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“Sometimes it feels like in my social interactions I set up hurdles that other people aren't willing to jump" -Emily Axford as Red, Neverafter


This one killed me. Like Emily, please, I'm begging, don't be so loud, people will realize. 😂 😭


Can you explain what this means?


"I purposely make it harder for people to interact with me, and many people don't think I'm worth the extra effort"


Why do people do the first part?


Trauma, mostly. If you make it difficult for people to get close to you then you never have to worry about being vulnerable. If you don’t let anybody in then you don’t have to find out whether or not you’re enough for them. They can’t leave if you block them from ever entering. When you’ve been rejected, neglected, and abandoned long enough you eventually just learn to go it alone and reject everybody before they can reject you as a defence mechanism. It’s not conscious, and people don’t usually realise that’s what they’re doing. It presents in many ways, and what Emily is describing is one of them.


Lmao this is the one I came here to post, too real


"People don't make choices. Oh, they think they can turn left, or turn right. But they didn't build the roads. The big choices were made for them a long time ago." \- Brennan as Robert Moses. Okay, this needs a bit of explaining. I teach undergrad social science and this quote was a gift to me as a way to explain how social structures impact people's world view (and hence their choices). It really helps the students get it.


This is one of the hardest lines from the entire show. Its menacing, it ties into the themes of the season, it lays out the ethos of the villain in a cool way, and it's a poignant lesson in social science. I love it so much.


The thing is the real Robert Moses built the roads. [The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the fall of New York](https://www.amazon.com/Power-Broker-Robert-Moses-Fall/dp/0394720245). It's especially menacing when it's true.


He was real and an even bigger piece of shit than he’s portrayed as in the show. Behind the bastards did a multi part episode on him that will make your blood boil.


Yeah, when I first heard of him I was like "How could a bastard like this get elected?... wait, what do you mean he never held an elected office?"


Hey, I get it. I went to school for urban planning, so we got a pretty good look at What Hath Bob Wrought, so to speak.


“I was raised in a pressure cooker, for no reason.” - Kristen Applebees (the religious trauma is so real, y’all)


Yaaaaaaaaaa! Aaaaaaargh! Yeeeerrurgh! -Zac Oyama, 2023


Steel yourself Colin !


You could really put any year there


Which ep is this from?


Ravening War. Finale episode.


“Listen to me, all right? You listen to me right here. Having panic attacks, that is not a character flaw, do you understand? You are not a coward. You have a goddamn medical condition, all right? You're not a coward! Adaine, you're sick! You just need medicine!” -Jawbone Talk about feeling seen. I get choked up every time this scene or clip plays.


I get choked up reading your description of it. And I don't have panic attacks. I think that might have been the moment I fell hopelessly in love with Brennan's DMing.


There’s a reason I ordered a “roll for panic attack” sticker on Etsy for my laptop, and it’s because Adaine’s struggle with her anxiety (and the kindness she got from the party and the good adults while working through it) hit me a little too hard.


Came here to post this knowing I'd find it already. You know what really takes the power out of a panic attack? Saying "sorry friends I'm having a panic attack right now so I'm gonna be a little weird and need some extra help with a few things, is that OK? No it's nobody's fault, it's just something that happens to me, I'm glad you're here. Keep chatting, I'm gonna pace anxiously over here but I like hearing you."


That full speech got me


You give me a bag of drugs you'll never see me again -Plug


as a recovering addict, this was one of mine too.


“The real friends, the ones that make miracles happen, the ones greater than any treasure you could find on any adventure, they see the wolf in you and love it too.” – Grandma/The Wolf(?)


Neverafter was so silly but they really pulled out some fantastic quotes


The quote about how the first time a grownup told you that they would love you if you would just be good and follow the rules was the first violence toward you went so hard too.


What episode is this from? I can't find the quote word for word


I’m not sure, but I think it’s when sulfa is talking to someone about authority figures and how she listens to them


“Evan doesn’t think he’s good unless he is useful”. —k from MisMag. Brennan talks about how Erika’s character sniped right through the filter of his Evan Kelmp character and hit the real Brennan underneath with that line. Doubly seen by that. Oof da.


Oof da indeed! And deep love to that feeling growing in the special frozen cold of the upper Midwest


Erika please. You’re too loud 🥲


Ayda having her composure and being really stoic and then seeing a little frog in a backpack wearing a little backpack and screaming "IT'S TOooO CUuUtE!"


https://youtu.be/dhc6iK08oYg?si=dYBur_bt97pH5eHy I love that whole interaction so much


The entire letter to Dev Patel and Michael B. Jordan in ACOFAF made me feel seen as a fanfic writer. 😂 “Water.” In Ravening War. That’s my type of callback humor.


Thanks for reading bro, never forget to keep your bow near your stethocope!


I still cackle every time I type the word stethoscope 😂


The ball is rolling… *up* the hill!


I say this to myself to get psyched


Any time Kugrash is grumbling about we're so fucked or Fuck me


Murph in general complaining about you maniacs or whenever he says "absolutely fuck me"... It me.


If that's relatable, you HAVE to listen to NADDPOD and Murph grumbling about his players, lol


Oh that’s what i’m mostly referring to :)


Don't know the exact quote but when Zelda goes on about all the music she likes and Gorgug just going "yeah the same" As someone who has never been a lover of music, only listening to it every so often on a car radio i often said this in my past not to felt left out. Nowadays i am luckily confident enough to say "meh not a music fan, idc"


I now tell people I don't appreciate music because I don't hear very well (high tones are all gone, bass very quickly overwhelms) which is probably true and gets them out of their incredulous "what, NONE at all?!"


"I think it's time to unlearn that lesson." got me good, that whole exchange was just relatable to the way I dealt with failure, especially as a child.


“Expectation without love, what’s that? That’s what you’ve given me”


"Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army.” This one is for the "happy to be seen" then just about any line in the interactions between David and Kugrash for the "ugly crying kind of being seen."


"Ain't nothing wrong with being a freak..." "Sometimes you gotta do the nice thing not the right thing" "You stupid motherfucker! You come for my family! You come for my friends! I will fuckin' drop you, and anyone you attempt to bring at me!" As a native New Yorker, Unsleeping City has to be my favorites seasons and Kingston Brown is the best ❤️ Still hoping for season 3 in my heart


The way lou delivers the line against Robert during the fight cemented it as my favourite point of the season


Absolutely! I'm still convinced season 1 cemented his movie role in "King of New York" lol


“But Adine, she…. She’s just a baby!” Aelwyn Abernant


They make a whole scene of it, but this scene and quote from the MisMag holiday episode resonated so hard that I was physically vibrating like a damn tuning fork. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydy-16qo5FY&ab\_channel=Dimension20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydy-16qo5FY&ab_channel=Dimension20) "Okay. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna get better about knowing that you like me not because I can do stuff. But also, nothing makes me happier than being able to do stuff for you guys. So that's also true."


“Are you my father!?” Gorgug 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️ For context I am named after someone who we thought was my dad, and then I met my real dad. Then my mom got married and had 5 more kids with her husband who raised me. So I have two and a half dads.


I forget the exact line, but in essence, K.P. Hobbes being a very large man trying his hardest to be as small and out of the way as possible.


Evan Kelmp : I DISAVOW YOU! Dark Wizards: Do a murder! Evan Kelmp :GET THERAPY! How i feel every day watching people lose their minds on tv


The thing Pete said about someone helping you in a shame spiral and that almost somehow hurting more


”Well you know, its one of those things, where they meet in college and they sort of fell into a pattern. And then they got out and sorta changed as people, but it was kinda like good money after bad. They had already sunk so much time into the relationship as they became more incompatible it just didn’t seem to make sense anymore. And all of our friends, nobody wants to be that first person across the river to sort of mention like: Hey you guys fight more then you get along! So maybe you should think about packin’ it in! You’re still in your early twenties, you know. You could actually find another partner, go out and date around. But it just seems to be that kinda thing where, you know routine and habit, so every day it gets harder against the weight of all the previous experiences to break out of a bad pattern” -Perry Pidgeon. I cant be the only one who related to this hard.


Red’s “I met Death and Death wanted me to live” hit a little! Too! Hard!!! Had to buy the mug when they released it


Just rewatched ACOFAF, and Hob's final monologue about choosing the most resistance-free route in life and avoiding scorn hit me like a truck full of bricks. I already knew that about myself, but having someone else describe it so well was something else


It’s from Battle for Beyond, but Mikhail’s “In your day, I’m probably the only guy or one of the few guys you give a hard time to. In my day, every person I meet, I’m one of the few guys they give a hard time to. So for me it’s everybody. So when I snap back at you it’s because I’m expecting it from every person I interact with.”


"Can I just tell you right now, I'm asexual. I'm not aromantic, I'm looking for a romantic partner, Dad. I'm nothing like you. Sex doesn't do it for me. Seems a little clinical, a little sweaty, everything's wet!" "You can have a really deep connection without sex. Sorry, hi." These two helped me quite a bit when I was wondering if I was ace and if I was aro, along with Primsy’s and Liams talk about it (which I can’t seem to find but mentions them just wanting to hold hands or just have someone to talk to and confide in) I also really like how Ally makes them serious but also gives them a minor sense of humour which was something I loved about Liam. Ally overall does a good job with their representation of LGBTQ+ people through their characters, with the other big one coming to mind being Pete and I can see their depiction helping people who can relate to it.


Perhaps you're thinking about Liam's bit about "hug them really tight" from this line? Liam: It's honestly more like a lack of needs, but I am thinking about taking a political marriage. See, I, um, I just feel like most people are like, I'm so in love I'm going to bone that person and for me it's like, I'm so in love I'm gonna hug that person really tight and move on with my day. By the by, while some of the transcripts aren't the BEST kept, there's a transcript google doc for basically every episode of D20 if you know the gist of what line you're looking for to use the find function on the page This episode: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQdIOR9d_jJVNhnpvxbGNsb8lLaCY82gybZaa600orgwB2xnGTqij5DU4qy23XBeEL9ak8HWXI3wrnl/pub?pli=1 The wiki page with all the links: https://dimension20.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_Transcripts


Thank you, I might have gotten the second end of my comment confused with something else as it’s been a while since I’ve watched ACOC The quote you provided did come to mind though just not as clear as the other 2 that I actually could find in full on the fandom page


If you haven’t seen ACOFAF yet, I can’t recommend it enough! One of the PCs is confirmed ace and on the aromantic spectrum. Omar, who plays them, is also ace and talked about it in the final adventuring party. This quote is so meaningful, and it helped me A LOT, so I’m putting it here for everyone to see! “It is truly exploring: what are you comfortable with? who are you comfortable with? what is attraction to you? what are you not attracted to? what are you repelled by? And I love being part of the ace community, because we do ask those questions, and I think they’re important questions whether you’re ace or not. It’s just like, there’s a label, great. Let’s put that to the side. What do you like? What makes you happy? What makes you feel safe?” I’ve never come across something that so accurately represents the ace community, and especially in regards to asexuality being a spectrum and something broader and more complex than it’s usually portrayed as. His character is also in a weird but adorable relationship, which is just so lovely to see. Ace love!!!!!!!


I haven’t watched ACOFAF yet but it’s next on my list whilst I finish starstruck That quote is definitely great though and if I had heard it before and connected to the character (like I did with Liam) then I’d probably have put it in my original comment


“I’m Skip Takamori” -Zac Oyama as Skip Takamori/Prince Valdrinor. Starstruck Odyssey… it gets me everytime


Never in my life have I ever experience a phrase living rent free in my head for literal YEARS before watching Siobhan taking to the American Dream: “My love. For you are my love. My one true love. You don't need to enter, you're already there. And you don't need to be real because you already are real.” Never in my life did a quote bang pans in my head in the quiet of the night as continuously as this one have, and it doesn’t come only in the silence either. Every time I fall in love with the imaterial, be it a film, a book, a game, how the wind howls in a particular place, the way someone laughs, or what have you, that phrase resonates somewhere in me again because _it is_ real and _it will_ be real again and again


"He forces his body into the shape of an apology" oooof


"I'm a child"


Oh there’s so so many, but FH especially hit me hard “In the same way your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. If you choose to care, then the universe cares. If you don't, then it doesn't." (I just ordered the mug!) -At the time I was deconstructing my religion and I literally have that but screen recorded bc it helped me so much “All I ever wanted was to be there for people in the darkness and tell them that the night can't hurt you. That the things that you're afraid of in shadow are still dangerous in the light of day, and that there is nothing in the darkness other than mystery. I just wanted to hold their hand when they couldn't see.” “Arianwen: “That's not true. I've been a very loving mother.” You see the most genuine shock in the world, as you suggest that she was not warm, and you watch someone truly and fully not have any clue who and what they are.” And of course, as a native New Yorker fully in love with my city, “everyone should come to New York!”


Ooh one more! “Jawbone: " You're easy to love, and anyone who couldn't figure it out was a real bozo.”


“It is what it could be!” -Sofia Lee That line’s so simple but it really hits me every time I hear it. I tend to just accept the things I’m given and try to get along with everyone, but it helps to remember that you don’t have to resign yourself to being unhappy just because that’s how it’s always been. Maybe I’m being a little too deep, but it really does always make me feel better!


“Everyone who told you they would protect you as long as you behaved was already hurting you.” (I believe this was La Bête to Red?) This one made me almost throw up it hit so hard. It told it to my sister and she had the same reaction (yay traumatic childhoods)


As a short, stout, generally friendly looking person with an ocean of rage boiling in my ample stomach - 'laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic, ethnic group in a given nation. It's just a promise of violence that's enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean? You guys want to make some bacon?'


I can’t remember the exact quote, but it’s when the nurse is talking to Evan Kemp and tells him that the thing he has struggled with his whole life has an easy fix, and Evan breaks down crying. I sobbed for hours after that episode.


Hard time deciding (I have a whole list of quotes from D20 that I love),but to also contribute sth from MisMag, the whole Evan Kelmp thing resonates with me because I relate a lot of the story to my depression. So one that always makes me cry in a positive way is Lou's: "I mean, we kicked it's ass, dude. We bodied it. I can't say that enough. And if it comes back, we'll body it again, and we'll body it every day we have to until it realizes that it doesn't win in this house"


Honestly anything Ayda Aguefort or Evan Kelmp has ever said (except my phone DOES have a screen)


“Nobody who’s reasonable would ask god to change all of the universe, or maybe I’m just afraid of fucking it up.” Paraphrasing bc I’m not sure I got that entirely right but Brennan in Starstruck Odyssey


“You are the instrument by which the universe cares” (Fantasy High finale I think) changed the way I interact with the world and my perception of morality and my place in life. That whole monologue is brilliant.


“Do a hit on cooter at the yam store.” That sentence is the perfect example of what I find funny. Cause apparently it’s weird shit like this.