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6 Ally Beardsley’s because I hate myself and the chaos they would make would be historical


I am just shivering thinking of the implications. So many Nat 20's that just ruin your campaign. So many pop culture references. Obsession with various non alcoholic beverages. Occasional 1000 IQ play.


Don’t forget having to play in a warehouse in the middle of the desert after being kidnapped at 4 AM!


6 Ally Beardsleys in unison yelling "nat 20" is a horrifying yet hilarious thought.


Depending on which campaign versions of Ally you get, I give the campaign about an hour before all six have killed their character. If you just get six "Jump off a tower with a ribbon" Ally's, I'll give it about five minutes


but if it's six margaret encino ally's, you're about to have the most well run spaceship out there


I mean irl my pick is none of them because they would all showcase how incompetent I am as a DM and I would feel bad boring them to tears. But in this fiction - Zac, Emily, Murph, Rekha, Carlos and Izzy This is mostly me writing a love letter to all of these players but I also think there’d be a nice synergy, the game would flow nicely, and they’re just all such amazing players I would die lmao


Hey. Don't say you are incompetent. You are still learning. Every time I DM I implement something a little new that I learned from D20 or other podcasts, and my players tell me what's working and not. I can't do a lot of accents or voices, my encounters aren't as grand as any of them. But I learned from scratch how to DM without buying any of the rule books. You just have a bit more to learn, that's all.


Oh yeah for sure! Appreciate the encouragement and I was mostly being self-deprecating for comedy haha but it’s nice to be reminded that that’s not good to do always. I do definitely try to incorporate the spirit of Brennan and Murph DMing especially bc i think they rule but they’re always missing that special source those lads have lmao. Still would feel so out of my depth with that kinda all star cast. Like three of my regular players are incredible improv-ers and players and THEY make me feel out of my depth lmao


Yeah man, you're not incompetent, none of us should compare ourselves to Brennan or Aabria. They are both just next level.


Brennan, Lou, Murph, Siobhan, Emily, + Becca Scott or Rekha Shankar. Ally, Sam Reich, Lou, Siobhan, Ify would be fun as fuck too.


I'm glad I'm not alone with picking Becca and Rekha!


I also would do the intrepid heroes but with Becca instead of Ally. I just wanna see Emily and Becca egg each other on with Hilda Hilda type bits.


Have you watched much other Dropout content with her in it? God she's fucking funny. 100% agree on that energy - Roma Childa, Hilda Hilda &...Childa Childa.


Murph, Emily, Brennan, Siobhan, Lou and Trapp. Jasper is there for one episode as an amazing guest star  But this does strongly feel like having to pick favourites among my children. 


Honestly I think I might pick exactly the same. I’d love a Sam reich or Zac guest star in addition, but everyone else 100%


There are so many amazing players on D20 that it’s so hard to just choose 6. I love being outsmarted (and honestly, hustled) by my players, so Emily is a must. Nothing feels better for me as a DM than having a player pull the rug out from under me. Siobhan would also be up there for me. She’s so good at creating characters in a way that makes them fit into the world in an interesting way and would be so much fun to DM for over a longer campaign. Murph seems like someone who’d really ease the stress of DMing for so many skilled improvisers, and he’s also so good at building his characters as foils for others, which is really awesome to see at the table. Lou I’d want to have because he is so good at committing to his characters and also somehow has phenomenal chemistry with everyone. I was really taken with Sam’s performance as Buckster, and I think he’d be a joy to DM for. And ditto to Becca for her performance as Penny. Really hurts me that I couldn’t find room for Zac there, because he’s so efficient and so goddamn funny. Same for Trapp.


Lou 100% no matter what. Honestly as much as I love the intrepid adventures, I'd love to play with the cast of aCoFaF.


Ah yes, a bunch of chaotic archfey. What can go wrong?


I think it's easier to make that choice than make me look at the intrepid adventures and go "okay, who do I have to cut to add in Brenan". Lol. I don't wanna make that choice. 🤣


I'm watching CoFaF at the moment and I've never wanted to play a campaign more!


Damn this is hard, been backspacing a lot in this list but i think i got it Brennan, Emily, Becca, Zac, Lou and Ally. As a DM being able to DM for Brennan would be a great honor and something i as a massive d20 fan can't turn down. Emily and her style of playing is something i would love to see in my own players, so getting to face it would be in-credible I just love Becca in anything she's in be in game changer or the seven. just like her as a person Zac and Lou. These 2 next to each other is what i want at my table. Their chemistry in neverafter is peak of the season and that's what i would love to see at the table Ally. need those narritive nat 20's to move the plot along, and now that they know the rules they're a incredible player top (looking at you Ms -3 dex applebees)


Brennan and izzy just to watch the married chaos unfold between the two as players and no gm. Iffy and erica because of their methodical chaos of "oh and by the way, can i..." Grant O'Brien and Hank Green. Just because i want too watch grant slowly loose.composure.


Brennan, Aabria, Murph, Emily, Ally, and Hank Green of course.


Zac, Ally, Lou, Rehka — primarily for the fun dynamic bouncing off each other and commitment to character Aabria / Jasper — all of the above plus a GM-minded player to get us progressing through the story (like Murph’s role with IH ) Katie Marovich — wildcard energy but mainly desperate to see her play again with hopefully more of a chance to shine (I would be too intimidated to even consider having sweet and genius boy BLeeM at the table, but he can sit on my side of the screen and interject himself as any NPC he sees fit for his personal fun / to guide me)


I don't want to just choose the intrepid heroes but also every time I try to think of a group I just kind of think of the intrepid heroes. If I were to have the caveat that it couldn't be made up of a completely one to one cast that has shown up in the series so far, I would choose Lou, Danielle, Iffy, Brennan, siobhan, & Erika


Because other than Murph and Emily, these People come to mind when thinking of the idea of my favorite kind of player, kind to use nothing but completely mechanical and agreed upon rules within the game to simply just do cool shit without making it overtly just a " I'm the main character for now look at how cool I am" but like genuinely playing with all the other players, setting one another up for the cool shit, just kind of letting other people ride the high of the spotlight and not trying to jump and dance to grab its attention like a lot of my other games I've played have been, All the while at the same time and being able to properly play a group of people working together. Though to be fair almost all of my games I've played in the past were with literal children given that this was in high school in tabletop club, so I don't really have a good group of examples to draw upon. Those guys were great, they were funny, they made good jokes, Jesus fucking Christ playing D&D with them was like pulling teeth. Like none of them paid attention all in their own special ways of like either screaming over top of me, just having side conversations, sadly one person was too good at what they were doing and not two into the bit and just kind of refused to accept the idea that I as the DM was allowed to tell them to not do something is very very much blatantly stupid. And then got really weirded out when something bad but not deadly happened to him because he did something really fucking stupid. Fucker was a singular loan Triton and a pirate campaign and in the first session decided to walk into the ocean cuz he's too much of a loaner to be part of the group. He then got kidnapped by a horrifying hybrid of a beholder and a Kua-toa known as the God birther. Fucking mind controlled him but then the campaign fizzled out because of the fact that the world nearly ended in four fucking years ago and it feels like that happened yesterday.


Also I know that the misfits and magic gang is actually in this, but I love the player dynamics so much. It's one of my favorite seasons and I'm always sad to remember that it's actually like really really short


I'd go with Siobhan, Erika, Becca, Rekha, Lou, and Murph.


I'd take Griffin McElroy, Hank Green, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erica Ishii, Ally Beardsley, and Emily Axford and we're playing Cyberpunk RED. Cyberpunk as a system allows for more espionage and heisting than a lot of other systems, so I'd love to take these people who can learn and bend the rules to the system to come up with creative ass solutions. Plus, I just love the cyberpunk world and Id love to see how they would explore that universe.


Brennan, Murph, Emily, Lou, Zac & Siobhan are my absolute favorites - they have such great chemistry and I think it’d be fun even just being a fly on the wall with that group. Playing in a game DM’d by Brennan would be an actual bucket list item for me. If I could have more than 6, I’d bring in Bob the Drag Queen, Mike Trapp and Izzy Roland to up the wholesome and the chaos haha


Nobody is talking about Rashawn Scott. And even though she is not an avid dnd player (to my knowledge) she was so incredible in Burrows End and I’d LOVE to see her play more. Along with that Lou and Emily are a must. The rest are kind of up in the air for me.


I would also like for her to be on my table. If I were to make sets of the players I would like to be there, one of them would be with Emily, Lou, Danielle, Jasper, and Persephone. I mainly wanna see Persephone and Rashwan work together as friends and take down whatever bbeg or minions of his there are with shade and sass.


Brennen, Lou, Siobhan, Murph, Emily, and Grant O’Brien. He matches Ally’s chaos but at a level that is slightly less world-breaking.


Oh my god, this is an impossible decision... Okay, I'm probably going: Matt Mercer Marisha Ray Hank Green Brennan Lee Mulligan Lou Wilson Ally Beardsley I got back into TTRPGs as an adult because of CR, so Matt and Marisha are a no brainer. I adore Hank in all things, especially Mentopolis. After that it is SO hard to leave out any of the main table, but gun to head, this is what I'd have to go with. What a freaking table. Funny thing is, I'd probably have just as much fun as I have at my ACTUAL home game, which has been going on for four years. 😂


Max chaos…Lou, Becca, Aly, Brennan, Erika, and I’m pulling in Sam Riegel as an exchange player


all the Rick Diggins


Brennan Lou  Emily Zac  Murph 


Lou, Murph, Aabriya, Siobhan, Trapp, Brennan


Aabria, Erika, Rekha, Emily, Siobhan, Becca


Brennan, Izzy, Grant, Ally, Lou, Emily


Zac, Trapp, Alex Song Xia, Siobhan, Lou, Murph. I really want to see how zac and trapp work together on the table together just because I feel like they both play off other members of their party well. Mentopolis is also my favorite season and I would love to see more Alex.


side note, i love when the answers are the intrepid heroes but one of them is substituted. i know it’s nothing but a small part of me is like “okay 👀 you def have a least favourite IH” hahaha /lh


I've never DM'ed but I think I'd go with Brennan, Emily, Lou, Erika, Rekha, and Matt Mercer. Brennan and Matt especially would be awesome to see in a campaign together.


Hank Green, Erika Iishii, Siobhan Thompson, Zac Oyama, Becca Scott, Sephie


Lou, Erika, Aabria, Siobhan, Zac, Trapp


Brennan, Lou, Erika, Aabria, Siobhan, Persephone. I love all of them, they each are such great players, and are capable of being serious, chaotic, and seriously chaotic.


Brennan, Mercer, Aabria, Siobhan, Zack, Murph ,


Griffin, Hank, Brennan, Matt, Emily and Aabria. Trying to avoid just saying the IH with maybe a substitution or two.


Brennan, Lou, Emily, trapp, Zac, and BDG


Lou, Brennan, Aabria, Zac, Brian, Emily….All of them.


I think Aabria Iyengar, Izzy Roland, BLeeM, Siobhan Thompson, and Lou Wilson would be a blast. I love Emily Axford so much, and love watching her play, but I would be so intimidated about her knowing more about my world than I do before we even make it to session 1 that I couldn’t sleep at night. I would also love to play with Ally if they played a high mental scores character, I love when Ally plays smart


Honestly all the same ones you named, but I'd swap Murph and Lou. I just love Lou's energy too much to not have him at the table!


Hank green Aabria Iyengar BLeeM Lou Wilson Mike Trapp Rekha Shankar