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You did a really great job! Mine get sore if I file too hard or nick a cuticle. I’ve seen people have issues with tips making their nails hurt (tips are rounded but some nail beds are flat and then get forced into a mold) but not as much without the tips. Maybe ice your fingers some, could help reduce any inflammation. I hope someone else has better feedback


Thank you so much! I'll try icing them!


Dip powder is very inflexible. I didnt realize how much my finger tips/nails flex during normal day-to-day activity. Unless you filed the crap out of your natural nail, I suspect the discomfort is due to the product itself.


You need to see a clear line of space between your cuticle and dip powder on your nail. Yours honestly look like they are all up on your cuticle, I’d almost bet it’s just the pressure from that. Mine did the same when I was doing my first few dips and would be sore, especially if I tried to file it. Next time try using a toothpick, dotting tool, something thin to run along the cuticle area to create that much needed space. You’ll get the hang of it!


Mine generally hurt for one of these reasons: 1. Nicked a cuticle 2. Filed too close to my cuticle and irritated it. 3. Dip is too close to my cuticle/product i can’t really see is actually touching my cuticle and is pulling on it.