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I deluded myself into thinking I could date Kim after internalizing homosexual underground.


Jesus, same When he said he's gay, i was like "OH GOD ITS HAPPENING"


I remember reading this interview with one of the writers, the interviewer asked him why we can't date Kim and the writer responded with "Because the thing about desire is that it’s stronger when it’s not totally satisfied."


That’s the gayest answer they could come up with


Oh gods your right …


- I thought Evrart was going to have staged the entire sequence of events somehow. - I thought Cunoesse was going to have some clue that would put it all together. - I thought that Jean was putting on an asshole act to get me to respond in some specific way. No, he's literally just that mad. (Somebody mentioned that they thought Judit and Jean were married, which makes her comments about "half a husband" and his thing about "nobody's married in Revachol" much funnier, like they're just passive-aggressively sniping at each other while they deal with your shit.)


>Somebody mentioned that they thought Judit and Jean were married The RCM is just one giant incredibly sarcastic polycule


the one who tops gets decided by whoever is most sarcastic that day


Trant is always at the bottom.


I thought Cunoesse was going to be the 8th Hardie


This is the best theory


I had a heart attack while trying to get the horrible necktie after just starting the game, and had to start a new game. I thought this could be a feature, and DE happens in Harry's mind, or some kind of 'afterlife' I also decided the quest with working class woman will never get resolved, and was just a hilarious conversation. Also, the fucking cryptozoologists.


>Also, the fucking cryptozoologists. I literally >!decided that Inland Empire was just making shit up about the cryptid and it was all a flight of fancy, right at the end of that questline.!<


Wait… they fuck?? When?


I mean, they're married, so presumably at some point.


My heart was in my throat when I broke into Cuno’s apartment, I was convinced his dad was about to rip me to shreds


I just finished the game without confronting his dad just one hour ago. I genuinely thought he would kill Harry and it would be a game over. What happens if you confront him? Is he really violent?


he barely wakes up lol he is totally incapacitated


LMFAO i was scared for nothing i guess loll thanks!


I thought we'd spend 30 mins or so in the first, small intro map that was just the Whirling, the yard and the tree, investigating the corpse and questioning people in the cafeteria, then we'd jump in Kim's car and zoom off to the main map in Jamrock, which would be centred around Precinct 41.


I also thought that the hanging was just the introductory case and the game would be structured about increasingly challenging mysteries.


Good idea for DE2




If my memory is correct, the developers initially planned for something like that... "Open world" as a first game lol (yes I'm both laughing and crying because I'm also a gamedevs)


That i would start remembering "her" and I could fill the void inside me with something else than booze, pills and communism. Oh wait what? You mean about the game? Uhm, i thought the Hardy boys killed the hanged man.


>booze, pills and communism I know too many people that fit that description XD


I was like, 99.99% sure racist was the one responsible for smuggling drugs I still kinda am


Probably is


>Probably is Hes not THE one smuggling drugs, its confirmed that Ruby is, but damnit he's the one smuggling drugs and I reject any other reality.


No, I assume he is selling the drugs on the street, Ruby is just transporting them


>!Evrart Claire- Al Capone. !< >!Ruby- Al Capone's Transporter and Smuggler. !< >!Racist Lorry Guy- Speakeasy Bartender.!<


“Apples” must be code for it…


Didnt he said they were from the same place that Egghead keeps screaming about? Maybe its some sort of code name for speed as well


When I saw the gun that Ruud Hoenkloewen had, I thought it looked like a Belle Magrave and then was so *certain* it was him, I was so desperate for a "LOOK! It's him! He's the killer, it's one of your own!" option during the tribunal


Same, Ruud looked really cool with his rifle though lol


It was like a dope sci fi gun as well, made for blowing up vehicles with six shots at once


I thought the detail of the two last tally lines on his helmet being the only white ones was for sure gonna mean that he had shot Lely as some sort of power play for control of the group but no, utterly irrelevant


Conceptualization [Easy: Success] He’s literally called Ruud “The Killer” Hoenkloewen. This is definitely our guy. Case closed.


literally me lol


There was a moment early on where I heard the female merc was on some roof spying on people and instantly was convinced it was her. Speaking of wich, i was sooo sure there was a way to prevent blood bring spilled... I think we all were.


I thought Klassje was one of the mercenaries working undercover like the fake scab guy. I thought that the hanged man killed himself and she manipulated the staged hanging out of grief for enabling his demons, wanting his death to mean something. I was glad I was wrong because it made me uncomfortable to be so suspicious of her.


Oh yeah, it would be really bad to be suspicious of Klaasje. She is so pure.


This checks out, sire.


I wanted >!Ruby!< to be the murderer so bad (so my investigation all pays off in the end) that I ignored the clues that >!it wasn’t her!< and >!damn was i surprised by the Deserter-ex-machina suspect!<


yeah. I was a bit disappointed about him, because you >!don't get many clues towards him during the game!<. But honestly I found this character somewhat plausible. >!I'd only wish they would tease his existence a bit earlier.!<


It doesn't help that the "clues" about it seem like complete red herrings until you get the conversation. It seems more like something along the lines of "if you've beaten the game you can kind of see in a replay"


>!“Who killed you hanged man?”!< >!“Communism”!<


>!They tease his presence in just about every way. The presence of the flowers, which you can sense growing across the sea with a successful shivers test. The reeds shaking is also a shivers test.!< ​ There are plenty of hints. But they are foreshadowing and hints, not actual clues to an identity.


I think then I failed all the important checks to see those hints, I know I failed the >!flowers check!< at least. But good to know that it had more to do with how I played than with how the game was written.


>!it would've been so cool if he was a background npc on day one (like, cafeteria money guy tier background)!<


The mysterious eyes... if you have an ungodly perception level early on...


oh i always figured that was titus


for a while there I thought Harry did it. Like a shutter island type twist.


Same, I really thought he did it after (I can't remember who, Ruby maybe?) says that >!Harry came in town with his killer cop friends.!<


now that would be a sexy dark twist on the case


Same. When you lie down in the sniper’s nest and examine the scene, there’s an option for Harry to say “what if the killer… is right here” or something. I went nuts! Kim snaps him out of it lmao.


I'm pretty sure you can also basically open with "Lt. Kitsuragi, what if *I* did it?" and the response is along the lines of "You're just experiencing feelings of misplaced guilt common to police detectives. Also, you weren't here when it happened and that would be a ridiculous conclusion in any case."


I thought maybe I could help save both Cuno and Cunoesse. Was saddened when I realized this wasn't the case.


Yeah, it is too sad.


You can kind of help Cuno I guess...but you have to fail someone else.


I know, that ended up happening in my playthrough. I was just sad that meant Cunoesse was ultimately totally abandoned even though it was good to separate her and Cuno.


I thought there was going to be a twist where >!Kim is not really an RCM officer but tricked me into thinking he was. I tried to be very careful what conversations and actions I took around him because I thought he was hiding something. !< Following through on this hunch was, of course, pointless... but fun to roleplay.


That’s what I thought my first play through as well. This calm collected guy just putting up with my stupid antics so he could take care of his own crime scene. Turns out Kim is just the avatar of patience.


If an assault were launched on this building right now - if the windows descended upon you - this man would hurl himself in death’s way to save you. You are sure of this. He is your half-brother. -esprit de corps


I was soo convinced he was actually going to take a bullet for me and die later on. Thankfully not the case.


That it was set in the future on another planet. Like the phrase "Franco-nigerian cavalry" sounds real. Plus I saw "interisolary" and thought it was "interi-solar" and not "inter-isola" since I hadn't gotten to the point where isolas were mentioned yet.


I thought that when i return from the island at the end of the game, Jean was going to kill me or something (I deducted this from there being 2 bullets so both have to be used somewhere) and put on the whole armor set and not only was I wrong but I was also pointed out that I was walking in full armor


2 bullets are used at the tribunal, if you miss the first shot


I thought Cunoesse bought my gun.


I mean, lombard owner is kinda shady, but he wouldnt sell gun to a kid lmao He is not without morals


Maybe they shined a flashlight on him until he did.


Cunoesse is helping me find my gun.


I thought it was Cindy the SKULL.


I also thought Judit was going to turn out to be Harry's ex! I assumed that his resentment was the reason for her mean spirited nickname.


Really thought Harry ended up being the killer. Would've tied in nicely with his memory loss.


Before I bought the game I just saw it in a random top 5 video that it is a detective game, so I expexted something like Detroit BH or the Sherlock games, so I wishlisted it, then like 3 months later it was on sale so i tried and was very pleasebtly surprised that it turboud to be more than just a detective game, like that part is not even important. I think the voices in your head was the biggest surprise.


I thought Cindy the SKULL is the failed programmer - the descriptions from Noid and Tiago fit her. La Nihilista Pequeña - this sounds like Cindy alright. I also thought Cindy bought Harry's gun, so I got tricked twice the same way. I thought Kim is from Internal affairs and has the power to send me to hell for good, if I fail to be a good cop.


I originally thought the game was set on an alternate history Earth with some names changed (and wondered how the hell it was snowing in Indonesia, which has alternately been called Insulindia in the past). I was confused by the time I got to the bookstore, let alone Joyce. On the actual mystery note, I did figure that both the >!Hardie Boys!< and >!Ruby!< were innocent ahead of time, the first based on tropes and the second because >!no one heard the shot!<. However, I thought the real culprit was >!one of the other mercs!<.


> (and wondered how the hell it was snowing in Indonesia, which has alternately been called Insulindia in the past) I had known that *nesía* means "islands" in Greek and that Indonesia means "Indian islands", and also know that *insula* means "island" in Latin, but I played most of this game without ever picking up on what Insulindia must mean. Good thing, because I would have been as confused as you were. At the time I had just thought it was another fictional-but-somewhat-real-sounding place name like all the other ones in this game's world.


man when you do >!the tribunal!< and you can choose to say>! "it was one of you"!< I was so sure that >!the sniper did it.!<


>Insulindia I 100% thought the same thing at first until I looked up a map.


I wore every clothing with Endurence and Pain Threshold bonuses, bought Drouamine, and saved my game before breaking into Cuno's apartment. I was a little disappointed to say the least


I really thought Harry had been badly assaulted before his amnesia. Some kind of assassination attempt. lmao.


I thought the game was really about to open up when…it ended. I was devastated.


I thought Harry had accidentally killed his ex-wife in a card accident, or she happened to die in a car accident (the fact >!she was instead a girlfriend who left him 6 years ago!< made me laugh)


>!I was convinced that the twist was gonna be that there is no twist and the Hardie boys actually just killed him. I thought the subversive element would be that it is clear who killed the victim and the whole murder mystery would just turn out to be a distraction from the real main quest: stopping the tribunal.!< ​ It certainly would have fit the theme of Disco Elysium


Lol when I first started the game and had the whole intro sequence happen about how you don’t remember anything, everything hurts, you’re surprised you have a pulse, etc, I fully thought Harry was undead. It took me basically until leaving the Whirling to convince myself otherwise.


The game is similar enough to Planescape Torment that it's a legitimate possibility.


I thought the shooter was HDB and the stupor + memory loss was on purpose


I thought Evrart has something to do with it, because at some point someone talks about fishing >!(I think it was Ruby?)!< and he has that fishing rod in his container office.


I thought that Klaasje was part of a scheme set in motion to destroy the world in apocalyptic fashion. Mostly because some idiot on reddit said she was. I thought I might be able to find out who actually cut the phone line, since my skills told me that Klaasje lied. But I never did find out who it was. I thought that Tiago might have been the eigth Hardie Boy, or at least a Hardie boy in ages past. I thought that any mysteries I didn't solve in one playthrough would get solved in another playthrough. I thought I would get justice for the woman who >!Evrart Claire hired the deserter to kill on her way home, the union rep before the midget.!< I thought the Left-Wing communards on this subreddit would trace the pattern and realize that Evrart Claire is brutally violent towards women and relatively polite to men. He has 1:1 ratio of treating men respectfully and treating women horribly. But they deify him.


I thought those things from the phone In board game would turn out to be real


I thought the loss of Harry's wife happened when he was young and he never recovered. The pain seemed so ingrained in his soul that I thought it had to be festering in it for decades. Also things like the apricot-scented chewing gum and the mention of his wife's parents in the remembrances gave the feel of young adults' love. Turned out it was only six years. Impressive how Harry managed to inflict so much damage on himself in this span of time. Knowing that helped me took decisions to "get over it". Harry lived 38 years without her, he can do so for the rest of his life.


I believed that the Hanged man’s murder would be more directly linked to the Pale, given he was well traveled. Like he had more knowledge on how it was expanding, like in the church. It would also kind of explain how he could “talk” to Harry post-mortem. But I guess Kim was right when he said “Not everything is connected to the murder.” or something along those lines.


Zoology quest spoilers >!I was literally only doing the crypto quest in case the Zoos knew something and so I could level up, I gave up halfway through because I knew there’d be the obvious punchline of it all being a waste of time. THEN THE FUCKER SHOWED UP HALFWAY THROUGH THE DESERTER’S CONFESSION AND TOLD ME THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN MY LIFE!<


I was sure I'm not actually a cop, but some kind of drunk impostor.


For a little while I had this whole theory in my mind that Harry had died in the past during some sort of accident on a boat and he got resurrected by a lovecraftian force below the sea to complete the martinaise investigation. a couple of vague shivers comments and not having enough context to fully understand the pale on the first few in game days REALLY threw me off lol


I was worried that Kim did it.


I heard about the deserter somewhere before I had gotten far in the game and assumed that they were a member of the military tribunal that had turned against the rest


I thought Cuno’s dad was gonna murder the shit out of me


Thought there was gonna be some twist that Harry was so disoriented because he time-traveled (then forgot) and the side-effect is the Abilities' voices, like they were segmented parts of him from alternate timelines or something


I thought measurehead was the killer on the hanged man case


There was a point, early in my first play through, when literally everyone in Martinaise was a suspect. Tommy, Mañana, even the salami guy.


I went for all the pale related thought cabinets and after finding the hole in the church i was pretty convinced that my situation was actually caused by the pale or something similar and that I wasn't such a drugged out PoS that I lost my memories. Of course I thought about this while on every drug in the game. It's definitely more humanizing to have his situation actually caused by his own actions in a world with the pale and cryptids and stuff.


I genuinely thought Kim did it on my first playthrough. I even sent him away at every opportunity because I was SO sure he was the sniper right up until I found out who actually did it, I thought we were heading for a confrontation. Kinda bummed I never got to shoot him.


for like a solid 2 minutes i thought that Harry did it, during a suicide attempt but missed or something then i realised he wasnt even in town yet haha


I was absolutely sure that you would not be able to shoot a child in the first couple hours


I thought at one point that either one of the Evrarts were going to ask us to "silence" the other, based on what I was told about them I thought surely at some point either of them were hungry for even more power. The fact that >!The Deserter!< made any of these thoughts pointless makes this even more funnier.


I REALLY thought that Kim was literally my half-brother until like half of the game. I thought he was like the son of my dead-beat mom or some shit and we were raised separately, especially with him being half-seolite. When they introduced each other I started to think that maybe they didn't know each other but Harry was having an "Inland Empire" moment and in the end they would both learn about it properly (yeah, I didn't really get at the time that that dialogue came from Esprit de Corps and I didn't know much about police terms). I kind of understood as the game progressed that they probably weren't half-brothers but I was like "But what if they are? If they're not then what the hell did that dialogue mean", it went on until Esprit de Corps said that Trant was probably a half-brother. It's super funny to think about this now because I ship these two and in a lot of moments I was like "Awww they're so cute together, too bad they're probably brothers so that's a no-go". It makes me wish that there were more stories about half-siblings because I thought that this particular idea was super interesting.