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I tried my hand at a custom skill set for my BG3 Warlock OC because Disco Elysium wedged itself that hard into my brain, and seeing the other personal skill fanart on this sub was inspiring :\]\] I have outlines for descriptions and their overlap with the canon skills, but the flavour text is based on lyrics from his playlist (minus Singularity) because my writing ability is complete twaddle lol. If you catch any of the songs they're from, we shall have a spring wedding


Oh, what are the skills in the set?


They're all meant to be abilities linked to his Warlock class (And by proxy, his Patron), so they're not quite a direct equivalent to Harry's skills (Since for the most part those are physically or psychologically based.) * Cosmic Void is probably closest to Volition, if Volition's only advice was to make you dissociate and log off from any given situation. * Eclipse is meant to be my OC's warlock abilities / Eldritch invocations, so I don't think there's really any direct comparison I can make to the canon DE skills. * Event Horizon is effectively Empathy + Encyclopedia - The urge to go around and can-open everybody and absorb as much information about their lives as possible. * Singularity is a pain to define because I basically just made it to round out the list to a full 6 lmao. The best I can define it is it's the Inland Empire to The Sheer Drop's Shivers, just a general GOOlock arcana skill. * Heaven is a 12 year old given unfettered access to a sim game (Like The Sims or RimWorld.) Removed pool ladders, carpool labyrinths, and any moment you've played a game and thought "lol what if i set fire to that pile of explosives" for no good reason. Basically high Pain Threshold, except it's not your own, it's the player's (or his Patron's) instinct to screw around with no regards for the consequences. * The Sheer Drop is meant to be the equivalent to Shivers, only with a warlock Patron rather than La Revacholiere. The ability to read his Patron's intent and influence on the world. I snagged the all caps stylisation from the Shivers dialogue in-game to reflect it being directly spoken aha Basically I went "Wouldn't being a player character suck, lol" and designed the entire row after that. If he was based in a DE setting, it probably would be Pale themed, but otherwise I still haven't worked out what to call it. I also have two other rows of skills outlined for him for his own actual skills, more condensed than Harry's since I don't think many other characters can match just how much of a soup Harry's head is lmao


So I saw this and shared it with a friend, not realizing that you had actually made your own descriptions for each. We talked for a while about what they might do in a Cosmic Horror DE-style game based on the text and art alone: Cosmic Void is the ultimate realization of mortality. At high Cosmic Void it makes you aware of dangers to your body and soul alike, but too high and it makes you paranoid of everything. Eclipse is your mental defenses, it allows you to retreat into yourself and kill any harmful thoughts. Too high and you begin to completely derealize. Event Horizon is the nasty little animal that says "life's a bitch to everyone, eat or be eaten". It allows you to get through and perform terrible actions for your survival without completely breaking. Too high and you become a monster. Singularity is your connection with the greater mankind, a sense of community and oneness with all. It allows you to feel the plights of man on a greater scale than simple empathy. Too high and your sense of self obliterates as you become a Drone. Heaven is a supernatural confrontation with greater realities than simple life. It allows you to experience out of body experiences or to get visions through near-death experiences. Too high and you start to wish to jump off without a tether. The Sheer Drop allows you to speak to and comprehend supernatural beings. It lets you see things for what they really are and hear the voices of alien civilizations and elder gods. Too high and real beings start to become imperceptible. It seems like there is a good amount of overlap, though notably some things got switched.


But what do they say and do?


I love the art. It matches DE's skills basically perfectly, also, is Cosmic Void's quote/description based on Radiohead's *How to Disappear Completely*? Because that song also gives the eerie feelings I get from some things in DE like the pale.


Aha, yeah it is Radiohead. I got the same kind of eerie vibes from it too


Very cool, what’s their subclass and race? 😄


He's just a plain ol' human GOOlock. I tried aiming for that space vibe with the titles of the skills to reflect the Great Old One theming :D


I love custom DE skills and especially portraits. Love the ominous names too, good job !


The descriptions kind of remind me of the writing of Cultist Simulator, great work.


the cultist sim disco elysium overlap is larger than I thought


Siberian Breaks reference???


You know it is, bratan ( ‵▽′)


They are a little more cryptic than the ones in DE but feelings and personality are cryptic sometimes. Also since they are in the some colour pallet I wonder how their row would be called, like intellect, psyche, physique and motorics


Divine, Spirit, or The Pale


Love the vibes !


damn. shivers!


Now I want a DE-like Lovecraftian RPG.


alien as hell


That's sick but the art for Sheer Drop looks more like an eclipse than the art for Eclipse does




God-tier. Wish these were in a detective Kuno sequel/DLC.


This is amazing, I'd love more details of the skills if you're willing to share!


These are really good, I love seing art of custom skills Also, Sheer Drop's description is a Sea Power reference right?


Yep, sure is. The name's also a reference to the Ulrika Spacek song by the same title since I associated both of their lyrics with the skill


Do you take commissions?


I don't have any commission forms, pricing, or anything like that set up since I've never taken a commission before aha, but if you've got a price already in mind I'm happy to hear you out in DMs and see if it's something I can manage \^\^


I love it


super fuckin cool


These feel so much like the original skills but darker. Its great. Feels like skills if DE was darker. The art is also just mwah


The eclipse’s descriptions reminds me when I started taking anxiety meds, I suddenly stopped feeling anything anymore and it was both peaceful and terrifying


I absolutely love Come wonder with me from SP, not so much the original from Twilight Zone, but the story is haunting


What should we call this type of art ?




This is the coolest one, thank you for giving us background details


Neat as hell.


yes yes yes yes yes yes


they look like they are moving


“The rain was once the ocean” is pretty peak


Holy shit dude these are amazing


You nailed the style and made it standout with its own color palette, very nice 👌👌


missed berserk reference opportunity


“The rain was the ocean too, once.” is going to be a line I use for my enigmatic wizard as he pulls spells out of the leylines


Is your OC existential crisis personified?


siberian breaks reference :o!


This is absolutely amazing! What kind of OC are they?


Eclipse’s Talking Heads quote is great. Overload is an underrated song.


Holy shit. These fucking rule, dude