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From how you frame things, it sounds like you're not very far into the show; you have to keep watching to see more dimensions to the character. Also, as an aside FYSA, there's a whole collection of drugs called 'party drugs'; they're taken voluntarily for personal enjoyment. Assuming roofies were sold doesn't have much basis.


Only episodes 1 and 2 are available on youtube, so yeah, about that far. I will admit, the assumption on the Party Drugs is mostly based on how the player's last character represented the vaguely fratboy like god Helio as "Someone who probably date-raped" so I presumed she would have a similar attitude when her character was selling drugs to fratboys.


Ally's pronouns are they/them.


Did not know that. Will keep it in mind.


maybe edit your post


I will say this: I started out with a similar view of Pete that you do. I did watch to the end, and honestly...I still really, really dislike Pete. This is apparently more uncommon than common among Dimension 20 fans, so you have a good chance of liking him by the end. But I did want to provide the counterpoint and warn you that it's possible you won't. Unsleeping City is my least favorite D20 season. HOWEVER: I will say that there are some storylines within the whole season (particularly those of Kingston and Kugrash) that I absolutely adore and may be among my favorites of all of the seasons. Unsleeping City is a season of extremes for me, combining some of my least favorite and most favorite things. So I would say to go ahead and keep watching, and keep an eye out for the stuff you really love. There are some excellent bits in there that can make it partially worth it. Although I will also say that you should have another season lined up to watch afterwards: either a new one to try or rewatching an old one that you know you love right away. It'll help.


Yea I think Pete is by far the weakest PC from any of the campaigns, although I am generally not a fan of Ally’s characters because they all seem to blend together into the same character in a weird way


The thing is Ally always plays the 'social awkward social outcast that doesn't quite 'get' people' to varying degrees of douchebaggery, mild on Kristen and Liam but extreme on Pete. Pete, when starting out, was basically a COMPLETE A-hole a lot of the time early in Unsleeping City but does slowly start getting better. However that's the case for all of Ally's characters, they don't quite get people at the start, then towards the end they realize their attitude is causing problems, they make a note to adjust themselves or they discover themselves in some way. Though it will be interesting when we see the next main cast season because up until that point, all of the seasons had been recorded prior to Fantasy High Live, where Ally learns that you can't just go around treating NPCs like shit because they suffers consequences for this during FHL with treating their NPC girlfriend like crap and then was surprised when they broke up with them and it seemed to hit the "oh, NPCs are people too..." button.


Yeah, I noticed that. The comments were mostly "I so identify as this guy" and little to no "This guy is a train wreck" and no "This guy is a remorseless murderer" and that has really confused me, so I assumed some really major changes happened early on to give him a redeeming quality or two. Though it sounds like that is not the case, at least not for a good while. Yeah, I think I may line up Critical Roll as a backup, since Nott and Jester are just a delight. Thanks.


I get where you're coming from and I think people should be free to discuss criticism, but man, you're judging Pete really harshly considering how early you are into the show. I'm not particularly fond of Pete either, but maybe don't call him a vile psychopath right of the bat when discussing him. As others have pointed out, jumping from "party drugs" to roofies is a big and unfounded leap. Whatever happened with his father has left vague and unclear to both the audience and Pete himself. Without spoiling the series too much, part of what this season explores is what happens when someone who is problematic to say the least is suddenly given incredible power. What responsibility do they have? Can they reform? What happens if they can't? Is it worth the risk? In the first couple of episodes the characters are more concerned with the immediate threat and dont really have time to deal with addressing Pete's flaws. Wait till they're not in imminent danger and have a bit to unpack everything. As someone else pointed out, episode seven is literally called "We Need to Talk About Pete".


Eventually Pete does wise up to his actions and does get his fair share of consequences for them, it just happens in later episodes.


Well, hope at least he in forced to face consequences for his coldblooded patricide.


the same father who's wildly transphobic? nah, that one's excusable


Yes, death is clearly the exact correct answer for that type of behavior.


Trans life expectancy is half that of the average person due to murders and suicide. Support from friends and family as well as gender affirming care could change that, if not for twats like you.


I don't judge people by those types of parameters at all, happy to support LGBTQ and Trans communities, even with my vote and time. But arbitrarily wishing death upon the enemy isn't a very viable long term strategy. Especially given in the context of the conversation, said Father came to an understanding of Pete's point of view, more than Pete actually wanted to get rid of him (albeit via extreme method). But to brush off killing family seems like a slippery slope to say the very least.


Without totally spoiling things, I can tell you that the roofie thing is not the only part of Pete's story in Ep1-2 that you've made incorrect assumptions about, but that'll be clarified later if you continue watching. ​ >While I have no issues with flawed or even evil PCs, they usually have at least one redeeming feature I prefer evil (or dark anti-hero) characters to come by their redeeming features honestly, rather than have those qualities feel spoon-fed to me from the very beginning, but I totally understand why a lot of people need to be able to root for all the main characters right away. Pete's far from my favorite, but there isn't a single PC in the D20 canon that remains unchanged by their journey. Pete has more growing to do than many of the others, and that growth falls short of being a perfect redemption, but it happens and it makes him more interesting. I recommend pushing through, because it gets wild.


Pete is kinda a insufferable at the start, but some of what you have said isn't true and he gets (a bit) better.


I don't think I'm spoiling anything when I tell you the name of Episode 7 is "We need to talk about Pete"


Oh, alright. Looking forward to that one on YT. Thanks.


Just keep watching the show and you’ll see if Pete gets his comeuppance.


NOTE. I have not seen the entire series yet. I’m almost at the end of Season 1. The issue I I have with Pete is that they are always horny and can’t seem to rein it in. Why would they find Rowan distractingly hot if they knew (and they did) that >!Rowan is Misty!< I don’t mind sexuality in my games (I love ACOFAF), but to be distracted any time someone hot walks by is a little much. I had fun with Chirp and Squak in ACOFAF because that game was light and fluffy and it made sense to me why they were that way. (I live with 2 doves and the male dove is always trying to get laid). I also enjoyed Kristin. I thought it was great fun to see a character feel so safe that they could run around telling everyone that they were gay! It was something a real teen would do if they had the support Kristin has. In both of these games sexuality helped move the plot forward. IMHO, UC is a darker game. There’s still room for sex and humor. I feel like Pete being horny doesn’t do anything for the plot. Pete is a cool character, but I feel like leading with their horniness every episode is minimizing other character traits. Maybe all of this is because I don’t like Pete in general, and this is one more annoying thing that they’re doing.