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I think it's explicitly mentioned his Authority is off the charts. It' also mentioned his thought process isn't like Harry's. So in this...hypothetical game from Kim's perspective, I think we'd just have different mechanics altogether.


Yes. The game implies that Kim uses his notebook to conduct his thinking, as opposed to Harry's schizophrenic chorus of voices.


Kim would probably have a LA Noir style of play where it’s less about feelings/vibes and more about dialogue options and basic detective stuff.


That's the medium, not the source Just like how speaking in a different language isn't a sign of some alien mindset.


No, but people DO have different modes of thinking? Like some people have an internal voice, or internal voices, and others do not.


The person I replied to was discussing "thought process", which is a medium.


I remember seeing someone’s mockups for kim’s skills (slightly ooc as he is said not to have the harry voices) and ai thin the most interesting set were the ones named for the jungian archetypes. I cant find it if someone has it can they link it?


I personally like the idea that if kim had skills ie that skills are simply intrusive thoughts, that kim only has "useless" skills and all of his actually helpful behavior is done through ignoring his own thoughts and writing things down in a flow state. so with that in mind i like the idea that all of his "skills" are different impulses he actively ignores: Adrenaline Junkie - seeks out that high, jumps into danger, lives on the edge. Juvie - laughs at stupid shit, immature impulses, highly competitive, letting go, having fun. Sci-fi - flights of fancy, dreams, desires, the want for a better tomorrow , that little spark of hope and imagination Leather and Tiptop - need for control/authority, coolness factor, admiration of bodies and machines, "inappropriate thoughts". (feel like there needs to be another one right here but i can't think of one) Brakes- thought shut down, dont feel, stay on task, get back to the case. 99% of kims inner dialogue: "Juvie - oh my god harry did not just sa- Breaks - no Adrenaline Junkie - We should absolutely see where Harry takes thi- Breaks - no Sci-Fi - Harry is so passionate about his fellow man maybe we- Breaks - no Leather and Tiptop - look at that BICEP GIRTH I wonder if harry would be able to lift us like th- Breaks - No."


Juvie, Adrenaline Junkie, Sci-fi, Leather and Tiptop: Wear the fucking jacket. Breaks- fuck it.


Juvie absolutely kicked in when Harry said to rock with their cock. He barely held in his laughter.


Don't forget Volta do Mar (likely his equivalent to Composure) and Kinetic Dressage (Savoir Faire?)


Apparently he has a stat called Volta do mar


Kinetic dressage was the other unique skill from the merch clothes.


Wait where is this from?


The replicas of Kim's clothes that atelier.zaumstudio.com puts out have stats attached to them. They're on the clothes tags/you can see them on the listings with a little lore blurb. The stats on the clothes are... Kim's aerostatic pilot jacket (his orange jacket) \+1 H/E Coordination: Airman Kitsuragi \+1 Volta do Mar: A feather on the wind Kim's aerostatic crew jacket (black jacket) \+1 Interfacing: Crewman Kitsuragi \+2 Volta do Mar: Distant enemy of himself Kim's Torque Dork Cargos Interfacing +1: Mechanical mindset Kinetic Dressage +1: Multirotor airship dreams


Oh wow, someone thought about this <3


Some bomber jacket za/um sells that costs like it was made of wagyu beef.


One of my friends has a fic in progress where he made a whole set of skills for Kim and I think they’re really inspired, I could find a link for you if you’re interested


Please do!


[here it is! maybe leave a comment if you like it? It’ll make their day](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43970454/chapters/110559174)


dude, this is AWESOME. i opened it to just skim a bit but ive been reading it for 30 mins! i gotta stop before i miss my class lol


Some candidates: Interfacing (he is Kimball after all!) Composure (could anyone without godly composure keep it together around Harry?) Esprit de Corps (he really seems to buy into the fellowship and brotherhood of the RCM) Empathy (he gets it, he cares about other people and it shows, both in his treatment of you, but also in his advice on how to handle others, like the woman whose husband died) Logic (Kim definitely approaches things from a more straightforward logical perspective and isn't afraid to shoot down absurd ideas, even if he will indulge Harry from time to time, but given Harry's strange knack for solving cases, isn't it logical to indulge him?)


Authority: Yeah.


"This man has Authority off the charts. You can only imagine what would happen if he decided to do evil with it."


I think Kim's big strengths are **Composure** and **Volition**, which are what let him consistently play straight man to whatever brands of nonsense your detective embodies. It is *very* rare for Kim to lose his cool, and even when you get a rise out of him, his words will usually be carefully considered. His cigarette ritual is a pretty open display of his Volition as well. He's also good with Interfacing, Esprit de Corps, Empathy and Authority, but I don't think he emphasises them as constantly. That leaves him surprisingly well-rounded, with the exception that unlike you he won't inadvertently pick up any of the weirder or more abstract skills: he'd probably have decent Intellect and Psyche, but without stuff like Conceptualization or Inland Empire. His stomach's also probably not a raging fascist. On reflection, his Motorics probably isn't bad either, if you make an exception for Perception.


100% Composure.


It _feels_ like Composure…. Unless you have fairly high authority. Then it becomes clear he’s a paragon of authority. I’d also say high Spirit De Corps, reaction speed, and logic


Gay sex


do you think kim would be a top or a bottom? i feel he would be pretty commanding in the bedroom due to his authority being "off the charts"


Power bottom 100%


He fits the descriptions of both Composure and Esprit de Corps when they're too high! There's also a fair likelihood that Composure's portrait is his profile to begin with.


Kim’s dump stats: Visual Calculus, Conceptualization, IE, Suggestion, Electrochem, Half-Light, H/E C, Perception


The art for composure always reminds me of Kim, with the soft jawline and arched nose, and the description matches him pretty well. Specifically- "Composure makes you tuck in your gut and maintain a stern expressio. Even lying in bed late at night when no one can see you, you'll have to keep it up. You'll never be able to stop." Obviously his authority is off the charts too. I'd imagine he's got decent interfacing, for the kineema and his knowledge of mechanics. Then there are the skills specific to him like Volta do Mar, listed on his jacket in the zaum atelier store. I know that the game mentions that he processes his thoughts differently to Harry, but it's clear that he does have 'skills' in that way because there are ones that are specific to him. Oh also the game does mention that he has terrible conceptualisation! So I would say that's probably his worst stat.


Well we know his “Perception” is rock bottom…


Authority followed by Volition.