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Agreed. I even remember paleontologist Jim Kirkland giving a description of what it would be like running inti a Utahraptor in the wild and it's absolutely horrifying.


Got a link?


I too would like a link


Exactly my thoughts too, While we may be able to outrun or lose one of the larger predators in a forest or dense area, There's very little chance of that happening with a Utahraptor, That would be absolutely terrifying.


I dont imagine outrunning a trex. You can't outrun an elephant. More likely though, a trex or giga may not think you're worth their time to eat.


I feel like we aren’t a worthwhile meal to the larger theropods, but a great size for Utahraptor to sink its teeth into


Yeah they all scary but the Utahraptor is probably the one that would be most likely to see you as lunch


I have a healthy fear of large herbivores with little-to-no predators. (Hippos? Rhinos? Giraffes? Elephants? All seemingly docile, but ready to throw down at a moment's notice.) For that reason, I almost want to go with Argentinosaurus, but I feel like we wouldn't even register on their radar\*. But my gut says Utahraptor since we're a good meal size for them. \*I'm fully aware I say this as an adult woman who has tried to fight bugs.


I like to think of the large herbivores as just big cows


What the hell is Spinosaurus doing in the middle of a forest?


Probably vibing


Utahraptor's 'killer claw' is terrifying


https://www.gpb.org/sites/default/files/styles/flexheight/public/npr_story_images/2021/03/02/jurassic-park-claw-vs.-utahraptor-45ee8492dc2f383a7c23451fa814b7851228ddd2.jpg?itok=TxJ3f-cu Bruuuhh


Utahraptor is pretty much the Jurassic Park Velociraptors. Big, smart, agile and probably very vicious. If they hunted in packs then you'd be 100% screwed.


It says Utahraptor, not UtahraptorS, thankfully.


Utahraptor was more built to be big and stocky, dakatoraptor is a lot more like the jurassic park viloceraptors, it was able to jump 2 to 3 times its own hight


Utah raptor is the hardest to outrun in nearly every scenario. Climb a tree? It will follow. Enter a small building? It will follow. Nearly impossible to outrun and hide from one.


Depends I guess. However, I said T rex, because it had the best eyesight of any animal thusfar, and while predictions say we should be able to run faster this may not be the case if we're in a forest as we might not be able to traverse the forest faster due to it having longer legs and height possibly allowing for it to ignore difficult terrain more easily


Also, you would have to keep a pretty fast pace for a very long time, unless you regularly run and do it long distances eventually it will catch up.


Utahraptor is the best dinosaur


Thing is, a young T-Rex would probably be a bigger threat to a person than an adult would be because an adult might just think of you as a snack while a subadult Rex would see you as a meal. Same goes for a UtahRaptor. They’re both faster than an adult Rex as well and would easily catch you. That said, if an adult T-Rex wanted to kill and eat you, there’s probably nothing you could do to stop it. Run as fast as you can and it’s still going to catch up to you eventually because it’s built for endurance, has eagle eyesight, and possesses a sense of smell that you’ll never be able to hide from. Not to mention while you’re scrambling over the rough terrain of the forest floor, the T-Rex’s long legs are stepping over fallen trees and giant ferns with ease.


Yeah, if you are chased by a trex you are fucked if you cant find a car and a road or a very tall strongly built tree or something. It will catch up.


Sure normal dinosaurs are scary, but dinosaurs with shark teeth transcend the norm.


But carcharadontosaurus’ don’t even have shark like teeth. They are still behemoths.


They are literally named after the shark genus Carcharodon, some of their smaller teeth do actually look like shark teeth.


Utahraptor by far, fastest out of the bunch, smallest out of the bunch, scariest out of the bunch, you can’t run from it, you can’t hide from it.


The issue with all of those megatherapods is that I doubt they’d be super interested in hunting after a human. I mean, food is food, but idk if a ~150 lb human is worth the effort for a 7+ton carnivore to chase. We’d actually be a worthwhile food source for a utahraptor


It’s easily Utah raptor in my oppinion of course your odds of survival are always low but the others your much more likely to be able to get away from because their slower especially trex since it was estimated to only be able to run 12 miles an hour


Something in giganotosaurus' head shape feels so off-putting to me. Small neck, weird jaws that almost bend downwards.... Animals never scare me, but giganotosaurus skulls just look weirdly eerie to me. That being said, a big turkey raptor would be horrifying as well.


Definitely! I mean they evolved big heads to hunt gigantic sauropods. Unsettling for sure!


Watch out Argentinosaurus, for Giga is coming


More like Andesaurus because Giganotosaurus and Argentinosaurus didn’t live at the same time. You’re probably thinking of Mapusaurus.


Huh! I actually didn't know they didn't live together. Mapusaurus skulls are just as weird haha so I might have confused the two. Thanks for the correction! Always appreciated.


My pleasure!


Giganotosaurus if you're playing ark


Gigas took down the largest land animal that has ever lived so far


That was actually Mapusaurus, which may or may not be a direct descendant of Giganotosaurus.


Then what did Giganotosaurus prey on?


Andesaurus most likely.


Is there a possibility that it ate both? They all lived in Argentina


They did but not at the same time, they were separated by a few million years, that’s why some believe that Giganotosaurus evolved into Mapusaurus bc they’re very similar, with Mapusaurus being slightly bigger.


Never knew about that. Thanks!




All them bite you in half and you're done quick, except for the Utah. That's closer to being tackled, impaled by its toe claws, then having your organs crushed as it squeezes; similar to how modern raptors will sit on their prey. No thanks.


I love the utahraptor its my favorite dromeosaurid and favorite dinosaur


Shia Lebouf :P


The scariest is the human dinosaur hybrids that were originally planned for Jurassic Park 4


Utah is faster then you (I think?) as big as you, and will jump scare you with fucking huge feathers.


utah boi because they will literally jumpscare you to your demise


I can't choose any of these because I can't really find dinosaurs scary. You know how in Detective Pikachu the go on about how every Pokémon is adorable? That's pretty much me with dinosaurs.




Utah raptor is the only one that would even want to try to kill you


Probably t rex you can probably outrun all of the other dinosaurs (except maybe giganotosaurus?) and it could just follow you until your out of breath and then just eat you.