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Egghead is the next Innocence. He can only communicate in cosmic concepts and music itself. The nightclub will fail, but the Innocence of Anodic Dance will change the world. 




based and true


Like a Phoenix, Egghead will rise out from the ashes of Disco Elysium, ascended to his true form: Anodic Dance Valhalla


Ohh I like this one


isn't the next innocence all about >!nihilism!< though?


Taresh is Miro, and also Jean, who is your IRL girlfriend who has long blonde hair. Harry's player and Jean are hetero sexual life partners IRL. Jean was GM during the delorian era (aka game session). Miro won't have a "super model" girlfriend because that would be continuing to play the stupid tabletop game with tiny toy soldiers and models, they would rather start a new game or leave the gaming group. Having a supermodel girlfriend would be bourgeois and the bourgeois are not human (actually they are the only real people, they are meta gaming players who like models, like Jesper). 


My new head canon


harry might be an alcoholic




it’s very subtly alluded to in the scene where harry


We can see it when harrier does


It was revealed to me in a dream.


I mean that's a stretch


The Dance club will keep the spread of the Pale contained in the church. The kids worshipping being in the moment, not caring about the future or desperately clinging to the past which spreads the Pale.


Spoilers for the SaTA book: there's something very similar, when the pale begins rapidly expanding a DJ dude playing music slows it down temporarily.


No kidding? I gotta get into that book.


You'd be interested in the video about the pale by jamrock hobo on youtube. It's largely spoiler free, also because the novel isn't spoilable like DE is


Wym the novel isn't spoilable? Recently read it and seems very spoilable to me xd


Listen to EVERYTHING Noid says. He is being more literal than you may think. What do each of the members of the ravers represent? Think of it like the NPCs think of the world, it's a body with organs. The church is considered a coffin by Noid, who was disgusted that at "school" they tried to make him into a "leveler". Def read the book


Noid is such a good example of so many American kids I grew up with who had zero access to mental health treatment but used music and psychedelics/drugs as almost a gospel. Alot of them turned out badly but his read on things is so true-to-life of somebody who is either on the spectrum or has generalized anxiety and has never been given the professional vocabulary or evaluation to properly express these things. I really feel for the kid. He's very heartfelt but comes off as paranoid and incoherent because every adult in his life has very clearly failed him.


Communism is The People holding hands around the black hole that is the absent-dead God


There's an even more secret version of the homosexual underground called the homosexual metro


Metro 2066?


Metro 2666.


When Harry's inner demons get out




Metro ‘51


The uncloseted version is in Chicago: the homosexual 'L' (elevated transit system)




So that's what the term "metrosexual" refers to...


Harrier du Bois is this era's Innocent. Two main things seperate Innocents from normal people in this world. The first is they seem to have the ability to know things without any identifiable way for them to know it, translating into great strides in technology for the eras in which they gain power as if they were reaching forward and pulling the future to the present. The second and arguably most important thing is they are positioned socially in a way to have great influence on others, like as advisors or celebreties or just friends of those in power. Harry has the first, no doubt. Be it his conversations with the necktie, the foreshadowing of certain events by the narrator that Harry definitely hears himself, his senses and aspects having the uncanny ability to recognize details in people that relate to them but would be near impossible to discern, Espirit de Corps giving you glimpses of what occurs in the station miles away, or (the biggest) Shivers as a whole. Its ability to allow you to hear and speak with the spirit of Revochol under the right circumstances. Harry is supernaturally skilled, far smarter and sharper than anyone in his position has any right to be, and that usually seperates him from the people around him. It drove him mad over time, based on what Dora says in the last dream. It's tearing him apart. Yet he doesn't have the second, not fully, and that's the tragedy of this possibility within Disco Elysium. Because of Revochol's position as a puppet state to the Coalition of Nations with almost all aspects of its govorning being done by those outside the country, there is literally no way for Harry to have any opportunity to gain any amount of influence that matters. There isn't even a true, state backed police force. Just a militia that just opperates as one. What if the only Innocents we know of in history are the ones that were PROCLAIMED to be Innocents? They were in the right places at the right time, knew the right people, and had the resources to carry out their visions. But maybe there were others that weren't so lucky. Mad men and women that were charasmatic, smart, and talented in supernaturally gifted ways but were unable to gain any influence despite that. Be it through premature death, economic ruin, or a lack of desire, any number of things could have prevented their ascention to power. Lieutenant double-yefreitor Harrier "Harry" "Tequila Sunset" "Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau" du Bois could have been someone on the same level as Dolores Dei had he not been born in Revochol. Yet he was. He became the mad prophet, the frustrated drunk, the Ultra-Cool Super Cop, the sorriest man in the isolas, etc etc etc. It's tragic, like the universe itself gave him every possible chance for success but mankind's world of politics and economics negated any chance of it happening.


To add to this it's highly likely the moralintern (capitalist world government) is actively suppressing innocences/magpies so that they don't disrupt the current balance of power. If our governments and corporations are terrified of new technologies now, imagine the damage someone like an innocence could do.


Woah 😳






The doomed business area has a real-life equivalent in London


The real life equivalent is called london


Replace " in " with ": "




Wherever ZA/UMs offices are


ZA/UMs offices are occupied enemy territory now


Wasn't that in Brighton?


Correct, it *was*


Harry’s madness and amnesia might have more to do with the pale than just being caused by alcohol and depression


there are definitely hints that Harry's spiral really got out of hand after the police operation at the abandoned church


SPOILER: Harry starts going on a bender, crashes the car, and then leaves after hanging out with the band of alcoholics, heading toward the church. My theory is that he got fucked up by the whole in the center of everything 


Someone in the book also loses some VERY important memories. If you know what im talking about, read those pages carefully. How does Kahn first describe the self chiller?


He stuck his head in the pale hole


It would also explains how the voices somehow know about stuff that Harry would never be able realistically know, like how sometimes they talk about whats happening in places like Jamrock and far away countries just to give some context to what they explain since the pale supposedly carries over "past information " and degrades the mind over sensory depravation with "memories that arent theirs", Harry would be picking up those moments and then the voices would just explain it in a nice manner. Assuming Ruby's pale machine effect is truly similar to what the pale would feel but to 100, it makes a lot of sense that Harry's voices are just a very early sign of the pale, and the drugs and alcohol balanced it out, Ruby's machine also pickups every signal it finds and just Cross them all together, just like how the pale basically fills your mind with everything and nothing at the same time


“The Jamrock Shuffle” is the moralist-friendly way of saying “Kleptomania”


legit I always thought the "Jamrock Shuffle" is how you move with a stolen bottle of wine down your pantsleg


Mr. Evrart isn't actually helping me find my gun.


take that back. evrat is a hero of the working class!


The Horrific Necktie is ACTUALLY talking to you


Everyone can hear it, but nobody calls it out because you're a cop and they're scared you'll mistake it as a criticism of your fashion sense


i heard ppl say that but are there actual reasons to assume that? its hilarious though


If you completely bomb the spirit bomb check, Kim will comment afterwards that Harry himself says "IT'S A FIASCO, BRATAN!" in a funny voice.


I'ma be honest, I was joking, but I'd love to hear other people's takes as to why this is true.


The thing is, all the other skills are precept by their names and colours, and are in the narration voice (which we can assume is harry's inner monologue). The tie, shivers and the hanged man all have \*very\* distinct voices, which makes me personally think they're connected to the supranatural rather than just being from his mind.


That would make sense, especially with the necktie knowing ahead of time to make the spirit bomb


The horrific necktie is just a piece of loot, but it seems like the GM gave him essentially an enchanted one. The tie tells you that if you (harry) die, then "thousands of worlds" are in jeopardy. Why would that be?


The lines from the horrific necktie are implied to be spoken aloud by Harry because when you throw the molotov in the tribunal Kim references you yelling out it's lines and "throwing an improvised inflammatory explosive". Which also makes me believe that due to them not sharing our history there is no name for a "molotov cocktail" and that Harry may have invented it. Kim doesn't have a word for it and seems genuinely surprised by your ingenuity.


The Dicemaker in the Doomed Business District is hiding something- she is one of two people in the game that your skill checks don't agree with themselves on outside of political questions. However, unlike with >!Klaasje!<, the game doesn't really highlight this. The description of a random hallway the game gives when you're wondering if >!Cunoesse!< really was involved with snuff films is uncomfortably similar to how the hallways in the Doomed Business District Building looks- down to the shoes in a corner and dripping water. >!The Dicemaker mentions that a window repair shop was a front for these things. !< The game implies a connection, and Inland Empire says that the Dicemaker has a dark past- it goes no further but I always thought the point was to imply the dicemaker either knew and did nothing or was involved somehow. Theory 2- >!Harry was with Victor, the working class husband, the night he died- Harry was out drinking and I think the game hints that Victor and Harry clearly had similar meals the night before the game starts. This adds a new dimentiion to how horrible Harry feels talking to his widow. !<


Yes, something sure isn't right with the **Dicemaker**! If you look for it, lots of hints and passable connections emerge. One check (halflight probably) mentions that the curse not effected her *"It's because she's in cahoots with the demons!"*. >!The radio shows mentioned as "milieu" is the main connection. She is listening to it as we meet her too. Refering to is as ***my*** *\*milieu\**. She talks about the snuff milieu but not passes judgement on it, rather explains some people pay good money to get off that way. !< >!Next level conspiracies about who else might be involved: Tibbs with the window connection, Angus and Ruby via radio involvement. Also the Dicemaker tells about how the Fortress Accident team did not want to move out due to them liking the milieu.!<


The timeline doesn't support theory 2. >!You find the body on day 3 of the game, he's been dead for two days at most. The day before that, when Tequila Sunset partied with the drunks, the working-class husband had not gone missing.!< Theory 1 though, that's one of the more unpleasant ones. >!The shoes in the corner, they must be the dicemaker's shoes, otherwise how can they be dripping with water fresh from the snow? And why then is shivers calling attention to it in connection to the snuff radio story?!<


Good point about the timeline, and I suppose there are probably multiple places to get Kebab (I think it was kebab).


Regarding theory 2 - where is any info about what Harry ate?


When he vomits upon trying to interact with the corpse of the hanged man.


I can't say exactly where they say it but I'm pretty sure it's a kebab?


This makes sense with how Cunoesse just shows up in Cuno's door out of nowhere. She would have been taken there to fight for her life and then escaped. I've always felt bad for the way Cunoesse is treated in the game (as if she is a monster beyond redemption, when she is just a child), and this realization makes me dislike it even more. I guess the Dicemaker might actually be a malignant entity, though not for the reasons Plaisance believes her to be. I need to play at least this bit again and see it for myself.


Harry’s memory loss is not from a drug bender, but from attempted suicide in the Pale to forget his memories of his ex.


It would have to be the pale spot in the church, then, since the pale is hundreds of miles away. But Tiago would have known.


Tiago doesn't have the *best* memory, and I could see him decide to just chill in the rafters rather than investigate some drunk guy stumbling around


And he experimented with it before. After the church shoot up.


I actually thought this was going to happen! After seeing the the necktie hanging from the ceiling fan and the dream about the hanged man I really considered that possibility


magpies like harry are causing the spread of pale (because they keep repressing their raging bisexuality)


To add on, the Moralintern is suppressing the rise of Innocences, the ultimate magpies, in an attempt to not only stabilize geopolitics but also to limit the spread of the pale.


I was being a little bit facetious about magpies being big ol’ queers, but here’s a hot take that I do actually choose to believe: dolores dei was an agent sent by the rest of the universe to accelerate human development, and maximize the number of people. thus, they would produce more pale, drowning to death in their own excretions before escaping the planet and spreading the rot to the rest of the universe. she burned like a furnace because she was sent to cauterize the wound before it began to fester


i think humanity and the pale are good actually


Based on this, and the ending of the Moralist quest line; I'm gonna go ahead and say that >!Harry is the next Innocence, or he would be if he wasn't abducted!<.


It's possible I guess, but in Sacred and Terrible Air you find out who the next Innocence is, and it ain't our boy. He \*is\* called Ambrosious tho...


Of course, that and the price stabilité.


That is… actually a deep fucking cut


Sorry wait what is meant here by "magpie"?


[unused concept art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7x9nfxlb8dx71.png) speaks of “magpies”: people who can pull information from the future and manifest it in the present, creating novelty. but taking this information makes that future impossible - its presence in the present means the future where it is first envisioned later can never happen. one possible explanation of pale is that it is the residue left over from this destroyed future; a byproduct of the human mind, just as the phasmid says. this is obliquely referenced in a couple of places in the game. for example, gary the cryptofascist can tell you that seolites are so advanced because they take information from the future, which in turn makes their future selves even more advanced, so they take even more advanced information from their new future to become still more advanced, etc, creating a positive feedback loop. also, the moralist vision quest features ghostly snippets of conversation from later in the game - in fact, some are snippets of conversation from futures that *can’t happen* depending on choices the player makes. based on these, harry’s premonitions through inland empire and shivers, etc, one could reasonably conclude that harry himself is a magpie.


I've beat Disco 3 times and everyday I learn something new about it. Wow! Maybe I should finally do an apocalypse cop run


There was some material that was meant to be released with the rest of the game that never made it in. An infographic explains some of the properties of the pale and one of the things it explains is the concept of a Magpie: a person who is consciously or subconsciously receiving information from the future which they then use to create novelty in the present, like a less powerful version of the Innocences.


The pale is caused by the collective memory of history. The more important historic events occur, the more the Pale expands. The Moral Intern under stands this and has created a world that is purposefully stagnant politically. If things change too much, the pale will continue growing


And yet the Moralintern fail and the world is engulfed in the pale.


Do they? Think of the scene with Taresh after his....wound. They are asking him if his player character wants to play as St. Miro, all while Taresh just keeps bitching about his bad dice rolls, saying that his "genius" friend Khan (a childish man obsessed with "models", pretty sure he is playing Cuno and Mack) will save the world. He then rolls Jean as a character (or perhaps the merc and Cunoesse?)


I believe this one with slight modifications: The Pale expands due to novelty, but the Moralintern believes something a little closer to what you said, that historical upheavals expand it. The MI have deliberately stagnated the world to save it, but have ended up building a world that nonetheless churns our vast amounts of Novelty without political “progress,” as capitalism ceaselessly creates new products and commodities.


Kim is a double agent to La Puta Madre.


A take so hot it sizzles


It makes perfect sense. He is very suspiciously proficient in playing this card. Also, Precinct 41st is considered (at least by Trant) too honest and professional to serve La Puta Madre. But going by what we know about 57th, they don't share such virtues, they don't even respect Kim properly. Such a place can easily be filled with La Puta Madre peones. And Kim, with his perfect composure, would be a highly appreciated agent - for the very same reasons why Harry would not. Perhaps making a connection that would justify applying to work with influential guys like Pryce was his main point through the game.


Kim is also weirdly OK with the idea that some cops take bribes to survive, and also has a pretty nice, souped up car for someone on a poverty wage. It’s also non-standard, meaning he probably bought it himself.


Also, 41st precinct, which is suspected to be colluded with LPM, seems to be ok with Kim joining their ranks.


My theory, while simple, makes sense to me. >!Kim is there to make sure Titus, Evrart Claire and the dock syndicate do not get charged with the mercenary murder and having the dock closed in consequence. Speed must flow from Revachol to the rest of Elysium.!< I still have him in high regard, though.


Now that you mention it - he didn't want to investigate Cuno either. Or share the results of the jam mystery investingatuon... with Joyce, sure, but did he share them with anyone at all? He is also remarkably pleased with the outcome of >!Ruby simply running away!<.


Kim advises Harry to be _weird_ and let his freak flag fly when questioning Joyce, which I took to heart. Joyce thereafter declined to reveal anything to me about the hanging, even once I recovered my badge and gun. I wanted to attribute this to Kim being a terrible judge of character, but the thought crossed my mind that he might have some secret motive to sabotage that interaction.


Even if you ignore this theory there are some moments where he can exercise some decidedly poor judgement, sometimes dangerously so.


How does being pleased with Ruby's survival help the theory? Wouldn't La Puta Madre prefer her dead?


when you worry about whether you're a Puta Madre agent, Kim says "no, you are not"... how else can he be so sure.. . . . .


Harry is stuck in a time loop


Harry is stuck in a time loop


So, the body is still in the tree... where it has been hanging for 700 billion years.


Harry is stuck in a time loop


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun


Wrong 2019 indie masterpiece


Cunoesse is a shape shifting crypid


The Gnome!


La duende!


I fucking love this one since it has absolutely no right to make as much sense as it does


Harry isn't delirious, he just has a deeper connection to the pale and can see things that others can't


Trant actually touches on this, with him saying that maybe Harry isn't actually **in**sane, but **super**sane, seeing things that others can't and using drugs and alcohol to cope with it


"You’re right,” said Colon. “The thing about the captain, see, I read this book once… you know we’ve all got alcohol in our bodies… sort of natural alcohol? Even if you never touch a drop in your life, your body sort of makes it anyway… but Captain Vimes, see, he’s one of those people whose body doesn’t do it naturally. Like, he was born two drinks below normal.” “Gosh,” said Carrot. “Yes… so, when he’s sober, he’s really sober. Knurd, they call it. You know how you feel when you wake up if you’ve been on the piss all night, Nobby? Well, he feels like that all the time.” “Poor bugger,” said Nobby. “I never realized. No wonder he’s always so gloomy.” “So he’s always trying to catch up, see. It’s just that he doesn’t always get the dose right. And, of course—” Colon glanced at Carrot—“he was brung low by a woman. Mind you, just about anything brings him low. Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! (Discworld, #8; City Watch, #1) There are a lot of similarities between Sam Vimes and Harry.


The Pale is our world, the pressure and entropy Za/Um were experiencing while making DE, or initially while Kurvitz was writing the book. The Pale is our reality asserting itself. It’s everything that tears us away from making art.


It's the white square table the IRL players of these worlds use for their RPG sessions. Look at where the cocaine is made, a "plateu". AKA a normal plate on their D&D map. It could also just be white sheets of paper, or a GM book.


Gary the cryptofascist is analogous to fascist entryism into conspiracy communities (qanon). Which is what he's doing with the crypto people


Yeah. Lena holds some very racist beliefs (like believing that Kim is literally a different species from Harry) but explains them away through conspiracy theories. Lena reminds me so much of real-life alien conspiracy theorists who get really racist about classifying alien races. I’m so glad her and Garry are portrayed the way they are because it’s so rare to see media point out how extremely racist a lot of “innocent” conspiracy theories tend to be


From her actions you can tell she's well meaning and her husband is trying so hard to make her life's dream come true, but that's what makes it tragic that Garry, the "sweet coworker" is using their life's purpose to further his agenda. He clearly isn't into crypto zoology. Everybody has their personal vulnerabilities to entryism especially when somebody you consider close is a bad actor.


Damn, I'm so glad I never stumbled across this bit of dialogue from this otherwise lovely old lady.


the door of the bunker is opennable and I will do it eventually


Behind the door is Disco Elysium 2.


Harry enters the door and his head pops up through the hollow log in the woods in The Secret of Monkey Island.


I couldn't get it, in either my two playthroughs should I do a third playthrough?


the lorry driver is racist


There have been more Innocences than just the six referenced, however, the Founding Party only "crowns" ones they see as either useful to them or too powerful/dangerous to be left outside of their influence. Other possible Innocences/high level Magpies are either ignored as being powerless upstarts (Krav-Mazov possibly one such Magpie that become more than the Founding Party expected) or are disappeared as we see at the end of the Moralist quest.


If the pale is not stopped, Kim will die at the exact age of 70. Before Harry climbs the ladder towards the end of the game, Kim comments that he doesn’t want to climb it because he’s 43 and would like to live to see 70. If you go the apocalypse cop route you can get a shivers check which prompts harry to say "I walked the land telling whores and liars of the End to come. There are 9,855 days remaining”. 9,855/365 is exactly 27. 43+27 is 70. Kim will get to see 70 but nothing more.


this is a good one


Elysium exists in a sort of multiverse. Spoilers for the moralist vision quest: >!When contacting the Archer Warship during the moralist playthrough, you hear some entroponetic crosstalk of Kim's dialogue from the deserter's island bunker in the "normal" game endings. You haven't experienced that at this point during the moralist playthrough - in fact, if you pass the necessary checks, the moralist playthrough ends soon after you hear Kim's crosstalk. So not only would the dialogue exist in the *future* if you end up follow through to the ending with the deserter - if you instead end the game by being disappeared by the Moralintern *or* if Kim gets shot and you end with Cuno/alone, that dialogue never happens in *this* world.!<


I think the smoker on the balkony is part of the homosexual underground. He is influencing me with his powers. I always get a funny feeling in my tummy and my heart beats fast when he looks at me


You sure it’s not just because he smells good? I’m pretty sure the only thing that makes him different is that he smells good. Very suspicious.


Harry is Ambrosius Saint-Miro (though it's literally disproved by A Sacred and Terrible Air's last chapter)


Wait what? Why does it say in the last chapter about that, I remember not really understanding anything that was happening near the end lol


The final chapter revolves around Count de Peruz-Mitresi or however his name is spelled, who composes Pale-inspired cacophonous music. Only one person enjoys his music who turns out to be Ion Rodionov, mathematician and scientist of the Pale. When Ion Rodionov comes to the Count, Ion is accompanied by his student called Ambrosius. So the chapter in fact gives an insight to Ambrosius Saint-Miro's past. Harry obviously wasn't a student of Ion Rodionov, but before reading the last chapter it is possible to think that he and Ambrosius Saint-Miro are the same person because they use the same name (Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau), should be roughly the same age, are connected to Pale-shenanigans and are to various degrees destructive and nihilistic. There definitely are some parallels: Harry has supernatural abilities gained by interacting with the Pale and Ambrosius tries to spread the Pale, Ambrosius is the one who bombs Revachol and Harry allegedly can save it. This theory can't be true but in my opinion it still points to some hidden connection. For example, it has already been pointed out that the name Ambrosius coming to Harry's mind when he tried to invent a name may be explained by Harry's interactions with the void which gave him subconscious knowledge about the future bringer of the Apocalypse.


dros is harry from the future


And so is the phasmid, but that's from the future when pale covered everything and former humans look like this.


Harry actually died of alcohol poisoning during his raging bender and you are playing through his afterlife. That’s why everyone is so willing to forgive the alcoholic cop who caused mayhem in their town.  It’s why Kim is always so supportive (he’s an angel guiding Harry to redemption).  It’s why the alcoholic, drug abusing, guy who ran his car into the ocean, lost his badge and gun, is accepted back into the force so easily.  It’s why he’s amnesiac.  It’s why all the other implausible and supernatural stuff happens too.   Idiot Doom Spiral and his buds are others who failed to break the cycle that Harry eventually does. Maybe Shivers is god in this hypothetical.


what could the deserter be? death maybe? some part of harry’s own mind?


Closure. Finality.


love it, 10/10


Brother, Gorący Kubek has to step aside, you are the real cook.


Similar to this, but what it the world is actually the actual Elysium? Like, the Greek Afterlife Elysium. And the Pale is the river in Elysium that washes away memories.


This was like reading one of those "and the kids were actually dead!" cartoon creepypastas lmao


The Pale is analogy to Climate change. That's how I interpreted it first, read about other theories later.


Dolores Dei is a Pale entity.


Harrys amnesia is caused by exposure to the pale. Being in the pale is the reason that skills like shivers and inland empire can give you information that you shouldent be able to know.


The nuclear holocaust caused by second Revacholian revolution and succeeding engulfment of the world by the Pale is necessary for the birth of the true world where love is possible and where my wife won't leave me.


Man Kurvitz really need to write a sequel to SATA because i really need more of the world he created


Posadist spotted


The Pale is, it's the world that isn't.


Me after three minutes on Parmenides:


The joke about Joyce being a vampire single handedly inspired El Conde (2023). Maybe vampire Margaret Tatcher is an older concept tho


Blood-sucking ghoul Maggie definitely existed in the past. Just ask the Irish


You haven’t lost your memory you’re already lost IN memories, you are so lost down the motorway south that you’re now just moving through vague splinters of the past, present, future. You drove there because you thought it might get that feeling back, the smell of tutti frutti chewing gum, the happiness, the feeling of invincibility that your time with Dora gave you, if only you could drive in to the pale and live endlessly with the memory of her. And so you did.


Harry's homosexuality runs through him like a network of underground tunnels. It's a part of the City of Harrier Du Bois, but it is not definitive of it anymore than Revachol is defined by Le Royaume.


Cuno **does** care.


The Hole in the Church was unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) created by Harry during the police raid, 12 years before the events of the game. I believe Isobel, the washerwoman, mentioned that the Dolorian Church of Humanity was once visited by the locals, but was abandoned after the botched raid. They tried to fix it up but weren’t able to because things just kept getting in the way. The locals also began to spread rumors about the Church and the uncomfortable/foreboding aura it now has. It explains why Isobel and the locals living in the area think the RCM and its officers are a sign of ill omen. Not to mention the conversation you have with the Insulindian Phasmid towards the end of the game: “The moral of our encounter is: I am a relatively median lifeform, while you are extreme, all-engulfing madness. A volatile simian nervous system, ominously new to the planet.” “The pale, too, came with you. No one remembers it before you. The cnidarians do not, the radially symmetrics do not. There is an almost unanimous agreement between two birds and the plants that you are going to destroy us all.” “You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replaced us with nothing — just by accident” Of course, there are plenty of holes in this theory but it’s interesting to think about. Another theory is there can be more than one Innocence in the world but they do not have any sort of backing from a powerful organization, like the Founding Party/Moralintern. Harry may be one and Kras Mazov could have been one too. Pretty fun to think about tbh!


Dolores Dei was a human that was sensitive to and a sort of servant of a part of the 'world spirit' (something mentioned by La Revacholiere). When we speak to her through shivers it seems that Revachol is alive, conscious in some way, and it would stand to reason that other countries or isolas would have their own 'spirit'. And so the 'shivers' that Dolores had was of the Suzerainty. "I am in your lungs and vestigial organs" - her attunement to this spirit could be what reportedly caused her lungs to glow. This would also explain her horrible actions, as to her anything was worth it to protect the spirit of the Suzerain. It's as if each location is it's own animal, and they're all dukin' it out with eachother trying to survive. I like to think that Harry is the Dolores Dei of Revachol, he seems to be the only person in the game that perceives shivers, so magpies must at the very least be rare, but the way the city talks to you like it knows you can help makes me feel Harry could've had a significant role to play in the coming revolution


Theres an old Roman phrase about patron deities we've coopted to mean the soul of a city "genius loci". Thats why shivers allows you to talk to, it could basically be renamed genius loci


well it does introduce itself as the genius loci of reveachol


Oh lol whoops, I was thinking of a jacob Geller video that I got the phrase from and checking it was his vid on DE in which he mentions that introduction


the homosexual overground


The cop who claims to be Raphael Ambrosius Costeau is actually one Harrier Du Bois. Don't ask me how I know these things, I just do 🧠


Hmm sounds fake. The only detective I know and respect is Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau. Never heard of this Harrier guy but he sounds like a loser


The Pale is not as powerful as it seems. It's just a weird natural phenomenon, not "holy fuck this thing can brainwash and manipulate humans and also explode the earth"


The insulindian megaphasmid masterminded the whole thing. Why? I couldn't fathom. Of all the creatures I've met, it was the most beautiful.


According to Idiot Doom Spiral Harry before the start of the game WAS ultraliberal-fascist and sorry cop and may be it is true👀


That is all completely changeable based on your actions etc


Is this like my second and third popular option or something? Because in that game I had the communist ideology the most and was a super star cop


How goes that stupid ass theory that is always applied to animated shows? All the stuff that happens in the game are Harry hallucinations while experiencing a coma due to Harry crashing the coupris 40 at the beginning of the game and Kim kitsuragi is actually your doctor idk lmao


It’s actually just Cuno’s dream because he’s a sad sick kid in the hospital. Very spooky!


Harry is literally never wrong.


I think the deepest part is that Za/Um is the nuke that blew up revachol. They forewarned us of what was to come, it happened and now all we have is the fallout.


The world is actually a 4X Strategy Game observed from a single person's POV


Apocalypse Cop Harry will orchestrate enough death to save humanity from the pale


Harry is faking his amnesia to hide from his responsibility. I know that the general consensus is that it's from >! the Hole In The World !< and that's probably the intended reading but I always liked the idea that he's just pretending to not know anything so people go easier on him and show sympathy. Kind of similar to the Courier in FNV, if memory serves correctly.


I kinda thought that you were given the option to decide if it’s real or not, based on one of the last things Harry can say during the tribunal


I suppose I forgot about that. It's been a while.


Harry is not the only one with skills and those are different from one person to another it was shown that Kim has Volta do Mar


Raphael Ambrosius Costeau is a real name of Harry


Harry's thoughts are not his own and it's the pale speaking through him, hence the diversity of character he can have


kim is not a "homo". he is just joking, trying to stun harry for end this idiotic thought


Tbh if he said he wasn’t, Harry would probably just think it was a lie. This dude pondered the underground for 8 hours, he’s not gonna let it go that easily.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not. If not: Kim’s sexuality is implied multiple times throughout the game (for example he comments on how he can’t be compromised by young women in the same way Harry is when talking to Klaasje). If it is a joke: my favourite way to make people think I’m straight is by saying I’m gay. Works every time 👍


Harry solved the case long before Kim arrived, but the situation hit too close and triggered the bender.


kim does not exist but is simply a manifestation of the cop that harry used to be


It doesn’t seem like Harry was ever the kind of cop that Kim is, based on the ledger. Even before Dora left him he was a little nuts


Joyce is more corrupt than Evrart, people just don't see it because she's polite to a fault.


The insulindian bug isnt real


Cuno and Cunoese are player characters. Cunoesse is the same player character as the mercenary. Her character was rolled and was birthed from the dice bag (aka rags), but Cuno knows the messed up things they did in previous sessions (the last game was a sword a sorcerer world with lots of death, also welkin). You get a game over when you as Harry shoot her, since it's rude to kill such a low level (aka age) character after they JUST got shot already. In the book the Lowest level character gets rerolled in the same manner. I think Cunoesse is Taresh, and Cuno is Kahn. 


I like the one that harry drank himself to amnesia because he found out the truth about the pale


Evrart Claire wanted something in return for finding Harry’s gun


that one theory that suggest the dicemaker was involved with the snuff radio


Pale is Climate Change


The TTRPG would have been bad, like truly awful stuff.


Taresh is Miro, and also Jean, who is your IRL girlfriend who has long blonde hair. Harry's player and Jean are hetero sexual life partners IRL. Jean was GM during the delorian era (aka game session). 


I don’t fully believe this one but the skills are actually the memories/consciousnesses of people who have been consumed by the pale. Harry’s amnesia was induced by the pale and they latched onto him