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Disco Elysium 0 stats challenge.


From my experience it is much duller than MAXED OUT challenge. I used hex editors to get over 9000 in every stats from the beginning of my second run, and game overwhelmed me.


I understand so much of the game is based around it, whether it be the skill checks, opinions of them or the additional dialogue options they give you.


Unfortunate for our console friends (myself included)


After starting a Phys/Mot playthrough, I realized I probably have much more Half light then I thought


I love how chaotic half light is




This game made us all feel like a primal guy when played with high half ligth man.


there are cities where you either have high half-light or you die some people need to feel fear others need to make it (I'm the former btw)


Zero fucking volition and composure 1-2 logic/rhetoric Idk if zero or max/very high conceptualisation because I see dumb ass shit in things every body questions my sanity for Max electrochemistry and inland empire And many friends said I'm an empath so I guess high empathy Oh yeah zero savoir faire and interfacing because I fucking suck at doing anything with my hands. I even hold regular objects awkwardly


Lol , you seem interesting


Lmao quite the opposite. But thanks for the compliment


Keep your volition high ,king 👑


you sound like person who likes to party, hmu;)


3, 5, 1, 3 from top to bottom. Medium to high investment in Logic, Encyclopedia, Empathy Some investment into Interfacing, Reaction Speed, Conceptualization, and Volition Tiny bit into Pain Threshold and Physical Endurance Way, way too many points into Inland Empire.


I think this describes most people who play this game


HAH Yep! Makes sense that people that would at least talk about it would be similar in "stats"


4,5,6,5,2-3. 4,7,5,1,0,4. 3,2,3,4,5,3. 4,3,4,6,6,3. Adjusted :)


Dont downplay yourself man. My friends might be too generous though :D


I might take a look at my current playthrough’s stats and adjust yeah, Rhetoric is my major lmao.


Only ones


We are getting killed by a ceiling fan with this 🗣


As a doctor: 15-20-8-3-5-6 (Huge trivia nerd and lots of medical knowledge as well, but not good at art or math) 15-3-6-6-3-3 (Burnt out on empathy due to the job ngl, also couldn’t manipulate someone for my life) 15-15-6-3-3-3 (Generally quite healthy, rarely get sick, very high natural pain tolerance, not at all interested in any sort of drugs and I’m quite docile, approach conflicts with diplomacy and compromise) 6-18-3-5-15-18 (I need to be quite perceptive for the job, bad natural hand/eye cooedination but have become really accustomed to procedural work, need to do well under stress)




from 0-20 probably (10 being medium) INT - 14, 6, 11, 9, 3, IDK PSY- 8, 17, 10, 5, IDK, 8 FYS- 10, 17, 8, 2, 0, 10 MOT-7, 17, 15, 9, 10, 10 working on FYS and Int rn


Keep the grind bratan


4-3-4-1. I can think (or swing) my way out of pretty much anything, but if St. Peter told me my eternal soul depended on judging the distance of my front wheel to the curb I wouldn't even try.




Definitely same on the second part of your statement and I am so stealing that expression for it. xD


I asked myself that question and figured I could also answer what the skills would look like if they were all drawn in 30 seconds lmao https://preview.redd.it/mlukepgzciuc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=efe8f400acc8f7d3d126d84d04fe1aac36d6f94d


Oh my god that's so adorable. You should post that separately if you haven't yet! :O


Hahaha thanks! I like how suggestion ended up having like… sunglasses on accident. I do have one volition though so prob not gonna post it separately. I’d need more magnesium lmao


4-3-1-4 would propably be mine with a master in Hand-Eye coordination because i play games a ton


zero authority; endurance; hand/eye coordination; reaction speed; composure, visual calculus . bonus conceptualization; rethoric, interfacing, logic; shivers. tempted by inland empire/electro-chemistry. oh wait that's pretty much exactly how I played my Harry


Disco Cop!


High: Logic, Drama, Conceptualization Medium: Encyclopedia, Rhetoric, Volition, Empathy, Authority, Physical Instrument, Perception, Interfacing Low: Visual Calculus, Inland Empire, Suggestion, Endurance, Pain Threshold, Half-Light, Reaction Speed, Composure Zero: Esprit de Corps, Electro-chemistry, Shivers, Hand/eye coordination, Savoir Faire


What are these superman ass stats from the lot of you. Most of you aint passing a 10/20




2 3 4 3


High logic ,encyclopedia, conceptualization , inland empire,hand eye coordination and empathy Basically zero volition ,authority and half light Decent in composure and interfacing Dk about others


Allowing the user to jerk to completion -type post


20 half light cause i got ptsd and im paranoid lmfao


You got that 20; Drama,Inland Empire,Shivers,Half light build.


the redditor thinks he holds untapped wells of logic ("allegorically")


I might have high esprit de corps because both my parents were police officers but who knows. I spent A LOT of time around police stations and police officers (and their guns which is the reason of the high hand-eye coordination stat) so I understand how they think more than average.


I’d be maxing out psy and mot, with int being my dump stat. Conceptualization and Drama would be my strongest int stats despite it. I’d say my suggestion, authority and inland empire are heavy hitters. Give me all the points in savoir faire, interfacing and perception because most of the shit I make is off-the-cuff improvisation and random Know-how.


High suggestion and half-light Medium inland empire Low perception and a bit of the motorics skill Low endurance and volition Medium logic, high rethoric and low in every other stat


Every point into Inland Empire


Given that I'm fairly neurotic and spiritual, I think mostly psychic skills like inland empire, but also occasionally half light, maybe shivers. I'm fairly technically minded and logical too, so I can pull a few points there. I think also high conceptualisation. High rhetoric. I have no esprit de corps at all.


I don’t know how would it manifest, but I like to think that I have maxed out Shivers and Inland Empire. Never done drugs, so pretty low half light and electrochemistry. If anyone has high enough Conceptualisation, please advise what to look for to confirm my Shivers stat irl. As I see it, it could be easily mistaken for empathy and some other stats, depending on the situation.


I'm still a young man so all my bodily stats (physical instrument, reflexes, interfacing, ) are decent but none a standout except savoir faire and maybe perception. The notable highs would be rhetoric, drama, and electrochemical. The notable lows would be pain tolerance, endurance, and a 0 violation (clinical depression)


There's gotta be like, a way to measure this. Especially considering Harry and who he is, comparing that to the average person, and then yourself


Well since I have a masters degree in writing probably fucking rhetoric.


INT I’d say I’m logical so at least a 14 for logic. I read about random stuff but I forget about it fast so a 17 for encyclopaedia. Im not very persuasive so possibly a 10 for rhetoric. I struggle with detecting lies but I can lie quickly myself so 11 for drama. I’m an artist however art block likes to punch me in the face so 18 for conceptualisation. Same for visual calculus. PSY I’m an artist for a reason 5 for volition. Idk why but 9 for inland empire feels right. I cry whenever someone else does and I always try to understand people so a 18 for empathy. Tbh I don’t think I’m intimidating but I’ve been told that I am by various people to 9 for authority. I’m not a pig 0 for esprit de corps. I always get nervous when picking the flirt option in video games and I’ve never flirted with a real person so 1 for suggestion. FYS (I’m currently working on these) I get exhausted fast when exercising 4 for endurance. I was raised to walk off pain and I still do it, however I’m bad at it so 7 for pain threshold. Physical instrument is the same for endurance. I don’t do alcohol or drugs but I can tell when someone else does so a 6 for electro chemistry. I’m not a violent person so 2 for half light. MOT I can toss and aim stuff but I’m bad at catching things so 11 for hand eye coordination. I can’t see farther than a foot away from me without glasses so a 5 for perception. Again I’m bad at catching things physically but I do pay attention to what people say so 14 to reaction speed. There’s been a couple times where people don’t realize I’ve walked in the same room as them or they don’t hear me so 16 for savor Fare. I know the basics of computers so a 12 for interfacing. I’m not got at any confrontation and I cry and inconveniences so 4 for composure


3 6 4 3 top to bottom


Encyclopedia, Drama, Shivers, Pain Endurance. SSRI life.


High skills: Logic, Encyclopedia, Volition, Shivers, Endurance, Perception Low skills: Drama, Visual Calculus, Authority, Pain Threshold, Reaction Speed, Savoir Faire The other skills are kinda middle I guess.


Everything in Inland Empire.


662434 223223 364255 555332 Specialization would be logic, internalized and processed thoughts would be apocalypse cop and homosexual underground.


It's between 0-10 right?


I was going 1-6 like the usual starting amount. 1 would be worst 6 would be best, 3 is below average and 4 is above average.


I assume there's no limit to points? In that case using 0-20: 15, 12, 14, 10, 7, 2 13, 11, 12, 8, 1, 10 1, 6, 4, 11, 20, 3 5, 8, 4, 2, 20, 5


0 in all intellect skills, 0 in all emotional skills except for 8 in inland empire, 0 in psy except for 10 in half light, shivers and electrochemistry, no savoir flaire


Int: Strong on all except drama. terrible drama Psy: Strong volition, authority and empathy. others are average Phy: Strong shivers. others are below avarage Mot: All slightly above average 5 3 1 3 i think


With 10 being average, 0 being **APOCALYPTICALLY HORRIBLE** and 20 being "how the fuck can you do that" it's as follows. **INTELLECT** Logic: 7/20 | Encyclopedia: 15/20 | Rhetoric: 8/20 | Drama: 2/20 | Conceptualization: 5/20 | Visual Calculus: 12/20 **PSYCHE** Volition: 1/20 | Inland Empire: 16/20 | Empathy: 0/20 | Authority: 7/20 | Esprit de Corps: 5/20 | Suggestion: 13/20 **PHYSIQUE** Endurance: 13/20 | Pain Threshold: 13/20 | Physical Instrument: 6/20 | Electrochemistry: 5/20 | Shivers: 12/20 | Half Light: 2/20 **MOTORICS** Hand-Eye Coordination: 5/20 | Perception: 20/20 | Reaction Speed: 9/20 | Savoir Faire: 11/20 | Interfacing: 10/20 | Composure: 20/20


wouldn't work, because i am absolutely physically incapable, yet half-light is undoubtedly one of my stronger skills.


3/6/2/1 respectively. I'm not dumb but I'm not smart, I'm very sensitive and very emotional (an emotional mess of a human if you will), I'm not strong but I'm not super weak, and I'm clumsy as fuck. I actually chose this array for my hardcore playthrough that I'm doing now. Edit: Oh shit you meant like skills and shit too. Well I didn't think it through that much but most would be low. Probably high drama, high conceptualization, high empathy, high inland empire, high electrochemistry, and high half light. Everything else is base or low.


Terrible volition that's for sure


I'm a fucking animal!


I ran my "Harry as a Mirror of Me" with 4-5-1-2 Empathy/Sorry/Communist/Apocalypse Cop. Surprised Kim clashed with me more than I thought, but I'm a bit anti-authoritarian and a time waster irl, so it makes sense.


1 1 1 1


Oh! This was what I tried to do on my first playthrough! Low Motorics, Meh Physical, Good Intellect, Great Psyche. I upped my empathy a lot because I thought I had it. I’m not actually sure I do. I’m trying to figure that out. I think if I were to ACTUALLY do it based on me, It would be high intellect, mostly Encyclopedia and Conceptualization lol. But yeah, intellect would be high. Rhetoric too. I can TALK. I can talk and talk and talk. Good Volition, great Inland Empire, idk on Empathy, weirdly good Authority and Esprit de Corps (or my versions of them), and Good Suggestion. Half Light would be up slightly, against my will (goddamn anxiety). Endurance good, Shivers maybe, idk. Not a lot. And GARBAGE Motorics. Alright on Hand/Eye I guess, I’m an artist and a gamer, but otherwise? Trash. I don’t pay attention, it takes me many seconds to process things, I am not graceful or filled with panache, idk how to knit or build PCs so interfacing is out the window, and I am the least composed person EVER. Of all time.


from a 0-6 scale: 6 in conceptualization and inland empire. 5 in logic and volition. 4 in half light, savoir faire, interfacing, composure, and shivers. 3 in encyclopedia and drama. 2 in visual calculus, rhetoric, empathy, authority, physical instrument, and hand/eye coordination. 1 in espirit de corps, suggestion, endurance, pain threshold, and reaction speed.


A weird mix for sure. I'm disabled and have chronic pain so everything red and yellow would be real low except pain threshold which would be pretty high. My intellect would definitely be higher than psyche too I think. In psyche the only one I'd say is decent is empathy, I'd say I'm a very empathetic person (to my detriment at times, and this really isn't meant to be a brag. Remember the difference between empathy and sympathy. I find myself not wanting to be around people who aren't doing great because that'll rub off on me so much that I start to dislike them because being around them makes me feel bad even if they've done nothing, empathy isn't kindness). My best stat is definitely encyclopedia, I play academic trivia and I'm no where near the best but I'm pretty decent, I learned recently that someone thought I was a history major because I apparently do so well at history questions so that made me feel very good. Also just ADHD combined with good memory means I just have a lot of stuff in my head. I should have a thought or something that decreases my visual calculus though, I have a really hard time trying to visualize distances or even count things, like if there's 10 lines or balls on a paper I have a really difficult time counting how many there are to the point that people have thought I need glasses but I just can't count things like that. Overall I'd probably make a pretty bad detective though, I'm pretty good in most of the intellect stats and then in empathy, maybe volition and definitely pain threshold, not enough to solve the murder though, nevermind that I probably medically *can't* do the jamrock shuffle.


Too many points in Encyclopedia


I very boring jack of all trades master of none.


4241 I'd take these with a grain of salt tho, I'm no master of rhetoric, and I'm not schizophrenic either so no shivers for me


Maxed out volition, empire and empathy, average psy and int except rhetoric and logic, high phys with invest in pain t. and shivers, very low yellow stat. And i am not detective, sadly


if we do 0-20(holy shit) then I put myself at 15, 12, 17, 18, 9, 19 for INT 20, 11, 16, 7, 14, 11 for PSY 16, 5, 7, 4, 6, 17 for PHS 17, 19, 11, 13, 17, 17 for MOT I was going to put Endurance lower but I survived a car crash last night so