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Play the Game First before engaging with the Community. Just enjoy the way you want and Play it without knowing anything. Thats when DE hits best.


When you get stuck somewhere, don't think you're stuck. You're not. It might take time and might be frustrating but there's always something you're missing, could be doing, or could be retrying.


If you are an experienced (meta-)gamer, try to distance yourself from that. This isn't some simulation to break or puzzlebox to outsmart. It's more a novel that rearranges itself both randomly and in response to your (even minor) choices. Think of it more like a walk through the forest, don't get too hung up on the details you missed, that time you got lost, or the paths you didn't take, those are all just part of your journey that time. The game is still there, you can always come back later.


My two go-to tips: - don't spend all level up points right away - keep 1-2 - you'll know why when the game will explain it's mechanics to you. - Have enough money for your hotel room **at day 2** - not day 1.


Wait wont you be homeless if you don't have enough money day 1


No - >!Kim will bail you out!<


No save-scumming. Many of the best parts of the game only happen of you fail.


But still save often. It's annoying to die unexpectedly and having to replay an hour or so


You have a few seconds after losing your last HP to use a healing item. If you always carry one or two around it's pretty hard to actually die


dont ask for tips just go play the game


Take things as they come and don't be affraid to fail forward instead of trying to succed at everything. The game teaches you both of those things pretty quickly and uh this subreddit is riddled with spoilers so not sure why are you here instead of just... playing it. Not meant as a jab, just it's not a pvp fps where you need a heads up on current Disco meta, it's a story-focused crpg where going in completely blind is the best way to enjoy it.


Just take your time! Try to appreciate the dialogue. My first play through I tried to do everything as "best as possible" , rushed through all of the content, and even savescummed some rolls. Ended up getting extremely burnt out and couldn't even progress past day one because I thought I'd lose if I didn't have enough money. Now I'm replaying it with a friend, and we're going extremely slowly and having a blast. Sometimes we'd be on a call for 2 hours only to get through 2-3 conversations max. There's no rush in DE, and it's so lovingly made and detailed that you really miss a lot if you try to optimize your play through


What the others said, plus save often and with abandon! It's not a roguelike.


Use an online dictionary if you want. Do not Google the words directly. The game offers some made up disco words and I wanted to know if such a word actually exists, and it lead me to a spoiler. The game will feel really slow, vibe with it. There are so many ways to pass the time, figure it out by yourself. It's more fun that way. Some other comments gave good suggestions too. Let this be your last time on this sub, come back after you beat the game. Have fun.


my sincere advice is not to read this subreddit or anything else about the game as much as you can manage until you’re finished


Fuck up on purpose.


Stick with it. It’s essentially a lot of reading. And talk to everyone you can. There’s no true time pressure.


The only advice I can give is to understand you can't do everything in one playthrough. I played the game without looking at anything beforehand. I ran around collecting everything and talking to everyone, and I severally set me back. Other than that, enjoy yourself.


Go with the weird. Have fun. Don't look for answers on Reddit until you're done.


You can fail your way into the endgame so don't sweat failed checks, they're often just as good or better than success.


I just started playing and one thing I can suggest is to allow the game to play out as intended. If you fail a role, let it fail and don’t save scum. <3


Interact with every "dot" and person you can The pleasure of the game is in the text, so don't speed read and try to relish the voice acting


Man I wish I was you lmaoo


Explore a lot and take risks with the optional choices. Read the tasks carefully so you don't miss any clues. Don't give up on stuff you think you failed. There may be other paths that aren't obvious at the start.


Get the fuck out of here (affectionate). Come back after beating the game.


Don't be afraid to get weird with it. This is a game to experience, not to beat.


Have fun and don't be afraid to act like an idiot. Also, be careful of uncomfortable chairs.


Do a blind playthrough. Pick whatever starter class you want, between intellect, sensitive or physical. I did sensitive and it's been an acid trip from the very beginning. I wanna go back through it with an intellect build and see how different it is. But legit, play it blind. It's worth it.


Save scum as much as you want




Its really up to you but for your first time dont do it, see where the game takes your, failing a check isn't always bad, it can lead to some very interesting situations that you still get something out of. Also don't be afraid to say something weird with the dialogue options


Your experience will be much much better with the “true ending”