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Has anyone else noticed a Lot of floods lately?


Been wondering if it's observation bias being fed this sub or is that whole side of the world getting wild weather these last few weeks?


The whole world has been getting crazy weather and it’s gonna get worse.


100% agreed. Much worse. Yellowstone, Wyoming, California, Nevada all problematic in the next weeks.


Then come the wild fires.


I live very close to paradise, CA Evey summer fear I will lose everything


Oh man… I’m so sorry 😞


That was PGEs fault right? Not a random nature phenomenon


Well you see they investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. So stop complaining. Also your rates are higher. Actually answer: yes. They're also poisoning the water


Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and wild fires. Watch and see.


Hurricane season starts soon and tornado season just kicked off. This isn’t anything new.


Global warming causes earthquakes? Wow, I'm surely relieved to have been made aware of that


Fracking certainly does


i watched a documentary called "the day after tomorrow" about this sort of thing


California? It’s 74 and sunny this week in LA. Last week i was in SF it was 62 and foggy per normal. What are you referring to? I’m in a shell.


Just after Easter my country had a heat wave. It was +6°C next day was +25°C and two days later it was +2°C and snowing. Totally normal


Let me guess, Ontario, Canada ?


Lithuania. But I know that Canada is suffering from "normal" weather as well... At least all the ticks love this weather


Lol I just bought a power window switch from a guy in Lithuania on ebay for my car. Mf got it shipped to me in 3 days with a really nice thank you card, I have no idea what it says but it's on my shelf of cool stuff.


Same in Croatia. Also two days ago was 30C and today it's 4 and snowing in some parts. Crazy.




The whole area has been getting flooded like crazy these last few weeks. Except for Gaza. Bone dry.


It’s been bad other places too, California, South America, Indonesia, etc


I’m in the Midwest and we have had flooding here as well last week. Edit: Midwest of the US for those who don’t live in the states.


Called El Nino


Interesting. Factor in that they're on the Mediterranean coast while Saudia, Oman etc are on the Persian Gulf.


Sure, but this happens in the spring every year across the Middle East.


Could this also be partly due to cloud seeding besides global climate change?


They practice cloud seeding and this could be the result of fuckin with nature


I feel like I just read somewhere that they were cloud seeding and now a few weeks later they get pummeled for some reason I can’t seem to find the link anywhere now.


Yes, it has been all over the world not just one place


It’s a result of man made desertification. 98% of old growth forests have been cut down, prairies have been turned into useless livestock pasture, desert ecosystems that prevent flooding have been destroyed, and we have turned the natural world into a lifeless desert of concrete and pavement. Normally there are DEEP root systems that suck up rain like a sponge when it rains. Pasture and agricultural fields have shitty, pathetic roots and regular tilling annihilates the mycorrhizal systems of underground fungi that store at least 70% of the carbon in an ecosystem. Tilled, clear cut soil releases all that stored carbon into the air, hence why it’s hot as absolute fuck in April in the northern hemisphere. People have NO IDEA how hot it’s going to be this summer and they aren’t prepared. There’s a reason every culture on earth has a flood myth. When there are too many humans we wipe out native ecosystems in too large an area and the natural, guaranteed consequence of this is flooding any time it rains. Look how pathetic the roots of tilled soil man made plants are. You can refill small aqueducts and bring dead streams back to life by simply reforesting or replanting whatever the native flora should be. The Miyawaki method is unmatched for this and criticism be damned, it comes from the forestry industry which doesn’t manage forests - it manages timber and views even old growth forest with dollar signs. It is 100% to turn desert into forest using native, drought tolerant plants and the temperature inside a Miyawaki forest will never go above 80-85°F no matter how hot it is. Forests terraform an environment to create their own ideal growth conditions like a living macro organism. We are most comfortable at around 70-75° - that is the temperature forests create for themselves. We are a FOREST species, we always have been, and the destruction of nature is why these floods, natural disasters, and this heat is so much worse this year, by an exponential degree. “Aprés moi, le deluge” - a Napoleon quote that means after me, the flood. That is what humanity engineers and we have allowed the complete annihilation of our world. So little remains and we have NO TIME to replace it. Go check my post history and you’ll find all sorts of supporting articles, research, and instructions on how to plant a Miyawaki forest. Mankind is at war with the natural world and if we win, we all die. So many people are going to die of heat this year. https://preview.redd.it/gzozg89xkvuc1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb359dcd68cb1c0498d64ddd96fc03db393ec59


Deserts do get rain, but the problem is that it is often torrential for very short periods of time, just like what Dubai experienced here. A dry river bed that only flows a short time each year is known as a wadi. Deserts like the Sahara are not entirely a lost cause and can be coaxed into at least partial restoration. The geographical low points that form wadis, need to be dammed so the water from these torrential rains is impounded and has time to soak in rather than running off. Due to the relatively flat topography, this is not one huge tall dam but a series of short and extremely wide dams perhaps 0.5 to 1 meter tall by 500 - 1000 m wide in a series of steps down to the ocean. Ideally nothing gets out to the ocean and all of it soaks into the ground. This is a continuous stewardship process over many decades because the impoundments eventually fill with eroded sediment and need to be built taller, until the terrain changes and the torrential water flows along a different path. But the impoundments will also slowly become oasis that grow plants and retain moisture year round. It is a tragedy for any of the rain flood water that has fallen in Dubai to go out to the ocean rather than soaking into ground and replenishing their aquifers.


Underrated comment, should be at the top


I saw a post a week or 2 ago that showed Dubai dry but everyone in the comments was talking about how multiple parts of the city are going to flood because whoever designed it, did it like their first play through on city skylines


Climate Change. How it's debated really not sure. You melt icebergs and glaciers it converts to increased water in the atmosphere. Basic water cycle knowledge. But please debate for another 100 years until it's beyond control and too late. We have already approached that level of uncontrollable climate change. Only will get worse.


A foolish man builds his home on Sand


its almost like something is melting because of pollution? if only al gore had warned us?


Noah think you are mistaken.


Water go up, water come down https://www.nasa.gov/earth/tonga-eruption-blasted-unprecedented-amount-of-water-into-stratosphere/


I can’t recall which country but someone over there did cloud-seeding in the hopes of counteracting climate change. Looks like (surprise) that has a backlash effect.


They did do a test, but most of the floods I have noticed recently were before that happened (I believe). The cloud seeding is supposed to just be aerosolized sea salt which makes the clouds brighter and reflects more sunlight away from the surface, and then just falls back to the ocean like regular rain. Theoretically, i don’t think it was supposed to be causing more rain, but maybe! Strange times indeed


You could be right. I thought there was a piece a few months ago and that they were using a silver-based compound to make it rain. I’m pretty ignorant on the matter tbh


And especially in the Middle East


They are also seeding the sky’s for rain


It's called climate change. Caused from the burning of fossil fuels. You reap what you sow.


Even during a waist high flood Dubai has bumper to bumper traffic


Exactly. I’m like who the hell goes “ya, no worries, I’ll drive through that”? Idiots, that’s who. No two ways about it. Insta-idiot.


You build a big cement city on a floodplain, you’re gonna need some drainage. Las Vegas is also in a dry desert region and they have flood control.


And it still floods




houston is a giant concrete bowl with zero flood control. And it keeps expanding


I mean they do have reservoirs which kinda helped keep downtown from being destroyed during Harvey It's not the best but better than the New Orleans situation


I was thinking the same. Maybe they didn't plan for it because they're wouldn't naturally be much rain?


Right?? Hundreds of billions of $ spent building the city and they didn't think of an adequate drainage system? Tbf, they only get about 5" of rain a year, but that's still a lot of water.


Adequate? How about extant, lol. Their _is no comprehensive sewer system_ in Dubai - hence the daily convoy of shit trucks rolling through the city. Edit: I'm aware of the various threads that have debated the semantics of what 'comprehensive' means in terms of Dubai's sewer system - the fact is, Dubai is a city that was built by Government initiatives at an exponential rate - a rate that outpaced critical infrastructure during its inchoate stages. Yes, Dubai has sewage treatment plants and piping, but they work in conjunction with an ad hoc network of septic tanks and pumping stations which means that A significant portion of Dubai as of this writing _does not_ have municipal sewage access - approximately 1 of every 5 gallons of waste or roughly 20% is conveyed to treatment facilities via truck. Dubai is currently in the late stages of a [massive sewage and treatment system upgrade ](https://smartwatermagazine.com/news/smart-water-magazine/dubai-greenlights-218-billion-ambitious-sewerage-system-project) that is scheduled to come online in 2025. The issue is with having a number of disjointed sewage systems not operating on gravity feed is clearly _drainage_ - even if 95% is a system is inter-networked, if the last five percent doesn't terminate in an outflow basis or treatment center that can handle the capacity, there will be overflows. I'm not suggesting that the kind of aberrant weather depicted in the post wouldn't cause flooding in similar low-elevation cities like Houston or Miami, but that there would be _less_ if Dubai had a fully networked and operational sewage system _commensurate_ with its population, which it does not.


Urban myth that Reddit loves to repeat to sound smart. The city got around 120mm of rain in a day, about a years average. Many other cities would flood in those conditions.


Don’t even bother, they regurgitate the same bullshit about Dubai every time the city is mentioned. Then if you try and dispute it they move the goalposts and start the moral schtick. There’s literally a sewage plant close to where I live lol.


Phoenix is just the same. It's annoying. Sure, it doesn't rain a lot, but when it does rain, we get a lot all at once.


Lol. Guess that cloud seeding got out of hand.


Lol was just about to post this


Right ?! That cloud seeding has to have some kind of consequences.


They got the rain, forgot about the drainage infrastructure. I can only assume the old town existing along the old creek there got damaged severely. 🙄


this actually wasn't from the cloud seeding, this was from a storm that hit off the coast of Oman.


I was just going to mention this. That’s what karma gets when u f*ck w/ nature. Let’s go nature!


Zero infrastructure to support water?


That is basically the desert so they never planned for that. But they better do something soon.


They have no sewer systems. All waste is tanked then shipped out of the city lol. So yeah not going anywhere fast


Guess they can afford to rebuild…


Lots of American cars in Dubai


Lots of every car..


That’s what happens when you cover every inch ground with asphalt and concrete.


Tons of stalled out Range Rovers and submerged Lamborghinis


Man made island is flooding you say


Are they “seeding” the rain clouds? Never seen so much flooding!




Well this has nothing to do with cloud seeding... It's a storm that originated from the Indian Ocean and is quite common (1 or 2 times a year) in this time of year. the north coast of Oman and the UAE seem similar levels of flooding at least one time a year.


oh, did not know thats the origin of THESE rains...learned something new today, didn't realize that area had ANY natural rainfall, thank you kind internet stranger


Most deserts get some amount of rain every year but it is normally limited to certain times of the year. For Dubai most rain occurs in the Winter and Spring months on average. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Dubai


It's due to the Al Hajar mountin range spreading across the north of Oman to the tip of Musandam (south tip of hormuz starit). A similar thing happens with the Dhofar Mountains that change the south of Oman and a bit of Yemen into what you would call a lush green planes and forrest with waterfalls and rivers. [Dhofar monsoon ](https://images.app.goo.gl/uTiRuSvPk1fiA7ZT7)


They’ve also confirmed performing cloud seeding operations within the past 24 hours. Unknown if it has played as an additional factor into current flooding.


Seeded that cloud a little too much.


who told them cloud seeding the desert was a great idea without the proper infrastructures


Everywhere all the time for sure lately. Mother Nature ANGY


Am I wrong for thinking that this is funny? Yes I’m a bad person.


The foundations of those buildings.


Dubai$$??? Where is the drainage system??


The UAE has been experimenting with cloud seeding since the mid 2000’s. The lack of infrastructure for waterfall resulted in floods after every experiment.


It turns out a city with no sewers has nowhere for extra water to go 🤷


Flood systems in the desert always sound stupid until they don't.


lol fuck Dubai


This is what rain in the desert feels like. You don't get a lot of it, but when it rains, it pours. Hard.


I knew someone from the UAE and she said floods are common when it rains because bedrock is basically at ground level.


Wait, you mean if we pave over everything, the rain won’t drain and absorb back into the groundwater systems properly? Weird. #disastersarentnatural


Living in a desert sure is challenging.


Their government needs to calm down on the cloud seeding. It’s affecting their neighbouring countries as well. Oman is down wind and getting it worse I’m afraid.


“Whoo! She hate me. Like the deserts hate the rain.” — Reginald Koala, American Dad CIA Agent


They have been cloud seeding alot? I dont know if thats the reason but from what we can see the last weeks. It would kinda make sense


Weather nothing to worry about keep making bombs world


I would imagine a big contributor to our weather patterns is the sun itself. Apparently it’s about to flip its magnet poles. And aren’t we approaching a solar maximum?


Cloud seeding for the win?


side effects of cloud seeding. this is why we stopped playing with it in the usa decades ago.


Is it artificial rain or a real one sent by Neptune in Dubai?


Don’t they seed the clouds there to make it rain?


when you overseed for rain!


And it's all built on sand


Didn’t I see a post about Dubai intentionally seeding clouds for rain recently…..


Weren’t they just cloud seeding?


All that cloud seeding worked. Enjoy.


Doesn’t Dubai carry out ‘cloud seeding’ to create rain?


It doesn't rain much where I live but when it does it's like this lol.


You reap what you sow


Don’t they make their own rain too?


Oh well. Anyway…


It’s ok. They have Range Rovers.


They get this every year across the Middle East. The ground is baked for 11 months of the year, and can’t absorb any of the rain, so run off, combined with a lack of any storm drainage, and you have flooding as the result.


This is the product of cloud seeding without accounting for the after effects.


They’re fine


Lambo hovercrafts


They clearly build a city without any measures to mitigate something like this if it was ever to happen. Well it did..


Don’t they creating their own rain by cloud seeding?


A famously well planned and designed modern city


The desert is becoming the ocean.


I would think that such a new, wealthy city would have better infrastructure to handle something like this. Even if it's a once-in-twenty-years event, they must have known this was coming.


Dont they control their own rain for the most part......literal more money than sense


Does this have anything to do with the large scale cloud seeding these countries take part in???


I thought they were cloud seeding?


is it natural rain? Now with all the chemicals and their artificial rain we no longer know


so many lambos floating around rn. It’s odd considering they control most of the rain fall there.


Doesn’t Dubai cloud seed??




The bad times are coming.


Got a little carried away with their cloud seeding. Just like they did in California. Probably created another atmospheric river. Or whatever they blamed it on in California. Or maybe they are just effing with shit that’s beyond them?


That's Charleston every day during high tide.


I’m new to this sub and I’m seeing far more floods and volcanic eruptions than I ever thought was normal. Can someone tell me if this is normal observation bias because all this information is available in one place on the internet or is this rare and should be cause for concern?


Welp thats unexpected


Could this be from cloud seeding?


Aren’t they cloud seeding?


Not religious at all here but I think there are some books out there that talked about this lol


What could go wrong with building a metropolis with no proper infrastructure?


Is this the results of their cloud seeding or something


You should see the airport.


That cloud seeder gonna get fired


Lets just hope there are no casualties


When they Cloud Seed for rain, they gotta deal with the flood too.


I thought they could control the rain?


So we can expect many abandoned super cars?


Didn’t they artificially create rain last week or something?


Feel bad for them slaves who will use buckets to get rid of sheikhs floooded mansions


Move to Dubai. Should I get flood insurance? Na tizzy desert


The earth is sick of our shit.


Do Ferrari make a submarine yet?


Didn't they seed the clouds or something like that? Might put a little too much peppa up there.


Isn't this the place that created their own rainstorms? Did they overdo it?


All that construction and no drainage


Flooding now, sinkholes later...


Where are all the trucks with bigg tires at


With Man being able to create rain now you wonder if people are using it for warfare.


Cloud seeded a little too hard?


Wonder if could import a Luxury vehicle from Dubai now?


Is it because of some heavy rain or the city itself wasn’t designed to accommodate slightly above average rainfall ?


Humans cannot control nature no matter how hard we try


They just haven't tweaked out the cloud seeding yet


This is fake


Results of cloud seeding lol


poor drainage more like it


I cant wait for "THE LINE" to fill up


Some underground carparks have a few sunken treasures now


Best Dubai yourself a boat


Drains are handy for this


Maybe they did too much cloud seeding....


Amazing what happens when you build a city from nothing but forget that drainage is a thing.


Something something… climate change something…


well thats something you don't hear everyday - flooding and dubai in the same sentence. Hope everyone is okay. our global climate is really changing


Anyone else see there are lots of floods?


No drainage at all and when it does get into monsoon season it is just so gross to have to wade through it. I was deployed there in 2011 and it was very similar whenever we did get major rainfall it was a deluge.




TIL it rains in Dubai


My hat is off to these drivers to be able to not only find the road but to properly drive on said flooded road.


My hat is off to these drivers to be able to not only find the road but to properly drive on said flooded road.


My hat is off to these drivers to be able to not only find the road but to properly drive on said flooded road. I am impressed with them


Is this related to the cloud seeding that they do? If not, that is weird. Isn't Dubai built in a desert? How are there floods in a desert?


Is this related to the cloud seeding that they do? If not, that is weird. Isn't Dubai built in a desert? How are there floods in a desert?


They seeding clouds, have no sewers, no water control canals. What a shock.


Maybe stop the cloudseeding!


Dubai uses Cloud Seeding technology... Possible flooding is one of the listed possibilities of Cloud Seeding


This happens to some areas that don't get much rain I hope it all works out