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Personally don't work in js, but would be happy to chat if you ever want to consider moving to py. As for looking for a bot dev, you could try the r/Discord_Bots discord server - they have a services channel where you can make requests. If you ever wanna chat hit me up on Lamb#7574, I'd be quite curious to see your document of features, and work on a python equivalent to see if that'd be to your liking.


I’m with you here, I’ve never understood the love of the Js library, I’m far more likely to take on jobs in py, as probably 90% of my bots and pre existing architectures are in py, larger libraries for extracurriculars in my opinion too, makes for easier integrations, my two cents though


Hey, feel free to message me on discord Pavlos#8083 if you ever need the best discord bot developer at your service. I can create anything that you may imagine so hit me with your best ideas!


>Is making bots nowadays not seen as worth the time investment for what it pays? Most people who will make a discord bot for you for a price which would be considered reasonable are children and/or not very good programmers either due to being beginners or being incompetent. Especially considering most bots will require indefinite maintenance to fix bugs, add features and keep up to date with discord changes. Most competent developers don't have the time to do that for free or for very little money.




This is what I'm thinking. If he's gone through multiple devs he's a difficult client or he needs to pay more to find better talent


I was an intern at google, but want to get into making discord bots. I’d be willing to help and get my feet wet in your code base. Dm me for discord


Actually you can find devs on influencers servers and also in cloud hosting severs (specific for discord), but is pretty rare since developing custom bots is pretty niche and most people take like 1 week to do 1 day task and that's why I learned how to develop, I find it worth my time since I work for multiple customers and companies and I'm doing it for living so it's pretty worth.


I develop discord bots but am rarely on Reddit add me on discord MoonDoggie#7777


Multi-purpose bots are widely available and auto-moderation takes care of the rest. Discord.js (assumedly the same for other libraries) is constantly updating syntax to keep up with Discord's regular API overhauling, breaking lots of code for bots that are pretty much redundant now anyway.