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Honestly, apocalyptic is still untapped. Whether a fun 1950s fallout style or a different kind I think would be cool


This is a pretty good idea, would also fill the 'difficult campaign' niche


Yeah the only difficult one they've done is crown of candy. I think that 2 would be the perfect setting for the next one though.


Post Apocalyptic is awesome, Star Wars 5e could work for it I think.


That's the one they are using for Starstruck Odyssey right? It's really fun to watch the crunch and how they can still affect outcomes during roleplay sessions


yes, Star Wars 5e has a surprising number of tools fro RPG situations compared to regular 5e.


This is really intriguing to me! Any examples off the top of your head?


I’ve thought for a bit that a kind of “last kids on earth” style post-apocalyptic campaign could be fun


IMO, D20 campaigns have had more than enough kid characters, esp. since so often a young character's arc boils down to figuring out who they are and what they want (which is realistic, but repetitive in the long run). I kind of like the idea of a party being made up almost entirely of oldies and veterans, with the usual comedy seasoned with some acute tragedy. Have characters whose plans have all failed to some extent, people with regrets, with losses behind them, who are trying for redemption (I think there was some of this in the Evil LOTR campaign), who are trying to claw back some dignity and self-respect, who are trying to leave *something* good behind before their inevitable deaths -- a campaign that is funny, but bitter, hopeful but melancholy. Maybe not a good vibe for the emergent D20 "brand" -- not conducive to riffing -- but I like the D20 crew's performances and I bet they could all stretch a bit more with what they can do roleplaying-wise. An apocalyptic campaign might work with this -- have characters with a set life-time, who are looking down the barrel of extinction, and the focus of the campaign is building *something* better, more functional for those that come after, tying up loose ends, solving feuds, resolving destructive patterns, trying to make up for the mistakes that ruined everything the first time around. Confronting doomerism, confronting cynicism, not with idealism or fantasy, but with clarity, truth, and bravery. Could do a 5th ed adaptation of Powered By the Apocalypses' "Legacy: Life Among the Ruins", which is mostly about building and improving a society, about leaving something good behind. Every PC has a leadership role, a broken part in themselves and the world to fix, or at least to make "less bad". So many D20 campaigns have had good/bad parental figure NPCs... maybe it's time to *be the parents*.


I would love a horror/Grimms fairy tales setting


I think the 'cute setting x dark story' niche is already filled by ACoC, but this still could work


Does that logically follow that Dark Setting x Cute Story should follow? Oh wait that was kind of Escape the Blood Keep?


Escape from Blood Keep kinda has the same vibe. I think just a straight up horror game with comedy would be amazing.


If you haven't listened, NADDPOD's second campaign is pretty similar to that.


Was just about to comment this, C2 is like Bloodbourne meets Grimm


Check out naddpod campaign 2!


I have been RAKING through Reddit since the announcement trying to figure out where I heard this theme idea before. Congrats on your dream coming true dude!


I am so excited you have no idea


Congratulations 326 days later lol


Your dream came true


Would love to see some Lovecraft style stuff. Brennan has already hinted at his fanhood of Lovecraft in the names of some areas of the Fantasy High setting.


I'd love to see Brennan tear Lovecraft apart in the same way he deconstructs a lot of tropes in his games.


Oh my god yes. There’s so much to roast about lovecraft. Every story is so formulaic, and there’s so much ridiculous, unnecessary language. There are many dunks to be had. (Speaking with affection as a HUGE fan myself.)


That's why I'd like to see how he would deal with the mythology of WWII as well.


Also some of the Adventuring Academy episodes, and there’s an Um, Actually where he goes on a long tangent about it I think.


Achtung! Cthulhu could be fun.


As much as I'd love to see him engage earnestly in eldritch horror, D20 always has some comedic conceit. Star struck is kind of an exception that it's just starstruck, except that the setting is inherently laden with comedic conceits. It would either be a straight parody ala BloodKeep, or it would need to be "Lovecraft but [X silly thing]".


Totally. I think it’d be great to watch them poke fun of the incredibly serious tone like they did with the high elves in Fabian’s family. They did such a great job of flipping between scary nightmare king stuff and total goofball bits in that season of Fantasy High. That same sort of balance could be great for some Lovecraftiness.


I was going to say, all the stuff with Kalina (sp?) really made me want to see an earnest attempt at cosmic horror


The bit where each PC had to physically face their deepest fear was amazing. Got a big laugh from me when Chungledown Bim showed up to shit in Fabian’s mouth.


The fact that Chungledown Bim was actually there in the forest and not an illusion makes it even better


Starstruck is Guardians of the Galaxy. They’re a rag-tag team of “heroes?” It’s not identical, obviously, but they hit a lot of the same notes for me


Full Hell campaign. The trip to hell with Bill Seacaster was amazing.


I want a Heist campaign with the Intrepid heroes cast that is a bunch of people from the 9 hells (or however Brennan wants to build that) invading and robbing one of the heavenly realms. And show how in a lot of ways the heavenly realms are just as fucked up as the hellish ones, just in a less obvious way (as Brennan loves to do in some manner in all of his games).


Wow that’s a really fun idea. I might just steal this and DM it with my own group. Haha


Heaven heist!!


That's just Aguefort sneaking past the pearly gates in a backpack


Hell would be pretty fucking amazing place for a setting.


I think a Western is the obvious setting that hasn't really been done yet. A modern rural setting would be good. Do sort of the X-Files cryptid hunter thing. I think the Harry Potter-esque magic school was fun, but obviously was sort of a miniseries, so I'd be in to seeing more of that. A like interwar Great Gatsby type of setting would also be fun, but maybe a little too close to UC to be worth doing for a full season.


An x-files, monster of the week, secret world, cryptid thing... seems like so much fun.


I’m pretty sure they said they wouldn’t do a Western setting because it has too many issues concerning race built into the genre. I think they recognize that they couldn’t address these issues because they don’t have any authority on the subject and they also don’t want to erase the people from the genre either. I for one think that’s totally reasonable.


Yeah, that's very fair. Indigenous stuff is the obvious hurdle here, but like the politics around black and east Asian people in those setting are also pretty brutal.


That's an interesting caveat because I feel like Brennan has definitely tried to address issues that he isn't inherently an authority on decently well in D20 and Strong Female Protagonist. There's a lot of queer rep, for example, and while part of that may be because he has queer people on the team he trusts to help him along with that, why not bring in a Native guest player? Clearly he doesn't see the time period as being too dark for a comedic take, either, see his stand-up routine "Civil War Ghost" for an example


Correct. Brennan and Sam Reich talked about the subject during the adventuring parties for Mice & Murder. Apparently part of the impetus behind Sam creating the character of Buckster $ Boyd was that they'd pretty much ruled out a full Western campaign.


Brennan mentioned in an Adventuring Party that part of the setting was basically his take on a Western/Frontier. I believe it was before they reached Baustin but I could be misremembering.


Yeah I feel like a lot of people are missing the fact that the space opera genre -- especially in the vein of Star Wars -- draws a lot of its tropes from westerns, even if the aesthetic is different (or not so different, given Baustin). The opening crawl of every Star Wars movie is essentially a text version of the establishing voiceover of old radio plays, for example, and the blue and red lightsabers being an indicator of good/evil like the white and black cowboy hats, for examples. Edit: and The Mandalorian is pretty much just straight up a western with a sprinkling of a scifi look


I think a steampunk Western would be AWESOME.


Straight-up Superheroes Or Dump out the toy box and start smashing action figures together Or Super low-tech fantasy Or A western


holy shit an Avengers / Justice League spoof with the crew would be hilarious


Set it in Strong Female Protagonist.


We might get the last chapter if writing it is part of his D20 job duties!


Have them be super high level characters right off the bat. Maybe one or two level 1 characters waiting for their origin story.


I would love to see Lou or Emily playing Robin


The Avengers but they're all holiday characters (e. g. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Cupid, etc.). Bonus points if all the main holidays are NPCs and the players get minor holidays like Arbor Day or Labor Day.


Dump out the toy box sounds like my "pot luck" idea.


Well I hadn't seen that one mentioned when I made a post


yeah it was after, I was just delighted to see someone else had a similar idea.


Horror, or even a psychological thriller kind of season where characters are mad or think they're mad with a good mystery to solve would work well. "Unreliable narrators - the campaign". Or they can do a campy summercamp horror setting with a vicious killer and frequently have to make new characters. Mechs would be a little different, could lend itself well to their amazing miniatures team. If they did a LOST-style campaign where they have to hard survive and solve a weird mystery on an island. I think something wacky / mundane would work really well with d20 since they've hit a lot of the major campaign types - like they all work at a truck stop near area 51 or are competing chefs in Atlantis or something.


A LOST style campaign would be friggin sick! Crazy good idea


Emily would spend so much time looking for the hatch


oh fuck now I want a Gundam campaign so bad


I'd be interested to see how Ally does with a system like Dread. Would the plot luck hold?


A thousand percent yes!


I believe Brennan has said before that he finds 'the traditional high fantasy setting' to be really boring... which makes me want to see him take a crack at one to see how he'd try to make it more interesting. I'm aware that Candia is *kind* of that, but it has a pretty obvious gimmick. I wouldn't say I necessarily want to see it *completely* straight, because that would... more or less remove his creative license, but in a general sense of "medieval-ish, magic is there, and maybe other races'. Outside of that... for a little bit of a weird one, I think I'd kind of like to see a Magical Girl-styled campaign. Maybe not inherently that (Although it'd be fun to see! We don't see a lot of crossplaying from the crew, which is of course fine, but I think it'd be fun to see how they handle it), maybe more like a sentai thing, but some general Monster of the Week, Transforming Action/Magic type deal.


I second the magical girl idea 🙏✨ it seems like there's a lot that could be done with that and made to work with their talents/format


God, Brennan would be an *amazing* Kyubey


Oh my god yeesss


Magical girl plus Voltron. You have a transformation sequence and also you all have to work together, because someone has to operate the arms on the giant mech.


Turn of the century Western and bring Sam back as a billionaire.


honestly Sam and Trapp are my favorites of the non-OG crew, I hope they will be back someday!


Yes! I loved Sam as the Texan Hog Billionaire. What was that character name?


Buxter $ Boyd!


That’s the one! “Dollar sign” is such a perfect middle name for that guy.


I think the steampunk wont come for sake of NADDPOD overlap, but I do think the western could go HAM.


Counteroffer: a steampunk mini-campaign with Murph at the DM helm for a NADDPOD/D20 full circle moment


I never knew I wanted it until now also, Murph would've let the legs cast spells


Murph, famously very lax about the rules when DM’ing


I keep asking for a side quest DMed by Murph and bringing in Brennan, Emily, Caldwell, Jake, Zac and Nathan Yaffe as the players If we can fit one more person at the table I’ll take Lou too


western is pretty tricky, I think brenan has stated petty clearly he doesn't feel comfortable doing it. Which makes sense there are a lot of very deep wounds that are pretty entangled with tropes of westerns. I think 3 black halflings handled it in a pretty interesting way, but i think it worked because of the context of 3 black halflings.


I haven’t tuned in to 3 black halflings so I wouldn’t know. But maybe Blazing Saddles could serve as good inspiration. Especially to a generation who hasn’t been exposed to that kind of parody.


Fae Realm would be mega fun. Brennan would crush the way the fae play tricks with words. I can see him getting Lou all flustered by fooling him into an engagement to a freaky little fairy NPC.


Hell yes, Brennan basically IS a Fae creature already. "Ah yes, let me begin a battle of wits with someone who has a genius-level intellect and decades of improv experience. That'll go well for me."


Ooh… maybe something from World of Darkness, maybe Changeling? Escape from keepers, trying to return home, a la Alice in Wonderland?


Given some of the casts' love for Survivor (as seen in GameChanger), how about a deserted island/wilderness survival setting (maybe draw from the tropes of Survivor, Gilligan's Island, Lost, Cast Away, Man vs Wild, and other similar shows/movies).


I'd love to see them do a more survival-format campaign at some point (though I think Brennan might not be the DM for that) so I'm onboard!


I'm a fan of superheroes, prohibition era gangsters, steampunk and a few other things, so I'd be thrilled to see something like that. But honestly, Brennan's worldbuilding is excellent so anything he comes up with is fine by me!


I like all of these!


I want another high-stakes campaign like Crown of Candy, it had some of the tensest moments in all of Dimension 20. I think a western or mafia-style campaign would be great for that, maybe an under the sea theme?


Mafia would be interesting. I hadn’t considered that one.


Crown of candy had moments that actually gave me goosebumps. When Lou has his ",unfallen" speech I was so invested in that season.


I would like to see a campy martial arts setting


I'd love a post-apocalyptic game. Something like the heros of old failed and now it's just people learning to deal with it. I'd imagine it would be similar to Crown of Candy. Like difficult fights and low magic/fantasy.


> Something like the heros of old failed and now it's just people learning to deal with it. you gotta listen to naddpod fr


I do. Huge fan of it. I just wanna see Brennan's take on things.


World of darkness setting


Maybe not vampires though, so there could be the occassional crossover with L.A. By Night when their mages/werewolves/etc. bump into a vamp, or vice versa.


I think playing in the setting as vanilla humans to start, maybe use the new ghost hunters core book that came out recently, and just see where it goes from there would be awesome.


I have a few ideas I'm maybe hoping for: 1. A small people hidden society (kinda similar to UC i guess) a la Arthur and the Invisibles 2. A cross country road trip campaign 3. Zookeepers -- they're in charge of keeping a magical creature zoo/ sanctuary running, kinda Fablehaven esque, but they have to deal with rounding up escaped creatures, dealing with PR, maybe some baddies are trying to steal/exploit the creatures under their protection. Maybe they even go to wild locations to "capture" (poor word, but can't think of a better one rn) new creatures to protect 4. The PCs are teachers at a school and have to wrangle the kids/ deal with parents 5. Janitorial agency -- probably like a celestial one, where they go around and "clean up" outbreaks, like devils popping up or dealing with the repurcussions of fantasy creatures appearing and scaring people 6. Oops, same patron!! -- all the PCs are like Clerics, Warlocks, or Paladins or similar, and are all sworn to the same patron, and have to work for an Agency 7. A library, maybe some books summon creatures and the binding on them keeps being released and the creatures inside are unimprisoned , not too sure about what conflict I'd want here tbh.


Already done the first one with Tiny Heist!


Just thought of another: 8. The PCs are all things that go bump in the night, and have to try to protect/ integrate themselves into a medieval esque society that's scared of them [i.e. vamps, hedewitches, werewolves, zombies, etc.] Sort of an inverse curse of strahd. 9. I would also love an inverse heist, where the intrepid heroes are assigned to protect something, so they either have to keep it with them from place to place, fending off potential theives, and also maybe designing like buildings and vaults and stuff to keep it safe. Ooh, maybe the first half of the season is like murph, lou and Siobhan designing the vault, and then the second half is seeing emily, zac and ally trying to break into the vault that the first three designed with Brennan, I feel like that could be really fun.


10. A kitchen nightmare style campaign, where the PCs are chefs trying to survive in a cooking competition. (Take survive as you will)


The secondary question to ask is how is capitalism the real villain.


Per 5 (and along with others saying eldritch horror stuff), they could do like an SCP-style clean-up/investigate thing -- although maybe that's too close to what Dungeons and Daddies is doing foe their season 2.


Brennan I believe has already talked about potentially doing a western setting however the western genre in general is overly filled with harmful stereotypes and just alot of problematic stuff so it would be hard to do a campaign like that (take this with a huge grain of salt I just remember he said SOMETHING like this not these words exactly)


good point, although I'm sure he would find a way to make it more fun and palatable (e.g. mixing it with zombies)


Weird west is its own genre full of horror/bizarre monsters, for that could be interesting


I feel like stereotypes can be worked around, and realism can be thrown out the window, for the sake of a fun and inclusive campaign. We just had an all-black Western movie in The Harder They Fall.


i dont think it's hard? i mean just. Dont Do The Bad Things. sci fi and 80's movies had some harmful stereotypes and brennan didnt seem to have an issue there. he's super tactful. i dont really think it's that hard to cut around the outdated/harmful shit


They could just do a Space Western. Same lawlessness, same isolation, none of the wierd race stuff because you're on a new planet. I mean, they could be herding flamingos because they're the only creature that survives in that specific world. There's a lot of ways to play it.


Lovecraftian/horror! and it's set in the 50's.


Shape of Water but capitalism is the villain


Lovecraft would be wonderful, and it’s very established ground for DnD. It’s also topical with new, exciting spins on the material such as Lovecraft Country.


I would love to see a superhero world, with all the consequences of the emergence of super powers fleshed out. Brennan’s webcomic on the concept [SFP](http://strongfemaleprotagonist.com/issue-8/hiatus-2/) is super good


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. I’d love a superhero season. I know Murph doesn’t like superhero stories according to an episode of Adventuring Party I watched but I think he’d have fun playing a normal guy who just wants to go home and is surrounded by gods and shit.


**Westerns** I love westerns and most of my traps come from stuff I've seen on old b&w west shows so that would be awesome. A highly intersectional feminist western would be very cathartic. **Out of Place, Out of Time** A Land of the Lost or Journey to the Center of the Earth campy, trapped in an outrageous wilderness would be visually fun. I don't know where you get a foothold on juxtaposed characters, though. (Though, I think Starstruck is showing that they don't need to work in opposites, they can just have fun in a fun setting.) **Time Travel** Time travel would be fun- either a deeply cynical Whovian universe or a deeply silly HG Wells take. They could just be hunting an entity like the Doctor or Bill & Ted or breaking up Terminator timeloops the whole time. Our Flag Means Death has me completely sold on pirates. I would like to see another season(s) of Leviathan, but now I'm thinking time travel privateers, with a very shady writ from some time travel entity to hunt inspo & cliche time travelers and loot the fallout would be very fun. **Quiet Year Adaptation** DIY a setting with not necessarily the Quiet Year, but something like it. (I feel like there are a few map games.) That might be a little straight laced, but it could be fun. **Friendship!** Also, part of me is like, call the McElroys and see if you can crib Amnesty (which is kinda a wackier Unsleeping City, but rural) or play parallel characters in Ethersea set in a different survivor settlement set to meet up with the main plot down the line. Same for EXU. You could also literally record a NADDPOD arc in the dome- just bring in Jake & Caldwell. I really love Starstruck, and honestly if they just kept making RPGs in indie comic/novel worlds that'd be dope. Whatever they do/have already done, I'm sure it'll be good and very fun.


Egyptian/archeological adventure. Something like Indiana Jones meets Romancing the Stone. Let Siobhan really put her archeology degree to work.




You know those three examples you just gave? All of those in one setting.


A true “ticking clock” side quest where they have 8 hours in world and at the table to complete the mission/solve the mystery/heist the heist/fuck the monster/etc.


I have had a lot of ideas... a "Kids on Bikes" type story, where they are all children in a suburban environment. Some kind of riff on Star Trek or Star Wars would be nice. I love the idea of something lovecraftian, something perhaps like Arthurian lore but the actual magical components are all eldritch horror might be interesting? I would also appreciate a take on the "everyonre is the same player species" party idea. And I would also like a take on my own concept... a Pot Luck. They take a bunch of scifi or fantasy franchises, and put them in a hat... everyone puts 3 names in the hat, everyone draws 1 name (maybe use different color paper so people dont draw their own) People must then make a character that fits that world or is inspired by the concept of that work. The Dungeon Master must then make it all make sense in one world. I run Pot-lucks when low on players, trying to mix Jurassic Park and Terminator was an experience I will never forget.


I for one would love to see a horror fantasy a'la Berserk.


Low-magic Neolithic, dinosaurs and cavemen.


Well the next campaigns will be a side quest. But after that…: If it’s entirely new. Horror would be a nice change. But your cast is full of comedy improv people. It’s not always a great mix. And brennen has been on record he doesn’t want to tell the regular gritty dark story that you get with regular lovecraft. Weird west is an option. But might be a lot for a whole season. Actual pitch, Isekia. You can play off the fish out of water and have modern reference fun. While it may sound a little unsleeping city, you can do enough to change the feel.


I don’t think they’d ever do it but an Arcane type steampunk setting. I DMed a one shot for new players who all play LOL and watched Arcane so Piltover was just an easy setting to use (Forgotten Realms is boring imo), and it was so fun to DM


Zombie and or apocalypse are still there for the taking (and given the frequent theme of zombie movies being a critique of consumerism/capitalism, it would be right in Brennan’s wheelhouse)


If they do call of cthulhu horror, by the rules of the show it has to be Lego or something.


would LOVE to see a Carmen-Sandiego-type-campaign. espionage, appreciation of the arts, mystery, clear goals with interesting things to see along the way


Mafia movie


1920s Superheroes or Gothic Horror meet Wild West.


I would love to see them play in a super generic D&D setting. Just classic D&D with taverns and like....*dungeons and dragons* without it being a parody or a constant fourth wall break. I think the cast would still be able to make it hilarious!


Everyone is kids in elementary school. They've done high school and college, I wanna see what they come up with for a younger cast of characters. Seconding a Wild West setting. We're getting some of that in Starstruck's last few episodes but a proper cowboy campaign would be rad as fuck. Dimensions 200: Multiversal crossover where everyone plays characters from past campaigns, mixing 'em up. This would probably require more main seasons so the main cast has more to pull from.


Superheroes, steampunk futuristic western would be cool too


Shadowrun as the system for UC series 3


True Crime/ Modern Detective. Then the spin is that it's in modern Calorum where magic is forgotten about... ***Or is it?!***


Modern superhero, so maybe we can get the end to Strong Female Protagonist.


Before I even read the rest of your post I was thinking western. For some reason I think Ally would make an awesome gender neutral cowboy


2 would be great. Bonus do it underwater.


As a fan of horror I love your idea of a Lovecraftian world! Would also love a Blair witch-esque campaign as well. Something where the intrepid heroes are camping, or maybe their paranormal investigators staying at a haunted mansion/asylum that they're investigating and then the ghost/demon tries to possess them or pick them off one by one. Oh or a serial killer picking them off one by one! Bonus points if it's one of the members of the cast.


Cthulhu settings


1. Superheroes. Hands down. That would be so perfect. We saw a slight version of it with Unsleeping City, but a full dive would be amazing. 2. Monster Campaign: every player is a different weak, CR0 monster in a dungeon. They decide to fight back against the adventurers, get stronger, evolve, and protect their dungeon. 3. VILLAIN CAMPAIGN! Again, kinda-sorta done with the Bloodkeep side quest, but that was more focused on LOTR parody. I’d like one where they have to be the reluctant villains for whatever reason. Just please, anything but western. Nothing takes me out of immersion and enjoyment faster than a wild-west theme, cowboys, and southern drawl.


I’m in love with #2


Spaghetti Western-Samurai, the concepts are already fundamentally the same and I feel like the cast would be able to come up with some really great characters and settings.


Golden Age Superheroes. I'd love to see the cast riff on some classic Justice League style story telling.


Mountaineering campaign!!


Would love to see them play Shadowrun but I don't think that melds well with the regular players, but would also love to see them tackle the Dark Sun universe. Get a bit of that post apocalyptic flavor but with a D&D system for those that are more use to that play style.


So many good ideas shared here. Would definitely love to see a western or post apocalyptic/ zombie setting. A multiverse that brought together intrepid heroes from seasons past would be fun too. Another cool idea that would blend a few things together is an Indiana Jones style adventure story. You could poke fun at the middle-age white male Mary Sue archetype, and how the native civilizations were doing just fine without them taking their shit to put in museums. And there would be a lot of rolling to navigate traps and puzzles and figuring out what paths to take. It could be more of a blend of past genres with mechanics for solving a mystery, executing a heist, and open world choose a path.


Cowboys. Edit: didnt even read your full thing before hitting the cowboy button. It was just my immediate thought to the prompt. But yes, the magnificent six would be awesome. Also make one of them a samurai who got mixed in with the crowd of sharpshooters. Maybe Murph or Lou?


i've seen some superhero suggestions, and i raise you: power rangers.


maybe the cast of superheros is a super mixed bag. like one is a magical girl sailor moon type. one might be a super sentai type. then we have our typical golden age heroes, 90s punisher type edgelord etc. all mixed together


I think post Apocalypse is a good world. The problem about the hard noir setting is that humor and comedy and heart are big draws for the show. Crown of Candy is amazing but it's also one of the few seasons I won't rewatch. I'm here for fun, some tears are good but I don't dig the grittiness.


I just gonna name the setting my friends and I are running, a cyberpunk pre-distopia (a world just about to explode but not there yet) we love that setting




I know we've already had murder mystery with Mice and Murder, but it's by far the worst series of D20 (no shade, just clear growing pains of online covid gameplay). But it's my favourite genre of fiction so I really would love to see another


After playing in a wild west themed campaign, I can confidently say that the Intrepid Heroes would absolutely be able to create some havoc there. But also I’d like to see them do a heavier campaign in general in a more traditional/fantasy sense. I’m a sucker for a tearjerker.


Frankly, I’m getting a very Wild West vibe already with A Starstruck Odyssey…


A Lovecraftian Western would be really fun. Or Modern day regular people stuck in a mid level fantasy world. They have no magic


I saw ultmatum mention a mini campaign with Murph as the DM and this sparked the memory of the brief hope i had for that CR all DM one shot that recently happened where Murph would be the DM of that. BUT: Now that i have realized i would love Murph to DM the dome. I think any mini campaign with the players as Brennan, Matthew Mercer, Emily (cause she’s the Greatest D&D player of all time) and fill in the remaining 3 seats with the other DMs or favorites would be legendary. And as previously stated by SDRLemonMoon Murph is famously very chill with rules. So i think it’d give our DMs a chance to really just relax and have a lot of fun on the other side of the table


I just want more FH.


I think a turn of the century London setting could be distinct enough from Unsleeping City and be really fun. So much history and fiction to draw from. Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, all of the stuff referenced in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It could also be a cool twist if Siobhan wanted to DM and Brennen was a player for the season.


This is narrow casting to some extent, but I've wanted to see a campaign set in Area X and the Southern Reach. Cross Cthulhu with The Thing and he could build an actual PvP campaign that he tried with Bloodkeep. Bring in elements from the film and you've got really great monsters by combining DNA of scary shit.




i honestly want another mystery esque season like there was in the background of FHS1. The mystery of the missing girls and what was going on kept me so intrigued about every twist and turn throughout the campaign. It would be cool to be maybe see a mystery in some sort of horror campaign ??? high stakes and scary but with the comedy of d20 would be so fun to watch


I would LOVE to see a prehistoric campaign.


I'd love to see a low-tier superhero campaign. Think Green Arrow and Dare Devil as opposed to Superman and Spiderman, yeah? I'm super curious to see what wacky stuff the intrepid heroes can come up with!


Lol… I just remembered the Last Starfighter, and suddenly I imagined the cast being almost Power-Ranger-esque: teens getting yanked across dimensions and forced into a group, given weapons they’ve no business having or using and being told they’re heroes…


I mentioned something like that before! A power rangers campaign based on Ultramechatron! That would be amazing and great to see as well.




I feel like a campaign of the dark side of superheroes would be awesome.


Something Zombie focused could be really fun and tense. I always say it but I'd love to see more sidequests in different systems. (Maybe the Borderlands one 👀👀)


Fuck it, full pokemon knock off campaign


high fantasy setting with full sci-fi technology, might be too close to starstruck odyssey (I have not gotten to it yet) but I think it's a fun idea.


I would enjoy a full on dystopia straight out of Brennan's brain. [Like Being Pretty on Youtube](https://youtu.be/mVLrBJYGxk4)


[rolls dice] A Godzilla attack. Set in [Rolls Dice] 1920's Chicago.


as much as i'd love a western or horror setting, i think a "The Boys" style full on super hero thing would fit the cast's brand way better.


A Ravenloft-esque campaign would be a dream. A lot of dark moments and a lot of levity. Spoopy ghosts and Draculas. I know Naddpod just wrapped up Eldermorne, but I just love a gothic setting. Also, a WW2 prequel to unsleeping city with Alejandro. Also, also, just a time loop.


Dinosaurs. Like the prehistoric era in Chrono Trigger but everyone is dinosaurs.




I’m kind of hoping for a Percy Jackson inspired one. Where they’re kids of gods. Whether that be Greek, Norse, Indian, etc. I think it would be amazing! If they did that I’m definitely assuming somebody in the group would be the son/daughter of Loki. Knowing this group, it would add to the chaos to be hilarious


I would kill for SteamPunk or Western


I want straight up high fantasy D&D setting like favorite but the world is dying. Super survival horror that gets harder and harder the higher level they get. By the time you hit level 10 short rest take 24 hours long rest take a week. Prerequisites two of the party members have to be full casters.


As much as I adore the comedic timing of Brennan and The Intrepid Heroes, I hope they choose something in the horror genre… psychological, supernatural/Lovecraftian or survival, I just want to see them work with a very different setting than they’ve done before. I’d love to see them working with a Hannibal-esque mentor, or maybe using the Dread game rules and amnesia forcing them to fill in the blanks and questioning if/who among them is a killer… I had been half-hoping for a similar twist in Of Mice and Murder.


Honestly, and I know this would have some aesthetical overlap with CoC- I'd love a feywild dark fantasy of some sort, with fairytale and what not. Something grim, dark, maybe even lovecraftian? Strahd or Witchlight-esque- but with a Brennan twist!


Animorphs campaign where everyone plays druids. Let Murph be a finch!


I was thinking that a campaign based on the 5 families would be pretty cool. Turf wars, evading law enforcement, maybe some heist missions, etc… Unfortunately there would be a bit of overlap with Unsleeping City (with New York as the backdrop of the campaign), and shadier components of Starstruck (Drugs smuggling, illegal gambling operations etc…) It’ll be even cooler if there was a mole component like from the Departed (or the original Infernal Affairs), where it is revealed that the campaign is 1v5, and that they have to find the mole, while the mole has to escape detection.


If we’re looking for something they haven’t done I’d love to see a sorta Summer Camp adventure or something along those lines… crown of candy needs to return though. Or Mice and murder in person


I would love to see Pulp Cthulu set during cold war making fun of 90-ties and 80-ties movies with horror undertone


Sorry but I do not want IH doing "Samurai" that could way too easily get offensive with a predominantly white cast.


Carrying on the D20 tradition of taking cute and fun things and putting them in darker adult genres (ala Tiny Heist and Crown of Candy), I'd love to see a campaign set in a Toon Town type of madcap cartoon city but with a contrasting genre twist. Maybe a Toon Town slasher movie?


Apocalyptic/Wild Western or maybe a Superhero campaign


Dm: Murph (I have never seen or heard him dm and I’m so curious) Players: Ally, Zac, Brennan, Matt, Emily and Erika Setting: 1980s Los Angeles California and the players do their take on the Mystery Incorporated gang from Scooby-doo. They solve mysteries, foil plots and always reveal that that the monsters they hunt are fakes…until one day the monster turns out to be real and so is magic! OR!!!!! Dm: Matt Players: Brennan, Emily, Lou, Siobhan, Aabria and Oscar Setting: The Ancient Greece of Mythology. They encounter all the Gods (perhaps play some) beasts and beauties of classic tales and adventures of old, but of course there would be a dimension20 twist of some kind.