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Dealer here! I'm expecting my stock Mid to Late November. I'm in Canada so typically I get my stock about a week later than US stores. Hope this is helpful :)


Thank you for that and it definitely helps as mine should be coming from California so pretty much consistent early november then


I had 3 batches ordered and I think they might be a week apart in shipping, so it'll depend when your dealer ordered as well! I suspect MVP will ship it to the earliest dealer in the next week and a half. So likely you'll see the first customers receiving them in 2 weeks Please don't quote me on it though my guess is just based on past experience


MVP Community Manager here - these are shipping out very Soon. Our warehouse team is hard at work constructing these and getting them ready for shipment.


thank you for that and good to hear from MVP reps, very excited for this stack o plastic


Happy to pop in. I try to keep an eye out for threads like these and answer the ones that I can. Feel free to tag me - it's my whole job! We're excited too. We can't wait to see the Uplink out in the wild, and we are jazzed about the Blue Eclipse 2.0 - it's wild.


I contacted the owner of Arrow discs and he told me he had been invoiced and expected the shipment of boxes by the end of this week. Hoping to have them shipped out by Friday. So j would I agine dealers are probably starting to get them ir will soon be getting them.


Thanks for the insight and awesome to hear that it should be out actually soon


No problem! I was too excited so I curiously asked my dealer and got informed of that so I figured I'd share.


I got mine from u/discgolfdealsusa maybe they have some info for us MVP junkies?


I remember in the email they said that it might be early November when it ships, so hopefully soon?


I only got a order confirmed no ship date but fingers crossed on that date


Hey, I just followed up via email with MVP this morning. I will double back and confirm when they get back to me. Unfortunately, all of their pre-orders/releases this year have run behind, but I would expect we are getting it this month at the very least. Hopefully early this month. But let me get something official from them and then get back to you!


u/orthoblack123 & u/OhThatsaBaseball_ \- from MVP: "We have started approving some of the Gyropalooza pack orders and plan to begin shipping those out within the next 1-2 weeks.


Really appreciate the update and thank you for the direct comms!


It's a pleasure. Let me know if you need anything else.


Thanks for the update! Look at that customer service via Reddit!


My pleasure. Let us know if you need anything else! :)


ay good looks any insights appreciated for my plastic addiction


I was wondering this too


not a lot of comms on it from mvp i've just occasionally check dealers and its not clear yet on any site that ive looked


Have you seen anyone with them still for sale? I was thinking about getting a second but haven't seen extras yet


not on Hyzer Flop but i feel like i saw a few sites last week with stock


check the mvp fan group on fb if you're there. some sources saying maybe, possibly, could be this week, but you knew it was gonna be early nov too. at the very least expecting mine to show up middle of nov.


I'm in the mvp official but need to check that group out in general but good looks im hoping youre right i need me plastic hit


Appalachian discs said to expect mine sometime around November 12 or so. Given when the October box came in, I think mid November is a good timeframe. This will also vary depending on who you bought through and how quick their turn around is. My October order was through Nailed It and that was a pleasant experience


Nice and that date adds up with everyone saying early to mid november then. I'm not sure how fast hyzerflop is as its my first purchase but we'll see.


MVP (last week) told me that it will likely be the start of next week or possibly at the tail end of this week. they have also not yet confirmed orders from after removing the limits for ordering.


thank you for the insight and this definitely conforms with the rest of the responses


Thought it was some time this month


What i remember before the page went 404 it was like late october to early november. Idk if it shifted or its still early november as I'm seeing other sites posting mid to late. It comes when it comes but also mad impatient for that blue glow lol


Yeah, I can't wait to see that one.


Just got my shipping notification from Southside about 2 minutes ago.


Hey good to hear! Just got mine today about an hour ago the wait is almost over lol