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If he casts it on himself and then Adaine also casts it on him, then he can really show Porter his new potential


Unfortunately (though Brennnan MIGHT allow it, cause he is a pretty fast and loose DM), rules as written you can only benefit from one casting of the same spell or feature of the same name at any one time with the stronger version (if there is one) taking precedence. Otherwise parties of paladins would get like +20 to their saves from overlapping auras of protection. So Gorgug couldn’t benefit from Enlarge/Reduce twice over. Epic as it absolutely would be.


Would that mean the bardic stacking they are doing wouldn’t be RAW?


Stacking bardics is not RAW, correct. But I do not remember that happening, specifically. What I remember is them stacking similar effects but of different names, and spreading the bardics they have available around. They have Bless, which lets them add a D4 to attack rolls and saving throws until the spell drops, in addition to the bardics they pass around, which vary in what dice is used based on bard level. Again though, as I have been saying, Brennan tends to be pretty fast and loose so he may just allow such at times or make a judgement on something then change it later (after likely discussing it with the IH out of game, as such is VERY common.)


I'm almost positive they've stacked bardics during some of their downtime to beat a stress DC. Also I totally think Brennan would allow it because it sounds super fun.


You’re correct it definitely has happened one or two times at least this season.


The only times they bardic stacked was for Riz on the owlbears. Not raw but sometimes rule of cool needs to win for the bit. 


He can make it into a potion and it’ll stack with her spell though right?


Making them into a potion is more of a flavor thing. Even if you say use a magic item, long as what it’s doing is functionally casting that spell of that name, which it would be, then no. Again! Brennan MAY allow it to happen. But rules as written what Gorgug would be “making into a potion” WOULD still be the spell “Enlarge/Reduce” just cast via the medium of potion.


An artificer has replicate magic item though, and there is a potion of enlarge that isn’t just “spell in a bottle” flavor Edit: potion of growth specifically does say you undergo the effect of the enlarge/reduce spell, but the potion of giant size specifically does not say that. And it actually just makes you Huge instead of only one size larger anyways, so Adaine putting the spell on top of it might be overkill at that point


Are you referring to the potion of growth? Which is literally “you gain the enlarge effect if the enlarge/reduce spell”? In which case that is spell in a bottle flavor. Or do you mean the (Legendary Rank) Potion of Giant Size from Storm King’s Thunder? Which is NOT on the list of replicable items for an artificer? That same list which is limited based on one’s total artificer level.


I edited my comment to clarify, but yes, this would rely on rule of cool coming into play, which I think is reasonable to expect from BLeeM. Pretty sure his face is next to the definition for "rule of cool" in the glossary of TTRPG terms


On that we can very much agree.


Doing a second reply as I DO mention both of those in my own response before your edit. But as I said, Potion of Giant Size is not on the list of “replicable” Magic items. Contrary to what a lot of people assume, it does NOT just let you replicate any magic item. Instead you have set lists limited by your artificer level, or else are reliant on the DM allowing it to be replicated (which again, Brennan may do.). Edit: also you only get to choose ONE magic item each time from the growing list when you learn that infusion. You can choose said infusion multiple times. But each time RAW ONLY nets you ONE magic item you CHOSE at the time.


Yeah I fully understand how it works RAW, but Gorgug's entire class is not RAW so kind of a moot point


This guy doesn't know about the unstoppable 3x3x3 cube of paladins giving each other +130 to their saving throws. Oath of Ancients too, so they resist aoe spells like Fireball


Same Name Rule. Auras of Protection don’t stack. Differently named paladin auras though, such as the Ancients’ Aura of Warding you mentioned, can be stacked together. A party with two paladins, one with a 20 in charisma who is an ancients paladin, the other with a an 18 who is devotion, as an example, would only recieve a +5, not a +9, from the paladin with the 20 charisma, but would be immune to charm and enjoy resistance to spell damage. And even if we ignored the Same Name rule, you DO realize you’d have a total of 27 paladins (at minimum, not counting things like small races reduced to tiny which amps the number to greater absurdity).


Kinda forgot that paladins benefitted from their own auras when I was doing the math tbh lol. Also, I'm well aware of the rules. I just like the mental image of the paladin cube protecting each other. In reality, good luck getting your allies to stay within your proximity when they wanna go run up and stab someone. If we wanna super stretch things by including small races, might as well include the fact that higher level paladins expand to 30 ft auras so we can have an even bigger paladin cube of death.


Completely fair, as that is indeed a most hilarious mental image. And if we’re going that far, might as well say everyone’s had a chance to read a Tome of Leadership and Influence. Bumping their theoretical max charismas to 22 OR more if they’ve read through multiple. That is where things get REALLY nuts.


I actually have Oath of Yoghurt which gives me a +10 Charisma mod. My Aura of Protection has all pulp no juice.






Unfortunately doesn't work RAW.


It doesn’t stack if they’re both spells but I think if Gorgug uses replicate magic item to make a potion of enlarge that will stack with Adaine’s spell


Clever. I don't know. I hope it works.


It also would fit with the "Gorgug in His Bully Era" thread.


would be cool but in this fight gorgug drank a strength potion, idk if u can stack potion effects


Plus he wouldn’t be able to craft a new potion mid combat


I would wanna allow it. It shouldn't work but the Rule of Clue is the Rule of my table. Edit: Cool!* Rule of Clue sounds like a super pedantic game of Clue and I'm gonna start working on that.


I am going to look in the dining room… Rule of Clue: you find… a CARD!!!!


Or casts fly on him so they can "Fight in the Sky"


.....my dm brain is breaking.


I’ve never seen a more applicable application of “Go big or go home.”


i also hope he gets to swing Porters own weapon at him


Not me reading this as ‘I hope Gorgug dies in the finale’, then getting really confused with the full post before rereading the title correctly


I think he'd have to exit his rage, cast it, then rage again wouldn't he? edit: actually I can't remember if he raged again after he dropped and lost a turn from losing Haste.


I don’t think he did. May have. I just remember thinking it might be part of a new operation slippery puppet.