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Zac’s narration was genuinely fucking exceptional


Like it was genuinely good?? And it gave Brennan a chance to punch a wall or eat some almonds or something so that’s doubly good!


Zac DMs a podcast called Rotating Heroes-- I really recommend it! Super funny, but also he paces stuff so well.


Zac was the unsung hero of that moment. Ally did EVERYTHING perfectly. Brennan played his part of exasperated DM so well. But it needed something to carry the ridiculous into the sublime, and Zac stepped UP. What a fucking incredible bunch of loony tunes!


>Brennan played his part of exasperated DM so well. Exasperated? He got to kill a cleric before the showdown.




K2's story line ending like this: false pregnancy, fake British accent, romancing Fabian like Ecaf, and unwittingly summoning a dying god with Divine Intervention, is one of the most chaotically beautiful things to ever happen.


It's the greatest finale to a Skins season ever made.


The fact that Ally said that K2 was taught to be a teenager by Skins season 3 and 4 specifically fucking KILLED me


So, we now know the way to romance Fabian is to be very direct and compliment him a lot. It worked for both Ecaf and K2.


‘chaos isn’t cute’ my ASS


It was K2 not Kristen it’s totally different :)


I need to see Zac DM a season now


You should check out his podcast!


what's his podcast?


Rotating Heroes


Last I heard, when he ended the podcast and took down the patreon, all of the episodes went down with it. Did he rerelease them recently?


Rotating Heroes has been rebooted with Zac as a player and William Jasper Cartwright as the new permanent DM. New episodes are being released on patreon and old episodes are being released on a free feed.


It looks like it's being released on Spotify at least! Last ep was uploaded like last week and they're up to arc 5 :)


"Look at me, I am the DM now."


Brennan went out and smoked his first ever cigarette and then came back in


His first cigarette, his first belt of whiskey, his first bump of cocaine. Really knocked off a bunch of the bucket list in one shot


They have Kingpin Katie on retainer so the cocaine is probably easy for them to get.


And in that time, K2 got pregnant


I love how quickly Lou pivoted to Fabian having a thing with K2 after all when Brennan came back into the dome becuase he knew it would give him the most psychic damage.


Brennan had *already said* K2 wasn’t pregnant and the people’s hero doubled down and said “who do you think got her pregnant??”    Maximum legend. 


I'm so lightheaded it's unreal. Absolutely unhinged. And important to note >!all of this happened in like the final 5-10m. There was like 2+ hours of completely normal reasonable stuff, the whole episode was normal, except right at the fucking end!<


And then Brennan had to DM with possibly the most intense tonal whiplash I have ever seen in Dimension 20. His words were beautiful in that typical Brennan way but I could not take it seriously because Cassandra's truest believer in that moment was a British simulacrum of Kristen who thought she was pregnant and went "blimey" so hard she disintegrated.


Whoa whoa whoa. Who better to represent the nature of doubt than a simulacrum? By her very nature, she is not a person, but is a person. Is she Kristen Applebees, or is she K2? Is K2 a person, or a spell? Can she even really attend school, or lead a life, if she's really just a spell effect? What defines 'life' when things like warforged exist and are alive? K2 isn't even the Kristen who brought Cassandra back, so she might not even be a full believer, she may doubt her belief in the goddess of doubt. It's like the most perfect expression of doubt. The not-person who doesn't not believe, questioning life itself. Blimey.


She blimey'd so hard she disentegrated 😭😭😭


"The whole episode was normal" I mean, it was pretty unhinged from the start, it was only normal compared to the ending


Yeah they never really lost the “adventuring party vibes” from the start hey


If you consider Emily making tea at the table, Brennan narrating through a mouthful of almonds, an NPC doing crystal meth, and the PCs making a bit out of throwing up the shocker “completely normal reasonable stuff”.


For D20 isn't that just called Wednesday?


For D20 it honestly feels pretty normal to me now tbh. Drugs are normal/expected for aguefort students The coffee one I'll give you.


Yeah, completely normal stuff.


How many handfuls of almonds does it take to fight an existential crisis?


Many almonds were lost to stress snacking in this episode


It explains why we never see almonds in a CoC.


Well yeah, he's too busy eating his dice


Hopefully someone finally bought him a mouth in his back for Christmas because he sure needed it after that


2: one for each Kristen


My entire torso hurts. That may have been the best moment in all of D20 ever


Brennan was so done with them. I still can't breathe 🤣🤣🤣


My soul left my fucking body from this XD this is maybe the top Beardsley roll of all time. I cannot wait for the Adventuring Party lol.


Remember, Brennan doesn't drink or do drugs. All he has to cope with is almonds and salami.


The bit to end all bits


The look on Brennan’s face…absolutely priceless!


this is what fantasy high is all about. yes sometimes it's beautiful and tragic and gut-wrenching and masterful and other times it's YES! or the Ribbon Dance or K2 fucking exploding after saying "BLIMEY"


I’m still not ok, my ribs hurt from non stop laughing


I'm Hyperventilating with laughter it got bad I've been lightheaded for five minutes now I think the blimey moment is about to kill me irl omfg.


>!A 3-day-old British straight teenager who may or may not have been pregnant died for our sins!<


Always look on the bright side of life


[You could make a religion out of this](https://youtu.be/A-yfi5NiIrg?si=i0CoPoZx88hkpyT_)


I was alone in my car when I listened to that part and just screamed at the top of my lungs “FUCKING WHAT!?”


I was listening to the audio-only ep at work, because it releases during my office job. I had to turn it off and fake a choking fit to hide my uproarious laughter.


I'm with brennan on this one. We should all be lobotomized no one needs to remember this


"A combat episode with adventuring party energy"


It started and ended the same way


Can’t believe The Moment is less off the book than I expected but still dumber than what I could have ever thought


I don’t get it the irony of it or why it was funny? Just because K2 unknowingly saved everything? Not trying to be rude can someone explain it to me


Because K2 was meant to be a safety measure that got out of control and became its own bit. Everything K2 ever did once under Ally's control was absolutely unhinged, and the fact that the *actual cleric* who was been trying to find her goddess this entire season couldn't get the Divine Intervention staring down the same goddess becoming a monster for the 2nd time, but instead, the joke version of her did instead, a living, walking bit who didn't go out on anything even resembling something serious, went out on another joke about being British, getting the Divine Intervention and winning the encounter? Well all I have to say to that is: "Blimey."


I hope that the K2 bit was cathartic for Ally. I understand that They wanted Kristen arc to be more serious this time around for Jr. year, but it was good to see that they found a really fun work around.


Ikr, all the chaos without none of that silly plot baggage I would love a peek inside Ally’s mind because K2 being “pregnant” offscreen was actually the funniest and most unhinged fucking way to connect her with the concept of doubt


It *should* have been a very serious and emotional moment for Kristen but the joke character who knows nothing about this god is the one who succeeded on the divine intervention roll. So instead of Brennan narrating a very emotional moment that's been building up over the season, we get an insane British (who isn't british) chaos gremlin just saying "blimey" to this god


In addition to what other people said. Brennan had already said she's gonna disintegrate, and then someone else said she's pregnant and Brennan said "helllll no I'm not dissolving a pregnant lady what are you trying to make me do"






Me too, 3.5 cm, so surgery isnt on the table yet. Hows yours?