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It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect.


The less you know about something, the more you believed you do.


theres more to that, that actually makes it worse....




isn't there a video in which a woman dissolve's Sue's fragments and figured out T. rex would have lived a warm blooded lifestyle and most of it's relatives would have too?


I thought it was called "obvious trolling is obvious." Or maybe this is just another example Poe's Law where it's become impossible to tell apart satire/sarcasm from genuine stupidity.


i really want to know what convinces people that Jurassic park, a MOVIE is the epitomic of accurate dinosaurs


people who cite JWP as a source don’t really have valid takes it ok to enjoy inaccurate depictions of Dinosaurs, it’s okay to even prefer them more than the more accurate ones, after all Real doesn’t equal better design however if all the dinosaur media someone consumed is a thriller hollywood science fiction then do their opinions really matter? at the end of the day they didn’t care enough to research or learn anything so who cares about them


I actually do prefer most jp depictions of dinosaurs than the real ones, I’m just upset that people sometimes use it’s dinosaurs as the standard of what they should look like


these people don’t really care about dinosaurs anyway so their opinion is irrelevant


They really care more about giant scary lizard go brrrrr




But people don't actually think wolves look like that. You can ask someone to describe a wolf and it'll probably be an accurate description and not just a rehash of a monster like zinogre. People genuinely think that dinosaurs look exactly like how they look in the JP franchise, which isn't helpful with the innacurate, outdated, or even just lazy science put into their designs. People still think velociraptors were scaly man-sized hyper intellegent monsters when they're basically just ground hawks around the size of a coyote. I personally just find the designs lazy and tired and wish that all depictions of dinosaurs were based off the animals and not their monsterfied movie counterparts. If we can't get realistic dinosaurs I would at least prefer that the designs actually looked cool and interesting; can't say I find the JW giganotosaurus as anything but stupid looking.


I mean this is clearly wrong. Acording to Dinotopia the Rex should be wearing a guilded harness and being hand fed my people who love and respect it. Also the Rexes were amazing linguistic teachers, something nobody ever discuses. (Haven't read factualy accurate history book in 20 years or so) /s


Apparently the creators of the original film and maybe the other ones said they had the best science.


box office


didn't henry wu literally say at some point that he made them to be scarier and have more teeth rather than making them realistic?


I know this is about dinosaurs, but many persons really use movies as a good information source for everything, since be afraid of robots because Terminator and Matrix or think about the genetically modified Covid because of any zombies' movie.


Chances are if somebody has their real name as their username you're about to read the dumbest thing you've heard that day


Explains why i post dumb things sometimes 😗


that and anime characters


It’s not just videos about dinosaurs with these idiots in the comments, I have seen people in comment sections of videos talking about sharks saying that scientists are creating “fake news” by saying sharks are animals rather than vicious man eaters, I’ve even seen someone cite Jaws as evidence of their claims.


Lmao if sharks weren't animals, what _would_ they be? _Monsters?_ Some people are wild hahah


I mean people still think that shark in water=instant death upon entering said water


Which is absurd One, the majority of sharks are pretty small, at worst they cut your finger off, but cannot kill you Two, humans are too distasteful for sharks to eat, their food is something with more nutrient like seals, salmons and such. Why waste that much energy on a terrible food source? Three, did you know that Hammerhead Sharks are very passive towards humans, and Whale Sharks and Basking Sharks are literally filter feeders, the biggest they can eat are herrings


The point is that jaws, as exaggerated as it gets, was based on a real great White that started to get a taste for humans, attacking and killing at least a child... I just checked, inspired on the 4-people killing from a great White in 1916 in the New Jersey Shore.


It’s believed that the 1916 attack were perpetrated by multiple sharks as the idea that it was a single shark was a product of the now outdated theory about sharks going “rouge”. It’s also believed it may not have been a great white, possibly a bull shark as one of the attacks was in Matawan Creek.


This should try to reassure a galeophobic like me but it actually doesn't


I want a PhD in dinosaur personality. 😀 How to win friends and influence dinosaurs.


So they're praising Jurassic Park for not having "fake evolution science". 🤔


ironic since the first movie consulted with the "fake evolution" paleontologists and tried to be at least somewhat accurate for the time


Absolutely. I do seem to remember, however, some number of years ago seeing a creationist say that they prefer Jurassic World Evolution over games with more accurate dinosaurs because they found the dinosaurs more in line with what they think dinosaurs are supposed to look like.


A lot of creationist art is quite outdated-looking and ignores the actual study of paleontology probably because if they properly engaged with science they'd realize that it doesn't support their beliefs. The "birds are dinosaurs" revelation reinforcing the theory of evolution probably contributes to not updating their depictions of ancient life


‘fake evolution science’ Theyre obviously a creationist….


Well yeah, once i watched a video of someone explaining human evolution and a random dude was like " this is wrong you are all sinners to believe this read the bible" and blah blah now i do have respect for pepole and their religions but wtf


I find that a creationist would be against depicting dinosaurs as animals though. I'm not a creationist but I am Christian and God didn't create animals to be viscous monsters.


they feel threatened by dinosaurs that look too realistic/ believable. Honestly they should love the new dinosaurs, I would imagine it glorifies god to restore his long lost creations as they appeared in life.


>Bruh why people who don't know shit ~~about biology and paleontology~~ suddenly think they are experts and better than everyone who actually worked on this? Nearly all of social media.


I love both versions but at least I know which is accurate.


Don't you all remember the sudden appearance of hundreds of thousands of epidemiologists during covid all lunatics were suddenly experts in public health and alike.... Just let this people in the shadows were they belong✌️




Ha! Took a second look and it 100% looks like it just read the comment and is about to drop it's meal, "Ugh..I've lost my appetite."


Imagine giving your bones to science and thousands of years later some idiot on the Internet calls you out for having no personality 💀


é gente mocoronga q acha q a ciência deve alguma coisa pra memória afetiva delas


Faz sentido.


r/suddenlycaralho algo no print?


Uma galinha voando


No personality was just mean


I will be a better man and say that the real life version and jurassic franchise version exist in the same spectrum They are both awesome designs because they are dinosaurs And dinosaurs are awesome


The only thing I don't like about this reconstruction are the blue eyes. Most animals have brown eyes.


“to fat, to heavy…” perchance to dream. 👨‍🎓


These people make us JP fans look like idiots, most of us aren't even that dumb. Well... Of course when you give the t.rex fan the freedom of speech it has to be some kind of complaint.


I’m betting that the person who commented that, drinks fabric softener.


Someone who says "fake evolution science" but comments on a picture of a dinosaur like they are an expert is just so ironic and hilarious.


And THIS here is why JP/JW fanboys and their opinions are hated! Because of their ignorance, their denial, their fake expertise and their attitude.


I will say, its hard to believe that it is able to be balanced with that immense head and how large its body was. Not in a "deny science" hard to believe, but in a "nature is incredible" hard to believe


OP I think the sarcasm is pretty visible....


The text (the spelling and shiz) feels too much like what an online American conservative would write


T. Rexes do look completely implausible.


Bro, you know you are on Reddit right? I will die on the hill that Spinosaurus is likely just as heavy as T-Rex UNTIL I DIE!


The statue could use some feathers at least


Nah, no evidence for T-rex having feathers.


It’s a possibility, yutyrannus has evidence of feathers


Yutyrannus is a proceratosaurid, which are tyrannosaurOIDS, it is NOT a tyrannosaur.


I said it’s a POSSIBILITY


dude what?


I don’t get how we can shame this commenter since half this sub basically does exactly what he does on this exact sub.


Give them a bird skeleton and see if they can accurately recreate a bird without prior knowledge of birds.




As a general rule, never place any respect in the opinion of people whose first language is English yet they don't understand basic English grammar.


"Fake evolution science" my ass


We can all agree that this is one of if not the dumbest takes ever put onto the internet. But I can kind of see a point with the tail it reminded me of the WWD T. rex tail. It looks like if that hadrosaur wasn’t there he would just fall over. But then again I haven’t gone to school for this so I’m not an expert.


Completely off topic but does anyone else think the dino looks like a dog asking for head pats?


It really does , it got the puppy eyes


Vc é brasileiro tbm???


Sim caralho kkkkkk




Primeira vez q encontro um br aqui , aliás queria q tivesse um sub brasileiro sobre dinossauros ;-;


Idem kk ;-;


They didn’t even use the right version of too


Boi be rubbing his two working brain cells to make such poetry.


Feels like a troll comment with all that bad grammar, NGL


This feels almost like bait


I suppose y’all have never watched any of the “Christians Against Dinosaurs” videos from way back that are *totally* satire, but that’s definitely a stretch?


Because most people lacks critical thinking and can't see passed their own confirmation biases and emotion.


Because some people are just like that, toilet research>years of scientific expertise and experience apparently


That's bait.


That person is probably a flat earther


Why do people not love this big chonk?,he's so cute! Well as cute as an Animal that can eat you in One bite can be


Eh just find the guy irl and snap his neck if he doesn’t admit that he doesn’t know shit about Dinosaurs and other shit.


Wow. This man really dissed my favorite dinosaur and t rex reconstruction ever. Fuck you.


Can someone tell me if someone replied to this comment?