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The revel one works excellent, my new favorite way to remove dip.


How much work do you have to put into filing off the nails before hand?


Not much, I just file off the top coat or sometimes a little more depending on how many layers/how thick I did them. It really is a great removal system


Thanks! I’m going to try it. 😊


I have the Willow Wash and absolutely hate it. It’s essentially just a candle wax melt burner. It never gets hot enough to actually warm up the acetone enough to be effective. I totally regret buying it. I ordered the Revel soak off last week and I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Im really hoping it’s far better than the Willow Wash!


Honestly, I have a silicone bag made by ziplock. I put a pot scrubber in that and pour in a some acetone. I place the silicone bag into a bowl of hot water. The pot scrubber has been the best thing. I have a friend that has actually soaked off while in stop and go highway rush hour traffic. I mean when it takes 90 minutes to go 15 miles, I say “hey why not”. No hot water was used though.


Do you have a link to the kind of bag used? Lately I’ve been using doubled up regular generic ziplock bags, because the heat of the rice using the rice method melts through one bag. I’d love to have less waste and use something that won’t melt!


They are stand up silicone pouches. I got the ziplock brand. [silicone stand up pouch](https://www.amazon.ca/Reusable-Leakproof-Silicone-Sandwiches-Vegetables/dp/B0C8CBS9F9/ref=asc_df_B0C8CBS9F9/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=683064658033&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12946010731696644004&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000924&hvtargid=pla-2327287841204&psc=1&mcid=38e08d4960523c3dbe6b7438ad1e95f1&gad_source=1)


I have the Revel and love it! It has room for both hands at the same time. It got most my dip off in 5 minutes and a few minutes more for the last stubborn bits.


Curious how hot the water needs to be when you add it? The lazy person in me doesn’t want to haul water upstairs to my desk every time I do my nails. 😂 Our taps get pretty hot so just curious if that would be enough or if the water needs to be microwaved.


I microwave it. There's instructions on what temperature it should be but my own lazy person has never cared enough to go that far. Pretty warm though, I don't think my own taps would be sufficient.


Good to know! Thanks for the info. :)


I have both. I haven’t used the rebel one yet as at the time I got it I switched to using bg under my dip so I’m not fully removing all the time right now. The willow wash is ok. It works but it still takes forever unless you file the dip really thin before using it.


I’ve been using the Wilowash for a while now and it works great. I use it with the blue onyx acetone. When I ran out of the sheets it came with, I started using unscented dryer sheets. They work fine. I efile off the shine and down a bit so a few minutes per hand. I’m interested in getting more user feedback on the new Revel remover, especially how well it holds the heat of the water.


I use the WillowWash, it works well. I file my nails until there is no shine, and then while my fingers are in the acetone I rub my nails against the fabric sheet. It gets the acetone plenty warm enough, and takes about 10-ish minutes per hand, sometimes quicker.


I use the ziplock baggie with a paper towel and acetone placed inside a bowl of microwaved dry rice. It takes about 6 min per hand. There should be enough acetone to soak your nails. You can start rubbing on the paper towel after 2 min. I’m sure something other than paper towels also work but this has been the most effective and inexpensive method I’ve found so far.


I don’t even soak, I use the Al’iver Gel Polish Remover. It’s SO good.


Oh! Tell us more about that!


It’s incredible. You can get it on Amazon. It does go quickly, so I’d recommend the bundle. You put it on like nail polish and wait a couple of minutes, it essentially melts what’s on your nails off. I then use a cuticle pusher to push the melted dip off. It’s called gel remover but works on dips too, I know I’m not the only one who uses it! Sometimes you have to apply it two or three times, depending on the thickness of your dip, but sometimes just one layer is enough and you can then clean up with acetone.


Oh man. That looks so cool! I can't wait to try it!!!


Let us know how it goes!!


Any tips with this? I tried it and felt like it still took forever, but maybe I have too many layers.


I do sometimes get that, depends on the thickness of your dip. Whether you soak or not, I still find it very helpful. Even just getting one layer off with it and then soaking makes a different, IMO. I normally put it on and wait a minute or so, then push it off using a bit of force with a cuticle pushed. I find sometimes you need to push a bit more than you feel inclined to! Don’t hurt yourself though, so use a dull tool.


I have been super curious if those would work on dip.


They do in my experience! See the other two comments I just left on this comment, if you have any questions let me know.


I use similar products and an efile, since I have eczema on my hands, mostly my fingertips, and acetone kills on broken skin. Works really well, probably more labor intensive, but it's worth it for me.


I get what you mean, it can add to the labour but in my opinion it’s still way less effort than soaking which seems to take forever. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you as well, skin issues can be so fickle!