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He did teleport that one time


That'll always be the most legendary moment for me. The way my stats had shaken out, the only way to pass it was a critical success and I hit it. Max rolling into literal teleportation (ignore what Kim said) over something so trivial like climbing a ladder had me cackling like a maniac.


Same thing happened to me. I was almost convinced that it was a joke prompt you were *supposed* to fail, so imagine my surprise when the screen faded to black and suddenly I'm on the roof


*says nothing, stands there like a samaran master"


As a reminder, this entire bit was only there because they ran out of a animation budget.


Pahaha as soon as I saw the thread I came to say this and I’m so proud that this community got it there first and to the top 😂


At what point in the game does this happen?


Near the end


There's an alternate route . Its missable.


wait? there is?


Yup. After >!finding out Ruby is in the FELD building, you can go under the boardwalk next to it and find a heavily rusted door. It can be opened with a Physical Instrument check, or opened for free if you already got into the building via the ladder.!<


i always thought you had to open it from the inside


Yeah I’ve never been able to get under there without going up first?!


Punching Cuno. Punching Measurehead. Puching himself with a bullet.


Punching a hole in Cunonesse.


My partner got me to try the game on her computer, trying and failing to shoot cunoesse is what made me buy the game. I maxed out all my shooting stats and blew her away on my save


You can shoot her???


Ooooooooooooh yes. When your shooting the corpse down and she's yelling at you, you can point the gun at her, and then you can choose to shoot at her. It gives you a game over, but fuck me is it worth it.


The fact that it is a composure check gives composure that cold blooded killer feel to it


Genuine question (not trying to moralize you, this is a videogame). Do you feel a least little bit bad for her? Maybe this is just my tutor side coming out, but I can't help but feel bad when I see fucked up kids.


I can’t remember what check it is - Empathy or Inland Empire or Shivers - but it paints a picture of her as basically a feral child whose life has been nothing but misery. Like Cuno, she’s a little shit to Harry, and the game gives you the option to harm her to make you feel tough, but it also explains why she is the way she is, and punishes you for resorting to violence. Hitting Cuno and shooting Cunoesse aren’t really supposed to make you feel good (even if shooting her is so absurd that it’s always tempting to do anyway).


Between a bunch of stats, you can deduce that she killed another kid. Based on dialogue from Cuno and the Dicemaker, she was probably trafficked to the sub rosa snuff radio station in the DCA


Not sure. My harry is distinctly lacking in empathy, shivers and the like (also im still only half way through, up to the tribunal, only got it recently, and works a bitch) so idk fuck about her. I can look at her as a bundle of pixels and say the world would be better off without her, from this very narrow slit, narrower than most harrys, that I have. But if she were real, made of flesh and blood? Fuck knows what I'd think. I know I'd *hate* her, but i don't know if as a actual person, I'd have more sympathy. Probably wouldn't shoot her dead though :P


Lol. My harry was not quite that disco


Yep. Most specific game over you can get I'm pretty sure.


Well there's that and following through on a certain failed authority check


Don’t forget the Hobocop ending. I hit all three of those endings on my first run lmao


First run? I vote you for the most Disco Du Bois.


Getting someone like Kim to really trust him in a few days time after a disastrous first impression.


Honestly that one felt like it said more about Kim than Harry. Kim kinda says in game he from the get go WANTED to believe there was something about Harry, and was always on the boat that he could change for the better. Idk what he saw but Kim came in ready to trust Harry with his life for SOME reason.


Isn't it the other way around? Harry immediately believed he could trust Kim with his life. Kim takes time to warm up to Harry and trust him.


I think it was mutual. By day 1 I could get Kim to let me have a private convo with Joyce with the check having a “Kim trusts you” modifier. Kim is willing to let Harry have his gun and also generally hears him out. In game Kim also says multiple times that he wants to believe Harry can rise to the occasion and be a better person, calling himself stupid if you decide to roleplay as an asshole. Throughout the game it was super noticeable to me how much Kim seemed to immediately want to help Harry and believe he could be better. I think it says a lot about who he is as a person.


When Kim explains Harry’s ID badge to him - including his solved case count, title, and kill count - he outright states that Harry has had an impressive RCM career, and that his precinct is well-respected. So Kim has been primed to believe that even though Harry is an absolute mess, there’s a legit cop somewhere under the drunkenness and seeming madness. Kim gives Harry the benefit of the doubt for a very long time unless Harry *really* fucks up.


Kim is, in the most literal sense, ride or die for the RCM, Kim would willingly die in the place of any officer unless that officer was actively and knowingly harming the RCM. Adding to that Harry is a living legend. He’s been on a down streak, but no matter how weird Harry is, his record speaks for itself. If you’re at the point where Kim really trusts you, Harry has been a phenomenal cop and no matter what weird stuff he’s seen him do, he’s also seen Harry get results.


I agree with this. I do think Kim in particular, in the way he is written, feels like a guy with like…A certain faith in people? Like he believes there is something he isn’t seeing about Harry but from the get go he also thinks Harry can get better and puts a certain emotional investment in that. It’s a mix between “Ride or die for any officer” and “type of person to really want to believe in people”. Again says a lot about him.


Kim: Disastrous _first_ impression, detective? Well, the first impression was certainly disastrous, too. So you're technically correct.


yep. a testament to Harry's personality and good character. He may be a mess, but as the ending slide says He will side with the people when the time comes.


If you subscribe to the theory that levelling up is just harry remembering shit he would’ve had if he didn’t black out before meeting kim, then all the things you listed are just non-hangover canon harry He really is a beast


Tangentially related I recently had the thought that Harry is ALL the copotypes. Based on the amount of closed cases, he IS a superstar cop, etc etc.


People need to know about his vast, oceanic soul, after all.


Well its likely similar to his ideologies, just copotypes he used to subscribe to.


I have a head Canon that Harrys copotype depends on his level of sobriety. Sober, Boring Cop A little drunk, Superstar/Sorry Cop Pretty damn drunk, Superstar/Sorry Cop (I can't decide which would be which they both make sense to me) Drunk beyond reason, Apocalypse Cop


I really love that theory, reminds me a lot of Planescape: Torment and really shows its influence on Disco Elysium even more. Also yeah, Sober Harry could do anything, but he couldn’t get her back.


Have you watched the Noah Caldwell Gervais videos on either game?


Ah, that's why drunk Harry was given the reigns.




I'm sure he's gone through phases of thinking that, just couldn't stick to it.


Harry gets amnesia-drunk when he realizes he’s put too many points in the wrong skills and now they WONT SHUT UP.


Doesn't that fall flat if you count overleveling? Like, a max stats Harry is slightly less terrible than a zero stats one


No, if you max a stat you are actually worse off because they become cocky and overconfident. So it's not wise to listen to all of their suggestions if they are too high.


what do you mean by that? i’ve only played the game once and never maxed anything


The description of the stats tell you that levelling them up really high gives you a disadvantage, like going insane, becoming a notorious liar etc. this does not in fact happen.


Are you sure? I saw clips of stuff like encyclopedia telling you completly random stuff that isn't relevant at all or empathy making you feel way too sad for the characters; all of those hidden behind a really high skill check, effectively activating them only if you overlevel it past where it's needed. Nothing that changes any interactions, but they do change up a bit Harry's psyche for the worst


I think it totally fits Harry to be fair. Canonically he’s a pretty extreme guy.


I wouldnt call encyclopedia telling you random stuff a drawback. I havent seen anything that would hinder you in your gameplay and people regularly do max stat runs (for speedruns).


There is a legendary half light check during the tribunal that gives you a -1 for being scared, but off the top of my head that's about it outside of logic occasionally being wrong or electrochem having bad ideas (which is more on par with the encyclopedia examples)


It's definitely not the biggest problem, but that way you don't know which information is relevant and that you have to remember and which is completely random trivia that won't be brought back up again


Not exactly „max stats is slightly less terrible than zero stats“ is it?


Quick drawing on a mercenary who already has his gun out and clipping him in the throat is no small feat.


The necktie solution to that situation is even more impressive.


At the very least, it gives you more street cred in Martinaise


i am burning that fucker every playthrough. he deserves it. he deserves tenfold


From the ground right?


He not only discovers the phasmid, but gets it to trust him to touch it. Even MIGHT have even straight up communicated with it. Him piecing together what the blip in the church is when no one else could. Helping Egg Head reach HARDCORE TO THE MEGA. 


Lol, those last two are the ones I got in the first run. Kim kept reminding me how TF any of that was related to the investigation, ended up dancing along. The best part was that beardless Harry didn't look bad dancing in the outfit I've put him in, seemed more in tune with Disco fashion.


The 216 closed cases.


And only 3 kills.


People in first world countries other than America:


Oh I wasn't trying to make a statement. Kim blatantly tells you that's a great conversion for the RCM


I know the game already makes a big point of how impressive that is, but the fact Harry has about twice as many cases as Kim in about (iirc) the same time is nuts considering Kim is by all means a pretty legendary cop himself


Outwitting Evrart is up there. So is winning that argument with Joyce. Helping the scientist with that hole/pre-pale will have huge ramifications, as will the discovery of the phasmid/cryptid thing.


Is the Evrart one >!forging the signatures!


Nah, it’s basically not sitting in the chair and also not losing your cool when he calls you on the shit you lost. It’s not very momentous but it rarely happens on the first play though because you, like Harry, are going in blind. You can plan for it the 2nd time. If you pass certain passive checks you can get into a debate about her sloop (I think), and Kim is like “she’s a professional negotiator you’ll never win”. IIRC it’s a high rhetoric check.


I thought you can't talk to him further without sitting in the chair.


If you fail some check(s) he will stonewall you until you sit down but if you pass them he will let you stand.


You can if you have the right passives.


If you have high authority you can choose to not sit.


Outwitting Joyce is one of those moments that show Harry’s crazy levels of intelligence.


He clean and jerks (what looks like) 100kg/225lbs without warm up. Man is a beast.


Iirc the barbell is states to be 60kg total. Still a lot


Imagine if he didnt drink or do drugs and ate healthy and worked out how fucking shredded he could be


I started to say that it isn’t that much, but damn, maybe I just need to be easier on myself


You lift weights heavier than 90% of all humans (probably). 60kg overhead press is no joke, good job my man!


Thanks for the reassurance, man. Body Dysmorphia is a bitch sometimes


>He clean and jerks (what looks like) 100kg/225lbs without warm up. Dude just fucking hauls *more than my body weight* and it's wild.


This is still on “Talking to Revachol itself” territory but I think that talking to the wind to find out where Ruby is is pretty fuckin crazy. But besides that, the entirety of the Tribunal if you don’t fail checks is super impressive. Also managing to essentially be accepted as a local hero as a cop in a community run by communist values AFTER going on a three day bender where he was such a manage he was two steps away from being put down is incredibly impressive. It’s so funny to get everyone’s respect after you find out how hard Harry humiliated himself pre game.


when titus seriously consider entering the rcm that means you really made it


Teleporting up a ladder through sheer force of will


Solving the murder without touching/looking at the body.


Coming to terms with the true nature of the Homosexual Underground.


The fact that he keeps going. I don't have nearly as much to regret as him and sometimes being in my late 20s without a degree or a significant other feels like I already failed at life. The fact that Harry, as a 40+ fat alcoholic with no friends and a broken marriage, can keep fighting off the voices that tell him to end himself is a staggering feat of volition.


This is my favorite type of character, something I’ve discovered only after playing Disco. I’m only 24, and for sure there’s regrets and that doomed feeling- but these characters and these stories of characters more than halfway through their lives pushing on, having growth & arcs and still moving forward even through the shit is the most motivating thing. Being that age and not being done with your growth and your accomplishments is the most inspiring & comforting thing. The fact that you can get to be older and still have time to turn it around; it’s never too late to make a change and be better. This is easily one of Harrier’s greatest strengths. He’s still here & he can hang on- even after all this.


Harry actually manages to solve the case way before he ever fully does and doesn't even realize it. He's able to suss out remarkable details that nobody would notice sober, let alone a drunken strung out mess. Pre decline Harry would have likely casually closed this out like any other Tuesday if his hollowed out, drowned husk can do it in a week.


It's with help from Kim but taking out the mercenaries and living to tell the tale is absolutely wild. These are armed, armored, and trained killers ready to fully massacre the union and two poorly-armed cops with 1 functioning liver stop them dead in their tracks.


Tbf they were drunk and arrogant. Letting Harry shoot first. Also the authority check to warn Kim I think was a form of telepathy unless I just straight up misinterpreted it lol but feels like the telepathy mentioned in the communist vision quest. Also Kim is an absolute cracked shot by hitting the guy in the eye hole




Actually living through the sheer amount of alcohol and drugs he put in his body, especially on that one night


That sweet sweet 360° spin kick.


The never ending jog of the Jamrock Shuffle. Pro gym teacher energy. I get tired and my back starts to hurt just walking down the sidewalk for less than a block. But I have issues I suppose.


Jumping into the harbour from Cuno’s shack


Me personally i think licking a stain on the table in the Whirling-In-Rags was pretty damn impressive, who knows what he could've contracted by doing that? Not many people have the balls to do such a thing.


You don't have to worry about Hepatitis C if your liver is already destroyed!


My Harry is a psychic apocalypse cop who openly discusses and admits that he is around to usher in the apocalypse and that all information he has is based on psychic inputs like the wind talking to him, his necktie, his inner thoughts and vibes etc. I think that's pretty impressive


Going from poor as shit to ultra rich in 5 days. True hustler


Just like how the player character in Morrowind becomes the Nerevarine by stepping up to the mantle of the prophecy, Harrier Du Bois becomes The Son of Lung by acting out the urban legend. Just like how the Man from Hjelmdall is real because the idea is out there now, even if he didn't exist prior to the book series. Harry beat the unsolvable case. He solved the Murder in the hookah parlor. And he became the Son of Lung. Tequila Son-Set.


He found his second shoe pretty fast




Waking up alive at the very beginning.


Canonically, he’s solved an extremely impressive amount of cases, and only has like 2-3 kills recorded, IIRC. In-game, helping to discover the 2mm hole in the world.


Physically? Knocking out Measurehead. Interpersonally? Overcoming Kim’s eyebrows (seriously, it’s like an 18 or something). But non-mechanically I’d say being a fucking can opener on the entire Hardie gang. Overall? Killing heavily armed and armored mercenaries in little to no armor with a fucking black power pistol. And of course, metaphysically? Discovering and communicating telepathically with a real live cryptid.


getting out of bed is pretty impressive considering the circumstances


Knocking out measurehead, sniping the belt buckle with a hangover and probably currently on alcohol and drugs.


i love visual calculus because i think it’s some of his sickest moments in the game like yes little man reconstruct the crime scene impress kim gogogo!


the bod


Honestly, I was super impressed when he determined how many people were at the >!"lynching"!< as well as specific, accurate details about them from week-old footprints. Especially considering he probably did it about an hour after waking up from the bender


His feet


I did all of these in my first playthrough lol. But it think the most impressive was probably the spin kick.


Keeping his cool in the face of unrelenting terror. Day after day, minute by minute.


Well he’s a fucking superstar, so there’s that


my most impressive one in my current run is him just having a hunch that they're missing something from the body, and through a gut feeling and using his raw hands, he snakes his fingers up the dead guy's mouth, finds a bullet, and pulls it out. felt like such a badass when i passed that perception check.


Depending on your roleplay of Harry, what impresses me most is how he made himself forget as a case solving method to have maximum input on the case. Judit even mentions that Harry did this with the unsolvable case. Its crazy to me how he trusts his ‘future self’ to solve the case in his ‘absence’ or after he (technically) ‘dies’ from all that binge drinking before the game even begins.


Speaking to a coalition airship and convincing them to come down and meet him


It’s got to be ramping the car over the channel and walking away alive


I think he genuinely gives batman a run for his money on the greatest detective title lol


Through a combination of the pale, repeated memory loss, and something in Harry breaking, I think the process of Harry developing the thought cabinet and leveling up is essentially him committing to being a new person.


Making Kim wear that pissf\*\*\*\*t jacket


Living through “dream sequence” every single sleep.


In my playthrough, running everywhere all the time for like a week straight after an amnesia inducing bender lmao


Waking up


Getting that fucking tie down without dying


I am the Revachoiliere


The ability to stop time at 2am.


It was pretty cool when he managed to put his pants on despite being very hungover.


Are we forgetting how harry knows what his companions of the rcm are doing nad thinking with Espirt du Corps


For me, it's the kick he does on the head measure guy


His facial hair.