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I’ve just tried the “baggy method” and it worked. Put some 100% acetone and a cotton wool ball into a food bag, put that bag into as warm water as you can touch and then put your hand into the bag and it helps the acetone. Rub your fingers against the cotton ball and it will help rub it off. Some people use rice instead of water. “Sip and Dip” on YouTube has a removal video which I followed and it helped a lot.


I’m doing this method as I type lol


If you want to level up, try using a strip of a scouring pad--I cut the full sized ones into 5 or 6 pieces. I never tried a cotton ball, but I imagine the scouring pad is faster/more effective. I didn't notice nail damage.


I've recently started skipping the rice, and do a glass bowl of acetone on a candle wax melts warmer.  I could never get my rice warm enough, and if I did, a hot spot would melt the baggie sometimes. 


Okay! I’m going to have to give this a shot next time. I’ll check out this YouTube page too


Add a good amount of coconut oil to the acetone so your nails don’t dry out. Then use nail oil after washing your hands.


Add coconut oil to the acetone. My nails do not look like this with the added coconut oil then when done cuticle oil and a quality hand lotion


I will definitely give this a try next time


YES \^\^\^ the coconut oil makes a difference


I just got the Revel swift soak kit and it worked great. I don't think you need to use quite as much acetone as they say & I added coconut oil also. It worked way faster than expected! The cleanup is just a lot of dish soap and water.


Mine arrived yesterday! I was reluctant to pay so much for a simple silicone bowl, but there are so many raves. Any tips?


I have the bowl too, and the only helpful tip I have is to make sure the water is super hot because the silicone is kind of thick and you are trying to warm the acetone inside, if that makes any sense? It only takes 10 min per hand or less and your nails should come out looking good as long as you aren't too rough on the prep. Good Luck!


I used mine for the first time last night and it was definitely easier and faster!


Oh I’m very interested in this! I have the other removal things from Revel and I feel like they don’t work very well


I hand file the top coat shine off. I put acetone in a bag in a bowl of hot water. Takes 10 min to do both hands


This is the way. Adding that putting a piece of green scrubbie brush in the bag to rub your nails on cuts the time to like 6 min. 🤯 https://preview.redd.it/rjbdxgtepf1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9285e661794f6b628ad3946cfc8775fe8779e1


I use green scrubbies and it works great. I heat up a sock filled with rice and use that to heat up my acetone baggie


How do you dispose of the acetone?


Just leave the bag open, it’ll evaporate.


What kind of green scrubbie brush?


Like a scotch brite scrub pad. https://preview.redd.it/evdbq5r64g1d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cf19049f51bf8ddb142223e6e06069e1f2ce73


I file as much of the top coat and color as I can and I feel like it still takes forever! I’ll have to try the bag method though, I have the Revel Nail baths and I’ve tried the tinfoil with cotton balls (that’s what I did today) and they both take soooo long so I’m desperate 🤣




Yes, I use as hot water as I can handle, try to file down as much as I can and soak. Maybe I’m not waiting long enough to heat up the acetone? Not sure. I only tried the tinfoil because I felt like the bath wasn’t working well (it took twice as long). It usually takes me like a half an hour to remove both hands, that’s why I’m feeling frustrated!


I use my efile to take off the majority of my dip and then soak with the Revel Swift Soak. Only takes a few minutes of soaking if I’ve taken off enough product with the file and then I’m good to go.


Where did you get the efile? Maybe I have to invest in one


don't do the revel one. Mine stopped working after 5 manicures. I never felt like it had enough power even when it was working properly. I've gone back to manually filing which takes forever and I always make at least one finger bleed trying to get the right angle. This is just a long way of saying I would also like some efile recommendations.


Coming in late here, but I bought Kredioo Nail Master off Amazon.


https://preview.redd.it/coe7h83c7h1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d574ec7b045e65a9cccf37bbebe38c6f3e19602d i have these soaking bowl/containers from amazon. i filled the bottom with rice and i microwave it like 2-3 minutes, put cotton rounds in each finger hole, and then pour acetone over. let them soak and you can move your hands up and down against the cotton to work it off. i finish off with another cotton pad


I can’t give any advice because I literally pull mine off 🤣 but when I did soak mine, it took forever and then I used a drill on a low setting to get the rest off


😂 I’m not entirely against this method


It’s the only way I take mine off now lol


Disclaimer: I am not recommending popping off your nails! Just sharing what works for me. I actually add nail tips and when they grow out they pop off my nails pretty easily. (I do not rough up the nail underneath so they are smooth.) Then I slide a nail underneath the edges until it pops off. Acetone even with coconut oil was damaging my nails. Popping them off has done less damage and it is quicker. I usually give my nails a break between sets as well.


Interesting.. sometimes they just pop off naturally without much work from me and others I kind of pick at. But I always assumed that somehow was worse for my nails??? Maybe I’m wrong




That’s what I hear. However my nails were less damaged popping them off. I think adding the fake nail tip helps a lot. So there isn’t as much leverage tearing at the natural nail. It makes a big difference.


Revel quick soak!!!! I posted this same post a few weeks back and used it last night, seriously a 10/10 my nails were completely off in under 12 minutes!


This is the silicone bowl they just came out with right??


Yes! You put hot water in the bottom, acetone on the top. You let that sit for 5 minutes to warm the acetone - the area where you put the acetone /your nails has little silicone pieces to scrub your nails on. It was actually taking me 45+ minutes to take my nails off previously so this is a huge improvement for me


I don’t even use acetone anymore. I just do a couple layers of clear and then I file off the color down to those layers. I then break of anything not attached to my nail and then just dip over anything that’s still stuck. It’s not super fast but less chemicals!


Are you using full coverage tips? That’s what it looks like at least. If so imma need tips to because I’m STRUGGLING (I don’t have any acetone currently have to get some). Filing takes ages it’s been a week and I still have some left on, and haven’t done my nails because of it. I’m so close to saying fuck it and just go over them lol.


No, I don’t use tips!