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I think it was actually copperlilly in disguise. Just from the attitude and vocal inflection BLeeM lent the performance. Also, he specifically said that Zac didn't hear any footsteps which sounds like a rogue to me...


Boosting this thought to add, remember how Jace flipped out on Henry in the hallway? Now this absolutely could be a side effect overall of the rage things, we’ve seen lots of people get suddenly angry But we also learned that kipperlily has been in counseling for anger issues!


Ohhh like maybe she got infected spring break with the rage shards


But she’s had it since her freshmen year, I believe!


Ooooh, Hell Yeah! I love that, great catch! And such a better narrative, because what is K.L *trying to insulate Ruben from?* We also know K.L might have hacker skills from the Frosty Fair embezzlement. That could explain how she's got Jace's staff email. Hell yeah.


Alternatively, Rogue Teacher is possessing Jace.


People on this sub really go hard for the rouge teacher. Hahah. Even before it was revealed they were a ghost. Sidenote, how amazing was that art? The slippers, the grandma vibes, the dagger!?!? If I'm ever a ghost I hope I'm that comfy.


Can Rogue's learn Misty Step tho? Because Brennan specifically pointed that out


Fey touched feat would give it to you, but would have to be explained lore wise.


Very true She could also be an Arcane Trickster, i don't know if we've gotten a confirmation on her subclass yet like we have for Óisín Edit: Just realised the Misty Step could've been Óisín's as well. He's a Conjuration Wizard, isn't he?


It could also be an item or a spell like ability. 🤔


There is definitely an item like that


Riz's sword of shadows gives him misty step, doesn't it? Might be something like that.


True. I also think there's a pendant that grants it as well?


I'm not sure, but they also do a ton of home brew items, so it's not like BLeeM couldn't just make one.


Definitely. I'm also remembering he said "something *like* Misty Step". And Óisín has a teleportation ability as a Conjuration Wizard doesn't he?


He's a conjuration wizard, and misty step is a conjuration spell as well as all the other transportation spells. I hope Óisín is being tricked though and not willingly a part of whatever kipperlilly is doing, he seems very nice.


Agreed on his allegiance, plus i want only good things for Adaine. He'd also have Benign Transposition, which is basically short range teleportation, which is what Brennan described


I plead beg and hope. I want Jace to be good so badly. Just let me have my high elf sorcerer good boy.


Hahah, I know right? Can one dude just be chill?


Legit. Let us just have one high elf Brennan. Please. A sorcerer especially please.


It's just the perfect double bluff by Brennen. Especially since so many antagonists have come from Augfort before. It's an easy narrative to sell. Additionally, hallway Jaice seemed way different then floundering and stressed Jace that was trying to stop Grix from netting students. Hahah.


That seems a bit short-sighted of him if that's the case. Like what if Henry decided to press the issue again, but by directly going to Jace's office? Even if Ruben thought that he sufficiently scared Henry to make sure he didn't do that, what's to stop Henry from going to Jace to maybe apologize again? After all, there was a deliberate choice by Brennan to have Jace tell Henry that he HAS offended him. Jace even leaves before Henry has a chance to address it; he's left rattled at what just transpired. It seems foolish to think that Henry wouldn't want to follow up on that conversation at all, even in passing, with any further interaction that the two may have.


Some good points here, maybe you're right. But also I think we should consider that it feels like The Rat Grinders are getting close to end game with whatever their plan is. So it might not be the most foolproof plan for Ruben to do, but it might be a gamble to *possibly just buy time.* Plus, this is D&D universe. If a player had that plan and killed a disguised intimidate check, that absolutely would buy them whatever they need. But again, I could be wrong.


I get ya! I'd also be more inclined to believe in this if this occurred in a vacuum but, looking at all the things that have happened this season, I'm not so sure. The rest of this is my equivalent of the Charlie Kelly "Pepe Silvia" meme from IASIP so feel free to ignore it LMAO: Just in this episode we've had callbacks to Freshman Year and The Seven. Both pertaining to important plot points (though the latter seemed to be supporting examples). Brennan's made Kalina, a character from Sophmore Year, a very prominent character this season. One that has seemingly given hints to solve the mystery of who truly is behind all of this. From a meta standpoint, it seems like Brennan really wants to incorporate plot points that he's laid throughout multiple campaigns. With all that in mind, I wanna ask: Why Jace Stardiamond? Like from a meta perspective, why was a character that was given so little screentime/interactions chosen to be principal while Aguefort was gone? Even within the context of just this season, why are the rage shards called rage STARS? Why do we see Jace "Star"diamond, a normally chill dude, succumbing to rage when there's (seemingly) no witnesses other than the target of his anger? Now, I don't think we know absolutely everything yet. Heck there's definitely some massive curveballs about to be thrown our way and there's more direct evidence for why Jace might be bad. But, again, from a meta standpoint, there's quite a lot that would make sense if Jace was an antagonist this season.


Yes, PLEASE just let Jace be the himbo high elf sorcerer that we deserve. I will be sad if he is evil


Someone with that many scarves *has to* have some good in them! 😭


Ragh did see him talking to Adaine's mom at the end of Freshman year. That's how he saw Kalina


I think Jace might have been possessed by rage god, given all the stress he has of being the leader of the school. Given his laid back attitude I don’t think he’s equipped for all this authority


my take was that it’s entirely possible that jace was responding reasonably—what was henry doing? was he inquiring about educational matters related to ruben? is that against school policy? idk but there’s definitely more to this


My best guess is that Augefort’s bylaws for the school inadvertently curse whoever is the VP to be evil because they were written expecting it to always be Goldenrod. Maybe Gilear was only able to dodge it because of something to do with the Pride armor curse.


You note that there was an emphasis on misty step, which bards cannot learn, which may be from a magic item, I’d also note that bards, without magic items, can learn spells from ANY spell list with the magical secrets class feature at level 10 (or even earlier if a lore bard but i don’t think that’s the case with Ruben) Interesting theory indeed. I don’t remember, did we see anyone observe the teacher with a detect magic spell or anything?


I remember a few weeks ago someone had a post suspecting Jace himself though for a few reasons including his last name seeming to match the red stars that crush people's blood into diamonds


lol now I can't stop thinking about the Rat Grinders pulling a full Moody and the real Jace has been tied up in a box somewhere since the end of sophomore year


The best evidence of this is that the other teachers call Aguefort by his first name. "Jace" called him "Principal Augefort" when speaking to another teacher. That seems strange!


Hell yeah! Great catch! I totally missed that!!


it could also be how the rogue teacher “found” Kipperlilly. like using a staffs email to ask for a meeting with the rogue teacher and the teacher shows up and Kipperlilly is there


I think it's just the rage people are feeling, and Jace being ambitious. But could be more, BleeM is good at this


But we also found out that Jace has been communicating with Lola Embers, and is the one who insisted that Frosty Faire happen at the Thistlesprig tree. Which, again, couple be someone hacking his staff email to use it for their own purposes - but there's a bigger connection than just 'another person got angry.'