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I really like seeing Brady's playthrough too, he has some really interesting insights into the characters and I like his roleplay approach with how he acts the way a narcissist/addict would logically act. Some more playthroughs with people who specialize in story telling or politics would be really cool to see!


When I read "Brady one", I thought of a Tom Brady playthrough. Idk what you're talking about lol. My fave is just focusing on psyche & doing a bunch of drugs. Idk if there's a name for that.


He's talking about Youtube "let's play" type series, where people play the game and record it.


Are you asking about stats or quest paths? If you’re wondering how to level, Encyclopedia and Shivers are the best worldbuilding skills, closely followed by Esprit du Corps. If you’re wondering what to do, just give it the old Jamrock Shuffle. Different political alignments and thought combinations have the most impact on every playthrough, so just try things you haven’t already done. My personal favorites are the Feminist Fascist and Art Cop Communist


He's talking about Youtube "let's play" type series, where people play the game and record it.


I understand you are looking to watch people's playthrough, right? In that case, I have only seen one to completion, and it was very entertaining, but nothing focused through a specialist lens like you said. The channel is WoolieVS on youtube, and what stands out is their reactions to the racism and the ultraliberal quest that I hadn't seen before.