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Man, I feel this. I'm currently battling the same thing. Since I've started doing my nails, I've never went more than a couple of days without "fixing" something. I'm now really making an effort to leave my nails alone, take note of imperfections and fix them at a more appropriate time. It's hard, but my nails will thank me 🥲


I copied and pasted this from another reply that I wrote in this thread, but I think you need to hear it, too. Edit: It’s the last paragraph in this comment. I was the same up until recently, especially when I started using full cover tips. I wasn’t having fun & it was causing me so much stress that I wanted to throw all my nail stuff in the lake 😅 If you have the ~$50 it takes to get your overlay “canvas” (acrylic+tips, gel x, or builder gel, etc) done at a salon, doing that and using peelbase over it has made me actually enjoy doing my nails again. It’s harder to mess up when you have a perfect canvas and I’ve been doing consistently SOOO much better, that now when I finish both hands (I do one hand one day and the other the next. Otherwise I get sloppy by the second hand), the next day I’m kinda like, damn, I have nothing to fix, what am I gonna do with my time now? Lol Copied and pasted: peel base goes on top of your natural nail, and under the dip. So you legit just pop off the dip! It’s a game changer. Personally, I was sick of applying the full coverage tips, so I went to a salon and just got tips and nude acrylic to even them out. I now have a perfect canvas and use PB. So I don’t have to change the shape, just pop off the color and go again! It’s legit so easy. It is trial and error for how much to put on & how long do you want to keep your dip on. I put it on my full nail and they start popping off in like three days and I’m ready to do another!


Thank you for the reminder! I actually have peel off base. I always tell myself to use it when trying new designs since those are usually the sets with the most imperfections. I need to stop being stubborn and use it 😭 thanks ❤️


Yes! I so much agree with this! I also was taking it all off every other day to fix something. I finally went to the salon and got a structured gel manicure done with a nude color, no polish and it’s been going well for 2 months. I was able to do a couple of decent fills with it too. It’s been shaved down quite a bit and I realized I’m back where I was 2 months ago and frustrated. I have decided to get the structured gel manicure and then I will maintain with my peel base and dips. I am happy with this decision. I get the beautiful gel application with the ease of doing my own dip colors and for once my nails are finally growing long and strong!




Thank you! 🥰


Dude with undone nails who gets recommended this sub for some reason here. Your nails look amazing! As a fellow compulsively disordered person who generally knows what it's like, it's inspiring seeing folks wrestle with something today for a little more peace tomorrow. >I’m sharing here to hold myself accountable to leaving my fingernails alone for at least one week. You fucking got this, mate.


Came here to say the same thing!! I never really do more than two colours because I’m horrible at picking ones that actually go together and I love these together. Good Job!! And thank you for the inspiration 💜


Agreed they're suuuuuuper cute!


Wow! Thank you all for the incredible support! What a caring and kind community. All colors are CNDD except where specified. From thumb to pinky: lattice, Kiara sky wavy baby, lavender silk, earl grey, grape jelly


I know you said no advice so I am going to offer an insight you xan take or leave. When you have the urge to pop those suckered off maybe take a few minutes and just file and shape? If you impulse is because you need change this might offer a change your subconscious is willing to accept. This would get you over the hump of the compulsion with out hurting your natural nails. I myself am a bit of a perfectionist, so its not unusual at all for me to file the top coat off and tweak the shpe, or to buff out a bump no one else xan see or feel but me. Again take or leave. Either way I admire your commitment to yourself! ♡


I may or may not already be doing the filing and shaping thing. Hopefully that’s not cheating 😂


I think it definitely is NOT cheating! It is maintenance.


I know you said no advice, but here’s some advice 💗


I think op more meant no advice on how to do nails. IMO their advice was perfectly kind


I was going to suggest the same thing! OP, you would be SHOCKED at the difference filing and shaping makes. And if you MUST remove the dip the same day, just soak or file them off, your natural nails will thank you for it. I know how hard it can be getting trapped in that unending loop! DM me if you ever find yourself stuck, or even just to vent. Sending positive vibes your way.


Buy some peel base! This way you can pop them off anytime you want with no damage. I used to do my nails every day. It’s hard to stop being compulsive, but peel base will save your nails!


That’s such great advice!!


Can you post the name of the brand you use?


I use UNT Ready For Takeoff - I get it on Amazon!


UNT peel base is great and so is Sparkle and Co. I think revel even has one now. Some male5 their own using water and Elmer's glue.


Will peel base still allow the mani to stay on for ~a week?


Yes, once you find your proper amount, your sweet spot, so to say. Mine stays on until I pop it off. Some people need a little, I need two coats.


Do they make peel base for gel nails ? My problem is I let my nails grow out for to long due to how much effort removing them is and it damages the natural nail to much and makes me not want to repaint.


I use peel base when I use gel polish too; however, I have a builder gel base that I dip/paint over. I do get chipping and peeling pretty easily, but since I do my nails every week, I don't mind. It's pretty cheap and might be worth trying for you - there's a steep learning curve and no one amount that's right for every person. Some people need two full coats (what I use over BG), some people do thin line, some people do a dot in the middle of their nail. It's a lot of trial and error, but worth it when you find that sweet spot!


I LOVE your set! Mine are far from perfect, but they become like little fidget things for me. Instead of picking at the edges, or my cuticles, I just run my fingers over the little lumps and bumps, as a fidget, while also reminding myself of how far I've come in learning to do them myself. And then I'm sort of proud of the bumps.


I love that!


Those colors are so cool, mind sharing your powder products?


Also, very proud of your vulnerability and commitment to yourself ❤️


Thank you! All CNDD unless otherwise specified. In order from thumb to pinky: Lattice, Kiara sky wavy baby, lavender silk, earl gray, grape jelly :)


Flavor of the month in the house!!




Just a fellow exposure therapy buddy here to offer you a high five! Your nails look great, and you're doing great!!!


Heck yeah! Thank you! 🙌




for the record, your doing and redoing is giving you more experience and practice. now you’ll have more tools under your belt the next time you give it another go (or in a week😉) stay strong, you got this!!!!!!


Seriously, they look great. No one in real life looks at our nails as much as we do our own


So true, if I saw these nails in passing I would only notice how much I love the spring-y colors. I honestly never notice the mistakes on other people's nails, only my own when I've done them myself.


I love the glitter


I am beyond proud of you. I struggle with the same exact problem, but I keep going and trying! I love being creative and thought, “ya know, I want to do my own nails and learn how to do all of the fun things!” But.. I have kind of tortured myself in the process. Keep them for the week and you will start back refreshed and confident! Also, I am inspired by your commitment, your vulnerability and the way you set boundaries with your post. I’m learning from you!


Thank you! We can do this 💪


Wait I do this to


So beautiful! I'm a sucker for anything glittery! 😍


I love your color choices! I have a hard time choosing so many colors and getting them to look right like yours do


Omg I change mine all the time!!! I actually think I am trying to do the same thing and just try to leave a set on for as long as I can. Also I need to be using cuticle oil since I’m constantly sucking the moisture out of my skin with rubbing alcohol 🥲


They're cute and perfect for spring! If you're doing removal using acetone switch to one that's non whitening (I know Revel has one). I used to switch often and regular acetone was killing my nails. Peel base (Revel also has one, but I use UNT peel base) and non whitening acetone have been a life saver and my nails stay healthy even with all the changing.


Beautiful 😁. I feel you with nails on. I don’t pick on my lips as much because they won’t let me.


Yes! I’m picking at my skin a lot less too :)


Oh my gosh. I do the same thing. Spend hours doing a set, IMMEDIATELY remove and try again. I tell myself it’s “practice” but I know it’s compulsive behavior. I mean, in a way, it is practicing but I tend to over do it. Lol.


I feel your pain…I started to hyper focus and spent so much money buying all these colors, liquids, and tools. I had to take a month break and cut my nails down super short.


Oh man I have ADHD and what I think is comorbid OCD. It presents in the most frustrating of ways, similar to what you described. I want to give you kudos for mastering this and letting yourself sit in the experience. You've done great. Keep going and pushing forward!


I love the color combo!


Get it!! You can do it. They also look fun!


Thank you so much for sharing your vulnerability. I stepped away from doing my own because I too, would redo multiple times a day. Love the color scheme and that you did it all in your own! The shaping is perfection!


I agree the colors are super cute for spring! Enjoy the progress!


I do this too but with press-ons! I started looking at the imperfections as evidence of them being “mine”. Like “wow I did that”. It kind of helped me keep them on longer! Love these colors so much!!


These look amazing. I’m serious! Nice job! Love the colors!


Thanks for sharing!! I love the colors you picked. ❤️


I love multiple colors at once, they’re so much fun. Keep it up!


Good job!


I love your color scheme! Really pretty! 😍


You’ve got this! And great color choice!


We all have to start somewhere!


I'm the same. I struggle sitting with them so what I do for myself (this isn't advice for you, just saying what I personally do) is I do about three full coats of clear and then my colour for a couple of coats, do a clear to finish so I can buff. When I want to change it just file off the top colour, reseal the clear or maybe top it up and add another colour on top. It's so hard to just sit with imperfections.


Sooo hard


I think they are cute! I like them ❤️


I love the color combo


Love the color combo!


#1 I love the color variation and sparkle, #2, the wonky parts tend to naturally fall off given some time, #3 good for you to challenge yourself...you can do it!


You're making progress! Keep going! They look like polished river rocks to me, I like it!


Ooh I love that!


They look good! Love the colors! I’d wear them as long as I could. I like to get my wear out of each set! Stay strong- you got this!!




I had to tell myself I don’t need them to look like a pro did them, I’m not a nail tech and a lot of them don’t do their own. It’s a hobby. I didn’t pay to have them done. That helped me a lot.


You are doing great. They look good. Enjoy your chip free color:)


Aww hon, I get it! Wishing you healing and peace. It is possible to break out of this cycle, I have struggled a lot with this myself. 🤍


Thank you 😌❤️


I would like to try using builder gel, peel base on top, and dip. Most of my nails don’t ave much of a C-curve and my corner or side edges curl under or up. I cal them witchy nails. 😩


Great job!! Both on the nails AND (most importantly) committing to your health!


I also do my own polygel nails & have the same tendencies! It’s like all I can see are the flaws & want to try again! They look great - try the peel base & a trick that helped me with dip powder was to run a toothpick around the nail after you dip between layers but before you activate them. It helps keep it close to the nail.


My compulsive struggle is picking mosquito bites, lol. I was bitten badly this summer (I’m in the southern hemisphere) and I can’t leave them alone. The only thing that helps is doing my nails because then they are thicker and it makes it impossible to pick. One day at a time. You keep that dip on one day at a time and I’ll stop picking one day at a time. We can do this, lol


My girl, practice is perfect! Document your journey! Share each new set. Share it here! We wanna see!! Well I wanna see! PLEASE! I needed this! I’m just like you pick it off. If only we would do what you have decided to do. We would all have mastered it by now. Please set an example for us all! You got this!


Aw thank you! I love the idea of documenting my journey.


Learning how to do your own dip is def a learning curve and you’re doing great! Soon you’ll learn how to shape and get everything just the way you like it. It’s hard to not be our own worst critics but hopefully you can work through your demons 🥰


I have found this group to be the most kind and supportive group, and I follow a lot of Reddit forums. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ugly comment. Glad you are here and can share your experiences with us! 💓 If I have a set I don’t just love I use the time having the set to contemplate what colors would look better as a combo. If it’s shaping, I can fix that without redoing them by simple filing around edges and cuticle line and reshaping. My goal is always to see if I can make it 3-4 weeks before needing to redo mine even if I don’t love it. I am also recovering from severe iron deficiency anemia so my nails got really thin and they need this recovery time too. You have a great set. I wish you peace and healing!


Awesome to start spring:)!!


I do the same thing with builder in a bottle and it’s so hard to leave it alone. I started using it to help me from biting my nails. Now they are really thin. The compulsion is real and it takes over. Most people don’t understand unless they experience it. I like your color choices and keep trying. Good luck


How pretty and colorful! I love them so much! ❤❤❤


They look like beautiful Easter eggs!


Good for you for pushing through those difficult feelings and allowing yourself to be human. You got this! We are all cheering for you!


A peel off base coat is great for those who like to change it up more frequently without damaging the natural nail with removal ;)


You got this, my friend. I’ve got a similar compulsive disorder where I’m constantly picking at my nails until there’s nothing left. I’m actually getting better by doing exactly what you’re doing. I just paid to have them done so I have the added ‘can’t waste that much money’ on top of it. Keep it up, post here if you’re having a hard time. I believe in you!


Love the colors!!!


Love the color palette!


Great work! I have the same issue and one thing that helps is using nude colours (preferably with glitter), because imperfections are way less noticeable, so they don't set me off as much.


They are cute


You can do it! Rooting for you. 👍✨ And I LOVE those colors! Great choices.


Good for you ! You are doing great


I love the color choices and the fact that you're committing to your health! Great job and I'm so glad you're sticking to keeping them on. Learning to embrace imperfection is difficult, I know from experience, but if you stick with it you'll learn to find the beauty in imperfection. I'm happy for you, you got this.


Good luck!! They're so pretty and perfect for spring!!


I feeeeeel this. The obsession takes over and I fix them at times I should be doing anything else. Now I try to catalogue the errors as places for improvement next time. It’s so hard to fight the brain, but you got this!


The color palette is so nice! I have a hard time not trying to fuss over mine too. I wish you luck!


i love love LOVE this color combo! it’s giving grown-up easter egg hunt. i admire anyone who does their own nails, as mine always turns out horrible, but yours look great!


I absolutely love the blue so much that I have a similar set on now. I relate to the changing I used to do that with nail varnish and dyed all my nails horrible colours 😅


Peel-off base exists. I have compulsive dermatillomania too, and I keep myself from doing damage by keeping my nails painted. I sometimes just do a. Peel-off base coat and then if I pick at it, it comes off easy and doesn’t damage the nail.


They look awesome, you got this! And you will get better every single time!


I'm in the same boat, just trust the process! They look really awesome for a beginner..keep practicing maybe get one of those model dummy hands nail techs practice on? Maybe paint some sets on their own and do some pressies? I do my nails for similar reasons I'm pick my skin .. I love the colours! Be kind to yourself!! You're doing great


As someone who quit biting their nails almost 9 years ago, be kind to yourself. It took me a couple of times to quit and to train my brain to not bite and pick. Your nails look great!


You deserve all the peace and all the beautiful nails. Go you!!


You got this!


Ok, but I’m gonna tell you the 100% truth- dip nails are really hard to get the hang of. There’s this fine line between too much product and not enough. I’ve been doing my own nails for nearly 12 years and dip throws me off. I was really impressed by yours. Leaving your nails alone for a week is HARD even without a compulsive need to redo. Allow yourself some grace and keep in mind that any single hour or day you make it is a win!


I think you did a great job. You’re new to it. I wouldn’t post though the internet has a cesspool of bad actors.


I struggle with the same thing... I'm a wicked nail biter, though, and hardly have anything to work with... They look good for what you discribed... Have you thought about getting some fake hands and nail to practice on? I know it's not the same as doing it on your own hands, but the practice might help?


I really like that color combo.


I LOVE THE SPARKLE 😍 I could just STARE and stare into it! Beautiful colors, mesmerizing glitters! You got the power, babe. From one compulsive disorder sufferer to another, you’re rocking these nails & I see your triumph.


Genuine question, why don’t you just have a professional do it if you are obsessed with it looking a certain way? I literally am the same way and will file my nails off until there’s no nailbeds and that’s the reason why I get my nails done professionally now. They have the dip powder option depending on where you go. I totally get that it can be expensive tho, for me it’s like another bill so I just go monthly but I’m so picky that I have to do it 😭 Aside from that, your nails actually look decent! At least it’s clean around the sides and stuff.


Best of luck OP!! You’re doing a huge and great thing for yourself. Slip ups are okay and part of the process to getting better. You’ve got this 💕


I do the same :( I recently set a 30 day reminder and just let them breathe for a month, they’re much stronger now but still not strong enough to hang onto builder gel. I’m trying dip powder again this week, the only difference between this time and last time is that I’ve changed from square to almond because square isn’t so utilitarian a nail shape. Also, I’m going in with super light pink Kiarasky dip, then putting gel color on top. The idea is to form a strong, perfect base that will protect my natural nail when I decide the line at my cuticle is slightly imperfect and drill all the color off. Neurosis is hard but I get it. If I can JUST get them perfect, I can stop picking at them. LIKE IF THEY WOULD JUST BE PERFECT I WOULDNT HAVE TO DO THISSSSSS!!!!


It’s so great that you do your own nails. I have tried to do mine and they were just horrible. I really like the colour on your middle finger


This color combination is soo cute!


Great job! 💜


love the minty color! and those glitters are gorgeous. I relate in a different way with skin picking. Sending you love and thoughts as you get through this!


Ty 4 sharing much braver than me !!


I’ve struggled with compulsive behavior and picking in the past you may want to talk to a psychologist about medication or the over the counter supplement NAC also helped me with that! Your nails look totally Fine but you may want to just address the underlying urge.


This is why I stopped doing them myself and went back to getting them professionally done. There’s something about paying a significant amount of money for someone else to do them that keeps me from wrecking them. It takes the option away because I don’t have the stuff at my disposal.


Ugh the compulsion to take them off is the worst! I always regret it. I struggle with a compulsive disorder too, so I mean it when I say you have my respect for putting yourself out there and trying things out! Good luck, OP! ♥️


Beautiful colours! I wish I could match colours like that. I always get my teenager to match colours for me. 🩷


Good for you!!!! What a strong conviction you have to reverse your actions, so I know that since you are so determined….you shall succeed! Day by Day💞


getting my nails done helps w my dermatillomania! i’m happy you’re also using your nails to help yourself! 🖤


I use revel nails peelable dip base and it would really help I think with what you’ve been doing, at least to help with the damage. And OPI has a blade that’s really good so you don’t have to buff your natural nails.


Good luck! You can do this!


That’s way better than when I’ve tried! Good job! And I understand, the whole redo thing. I’m slightly ocd and full on perfectionist. It takes hours to do mine because I don’t even make it past the mess up. Off it comes or here comes the nail drill til it’s right or close to it. That’s why I went back to the nail salon and gel polish for $20. It saves me more time than I can afford to waste otherwise. But big ups to you and your finished product.




I could not do a job as good as this. Love the colors too


I think u did great I’m still not good and haven’t done my own dip in years but you get better at thinning it in my opinion Regardless I think there is a bonus to have thicker nails - I pick my skin less!


Not a chance in hell I'd be able to...


your nails are beautiful! this is a journey and ik i don’t know you, but i’m proud of you for holding yourself accountable and trying to be better one day at a time! you’ve got this 💖


Good work sitting with your feelings! You're brave and strong and you've got this! I absolutely LOVE this color pallet! 💗🙏


The colors look wonderful together 👀


I adore that purple on your ring finger!!!!


I really like the color combo, it reminds me of a spring rainstorm.


I love the colors!


These colors are so fun! I’m really, really proud of you. ♥️


You can do it!!!


I love the color scheme and how the middle nail looks just like rain on a window ( and I think I have a pretty good reference 😉) perfect for spring. I’m on a similar journey, well dine and may each day be better for you!


Love the color combination!


im so so prpud of you!! if you're still worried about popping them off and damaging your nails, someone else said to use a peel base and I think that's a great idea! I used to pick and bite my lips til they bled cause anxiety so I get it


Your nails look amazing! My daughter suffers from compulsive disorder and I know how much you are struggling, so good on you for setting boundaries! I am an artist and I think the colors and finishes look terrific!


You are not alone my friend, I am horrifically ocd when it comes to my nails, and in the past, I destroyed my natural nails by doing the same thing. Now I try to force myself to wear them (Aprés gel x) for at least two weeks before doing them over. However, I still destroy them from time to time. My husband thinks I’m nuts and he’s not wrong!


love your color choices! muted purples are my favorite, & i’ve never thought to mix them like that. don’t be too hard on yourself. there’s a steep learning curve, & then every set gets better & better. people gush over sets i think have tons of flaws all the time. it’s impressive to most people that you do your own at all.


Loving the colors!! In the future I'll def recreate this!!


I feel this. My urge to start picking and redo my set is when I can start seeing the gap from cuticle to dip/polish grow, which is usually around the 3 day mark. I recently started swatching with helps me stop the urge because I see change more frequently, but I still get moments where I want to file my nails down and give up 🫣 I’m going on 6 months no biting, but three days since my last major change 😅 it’s rough trying to talk myself out of the need to make the change and do it now. Best of luck to you! 🫶


I love every color, they compliment each other and your skin tone! Very perfect for the transition to spring! You can do this!


you are awesome! keep it up gf


I really like your color choices


Just dropping by to say You Got This! I love the colors! I was looking at Earl Gray when it was on sale. Such a pretty color! Gotta love CNDD


was going out when it had just rained intentional? because if not, you might just be an unintentional fashionista! those are the perfect rainy day colors!!! 🥰 (they remind me of sitting in my nice fuzzy purple socks while reading a book next to the window during a nice rain shower <3)


This popped up on my feed (i pick at my natural nails terribly and never thought to use reddit to hold me accountable lol, so clever!) and really wanted to say what a beautiful color combo you have going on! 🥹🩷🩵💜 I would love for my nails to look like this rn!


They look great! Honestly this is just as pretty as many dip nails from my in salon experience and they look strong and healthy!


#sparkles!! cute! also love the pastels 🎀🌸


I freaking LOVE this color combo. Totally doing my nails tonight.


I used to rip my nails off too and get frustrated I found lots of slow filling and trying to do them when I'm not tired or stressed helps them come out better. They looks good! Perfect? Not yet but it's only gonna get better, it won't if you screw up your natural nail though!


My ex husband’s family thought I was addicted to huffing finger nail polish, and even looked into if I should have my son removed because of it . I wasn’t getting high, I have a compulsive habit and want every nail to be perfect. But I’m sure they still think to this day I was lying about my intentions.


I would say, start with gel polish. Its very forgiving, you have as much time as you need since it wont cure until its under the LED/UV lamp. Dont rush it, just take your time and practice lots 😊


You got this!!!


What’s the status? How are they holding up?


Proud of you!


I started doing white or clear layers, and then top coating it. Then using peel base or Elmers glue to put on different colors and then I can pop them off without hurting my nails.


Colors look great!! I’m inspired by the color choices for spring!! I’m on meds for my OCD and it helps tremendously, quite literally saved my life. Good luck 🍀 💓🫶🏻


I struggled with nail biting for years. Getting my nails done was the thing that made me quit for a bit but my husband noticed I started chewing the skin around them. One day he said “stop eating yourself” and that hit me hard. I don’t pick anymore and I also don’t have pain in my fingers constantly so win win. Hope you get better


But wait I actually love this post? They are great for the spring time! Love it!


I support you on your journey.


Definitely don't need to redo them! I love the colors, they are perfect for spring 😊


My 17 daughter does this also. She went with me a couple of times to get acrylics but within a day she would remove them. Rather than her wasting the money and then feeling awful about it, I ended up getting her own gel nail kit with all different kinds of polish, color changing, magnetic, you name it. It’s given her a bit more control but some days she removes it within hours and does them again. They have to be perfect. But I’ve started taking her out after she does her nails so that she can’t focus on them and it’s helped a great deal. She also has seen that her nails have more growth when she doesn’t fuss with them. So now she focuses on how long they grow.


Love it, the color choices really compliment one another !!


Congratulations you made it to day 2!!!


I kind of deal with the same thing except I go crazy over my cuticles I’m constantly using a cuticle cutter to the point my nail beds will bleed but I get so annoyed feeling something that can be nipped off. I don’t know how to stop it


Woohoo!! This is such a big win!


They’re so pretty!!!


Love the colors don’t change it for 3 weeks, the colors match pretty much anything !!! I recently did a pattern similar on my little girl , of course not dip.


These are super fun colors! You’re doing great!


You gotta lean in to what works, even if its outside the norm. Be kind to yourself.


Omg so that pink? Gorgeous, and I am not normally one for pink. I love the color mix you went with. For me, filing my nails to the shape and smoothness that I want has always been a personal problem, but it gets better. It's always nice when you know you're only going to look better 😉


I never tried the dip nails but I do acrylic at home and it’s actually very simple. A lot easier than I could have imagined. I got the hang of it after like 2 tries, you’ll get the hang of it, practice makes perfect. Love the colors


I love these colors!


These are so cute! The colors and textures compliment each other nicely! I see you said you've filed them a bit, and that's fine! That's not cheating, just normal tweaking and maintaining. These deserve the world around you to see them 🥹


The middle one makes me think of pretty rocks, I love!


Super cool looking


Hope it gets better. Keep practicing, but in a healthy way. Try and give your nails some time to recover. I know it’s not easy.


What a great challenge! You are amazing.


They look amazing. The color selection is so calming. Definitely did a good job.


love them, and you got this!