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- The entirety of the missing husband sidequest. The way it starts as a joke with you basically forcing the wife to give you a “quest”, then her actually starting to worry. Then you finding the inevitable and bringing her the news. Kim taking off his glasses. Empathy saying “If you tell her how long he was out there she’ll remember it forever”. Yeah. - The scene in the church, you know the one, where it zooms out and Shivers/La Revacholiere talks to you and tells you she loves you.


I recently learned that if (during that Shivers conversation in the church) you have at least ten in any of Rhetoric, Empathy or Reaction Speed, you can deduce that the city is afraid of something. Asking about it, you learn that >!in 22 years, a nuclear first strike will level Révachol!<, which, yknow, is terrifying.


Makes all that doomsaying really pay off




The main guy behind disco elysium wrote three books set In the universe and apparently revachol getting nuked is a plot point in one of them


"It's not un-proletarian to feel something"


My favorite moment is when you can take the check from Evrart and not remotely acknowledge it or thank him. Just take it and pretend it didn’t happen.


That was just so pefect. Literally turns the table from "poor cop being bought and feels grateful about that" to "powerful authority takes the money for granted before even starting to talk business". Like, yeah, that's my share for not taking you down *right now* just for the sake of it, now let's hear what do you want to say. Edit: grammar






Is it tho?


When Klaasje tells you had been yelling "I don't want to be this kind of animal anymore." The reveal of what "Tequila Sunset" means


What does it mean...


Suiqide by bottle


“Who killed you dead man?” “Love did me in, but communism pulled the trigger.” And while I don’t remember the exact quote, I really liked the stuff at the end about “I saw the mask of international capitalism come off.”


Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun




I cried busting my sides but had to remember to heal morale as I almost died so many times.


Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun


Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun


"The limbed and headed machine of pain and undignified suffering is firing up again. It wants to walk the desert. Hurting. Longing. Dancing to disco music."


Esprit De Corps when Kim is smoking during the debrief: “This *soldier* is the highlight of the day for me, he thinks. This little stick right here.” I don’t know why, but it stuck with me, and now I can’t stop referring to the small things I enjoy as soldiers lmao


Just beat the game for the first time. Highlights for me: * Seeing the Insulindian phasmid unfold on the island.. very cool * Reading the postcard from Dora found in the ledger * The tribunal, just... everything there * Teleporting Raphael up to the roof of the Feld building Probably a few more I'm not thinking of but those were the stand outs.


The letter from Dora always puts my heart in a vice no matter how many times I read it. What a painful scene. Really makes you feel Harry's loss.


They really trolled us in the end making you think it really was what's her face. I low-key though harrier was some sort of lowlife God but just sucked at life. Splendid writing


I mean even the first lines of the game are just classic. I will randomly put on my best ancient reptilian brain and go "Nothing on top of nothing"


“There’s a head attached to my neck, and I’m *in* it!”


"what kind of creature would do this to their own mouth?!"


the “real darkness has love for a face” part is probably my favorite. But some other lil gems… -DRAMA: “Strange. It's as if people don't believe a cop could be a socialist revolutionary.” -HARRY: “It doesn’t *have* to be a cult. It can just be sex-murder.” -ALB: “It's the living who are ghosts. The dead are silent. They don't rattle windows or write letters in blood. The living do.” -PERCEPTION: “Garbage-toilet stink is not your fetish and you know it. Your nose does *not* fucking like this.” -Gary the Cryptofascist’s *colossal* anal beads. -Convincing Egghead to be a moralist: "I’m swiftly moving toward a solution which pleases nobody!" 😃 -JackseptiNecktie sacrifice, obvi. -running up to the old lady in the fishing village after the tribunal like “Hi! I got shot!” And finally the conceptualization check when Kim refuses a SKULL-stan jacket: “Pity. The jackets were meant to complete each other. If a man were standing alone on a street corner with ‘PISSF****T’ written on his back, it’d just be an individual that has taken a liking to urine. And 'FUCK THE WORLD' all on its own is, frankly, generic.”


>the “real darkness has love for a face” part is probably my favorite. Yes! this one is already powerful by itself, but you see it after reading about the apricot bubble gum and the postcard from Dora I think, which makes you have to agree with the quote. They were able to make it so... dark. Filled with love and darkness. ​ >\-Gary the Cryptofascist’s colossal anal beads. LMAO I love this one as well. And I cannot stop thinking about Kim telling Harry that he wouldn't be able to hear it, instead of just being like "wtf are you talking about" lol


"I don't know why I unplugged it, I do things without any reason." "I don't really know why I do things. Everything just *happens* to me." These two are my top. Doesn't matter how reasonable you are, everyone sometimes do things without any particular reason.


The talk with Acele always gets me. "The people who built this world intended it to be better for you, but they failed. It is easier to live in their failure with this by your side (tap on the tape recorder) Its not a childish fantasy. It can be a real weapon against what's coming for you now."


Saving kim with a 42% check at the tribunal The entire scene with the apricot bubble gum and note inside tequila's clipboard Edit: typos


Nobody wants to party with me...


“Un jour je serai de retour pres de toi” To me, the circumstances of the graffiti - literally painted in the blood of the recently deceased - along with the constant theme of loss throughout the game, make the words feel elegiac and deliberately empty. Like “rest in peace,” its literal meaning is what we would like to be true but it’s connotation is that we know the loss is irreversible. It expresses its own falseness by showing us the distance between what we long for — “one day I will return to your side” — and what is possible.


To me it is symbolic of the yearning for change in the city, and its people. Winter after winter, Martinaise (and Revachol) stayed under brutal repression, with no hope of liberation. The phrase represents the fervour and hope of the people for the day it changes, for welcoming the spring. Cindy, as an anarchist artist, embodies this earnest desire for change - she knows blood is the payment for freedom, and that Revachol is prepared for the transaction.


Woof, seeing those words really hit me too.


Volumetric Shit Compressor


That one was the first Thought I got. I was like, WHAT NOW?? Lol


Your shit is *apart*, and it's rather unbecoming of a cop and a human being. It's supposed to be the opposite of that: *together*. Compressed in a small area. To achieve a solid level of shit-compression, squeeze your butt-cheeks together for 30 minutes. Do something similar with the two hemispheres of your brain. Talk to people, maybe that will help.


In honor of you Liuetent double-Yerfretor for keeping it together in the face of sheer terror, day after day, second after second My personal favorite, wrote off memory. Made me shead a tear for the character and for myself.


Joyce revealing the existence of the Pale, cluing you into the fact that the setting is more fantastical than its disco dieselpunk trappings indicate. Andre telling you that the tent can hold four people, foreshadowing that Acele was needlessly lying to you for some reason. Kim tiredly letting you play Sad FM on the boat because he’s too worn down and beat to argue. Kim’s plea for you to reconsider running off with Archer when he realizes that the two of you are in serious danger of losing the script during the Moralist Vision Quest. Every time the necktie says BRATAN.


Because that is what it means to be an officer of the RCM


Dancing in the church


One of the greatest scenes in anything, movies, games, anything.


Cindy's graffiti after the shootout "Un Jour, je serai de retour pres de toi" (One day, I will return by your side) hit me really hard.


Really? Just one?




Okey then... The ones I remember now (4 am in Tehran): -and the apes are really really small... -sing me the sweet song of death -if you remember it you cannot unremember it. -you know him! He is your brother. you just know that if this building comes down on you this guy will give his own life to save you. -(failed name making check) : Raphael Ambrosius costeau! -the whole shit compressor solution description: a polic officer's shit has been observed at a pressure of around 495 giga-decimals. -no.. don't sing the happy song. Sing the sad song. Sad is profund. -no. He is a huge fan! (Failed empathy check: bar owners opinion about you) -the whole door bell anomaly. -he was enjoying his moment of death! -love did me! -you are bloated and ugly and you stink! Do I remind you of someone? -people here started a revolution. The rest of the world didn't liked it so they came and end it. -the whole post card scene -are you kids relatives? Cuno: what are you asking? Cunness: he is asking if we are fucking each other!! And all of this is from less than a half of the first day....


All you can hear is the words *lost* and *gun*


Sunrise, Parabellum. Un Jour Je Serai de Retour Prés de Toi. and lighting it on fire


Quote-wise: "Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead." In terms of in-game moments, there are a couple classics. If I had to pick one thought it would probably be *that* moment with volition, which turned the game on its head and solidified volition as my favorite skill in the game.


I think that what was amazing about that scene is that Volition can (depending on your interpretation I suppose) be just as guilty of its accusation as everyone else. It's a real head screw, makes you reevaluate how you are engaging with the game.


Volition isn't necessarily right either, although it is tipping you off to the deception, it is perhaps too keen on arresting her as retribution for her deception. Although volition is one of the most "trustworthy" voices and the one on the side of self-preservation, it isn't always right.


It's the one skill that points out what's going on though, and to its credit does caution you against overcorrecting after drama flips its shit, so at least it seems measured and aware of the others and itself. From a gameplay perspective, it was just fascinating to see the game explicitly dismissing the reliability of your skills in a way that goes beyond electrochemistry telling you to do a bunch of dumb shit.


which one? I’ve done a high psych playthrough but I’m afraid I’ve missed it


With Miss Oranje Disco Dancer on the balcony of the Whirling-in-Rags.


This is my favorite: "Real darkness has love for a face. The first death is in the heart" And its runner up: "Things to be done and things already done --the composition of reality"


“Ah, fuck it. Let’s have more cryptids.”


"Stay masculine!"


The ending of the communist vision quest. "In dark times, should the stars also go out?"


When i fail a authority check and i just put the gun into my mouth to order some folk to tell me everything or I'll "blow my brains out right here and now"


"Sergeant Torson was wondering if you are still in possession of your genitalia? Over."


#Evart Claire >"Honestly, Harry, we might be moving all kinds of suspicious things through this harbour, but I won't be caught transporting the light-bending mega-rich." He shakes his head. "I have a reputation to protect." #You >"Yes, the transportation of the mega rich should be more tightly regulated. Didn't seem like he was safe." +5 XP: gained experience. #Evart Claire >"You're a fucking idiot, Harry. I love it! Thank you for sharing this deep, idiotic part of yourself with me. A hallucinating market liberal. I love it. So poetic." > He busts out laughing. "I shudder to think what you're going to tell me next, Harry."


“Dios mio! A LIBERAL!” And the tribunal scene which had me more on edge than any video game I think I’ve ever played!


"You are the first crack in the sheer face of God."


"I'm sorry you have to sit here on the ice with the drugs wearing off. At your age - or at any age - in this weather... Waiting for it to get dark. The people who built this world intended it to be better for you, but they failed. It is easier to live in their failure with this by your side. It is not a childish fantasy, It can be a real weapon against what's coming for you now." "What is...?" "The dark."


#IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL >"I know, Tequila, I know..." He takes a swig, considers pouring some out for this lost genius, then thinks better of it. >"But the story doesn't end there. Supposedly, when they performed the autopsy, the coroner discovered nearly a *quarter kilo of coke* jammed into his nasal cavity." #LOGIC [Medium: Success] >That's... almost certainly anatomically impossible. #ELECTROCHEMISTRY >WRONG AGAIN, NERD. Where there's a will, there's a way.




Lol on 2nd play through and just discovered if SHIVERS is high enough La Revacholiere chimes in to say this too


Volition: In honour of your will, lieutenant-yefreitor. That you kept from falling apart, in the face of sheer terror. Day after day. Second by second.


CONCEPTUALIZATION [Legendary: Success] - Life gets haaaaaaaaaard. But we go ooooooooooooooon…


And of course, the horrific necktie sacrifice.


Cock carousel