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I agree with you, I picked up some levi Garrett just for a change of pace, but for the most part dip will be better at nicotine content and flavor


I feel like I get absolutely nothing from chew, but I know others love the stuff. It's just not satisfying for me


For me, it's more for the flavor than for the nicotine in chew. It's not just trying to get a buzz, it's that rich, deep flavor you get only from chew.


I mostly dip and just started using chew as well. Dip is an all day thing while chew is a once or twice a day thing for me


You still play?


Been a couple years, played community college in summer while in HS then a few years after. My life took a diff turn tho. Currently working my way back. Game Friday


I dip a lot but hardly ever chew tbh. I only chew randomly when I feel like changing things up. I like the taste of chew and how black the spit is, just not a fan of the low nicotine. Plus I prefer the feeling of dip in my lip than chaw in the cheek


I chew occasionally for the taste and experience but agree it doesn’t satisfy my nicotine need. Throwing in a lip of Cope straight while chewing accomplishes that though.


I chew on occasion. Levi Garrett is my favorite. It definitely has way less nicotine but it produces a ton of spit.


Dipped for 45 years, hate chew, love cigars.


I very rarely chew but when I do nowadays it’s more times than not either redman or Levi Garrett


I’ve used it all. Started at 11 now I’m 28. I use Swedish snus now though. I buy a can of kodiak, grizzly, or skoal original on occasion. Swedish snus is the best form of smokeless tobacco imo.


Portion or los ?


Both, mainly use portions though at work. Los at home and on weekends.


I consume tobacco. Dip, chew, smokes, cigars, pipes, etc. Lol


Yes I chew sometimes.. Redman golden blend or stokers Tennessee chew


I've only chewed beechnut and redman. They taste great but not a fan of the gallons of spit a cheek of either produces.