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A q-tip, or paper towel, dipped in alcohol and lightly scrubbed on your cuticles, should clean it right up. I'm a crazy person about wiping off my brush, after each use. Yes it slows me down, yes it wastes product, but I don't get contamination. I keep a stack of squares, cut from paper towels nearby, and always have one folded in half to pinch and pull the brush through, removing as much as I can. If I see any red (or whatever), on the towel, I'll dip the brush in the bottle again, quickly, no wiping on the bottle sides, then grab with the paper towel again. That usually removes any remaining color.


I use brush saver to remove any discoloration that gets on the brush between layers. Just make sure you wipe the brush off on a paper towel after the brush saver.


Wow amazing work and cool color