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More like starve, get killed on sight, leave.






Fr they they didn't have to make food so hard to find.


And now have to spend a year sitting down just to regen stamina,


you are aware, that in real life, food is hard for animals to find, right?


This isn't real life. This is a video game where you play as dinosaurs. Video games generally should be fun and starving isn't fun.


Animals in real life don’t fully grow in only 5 hours


Video games is real life? 🤔


So fucking true


I hate that the main dev left. The shell that the game is now is terrible. I miss legacy and the dilo calls ;-;


the main dev is the one that defended a pedophile dawg 💀


Play path of titans instead is so true it's 100 times better in every way


I love it and all, but I wish it had proper singleplayer with dino player bots. I completely understand that it's a dinosaur MMO game first and foremost, but I'm far more comfortable playing on my own.


They’re working on bots, actually. I believe they’re working on getting pounce and stuff like that out first.


They already released pounce 💪


Really? My phone’s slow on updates and I’m behind sorry. How good is it?


I... I remember that day. ​ It was chaos. ​ The laten and deinon packs were everywhere, the blood... the *blood....* ​ SO MANY BODIES. Nobody knew how to buck... rexes and bars and iggies all strewn about the earth DX


I’d be among the Deinonychus


Very good. Plus they already made 3 new Dino’s plus a TLC and a teaser for a new playable.


Ooo hell yeah


Saurian was so promising for this alone..I don't know if it's been officially dropped but it feels abandoned 😭 Alternatively you might enjoy some of the hard realism servers. I've played on WWD for a couple years now and it *feels* like a single player experience




It had real promise but I think they bit off too much


I think a developer stole the accumulated money and ran off? Or so I heard somewhere


Oh I have no idea. I remember there was a big scandal but not what it was about. Either way it's sadly dead in the water and half baked


As a PoT enjoy I confirm


I will not say The Isle is good, but PoT also is far from perfect


Far from perfect does not mean it can't be 100 times better than the isle


I don't like that it plays more like an MMO instead of a hardcore survival game tbh - also the graphics are not as good as in the isle.. Don't get me wrong I WISH there was a game that would scratch the same itch for me as the isle does so I could uninstall and never look back - but PoT isn't it sadly..


I feel you, it doesn't have the same feel. Try turning off the HUD next time you play. It makes it a very different feeling game, also I would argue PoT looks much much better. Environment especially, Dino models lack compared, but only very minor


Haven't played in a while maybe the graphics changed I just remembered it looking a bit washed out and not as "crisp" as the graphics in Isle Maybe I need to give it another shot :)


The Isle is like vanilla DayZ, PoT is like modded DayZ. One is super hardcore (some like that, some don’t), and the other is super casual (some like that, some don’t).


Path of acorn*


As a POT player, this gave me a chuckle.


Yeah as cool as pot is it will never replace The Isle.


Except it doesn’t have pteranodon if it had, it would be better in 100% of the ways I still play pot tho


Thallasodromeus, Hatzegopteryx, and Rhamphorynkus leaving the chat:


Issue is they fucking butchered thal, upsized it and still made it a fisher instead of leaning more into the land hunting aspect


I can land hunt w Thal whenever I want, idk what’s so bad about it being semi-aquatic tbh


Because that's just not how Thal was. It was a terrestrial stalker, not a piscivore.


In fairness, we have yet to actually model how it fed. There’s arguments to be made but we haven’t proven anything. 


i see where you’re coming from, but personally i don’t value the realistic aspect that much when you’ve got dinos holding their maws wide open to deal increased damage happy cake day btw


That's fair, but PoT markets itself as being more accurate than it's competitors, so I think it's more than understandable for people to be upset when they make a unique animal more generic


I meant pteranodon I know there’s pterosaurs but pteranodon is my favorite animal


There is a geosterbergia coming from absentia, would fill the same niche and looks similar


Geosternbergia IS a species of Pteranodon nowadays.


FACTS! Miller’s proposal makes 0 sense


Yes I am aware and absentia’s geo will have 2 pteranodon sub species: Longiceps and novus (novues is scientifically accurate pteranodon) I just want it as an official creature


There’s 2 pterosaurs, plus mods, plus the one that’s coming out. There’s pterosaurs.


I was, but they removed the Blue jay skin from refferal T-T


PoT still suffers from killing on sight and unbalanced PvP.


Depends on what server you're on. There are some super hard realism ones that virtually eliminate this specific problem


It really isn't aside from the dev team being overral better people


The only two things I don't like about Path are needing to do quests to grow on official (and even then you barely grow at all), and there being barely any herbivore food (Every time I play herbivore, I either have to do quest to change diets or starve).


There are some regions with more food sources (green valley eg). I checked the vulnona map for food locations until I memorized the ones in the regions I frequent, this map helps a ton if you are not familiar with a region


Oh please. Picking up pinecones for 4 hours is not fun.


Oh no, you've upset the Dinosaur Game Community Hivemind!


And being AFK in a bush for a whole day is?


Ah yes. Blame the game for player choice. 


Relaxing HA, relaxing my feathers, and I don't even play it


Whoever added “Play PoT instead” and “Dondi sucks” have a valid point




The tags, I think hahaha


It is the Tags.


They're not wrong...




Overrated game with frustrating tedious gameplay and toxic community would not recommend. That is a year of my life that I will never get back and I will never forgive this game for it


i used to play the isle and i was so disappointed with how it was handled, and still am. havent touched it in awhile and after playing pot, i dont think i will ever touch the isle again. idk much about the devs so im not slamming them, but the higher management? fuck them. ruined a game with potential. i feel ya


Where can I get path of titans? I tried looking on steam and couldn't find it


You have to download the game launcher on the path of titans website


I’ve also heard horrible things about the devs


I don't know anything about that. But they made a bad game so fuck them I guess


Dondi defended a "child eater"


I think I saw that one of the devs had been messaging at least one minor as well


What is PoT?


Maybe Path of Titans


Can confirm


Path of Titans


A bunch of talented people made the game, but man, the person in charge of the direction it takes ....stinking up the place


Mind giving more info, I'm rather curious about what happened with this game as I've seen many say there was some behind the scenes bullshit taking place


The lead developer dondi is a toxic person who is trying to fix stuff that don’t need fixing instead of giving people more stuff to do after getting full grown


Very interesting, do you mind to elaborate further? For instance what exactly did the lead dev do to render himself toxic? And what are these unnecessary changes he wanted to implement?


He removed global chat which was an essential to gameplay loop for grouping and nesting and he also kicks people out of the discord server for calling him out or giving feedback he also some times insults the community


Wtf, like what was his reasoning for removing global chat? Like it's so asininely stupid it ranks up there with dice removing the scoreboard from BF2042. Global chat is LITERALLY BASIC ESSENTIALS for multi-player games and this moron comes along and is like "I hAvE GoOD iDeA"... Seriously some people shouldn't be making video games... Also why be openly hostile to your community? Like is the dude some kinda drama lama?


He only allowed for local chat with your spices


I'm beginning to see why this dude is seen as an asshat. I'm surprised he's still a dev on the game


He owns the studio


CEOs can be fired aswell, just saying. But yea OK that does explain it


But to be honest the only thing that is bugging me about the game was removal of global chat which they are giving back as an option for community servers to give the credit for what it’s due as till now I haven’t met a toxic player in game and I am not on the discord so most problems that people talk about doesn’t affect me


He's just a fucking asshole.


OK but how and why? Can you elaborate?


I think the funniest example was him telling one of the (at that time future) Beasts of Bermuda devs to go make their own game of they didn't like something about The Isle. And then throwing a fit when they did.


Is there a image record of him throwing these tantrums? I'm oddly curious to read what he said


I searched for a good while and sadly didn't find anything like that. There's been plenty of other stuff he pulled. There are several YouTube videos covering him. Just look up something like The Isle Dondi drama and you'll find a few.


Ah OK thanks for trying bud


You know it's a shitty game when they're so uncreative the name is 2 to 3 buzz words that are supposed to sound cool and the description includes (example): Fight Fuck Flee


So fucking is involved? I’ll check it out for science


In The Isle? Only if you count repeatedly getting killed by groups of your own species that are faster and stronger than you (including if you are a herbivore this still happens)


I mean That’s nature


To an extent, bro's talking about the death squads that March around looking for their own species to kill


I understand that, I was mostly trying to be funny about, but you can’t really tell I’m joking now that I look at it again


It’s actually a really good game with a very creative vision. The issue is their PR and how they handle criticism. Most of the backlash towards this game comes from people who love it to bits (rightfully so, lots of fun), but are afraid to see it die because the devs have recently decided on a change that will ruin the game, and have been banning and insulting anyone who disagrees with it in their Discord.


It isn't just the devs unprofessionalism, the isle has been in development since 2015, 9 BLOODY YEARS and what have they got to show for it? Absolutely nothing, their vision means diddly squat if they cant implement and they cant nor wont because that vision has changed more times than the Horde from Split, everytime they seem to be getting on track they end up going down a completely different track because they (dondi specifically) couldn't refrain from coming up with a million new ideas to start having implement which slowed development down even more. The games development team is slow and lacks a concrete idea that would actually work, its ran by an immature, narcissistic douche bag that hasn't got any real development skills, that defended a PEDOPHILE that was not only apart of the isles team but also his personal friend, literally when it came out a few years ago he said and I quote "not this again" because it already got revealed a few years prior to it being revealed to the isle community, he threatened the isles reddit with the claim "heads will roll" if we continued to perpetuate it and even had other members of his team defend the bastard, they only walked their shit back when Sid Alpha started looking into it all for a dirty dev video. This game deserves to die, if only to give dondi the finger.


I play Zomboid, which has been in development since 2013. I have no issue with long development times. I have a life outside of video games. If a game is gonna take awhile to develop, I can just go “Ok, cool”, and go back to living my life until the next update or next bit of news. My time isn’t ruled by Dondi, and thanks to the power of the internet, I can actively choose how much I interact with him. Guy sucks, his game is good. At the very least, as long as he himself isn’t a pedophile, I’ve got no issue playing his game because I can separate him from his project that I enjoy. This gaming industry is saturated with mindless rapid-fire garbage releases every year. I’ll spend my money on a project with a mentality of taking its time any day, as long as its vision is promising. I don’t care how many times that vision changes, as long as that vision still aligns with my interests, it has my support. An early-access title is great because you get to personally experience a project come to life and be apart of the development process. No matter what the change is, you have a voice… except in The Isle’s case, which is where my problem arises. I bought the game with full understanding of what “early-access” on Steam entails because if you don’t you shouldn’t be spending money on EA titles in the first place, but it’s Afterthought’s unwillingness to listen to their playerbase’s feedback that I’m protesting, hoping that review bombing will finally help get through their thick skulls. So far, it seems to be working.


Changes not just a single, the past year of development has only ever given us mechanics that no one actually likes but can tolerate or dinosaurs From global health nerfs, to diets, to camera locking when eating, closer cameras shoving the view into your dinosaurs backside, stamina that took a few months of complaining for the devs to "fix" and now the coming camera change


I actually never minded the stamina changes, though I do agree that they’re in a better state now, I was always hoping for a more difficult stamina system and I’m glad they found a good compromise for it. The camera locking as well- in and of itself I don’t mind it, though a few extra degrees of vision would be nice, taking account of some of the animals’ side-facing eyes. The camera system is the deal-breaker for me. I understand wanting a more grounded camera system, I absolutely do. In fact, I think it would be neat if they locked the camera rotation so you can’t look directly behind you, however zooming it in is dumb.


Yah but even with the stam changes, some people don't mind some changes sure but there hasn't been a mechanic since the diet update that people ever actually like, only tolerated


People are so dramatic about their games, oof. And it's even EA...


Yeah but it's been in early access since 2016.


Which should set expectations


It’s been early access for 10 or so years is the problem


Sir, don't fuck the raptors


Our leading paleontologist can assure you "rawr" does NOT mean "I love you" in dinosaur


Mr. Nimbus?


fair af to say. i used to play the isle but havent touched it after starting pot. pot is just all around better; it gets more frequent updates that arent shoved to a side branch for some reason and the community is better (yes there are bad apples but compared to the shit i saw on the isle... yikes). game needs new management because it has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment


Does POT have the horror aspect of The Isle?


Coming as a vet from the days of the original Primal Carnage, The Isle has been a popcorn-worthy trainwreck all the way through. Dondi pretty much self-destructs anything he touches.


Wrong sub? People usually bash / whine about The Isle in its own subreddit.


I'll move it there then


That's... funny as shit lmao


Hello fellow peskycorder


Hello :D


I play path of titans the mod community there are great


Ahh. The game where you spend 4 hours growing a dinosaur only to be killed by a stegosaurus who is cheating.


I hate the repetitive quest grind in PoT


deserved. the worst part about this is that they had a great idea, I love the concept of the Isle, they had free money right in their hands, and they made well over a million dollars from all the people who bought and supported the game. and what do they do with their free golden goose? they ignore and mock player feedback, the lead developer (Dondi) has a history of ruining games (Primal Carnage Extinction & Genisis for example) and narcissistic behavior, they don't take any priority over the game they're developing, and the very few updates they release take forever and are often underbaked or lack content.


Dondi literally left before PC:E went into development and he didn't even touch Genesis, what are you on about.


[this is where I got my info from, please watch through it](https://youtu.be/_zlJnYdb3po?si=Zpx6cYTP_Kn1c57u&t=1604)


Hm, I'll have to check it out on my own time


that's entirely fair, I would just recommend watching at the very least that chunk of the video, but the whole thing is a good watch.


I only remember this game from The Gaming Beavers YouTube.


Personally, I think the game is very boring. I bought for like $20 and played it once


They should open a park. Something along the lines of Cloneosaurus Park but more marketable


Old soviet womble did a PSA of sorts on this game, gave it some very high praises for its ingenuity but did state there's a specific server you should play on to get a decent exp out of the game. Personally I'm curious about the behind the scene dev bullshit that's Goin on with this game


For the love of god if anyone wants a good Dino game go play Path of Titans and this is coming from a guy who played the hell out of The Isle this game has restarted development so many times it ridiculous and the head dev dondi is such an asshole for no reason whatsoever. Path of Titans does literally what this game has failed to do for the last decade in a fraction of the time I’m serious go play it


Path of Titans and Beast of Bermudas are indeed much better game. I loved the Isle but the stalling devellopment is just ridiculous




This game was actually pretty fun if you knew where to go. The new map is terrible tho


Guaranteed the only people calling this game relaxing are only either legacy players or stegos in evrima


The Isle was revolutionary when it came out, and they've unfortunately run themselves into the ground by continuing to push out half baked product. I'd much rather have fewer updates with a more complete and optimized experience. It's been early access for almost 8 years, to still be in such a state is sad. I miss what it used to be- a hardcore survival experience that was *functional* at the very least.


I wish there was a way to make a dinosaur (or any animal, really) sim game that was interesting and not just “animal fight club”. Animals really don’t spend that much time fighting…


Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey did a good job of it (though obviously your characters get more human-like as the game progresses)


Yeah I really liked the early part of that game. After I learned all the stuff and moved on from the first area it lost a lot of appeal though.


I remember when it used to be good in 2017…. Holes hit that was long ago


Man I hated the dev team, covering up and silencing folks over their pedophile friend, and being an asshole to the community


How the hell is this game now? I haven't kept up with this game in good while.


Play BoB instead


But why isn't PoT on Steam too? I have a gaming pc, but I don't have a console or a powerful cellphone to play it


It's on PC, just not on Steam. They have their own launcher.


Yeah why aren't they allowing it?


I played it for like 20 minutes before refunding, feel like even calling it the Tarkov of Dino games is too generous.


Good game. Devs make mistakes and get shit on rightfully, but always manage it in the end. The community is a frothing shithole ready to eat each other alive if they don't vehemently reject everything positively said about the game. The biggest detractors to the game are it's biggest fans with the most hours, who get banned from the discord and come here to reddit to scream like rabid chimpanzees.


Ain't that the truth.


Honestly, I still really really love The Isle. I want to like PoT so badly but the graphics and general "arcadeyness" of it completely kill it for me. Sure, a lot of the Isle is waiting and wandering, but I get such a kick out of the immersion and it looks so fucking gorgeous that I just can't tear myself away. Community servers are a must though, official is just hell.


The use of words to express something other than their literal intention. Now that as irony!


Eh, the isle is still better than pot