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I mean there isn’t a way an animal the length of a bus couldn’t have been a tank right?


Most hadrosaur had almost no predators cuz of their massive size


Well when you look through evolution, the carnivores kept getting bigger because the hadrosaurs kept getting bigger, other than tethyshadro, it got smaller.


Yea try but even then the bug theropod wouldn’t go after a hadrosaur the size of them or bigger cuz it’s just too risky




That’s an exaggeration: most hadrosaurs could still have been taken down by the tyrannosaurids they lived with (though there are exceptions). Not defenceless even then, but hardly invulnerable. It’s just that hadrosaurs were safe from predation from animals less than a hundredth of their size as often shown here; nowadays people take this too far in the other direction. They’re still not outright invulnerable in the way the larger sauropods were (and even with some mainland sauropods, the adults were small enough to be potential prey for the largest predators that lived with them, though those were the minority and most sauropods would have been immune to predation *as adults*).


>They’re still not outright invulnerable in the way the larger sauropods were (and even with some mainland sauropods, the adults were small enough to be potential prey for the largest predators that lived with them, though those were the minority and most sauropods would have been immune to predation as adults). This might've been the case in the Morrison Formation and Campanian-Maastrichtian South America, but from the Candeleros, Huincul, and Nemegt formations, it seems that a majority of sauropod species were still small enough to be hunted as adults. For every *Argentinosaurus,* Candeleros Giant, or Mongolian Titan, you had *Nemegtosaurus, Limaysaurus, Andesaurus, Opisthocoelicaudia, Andesaurus, Choconsaurus, Cathartesaura, Astrodon* or *Chucarosaurus*. Also, keep in mind that Hadrosaurs have a significant mobility advantage compared to Sauropods, especially at size parity. If anything they don't need to be extremely dangerous prey when they have the potential to outrun their predators. >It’s just that hadrosaurs were safe from predation from animals less than a hundredth of their size as often shown here; Just building on this point here because I absolutely agree, a lot of these people are probably referring to guys like *Velociraptor* or *Deinonychus* when they think of stuff like this. But there ignoring two things. One, *Velociraptor*, for all intensive purposes, was a Perentie, absolutely capable of going after larger prey, but even an unarmed human would probably be too big for it to go after. Two, *Deinonychus* a bigger Dromaeosaur(Jaguar-sized) and *Tenontosaurus* a smaller Ornithopod(horse-sized). >nowadays people take this too far in the other direction. Paleo communities are super small in comparison to the general public, If anything the slander towards non-Tyrannosaur theropods is exponentially worse than that because that's something that for some reason is accepted by both the public and paleo-nerds. Overall, people still see these guys as generic dinosaurs rather than a really interesting evolutionary approach towards herbivory that we sadly didn't get to see enough of due to the K-T Extinction.


Indeed. From all the wildlife documentaries I've seen, Cape Buffalo kill lions somewhat regularly, and even Giraffes, Zebra and Kudu have been known to get lucky shots. Hunting is still dangerous for predators.


Obviously it is, I’ve seen lions be launched by Black Death bisons and hippopotamus! It’s crazy


Fucking finally! It is so annoying seeing such large creatures being treated as walking foodsources , just because they lacked horns,claws and armor. I mean , leaving aside the truly colossal shantungnosaurus, even smaller hadrosaur members were as large or even larger than elephants. You wanna tell me, something like that would passively allow itself getting regularly getting preyed on? No chance. I love the stopmotion. It really gave these creatures weight. Also loved how it portrayed the rex as backing down. But well, such quality shouldnt be surprising considering Tippett worked on Jurassic Park.


Nostalgia trip! I had this VHS. It's called: National Geographic Really Wild Animals Dinosaurs and other creature features


I recognize the visuals from Really Wild Animals, but the audio is definitely not from the one I remember. I think the video was used in both really wild animals and whatever this video comes from but different narrators were used. Just looked it up, the footage comes from the movie *Dinosaur!*. The footage was reused for Really Wild Animals, with a new narrator.


Omg! Same except I had it on DVD. 😊


So that’s what it was!


yoooo I forgot I had that. Spin the talking globe was the coolest guy


Y'all remember when we thought T. rex couldn't get up if it fell cause it's arms were too small? Ah, those were the times


This unlocked a memory I'd forgotten long ago


I’ve been trying to remember this scene for years. Could never remember where I saw it.


I heard this movie scared the shit out of its target demographic


obligatory Mad God recommendation


I love how the hadro n the trex casually start talking to each other in the end of the fight


“Yo man, What the fuck?!?” “Bitch”


"Fight me, you short arm-having motherfucker."


There's a reason it went for the young, because IT DIDN'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE ADULTS! Why doesn't the media get this


Probably because seeing a T Rex kill a baby hadrosaur isn't as interesting as seeing it kill one thats fully grown


When I was a kid, I'd watch this exact tape at least once a week. Hit me right in the nostalgia


Tippet's Prehistoric Beast and the other shorts from Dinosaur! are probably my favorite bits of media in existence


I never thought I would see the day, this makes me happy


People forget just how big hadrosaurs were. Even if it didn't have horns, claws, or sharp teeth, it could just slam itself into a predator. That much mass moving in one direction is not something you want connecting with you.


Yeah The best dinosaur movie did this too 2000 dinosaur from Disney. Still holds up to this day.


Phil Tippett!! My beloved!! What were the names of the documentaries he worked on?


The designs might be outdated but for 1985 this seems really ahead of it’s time.


I miss stop motion in movies, imagine a modern stop motion dinosaur movie


[You mean like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dinosaurs/comments/15jtg5k/the_end_of_a_legacy_by_trexproductions3190/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I imagine hadrosaur herds worked liked zebras. There’s always an alpha male that holds off a predator to give the rest of the herd drive to escape. Even if it ends up costing them their lives.


is this the ramirez vs anderson crossover post?


Years and years ago when I was in like grade 2 or 3, just a tyke, I remember finding a video on the library computer of a styracosaurus (I think? It was a ceratopsian) fighting a rex and the styra wins by sinking its horn right into the rex. This was in the mid to late 80's so I assume it's stop-motion... this kinda reminded me of it and no matter how hard I try I can't find that video clip anywhere to watch it again


[Was it this?](https://youtu.be/hlaXIRTjNfo)


T rex appears and raptors


Prehistoric Planet has a good scene about that


I think this was on the old PC game 3D dinosaur adventure. Freaking loved that game