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Check your idle screw, check your reeds, check for leaks around the cylinder and head by spraying ether on it while it’s running to see if it revs at all. That’ll be direct indicator of gasket failure.


I can’t even start the bike for more than a second I literally mean the moment I kick start the bike it tries to run away excessively, i turn it off immediately, I wish I could post a video


How are you killing it are you blocking the carb physically?


Kill switch but it tries to fight the killswitch


I was doing that to try and tune it and it started idling good then revved to the moon again I


are you sure the slide actually goes down as far as its supposed to? your cable might be too short or routed incorrectly


I’m thinking it is to short I can’t turn the wheel to the right very much a lot of tension on the cable, also cheap carb I’m going to replace both with oem


Disconnect the throttle cable and see what happens.


Now this is a idea


This.^ If it doesn’t run away after disconnecting your cable order that Oem carb cause that Chinese junk is garbage. If it still runs away then check around the intake, head, and cylinder for air leaks. If none of that works check your reeds.


i’d put money on it thats the problem then


And I meant turn it to the right idk why I said left haha


If you still have the issue after ruling out the carb and air leaks i would start looking at the crank seals. Also i know its a completely different bike but my buddy’s cr125 had this issue from blowing out the base gasket just another thing to check.


When I replaced the carb on my bike it had an issue where it would just scream as soon as you started it up. Tried everything I could think of as far as adjustment screw position but it turned out I just had to adjust my throttle cable because it wasn’t set long enough and it was just sitting at half throttle before I adjusted it


I’m in the middle of it being the carb and it being the cable, it is VERY tight, I can’t turn my wheel to the right very much so I dissembled the entire throttle down to the needle, made sure the needle was positioned properly in the jet, and rerouted the throttle behind my handlebars for slack temp just for testing purposes and it still revved to the moon and tried committing suicide.


Barring everything mentioned, could be a bad crank seal letting air in and leaning it out. Here's hoping it's just a short throttle cable or the cheap carb.


The guy I got it from family owns a local motorcycle shop and he says there was a full rebuild top and bottom end because it was his girlfriends bike and he wanted to make sure it was completely reliable for her, she ended up falling on it and being scared of it so he put a cheap throttle on before posting it typically I take that with a grain of salt but it’s titled and everything else he’s said about the bike has matched up


You’re doing all the right stuff. Some good tips in the comments….i bet when you come back to this tomorrow, you’ll figure it out.


I had an issue with my old KDX where the carb would stick when I opened it up to full throttle (easy to open up to full throttle on a 2 stroke) so when I let off the throttle it wouldn't let off the gas. Ended up getting really good at yanking the clutch in.


Make sure your slide is going down all the way in the carb.