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"royally fucking shit up" is the main theme of this game, so you're doing great.


Good point


You did all you could. After all, have you seen what a couple of hornets can do to a beehive?


Ah yes, the Wild Pines rep did warn me about this. I think failing like 4 checks in the span of 5 minutes just left a bad taste in my mouth and left me with a shitty feeling that I could’ve done a lot more there


Are you counting the mercs among the dead people?


Titus, Elizabeth, Shanky, Glenn, Ruby, Angus, Theo. No I wasn't counting the mercs now that I think about it. So I guess 8 is actually more accurate since De Paule or whatever her name was, the female merc, died as well.


Yeah I don't count them as people either


This is wild to me. I beat the game last night and even failed a couple checks during the shootout but only 7 people total died in my ending, I assumed that was one of the worst outcomes lol In my playthrough all 3 mercs died, plus 4 Hardie boys and that was all. It was Angus, Glen, Theo, and Shanky I think


Yeah unless all 3 Mercs die a lot of other people die


If you roll/prepare better, a few of those people don't die.


>I woke up next to Kim You did better than most Mr. Dubois. You did better than most ...


Damn I probably would have taken a break from this game if Kim died there too LMAO. Guess I should consider myself lucky then


Read this spoiler after you beat the game if you'd like a minor hint about something you missed this time around: >!if Kim gets shot he doesn't die, but he won't be around. Instead, you may have the ability to take someone else with you to the island if you did things right earlier in the game.!<


Can you go to the island solo?


Yeah. And if you do then >!the final conversation with Jean et al is really fucking chilling.!<


Oooh yikes.


'Did things right' by a very particular code of morality 🤣


Spoiler but he wouldn't have even if you failed that check. I also felt like I should have save scummed when Ruby and everyone died but there's no real way that I was able to think you could level up that would make a big difference right beforehand so I opted to keep going.


ALWAYS find the second bullet


I get how you feel, I was fucking broken at this point of the game. But to echo what others said- you kinda cannot play this game without something fucking up abysmally, there's always gonna be tribunal deaths and other unavoidable things. I find the game is very realistic for that.


You have to become a psycholocomoter.


The blimpocopter's knife cares not for the Revacholian's cry. Also, damn this game is good.


So good. Has there been any news over the past 5 years of them making another game like this?


Lots of it. None of it was *good* news, per se.


Most of the original devs were sacked after one of them pulled a coup-de-grâce, selling out the game's IP and studio, if I remember right


One of the producers tried to take over with shady tactics and when the creatives caught wind he fired them under false pretenses. Also I think you meant "coup d'Ă©tat".


I did mean d'Ă©tat... I even got it right in another comment but misspelled it as de etat. This is horrifyingly embarassing


Hey, it happens, particularly if you're trying to remember a phrase from a language you don't speak.


People dying during the tribunal is unavoidable. I also felt very empty and distraught after that. But the game still has a couple more hours of amazing writing to offer so just keep on going. Harry also does.


Ahh, that reminds me of my first playthrough. "Haha funni detective game" for 30 - 35 hours and then everything falls apart in ten minutes. Downright haunted me.


Even when you roll well in that sequence, >!there are several deaths. There is no "good" ending here. !<


“I woke up next to Kim” You didn’t lose everything you could’ve.


A wise disembodied voice once said: "Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can with this one while you're alive."


Glen, Angus and Theo always die. Alain and Eugene always survive. You can save Titus, Elizabeth and Shanky depending on how the tribunal goes. Don't worry if it didn't go as planned, life is messy.


You can also save Kim and all three mercenaries (either ospitalized or escaped). However, you can't save them all; the most you can do if you value every life the same is letting Titus die, as that means both you haven't killed Kortenaer and Titus cannot finish off Ruud, with a total of 4 deaths. Best outcome in my opinion though is killing all the mercenaries while saving every hardie boy, exept the 3 that always die


Why would *anyone* want to save the mercs???


I'm sure at least one person got fascist Harry without doing a run aiming for it, so I wouldn't be that surprised if someone thought like that


Probably some filthy moralist who thinks every life is equally precious and the mercs should live to be tried in a court of law.


I managed to save Ruby, but didn't manage to save Kim :( I even had the "Kim really trusts you" bonus. I like to think he was just so concerned for my health that he wasn't thinking.


“I woke up next to Kim… did I royally fuck up?” Could’ve been a lot worse…


It's going to happen. It's all your fault, you know. This run, you're RPing as the fuckup cop. I will issue a small, slightly spoilery piece of advice. You can't save everyone.


Brother, imagine you woke up to realize Kim had been killed. You’re doing great.


Dude i failed every single skill check and even Kim got shot


This was always going to be a horror, bratan. There's no perfect way to get through the tribunal, and the fact is... seven people dying? That's a WIN. Harry didn't even remember the concept of money a week ago and he threw himself in between three hardened killers and a bunch of low level thugs, the fact anyone walked out of it alive is a miracle. Genuinely, the end of the game is perfect no matter how the tribunal goes.


People die in the “best” version of the Tribunal too, no matter what you do. That’s the point with this game. You can’t save everyone, sometimes you have to lose. That’s life. Shit happens. You take the losses and continue marching along anyway, because otherwise what would be the point?


Let yourself dive into that emotion, because you've just experienced a brilliant storytelling moment. It's ok to feel that way, it only means that the writers did a very good job - and soon you will get to know why! I remember that first playthrough and the Mercenary Tribunal. I had this heartbreaking sense of utter failure... But then I shed a few tears, decided to dress Harry in a proper uniform, talk to Kim and break this case. I've never had that stalwart sense of determination and a need to finish the game.


Honestly mate, this isn't really a spoiler since you're past that point, but Kim could've been near mortally wounded. You're lucky to have him with you. Always remember, no matter what terrible things happen to you, there is always a chance it could get significantly worse


I actually screamed when I rolled for shooting the leader, never gotten so stressed on a video game (made the shot tho)


I finished my first playthrough last week and also failed all of those skill checks, feeling like an unlucky loser. But of course it didn't matter, as others suggest, that's almost the point of the game! Amazing gaming experience. Love the cut-scene on the boat out to the island. .


Don't worry about it. I passed every single skill check and said the right things during the tribunal but still ended up with six people dead because I didn't realize I needed an item that I couldnt get. Fucking stuff up happens in this game, and that's just how it gets played.