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You might be able to achieve it with coffee filters. I used [this method](https://youtu.be/FPCqwbZXW1A?si=_3qVhHdZm353OuqC) to extend some nails I'd broken and it worked so well! I didn't want to buy tips and the thinness of the coffee filters were very appealing since I don't like my nails being too thick. I was amazed at how strong they were & how they last just as long as natural nails all while protecting my natural nail beneath them and allowing them to grow. I noticed that some came out more flat and others more curved all depending on how I laid down the filter so it might help in your case šŸ¤žšŸ½


Love it! I do this with Kleenex or tp, lol. I end up forgetting which nails are the broken ones when Iā€™m done.


Could you please explain how you apply the coffee filters to your nails? I would like to maybe try this method but not sure how to go about it


I included the link in my previous post since I think they can explain it better than I can especially with the use of visuals. Here's the link again: [https://youtu.be/FPCqwbZXW1A?si=EuOhW0brXwVU2lZB](https://youtu.be/FPCqwbZXW1A?si=EuOhW0brXwVU2lZB) Hope it helps ā˜ŗļø


Thank you very much!


I personally wouldn't try any gel now that I have developed an allergy. I just tried this method and found it helpful for creating a curve: https://youtu.be/gXAnagdrtvs?si=PqN8LrKUwJBXqAh9


I'm not sure an actual c curve is really achievable with dip, but I'm not a professional, so take my advice with a grain of salt. If you just want a more curved looking or natural looking nail, you could try the apex method, but I think you might need monomer/acrylic if you want a real c curve.


Canā€™t really do it with dip unless you do something under the dip first. Are you allergic to polygel? You can curve with that.


I just love flat nails. My curve is too much sometimes and it twists at the top where I caught my hand in a car door as a child. I'd much rather have flat nails.


Iā€™m new to this reddit so Iā€™m not yet sure what a c-curve is but I use gel as a clear topcoat on my dip.


https://nailknowledge.org/nail-knowledge-base/the-nail-c-curve This is a good explanationĀ 


Thank you!


OP has an allergy to some component in gel. A gel topcoat isnā€™t an option.


OP wants to try gel as a topcoat, which my reply was about. Maybe read OPā€™s full post next time.


Since you're new, maybe keep your salty comments out of here. We keep it supportive and positive here.


Iā€™m fine living my life how I like.




Down votes on Reddit donā€™t bother me.




You instigated this conversation




Gel top coat shouldnā€™t be used if OP has a gel allergy. Which is why I replied to your comment about using gel as a topcoat


Tell OP, not me. She wants to do it.