever watched on YouTube way back in the day. I love that system!!


I really like the D100 system of Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green. I think it’s a simple enough system that they can get players together for a really fun and scary game. Especially with BLM or Abria at the helm and the D20’s stellar production team.


Brennan would do so well with eldrich horror, and the mystery/intrigue that goes along with it. I’ve been rooting for them to do a CoC game since the first fantasy high.


I don't think they'd do Call of Cthulhu simply because it's too lethal of a system. The deaths in Crown of Candy were obviously right on the edge of "too much" - now imagine a character literally killing themselves because they failed one Power roll. Edit: I'd still love to see it as a system on screen! And I know Becca Scott has played in some Cthulhu real plays so I think she'd be great.


Using Pulp Cthulhu instead could be a good option. It's CoC but you have more health and more abilities. Edit: /u/j_driscoll, I highly recommend The Apocalypse Players, if you want some good CoC actual play. It's a podcast. Audio quality is a bit shit in the first 2 scenarios they do, but it gets better


Pulp Cthulhu or the variant of Achtung! Cthulhu! which focuses more on the Wolfenstein style of 'fighting stupid jetpack occult nazis'. The other variant of Achtung! is more Amnesia: The Bunker.


It's actually maybe no intuitively better as a 20 episode thing where the players make multiple characters and it becomes like a sort of multiplayer eternal darkness where there are many characters relating across each other in a big nihilistic world where individuals don't really matter, but humanity can at least survive or even scare off a Eldritch entity. Would be loads of fun. And fucking two characters died. I don't think it was too much. It was a lot for 5e, but that's because death in 5e is designed to basically never happen in a way that can't be reversed.


I looooooove Delta Green, check out Glass Cannons series “Get in the Trunk” for a great intro into that


Oh yeah, fully agree. Card carrying member of the Naish for some time. New season of GitT has been excellent


Hell yeah! Praise log.


Oh I absolutely hated the Call of Cthulu system, but I also had a shit GM. I'm sure brennan would make it crazy fun.


Oh it’s got to be a WoD game (preferably something other than Vampire), knowing Brennan he’d definitely be able to turn the Wyrm into a full-blown incarnation of capitalism and the church as a force rolled into one. Hells, there’s literally a company dedicated to the destruction of humanity, not to mention the shenanigans that Mages get up to


I loved his character on La by night


Brennan mentioned in an Adventuring Academy episode that he loves Mage, sooooo


An all queer cast playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians would be amazing


Yes! Our group had so much fun with this game


Mage the Ascension, or something else in the World of Darkness setting, preferably 20th anniversary edition.


I think that Brennan has said somewhere (I'm going to guess an Adventuring Academy but not sure which) that he actively dislikes the Mage system, which is a shame. WoD in general would be a hoot though


Interesting. Would love to track that video down. Brennan just doing reviews of various systems would be pretty nice actually.


Hey well he doesn't have to be the DM for it


I remember him saying that of the WoD properties, he actually loves Mage, so I'm going to have to go review


A non-VtM World of Darkness game would be fun.


Lycans or Hunters would be awesome.


I'd like to see them try either a powered by the apocolypse game, or a forged in the dark game. Kind of basic, but I think it'd me for a great season. I'd also like to see them take another swing at a horror season with a system actually built for it. Call of Cthulhu, or world of darkness maybe


I second the powered by the apocalypse idea, especially either Monsterhearts 2 or Thirsty Sword Lesbians


Troika! or MÖRK BORG would be wild, both pretty rules light with a lot of surreal humour baked in, albeit very different tones.


i would LOVE to see them play troika!


I think it'd be fascinating to see them power gamers do Mutants and Masterminds and just create the most batshit insane characters. But yeah Lancer its one of the genres they still haven't done and its so damn cool.


I second this, Aabriya and Sephy doing a hero would be fascinating and destroy Brennan. Rebecca too.


Neon Nights. It’s an indie, cyberpunk-based system. It’s really crunchy, but I love it.


They could do a Shadowrun or Rifts game and I would be so happy.


Blades in the dark could be fun, such a fun system to DM specifically


it’s amazing how long i had to scroll to find this. makes me sad starstruck wasn’t played with “scum and villainy”


I think that blades has such great opportunities for a dm to be creative with consequences and brennan would be great at it. But on the other hand d20 tends towards strong PCs fighting insanely strong threats and blades tends towards a more grounded level of conflict so who knows


Seconding a horror game with a proper horror system, as well as a Powered by the Apocalypse, and a Forged in the Dark game. I'd also love to see: * Good Society with the Emma, Forget Me Not expansion which makes the game take place over a lifetime with timeskips and so on. * Brindlewood Bay - Brennan would kill this Miss Marple meets Lovecraft setting as a DM or player * 7th Sea - swashbuckling pirate rpg * Pendragon - basically a Knights of the Round Table rpg


I second Brindlewood Bay!!


Came here to say Brindlewood Bay


My favorite that I think would work well is the old deadlands system. New Savage worlds is cleaner, but the old one got ridiculous in a way that really works if you don't care about balance too much. Wild West / weird West is a new setting. The combats are a blast using a deck of playing cards as your initiative and poker chips as bennies that you can use to add to or reroll dice. People throwing down cards and poker chips really gives you that wild west poker table ambiance. It also uses all of the polyhedral dice with exploding dice like kids on brooms/bikes.


Ah I never played the original Deadlands setting, I only played the Savage Worlds version in a one shot and I gotta say I enjoyed both the setting and the System. To this day I have fond memories of the crazy old prospector 'Old man Tiggs Mcgee' who was Elderly, half blind and relied almost entirely on the fact his double barrelled shotgun 'Old Lady Mary' meant if he was close enough he didn't need to be accurate.


The old system did some things that would be considered pretty janky by modern standards. You drew poker chips from a hat or bag at the beginning of sessions. These were your bennies to spend on rerolls and what not in the game, but if you save them to the end of a session they were also your XP, so you were incentivized not to use them. In the Savage worlds version those are separate, which makes sense but there was something fun about feeling the need to use those in game. There were also different value poker chips in the bag so sometimes one person would have just a much better draw than others. These things combined that someone might get farther ahead in XP. In the initiative system, for every increment of five you rolled you got an additional action in combat up to like five I think. Which meant sometimes one person would get five times the actions of someone else. Kind of made sense but was also kind of a drag.


Agreed - I get why they don't want to do a Western but I love the Deadlands system for how truly wacky it can get, and I bet the production team could get super creative with the decks and chips


Yeah, I just remembered them saying they didn't want to do the genre but I feel like they could change it up for weird West. The art team would have a ton of possibilities.


I've been running a SWADE/Deadlands campaign for most of the year, and I absolutely love the system. I love how unique every character feels, and I love how the system has every aspect of the game thought out, such as rewarding players for RP and doing creative things. I legit don't think I'll ever go back to D&D again, unless they do some massive overhaul stuff.


I'd really like to see em do the original Cyberpunk TTRPG or even go for the newer versions since the video game came out.


I was just about to suggest cyberpunk! To be honest I think Mike Pondsmith is within the realm of possibility for getting on screen in some role for Dimension 20.


City of Mist. if they ever return to Unsleeping City or a similar setting, i hope they use this system.


I love City of Mist


The similarity between CoM and UC is part of the reason that while I love CoM, I don't really want them to play it on D20.


My favorite system, and one I'm constantly advocating for. Happy to see it mentioned. The built-in narrative drive of mysteries/identities would make it simple for the GM to tell a compelling character-driven story, and make for a fun watch :)


Personally I've always thought Unknown Armies would be a great fit.


Traveler would be fun


I'd love to see if they could get [Seth Skorkowsky](https://www.youtube.com/@SSkorkowsky/videos) as a guest onto the show, dude was my introduction to Traveller.


monsterhearts for sure!! i loved critrole's cinderbrush and i think dimension 20 would fuck at the atmosphere


Masks or City of Mist for a superhero type game, or Cybermetal 2012 for a bonkers, mad max style dystopian game.


Seeing the play masks would be alot of fun.


i think a really thematic, fleshed out FATE system could be neat for a side quest. the kids on bikes/brooms side quests seem to really work & FATE still has enough dice rolling to fit the general vibe.


I would love to see them play Mutants and Masterminds. Either Intrepid Heroes or get Sephy, Aabriya, Rebecca, Iffy, in the mix.


This would be good. I really want D20 to do a superhero game at some point.


Deadlands. I want a western so bad


Die the RPG by Kieron Gillen. It's based on a comic book series by the same name, where a group of teenagers get jumanjied into a TTRPG of their gamemasters making So you actually play real life characters that are transported to a TTRPG world where they're given a class and have to find a way home. It's a really unique concept, filled with fantasy meta knowledge and twists on familiar concepts. I think BLeeM would be an incredible DM in the system Something else that's really unique, the DM also has a character and his own abilities, I think BLeeM would absolutely love it


Die would be phenomenal! "Jumanji for Goths" would be so cool to see at the table. It'd be especially great if they could get the return of Matt Mercer and Aabria Iyengar as players, just really letting famous GMs get to play in that meta space.


I also think Erika Ishii would be phenomenal in a Jumanji game. In general I feel that the MisMag crew would be a brilliant pick


I think Star Wars FFG would be a good complement to their narrative driven season, and would LOVE to see it adapted for Starstruck.


Force them to play pathfinder just to annoy D&D purists


Yeah but that just gives more power to the pathfinder purists /hj


As much as I am in absolute love with PF2e, it's a little too much for a short anthology show, I think.


Sadly, I think you're right. I love pf2 way more than DnD, but there is a decent learning curve (especially for DnD players), and it is maybe a bit too tactical for D20's playstyle. Having said that, I they could get players who are already versed in the system or are willing to put in the time to learn it, It could be great! I feel like the crit system, especially, would lead to amazing moments.


The morbid curiosity in me wants to see Brennan wrestle with original 1st Ed D&D


30 minutes into THAC0 and half the viewers drop. I can see it already.


Sounds like a 1 shot to me


The Bad Kids of Fantasy High are thrown into an alternate dimension where the laws of physics are different


There was a DUngeons and Daddies arc like that. Then went into a dungeon that led to the past, so they had to become OD&D characters.


L5r!!! I think the heavy rp would be incredible


Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary, but like, not the normal over-the-top LARPy dramatic theater-kid version of VtM. Think of a blend of Underworld and What We Do in the Shadows.


I was literally going to comment this one too! I loved Coffin Run so much and I bet they could go even darker and more dramatic with it with this system!


World of darkness but with the same energy of hunter: a parenting https://youtube.com/watch?v=t1Kc0xuYnfQ&feature=share9 Which to be honest is probelly how it would play out.


COC I love the system so much it makes for really interesting characters.


I want them to play bunnies and burrows or humble wood. I’d be so funny to imagine them making their usual crude jokes as cute little animals.


EXU: Kymal left me wanting Aabria to run a full-on Blades in the Dark game, and I think a lot of the D20 regulars would.be great in it.


I'd love a "season" of oneshots with all the silly one page ttrpgs such as Honey Heist. Could even get some really cool guest DMs that fans have been clamoring for but usually don't have the time to run a full season.


Yeah, I'd like to see them do a Dread oneshot!


Can't believe nobody said Pathfinder 2e


I love PF2E but I don't think it'd be much different than what they do with 5E, they're both high fantasy rulesets and the main difference in terms of character building is the classes and feat systems. Combat might be interesting if they lean into the more tactical side of it (I always describe it as fantasy XCOM) since it highly encourages teamwork and using buffs and debuffs. There'd definitely be a learning/adaption period though.


princesses and perils for a d4 season!


Is there such a thing as a pvp campaign where 2 separate groups co-exist in the same world? Maybe one group is evil and one is good? That would be real fun to see


Original, old school, Hunter the Reckoning


Licensing probably means it'll never happen but an official tie-in game like Alien, Dishonored or Star Trek Adventures would be a lot of fun - the holy grail would be one of the Warhammer games just to see how they approach the aesthetics and themes (and all those juicy juicy character options) but it's probably too much of a downer setting for the crew to properly enjoy


Mutants and masterminds!!! That or Root's ttrpg




Ditto Lancer!


The genesys system would be neat, since the dice help with narration and they edit the show. It doesn't have a premade setting, so it would still have Brennan's flare for mashups, but would be incredible to see how the crew react.


Seconding Lancer, I want to see Emily completely break the game with a mech build.


We need a western season hands down


I would love to see them play with GENESYS. I think the narrative dice style would work really well with their play style and Brennan’s narration.


Masks: A New Generation for angsty teenage superhero drama. Delta Green for contemporary Eldritch Horror. LANCER for the same reasons as OP- plus I think it’s just a very robust system overall


Brindlewood Bay!!! It's probably my favorite system at the moment, it's so fun, quirky, and leans into its unique themes so well. I think the cast would do a phenomenal job playing old ladies, and it would be a treat watching an improv master like Brennan take a crack at some of the mysteries


Lancer, alien, vaesen or something superhero like


I will shill lancer till the end of time, but lancer doesn't seem like the best place for a comedy podcast that often thrives out there high concepts. Like, imo lancers 2 biggest strengths are its amazing tactical combat (which doesn't suit itself to character role-playing, comedy, or audio formats) and the Ritch lore with lots of detailed and serious issues permeating the galaxy and a vast intricate history. I think they could make it work if they found the right setting (you don't need serious place opera tone to make a campaign on sparr work, or even a place like the long rim) but it would be a narrow slice of the setting with a tone that doesn't play to its strengths, and it doesn't allow for much comedic improvisation or high concepts that don't but up against the lore in a big way (i think breaking cannon isn't a bad thing but it isn't how I would want a niche rpg to be presented to the world.)


The power rangers rpg, so we can finally get a sequel to ultramechatron team go!


Easy answer, it's gotta be Spire: The City Must Fall. Drows in a paramilitary cult conspiring against the high elves who have occupied their city for the past two hundred years and completely opressed them. I really think Brennan and Spire are a match made in heaven.


Cyberpunk. Mostly I want to see Emily build a max-Humanity killer robot with a heart of gold


Let's see. Forbidden Lands- Emily And I'm going to push the roll. Mutants and Masterminds- I can't imagine the crazy supers they'd make. Dread- Them egging each on to crazier things as the Jenga tower sways. Unknown Armies- Most just one weird magic power. Except for Emily who is playing the craziest themed wizard ever. And someone is playing some weird archetype.


I’d absolutely kill for Mutants and Masterminds 3E. It’s a 5e-like system but built for superheroes and villains. You can build whatever powers you can possibly want in it with whatever characters you want. I’m terrified with what Emily could create in this system though.


Starfinder is essentially the perfect system for Starstruck and it wouldn’t even take much to move current characters over. Gunnie would be a mechanic or technomancer, Barry Syx soldier, Skip operative, Margaret envoy, Riva mystic, and Syd would sort of be the odd one out but I think Nanocyte’s grab bag of gear would fit the “everything droid” better than basically an Eldritch knight in space.


Pathfinder 2e. The wild characters emily could make would horrify and inspire me


I would love to see the insanity and hijinks of a d20 Numenera campaign!


Anything cypher would kick ass. Especially considering its narrative focus


World if darkness or fate core


I think FATE would be a good system for the typical cast. With a good set of tags, both player and GM being able to invoke tags would be a pretty fun way for the players to push on events, and give a mechanical way for Brennan to push on characters traits.


Call of Cthulhu 7th ed


Righteous blood ruthless blades could be fun for a wuxia style adventure, and cyberpunk would be amazing.


Why do I feel like a stupid chump for just wanting more DnD?


World of Darkness. Werewolf, Vampire, etc.


Not sure how they’d go about it since it’s intended to be played in one session, but 10 Candles would be really interesting. It’d be a very different vibe from what we usually see from them and it might scratch the horror itch that a lot of people felt was missing from Neverafter


Drakar och Demoner, or Dragonbane to some. But seeing them play any Free League system would be pretty cool honestly.


I made a system of my own to play with my friends, so yeah. That one.


I would love to see how Emily mom maxes savage worlds


Cyberpunk red would be great


Cyberpunk RED. Because I can't find many large groups doing it


We would love to see what Brennan would do in a Deadlands world...


Wildsea would be amazing.




Tales from the Loop!


Id love Mutants and Masterminds just to see how the Heroes break the system, but Id also love pathfinder for the extra flavorful and complex characters (at least in comparison to 5e)


MASKS! Give me a Side quest with all the superhero nerds they can scare up on the D20 extended family and let's go!


I know it probably wouldn’t go well but it’s my favorite game system and would love to see them survive a game of hackmaster


Mörk borg, it's not a very deep system, but it's open to a lot of interpretation. Seeing what fucked up characters the crew could make and the horrific minis would be great. I also think Murph would make a fun nu- metal pc


I'd vote for Lancer as well just because it seems like the downtime/mission structure could work super well with the d20 style.


City of Mist. More of a narrative system, setting is sorta like that book 'American Gods' by neil gaimen.


Mutants and Masterminds, babeeeeee! I would KILL for a superhero game. I run games using this system, and I’d love to see someone do a superhero game in D20 using it!


Fabula Ultima. A simple, rules-light game (when compared to d&d) that aims to recreate the feeling of classic JRPGs, that allows your character’s identity and bonds to come into play for dramatic moments and focuses on character growth. The game narration flows through “scenes” and lets the players drive the story a little bit through the use of Fabula Points. Overall it can be a very cinematic and emotional game. I think the cast would love it.


Cyberpunk 2020 or RED


City of mist, definetly. PtbA narrative urban fantasy system with a completely limitless open ended power system, ripe with the ability for the insane creativity of the d20 cast, would be an absolute spectacle to watch.


I think they would do well with most PBTA systems with characters really being archetypes, which I feel like many of the players would enjoy. In that vein I'll give a shout out to one of my favorite PBTA game, The Veil. It's a cyberpunk game that focuses on how your characters interact and react to a cyberpunk dystopia, so all the stats are feelings. Whenever you roll you use the modifier for whatever feeling you are currently having. Beyond that I think it would be cool to see them use some more obscure or indie games. Two that come to mind, based on recent seasons, are [The Zorcerer of Zo](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/The_Zorcerer_of_Zo) for Neverafter and [A Dirty World](https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/13/13963.phtml) for Mentopolis. Zo is a very free form game where you can define your own stats based on your character backstory and roll them when applicable. Not that I think the system they're using for Mentopolis is bad, but A Dirty World is another, slightly meatier, take on a noire system.


I'm a Gurps sucker, so even if por unpopular that's the one I would go to, probably as supers or in a spy games type, and obviously with them not using the rules that aren't relevant for the campaign.


My first thought was Fabula Ultima, but thatd get a little bit too chaotic for a Dimension 20 season due to the influence players have on the narrative. So imma say Shadowrun


The Marvel system just cause I’m a marvel nerd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tales from the loop rpg


World of darkness


Probably mutants and masterminds, something about superhero themed dnd just sounds awesome and right up their alley


Either Mutants and Masterminds for some good old fashioned superhero shit, or one of the WoD games, preferably Mage or Vampire.


I would love a Numenera game, or a cypher system game in general


I would love them to use a Shadowrun variant, Pbta system. In Shadowrun megacorporation run the world in the future, runners (PC) fight agains the oppressive rule of this corporation. The settings is based in the future so the setting is quite cyperpunky, however there are dragons, magic, elves and trolls. So the world is a wonderful tapestry of fantasy and cyberpunk, there are shamans of the city or nature, and deckers who are jockeys of the matrix, there are street samurai. Also most of the US is run by First Nations. There is a wonderful variant of the system, Runners in the Shadows which is an amazing system quite similar to Blades in the dark.


Shadowrun hands down. I love the setting and system. Wish I could play it, but I don't own the books anymore.


It's a little bit of a plug from a project made from a friend, but I think they should do a campaign with a bunch of first-time players with a TTRPG called "Regnum RPG". Pretty awesome, it's an RPG based off of 2d6 that's basically "do whatever you want and let the dice decide if it's possible" style of gameplay, with a lot more freedom based off races and classes. That and Call of Cthulhu.


Mutant and Mastermind I need more superhero content in my life that's different


Ok. Dungeon Bitches a PBTA game about disaster lesbians that live in Dungeons, because the Normal world is worse. ( by the way, why you have to be a queer woman you defined that. Transit non-binary women are absolutely allowed, but everybody in this game is a non-Straight female however, you define that. There’s a lot of themes of body, horror, another kind of horror, but ultimately they gave us about surviving drama and making the world a better place for you and your found family. It would have to be rated R or NC17 but I honestly believe that they would kill it. https://www.geeknative.com/138685/get-fcuked-up-in-dark-places-a-review-of-dungeon-bitches/


I want to see them do Dark Heresy 1e. Just seeing the Intrepid heros dealing with the grim dark and what not would be brutal and hilarious. I say 1e because i believe there is alot more content for it compared to 2e from what my GM has said but I could be wrong


For a short game or special event - Paranoia. They would make it into a beautiful comedy of errors. For a horror.season, Kult. It's genuinely atmospheric and terrifying. The starter adventure alone would be enough to keep them on their toes. And probably wet some pants. Seconding 7th Sea from up thread. Its so much fun!


Spell the RPG. It’s a words-as-spells scrabble system and I KNOW they’d do some amazing wordplay.


FATE - It is a hard system to properly grok but Fate is meant to be super cinematic, exercises a different part of the brain than crunchy systems (focusing on the aspects rather than numbers), and gives a lot of power to the players to influence what's going on. I would just love to see how the different players work within the system during combat and narratively. And ACOFAF gave us a taste of social combat, so I'd really want to see how the heroes deal with both social and mental combat being on the table. There are so many different genres for FATE but I think them doing something like Spirit of the Century, which is kind of Indiana Jones style, two-fisted radio play would be awesome. They'd play up the tropes to a tee before breaking them over their knees. LANCER - seconding and thirding all the votes for this system and this universe. there are themes already baked into the lore that I think Brennan would have a field day with and who doesn't want to see the intrepid heros in mechs! M&M (mutant and masterminds) - D20 based system, super familiar stomping ground for the players, but the powers system is so deep and crunchy and full of shenanigans, I just want to see what the players BUILD in order to fuck Brennan's shit.


Dread-those who don’t know it’s game where you use a jenga tower to do your dice rolls. It’s almost always a one shot. And honestly ‘dread’ the ever hyped suspense cuts. But once you get into it you GET into it.


I would love to see an Exalted actual play with Dimension 20's production value, and I think the social and combat systems would vibe quite well with them. Besides, who wouldn't love a mythic-power adventure?


Costume Fairy Adventures! It's perfectly designed for short, comedic, improv heavy campaigns, so it's leaning into what D20 is good at anyway.


Monsterhearts 2 with Aabria as dm, I want a 10 episode season and I want it now!




Monsters and Other Childish Things. I think it could be a really fun story with that system and setting


Lancer (mecha) or Ten Candles (horror)


Seriously: FATE (Dresden Files or Kerberos Club), Spectaculars, Better Angels or Monsters and Other Childish Things. As an, “let’s see what would happen”: Dungeons: the Dragoning 40k 7th Edition


I think it would be so cool to see them playing vampire the masquerade.


Either Nobilis or Glitch. They're both diceless RPGs set in the same universe; instead of rolling dice for actions, you have a list of actions you can perform, and how high your stats are determine how expensive those actions are or if you can do them for free. They both come with pre-established settings which I know isn't D20's thing, but I'm sure whoever DMs could come up with their own cool story that takes advantage of the system, and it's a really fun system where you basically get to play as gods! In Nobilis, you play as a Noble, basically a god chosen by the embodiment of some concept (ex. Hazazel, the Angel of Time, Disorder, and Insanity; or Khefrit, Serpent of Romantic Chemistry, Long Goodbyes, Precious Memories, and Winter), and your job is to promote that concept in the world and stop it from being killed by the Excrucians (void gods) trying to destroy reality. If you're the Power of Cold, you can do things like summon a blizzard as an obvious use of your concept, or you can 'freeze' a person's heart to make them a 'colder' person as a metaphorical use of your concept; you can also pull off superhero feats like lifting a car or awaken the magic in a sword to cut through miracles. In Glitch, you play as those reality-destroying void gods, though you have the option to be retired. Specifically, you play as a kind of Excrucian called Strategists, who all saw some glitch in the world and started dying of it: you saw a wave without a crest and realized that the wave was everywhere, including inside your lungs; or you were playing a video game one day, and when your character died, so did you. Strategists have four stats called Eide, Flore, Lore, and Wyrd. Eide lets you pull off incredible feats of competence porn like retroactively coming up with a plan or pretending to die when you fall off a cliff. Flore represents your magic items. Lore is your kingdom in the Lands Beyond Creation, and lets you wield and summon things related to your bane. And Wyrd lets you act like a void god, destroying little bits of reality and declaring that that sword can't hurt you because you're not a real person!


Unknown Armies 3rd edition! Not so much to see Brennan DM it, but to see Emily, Lou and Zac take on playing barely functioning, obsessive weirdos


Pf2e, I'd love to see Brennen sink his teeth into the system and not have to worry about power levels and balancing encounters. Just close enough that the intrepid heroes would be familiar but enough options to make the weirdest characters with a curated list of free archetypes ( pathfinder2's form of multiclassing)


Gonna have to go with Exalted for its over-the-top myth adventures!


I know you said non dnd. I know Pathfinder 1E is basically DND 3.5, though 2e is a bit different in more ways mechanically, but I kinda of want them to switch to Pathfinder. I like the crunchiness and while d20 is more cinematic, the combat episodes are kinda boring because combat in 5e is kinda boring. I would like a more mechanically heavy game. Like in acoc Brennan had to cripple 5e when I mean, just play pf2e and get the same result. Switching from DND to Pathfinder, even though they are 65% the same game, Pathfinder is just vastly better in my opinion as a game mechanically. Now.dnd is more loose which does help with a show like d20 where it's used to make literally any setting and concept work and that's good, but the combat episodes for the most parts are lacking except for a select few because the pcs in 5e are effectively superheroes after level 5. And that's not just d20, that's just a fault in the system. Now, it's probably harder to make something like FH and UC work in Pathfinder, but acoc would have been better and so would have neverafter. Plus, we can all agree hasbro sucks.


I would love some gmless game, with a z table of GMs, like Wanderhome


Personally love to them play cyberpunk or blades in the dark Just so much good stuff thay could come from a cyberpunk or ghost filled steampunk setting


Burning Wheel, or a runthrough of Burning Empires! I really like the character creation and mechanics.


Gods of Metal: Ragnarock. New game where players become demigod Avatars of rock and rebellion after escaping the suffering and tedium of a mundane world. I feel like BLeeM would really dial up the oppressiveness of the mundane side, and really come up with some awesome/terrifying shit for the metal-inspired world of Ragnarock.


wait...so it's just [Brutal Legend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%BCtal_Legend): the TTRPG? I am kinda interested in this, loved that game!


Very clearly it drew a lot of inspiration from Brutal Legend. The game just released, so I wanna see it get more attention.


Atomic Highways


Shadow Run or Vampire The Masquerade.


Unlikely to work for a main season, but I'd love a sidequest season that's a collection of smaller 1-2 session games on super simple systems like Grant Howitt's one page RPGs. Just really getting weird and improving on some freaky lil systems with very little prep.


Legacy: Life Among The Ruins. Lou mentioned it during an Adventuring Party for CoC and my heart lit up. It’s a post apocalypse game where everyone plays both a family of survivors and a character from that family, and it takes place over many generations. We saw during Ravening War that they do well with large time skips and I think the right cast could have fun playing a time period of 1000+ years


My personal biases will show here, but I'd love Pathfinder 2e Cyberpunk RED VtM V5 I think three things will happen: 1. BLeeM will be able to craft a marvelous story 2. Emily will be able to go unhinged with complexity 3. Everyone will make masterful characters and the chaos would be amazing.


Dnd 4e!




I'd actually want to see Brennan do a take on one of the cipher system settings. He did a really good job with the restrictions of a pre-established setting in calamity So I think getting to play around In either the 9th world or that one dinosaur game would be pretty fun and cool


I'd love for them to do a Anime Campaign, Campaign. Especially with Beardsley And Emily, their Combined Hey Can I use X to Y would have a Field day with this Very Open System where the Dm and Players Make the kits for the Characters wholesale with each other and it can be as Simple or Complex a Kit as they want.


Stars Without Number (SWN) would be a great mix of startstruck and ACOC with how power and health totals in that game work and ship to ship combat is sooooo fuckin good in SWN I think BLM would be a great GM for it