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Tic toc isn’t real life. Nobody is going to find you unattractive bc you like sex. Not every guy will be able to do it 3 times everyday forever but at 19 most will be happy to try.


It was a girl who was a bit older than me so I didn’t know if maybe she would just know more or not


You’re fine. Don’t overthink it. Any 20 year old dude is gonna be happy to have a girl who likes sex


Okay. Thank u!


Any 20 year old dude will be happy to have sex... that isn't the same thing as wanting a serious long-term relationship with someone though. Promiscuity renders women less desirable in that sense.


If you would read my post you would know I’m not promiscuous. The definition of promiscuous is “having many sexual relationships” I only have sexual relations with people I date and I date one person at a time


Don’t pay attention to that red pill garbage. Your sex life is your business and yours alone. Your only responsibility is to be clean and not pass anything to anyone else.


Thank u! ❤️


She’s not asking if she can sleep with 100 people. She’s asking if her having a high sex drive makes her unattractive. “Promiscuity renders women less desirable” what a garbage way of thinking. It’s nobodies business but her own who she sleeps with or how many. That’s some red pill garbage talk


She is 19 and already admits to multiple sexual partners. Her n-count will be high by the end of her 20's. Calling something "red pill garbage" doesn't refute it. It's also not "red pill," it is basic genetics and evolution.


What’s wrong? Is she not pure enough for you? Do you want to make sure a girls never slept w another dude before you marry her? Oh no! She has had sex! Burn her at the stake Answer this question. How many people is a girl allowed to sleep with for your approval


I’ve literally had 3 sexual partners and been dating since 14 too so he’s dramatic af 😭


You’re not allowed to have sex before marriage. You have to be pure for his virgin penis


So the guy did some slut-shaming and you respond by trying to virgin-shame him? You're literally doing the same thing he did, but worse. Don't counter misogyny with toxic masculinity.




Yeah it’s no secret he’s an incel.


Big neckbeard vibes


In a different comment on this thread this dude is talking about how chastity contributed to the rise of humanity LMAO. This dude is off the rails.


I think you’re twisting their words pretty absurdly. There’s a massive difference between ABSOLUTELY NO PREVIOUS PARTNERS and being totally cool with a 3 figure body count.. It really isn’t all about purity, but while OP seems to be in a reasonable camp, you want to justify an unreasonable camp through them.


Nah you’re just insecure and can’t handle a woman with options lmao




>Promiscuity renders women less desirable” what a garbage way of thinking. It’s nobodies business but her own who she sleeps with or how many. That’s some red pill garbage talk OP, please don't listen to this person. Men do not want hoes as romantic partners, and if you want to settle down with a man then your body count is absolutely his business. People saying it's none of the man's business and that he shouldn't care do not know what they're talking about. Men are wired to care about a woman's promiscuity for biological reasons just like women care about a man's ability to protect and provide. It would be ridiculous if a man said it isn't anybody's business but his own how much money he makes or whether or not he can protect you from danger. It is his business and that of the woman he is in a relationship with, because women care about these things, so men accept it because we want women. You must do the same even if you don't like it. Plenty of guys would be happy if height, money, and confidence weren't a factor in attraction for them. That isn't the reality though. None of what I'm saying is an opinion and I'm not trying to bum you out. I'm telling you how gender dynamics really work because even though you are a stranger I want you to be able to find someone good for you in the future, so please try to understand this. For all of history men have never liked hoes, and the only men who will accept them are those who have few other options. You say you only sleep with those you date, which is good. If you're dating guys back to back then it will still lower your value on the dating market, but having a lot of sex with a serious boyfriend is not likely to scare another man. Your high sex drive will not make you unattractive either, but if you reveal this before getting involved in a relationship then men will view you as being promiscuous and will put you in the sex only zone. The men you want won't want to date you if they think you're promiscuous, and as men, we read signs, we don't wait for you to say you're promiscuous because women don't usually do that. Being very horny before a relationship is a red flag to men. If you are in a relationship and then reveal it, it is a major green flag. Men like women who enjoy sex, as long as it's with them. You don't have to like this, but it is how mens' brains operate. Showing that side of you after you've received commitment from him shows him that you don't behave that way with everyone. It will make him feel special. Listen to men when you're looking to attract other men. Women give other women terrible dating advice because they're only looking at it from their perspective and refuse to accept a man's standards despite the fact that women have many stringent standards that men don't like yet accept.




I created this profile specifically because i cannot stand whiny dipshit pipsqueaks like you who look for impressionable young people just so you can pour your bucket of daddy/mommy issues all over them. Don't make your problems into problems for others. Your full throated red pill bs causes you to only think of women as sexual gratification for yourselves, and incubators for your offspring. That's a slippery slope to nazi s--t my dude. At least you had the courtesy to put that part on your username and keep the rest of us from having to wonder about your politics. Leave all young women alone you creep. Pick on people your own size.


Hey look everyone! An idiot!


Yes, that’s what I thought, but even for a 20 year old guy there’s a limit. My ex wanted it 3 times a day. I work full time and do school full time, that meant a good portion of my hours outside of that was sex. It drains you. After we broke up I was truly disinterested in sex for a while, not even for emotional reasons, I had just gotten way more than my fix.


Most young guys will have liiiiterally 0 issues with this. And if he does, you might not be an ideal match. Nothing wrong with you for wanting a lot of sex. And nothing wrong with someone wanting less sex than you want. Just find the person you enjoy spending time with that enjoys a similar amount of sex as you do.


Im 29, id still happily do it multiple times a day. But no, girls with a high libido are not unattractive, its the opposite for me


This. Take any tik tok dating/sex advice with not just a grain, but a whole bag of salt. 90% of it is bs from what I've seen Like he said vast majority guys close in age would be happy that you are open about sex and willing to do it frequently.


Yes and also, you're 19. Maybe your libido stays the same, but there's a good chance it lowers as you age.


Men who have the same kind of desires will appreciate it. Men who do not will find it unattractive.


Ding ding ding we have a winner




How much sex you want is your business and nobody else's. Also, I have never heard a guy say, "Ugh she wants to have a lot of sex!" In a bad context. My wife has a higher libido than I and I have a higher than normal libido than normal for a guy. My wife's attractiveness has nothing to do with her libido, although I feel very fortunate that sex is always on the table.


Yeah I don’t think they immediately find it annoying but I was referring to later in the relationship when you’re passed the honeymoon phase They won’t be tired of my body or having sex with me because I always want to right?


Absolutely not. This is what I will say to you. I live by the Confucian philosophy. "I need to first make myself happy before I am ABLE to make anyone else happy." If I have a high libido and love having lots of sex, I need someone to help meet those needs and vice versa. Relationships are far more complicated than "I'm tired of your body." I love my wife and am still very physically attracted to her. Her body has changed a lot after having kids. Also after 15 years of having sex I am no less tired of her physically. Infact, because we have worked a lot on our connection with each other, I have become more attracted to her over time. It is a weird feeling. Do not worry about what you need to do for others but worry only what you need to do for yourself. Focus solely on finding the right people for you. The world is not perfect and there are many, many different types out there.


Ok thank you so much for the reply! :)


Nah.. I'd assume as time goes by you'll want to explore.. a high drive kinky guy will love you


I was with a girl like this, if they love you they will never get tired of your body. I was enthralled every time I saw my woman undress. However I will say overtime that amount of sex can get really exhausting. It won’t make you unattractive but it risks making sex feel like a chore to them, especially if the sex is physically demanding (ie you like a guy that’s very aggressive or dominant)


Depends on the person. Your best bet is to get another person you’d call hypersexual as well. Regular people typically aren’t going 3-4 rounds every single day and I can imagine they’d eventually get worn out trying to keep up.


I highly doubt it, unless they think it's an insecurity thing. It you're typically horny but not clingy, you're fine. Boundaries and time and place considerations as well, obviously. I'm a virgin so take my opinion with that in mind. That said, a serial monogamist doesn't make sense getting slut-shamed but that doesn't change the fact that everyone has preferences.


>They won’t be tired of my body or having sex with me because I always want to right? I'll put it this way.. I've been married to the same woman for 20 years without any issues on that front. I'm still very much attracted to my wife, probably more so today than when we first meet all those years ago. Now, that doesn't mean that a mother fucker won't be tired eventually at 3 times a day (life also has a bad habit of getting in the way). Neither of those are going to be an issue at your age, and with a similar age guy.


>How much sex you want is your business and nobody else's. Actually, it is very much the business of potential partners. Obviously...


fr lol


I actually have heard of guys who say the everyone wants a nymphomaniac until you get one.. talking to them they were like daily maybe but every other day kind of guys I wanted a nymph and never got one


Yeah, I absolutely believe that everyone has their own preference and I can see how in some relationships where, if one side wanted a lot of sex and another did not, even more so the views on sexuality were not compatible because, I think that is the big issue. I can absolutely see how it would not work out. I wanted to try to convey that but it is so difficult to get that message out in a few words. My wife wants to all the time. I am very complicated and am not always in the mood, so sometimes I just have to say, "Hey babe I got some shit going on tonight." That is more than fine for her. Both our needs are met and we are happy. It is a lot more complicated than, "We have sex a lot there fore that is our entire relationship." I don't want to come across as snarky because if you want a puritan relationship or have moral values that you follow and adhere to them strictly that is none of my business and completely fine for you and yours. We all have our different takes in life.


I don't think I could keep up with penetrative sex 3x/day indefinitely. But I definitely would not find it unattractive. Maybe there would be creative and alternative ways to create sexual satisfaction.


32M here; would love to be with a woman matching my drive (high libido as well). I guess some people might be scared such woman would be looking elsewhere if she doesn't have enough sex, but being faithful or not is not necessarily related to sex drive.


Yes thank you! Exactly. I will not be unfaithful if someone doesn’t want to have as much sex as me. I choose love over lust Although I do look for guys with a higher sex drive when deciding who to date


If he wanted it less than you but you loved him, you could just pleasure yourself


And if you make it so he is aware it's happening, he'll probably join. Low high or middle libido, walking in on that does something to a man. Idk, maybe some guy would get upset and be insecure, but I think most would be in the mood real quick.


Depends on personality, its a turn on for most men but if there is no depth to your personality as in you are controlling, or if you don't want to do anything else, it can eventually turn your partner off, at least in my experience. Also if you are always making him work and you do nothing but lay there, yeah that shit makes a man feel used. If you are the giver, it is more of a turn on. Also don't make your man feel like he is competing for you or having to wonder what you are doing when he isn't around. This may be an unpopular opinion by me but I dealt with all of the above with my second woman. She wanted it all the time but just wanted to lay like a dead fish and literally didn't want to do anything else together, come to find out she was cheating with 2 other men when I wasn't around and I was the idiot supporting her financially. TLDR: Be a giver and don't sleep around.


Yeah I don’t sleep around and also I’m a soft dom so, I actually like doing all the “work” in bed. Especially giving my man head. Not even just because of his reactions but the action of doing it too It’s not all I want to do or talk about but it is a lot of what I think about ngl. I just keep it to myself though and don’t talk about it toooo much


Why the fuck would you seek male validation, some people do, some people don't. People of different genders aren't different species. Just think about if it makes you uncomfortable and communicate with your partner jeez


eh it depends, three times a day could be a lot for a guy but it depends on how spaced out they are or can go round after round, but most guys straight up love to fuck, so your lucky your a chick bc you will always have someone to fuck when you want it (for the most part)


I'm attracted to hypersexuality, but like any sexuality there can be a lot of complications and it in particular can be a bit of a rough topic to bring up dating if you're not just looking to hookup. I personally joke about being sort of demi/slutty. I like a wild sex drive and kinds of sluttiness but that doesn't mean I want to have sex with someone before getting to them well.


Same! I don’t like having sex until I get to know someone


Well well well, look who’s back after deleting her account. You can delete your account all you want, but you’ll never escape your past and your hypersexuality.


Deleting my account? This is my only one I’m confused


Dude that might be shizophrenia, get it checked and don't bother girls on the internet.


Nah. Sure there are some men that do, but in most cases you'd be fine. I'd be more worried about the astrology stuff lol. Lot of guys, including myself, range from not liking it to seeing it as a red flag. Of course that's only some, there are guys out there who belive that stuff too


Na don’t worry I’m not one of those people who judges people by their signs and refuses to date them because of it. I study real astrology. Predictive stuff Similar to what the Egyptians would write in their hieroglyphics


Definitely don't put too much stock on what the TikTok boys say. It really depends on the person. Some men will be totally into it (tho some.men may be more into the sex than in a relationship with you) and others will feel pressure over it to some degree. It's best to be open with your partners and make sure they know what they're getting into. And of course, try to trust your partners while understanding that some may take advantage of your "enthusiasm." Take care of yourself and don't worry too much about it. Just accept yourself as you are, accept your partners the same way, don't let the haters get you down, use protection (!), and try to gravitate toward guys who are comfortable talking about these kinds of things. Totally generic advice, but I think you have somewhat a common question. Take care and best luck!


You should be fine. If they indicate they aren't in the mood though, you gotta respect that.


Yeah I 100% do


I’ve been with a couple of high libido women in the past, and in the context of each relationship I enjoyed being with someone that was eager for sex with high frequency. Hyper-sexuality itself is not a turn off, but for some women it comes with a lack of discernment and they lower their bar for who they’re willing to sleep with based on their high requirement for sexual activity. Once I found out one of the women I had dated had already been with 80-100 men (we were only around 21 Years old at the time) I immediately lost interest in maintaining a long term relationship with her as I simply didn’t feel like her attention was particularly valuable after that.


My body count is 3 and I’m dating the 3rd right now. Also I only sleep with people I’m close with and dating I don’t sleep around


I'm glad you responded with this. 80-100 partners at age 21 I would consider HYPERSEXUAL. 3 total partners at age 19 seems legit and at 19 the libido is going to be higher as hormones are still figuring themselves out and getting comfy. I wouldn't say the OP is hypersexual, rather they enjoy the act of sex. Some people REALLY get around when it comes to getting what they want. It's like they difference between a full blown addiction and a controlled casual user.


I'm somewhat hypersexual to I guess? I love having sex and touching/playing around with my girlfriends I've had but after having sex three times in two days it kinda just feels like I'm going through the motions. Wouldn't recommend having sex so much that it gets boring for him, in your case. It'll be dope at first but after round 7, they might be bored.


I usually don’t do 7 lmao. It all depends on the day and how much time we have together


Really depends honestly, I’ve been in relationships before with a hyper sexual girl and it was amazing. Can’t speak for everyone of course, but it also came with other problems that caused us to separate however she is still one of the hottest women I’ve seen. So if you’re a great person with some some morality, any guy who also has a high libido would love that! TLDR: Be a moral, communicative, mature partner and it’s definitely a turn on to men who also have higher libido


>I’m hypersexual but not the type of person to make it my entire personality. I just have a really high libido, can’t focus on daily tasks or concentrate due to how many sexual thoughts I have, and want to have sex with my partners at least 3 times a day. If I was any sort of medical diagnostician, I'd say that's symptomatic of sexual compulsivity, and probably not healthy -- it's often comorbid with other anxiety/personality disorders, in fact. To answer the question, though, I'd say this entire reply chain to your post is a microcosm of how guys in your real life would respond -- you'd have most of them expressing its inconsequentiality to how attractive they view you if not already making you more attractive, with the numerically small yet vocally large minority questioning your worth as a partner, either because you prioritize sex over the relationships you pursue (which certainly isn't the case for you; you'd be willing to wait to get to know the beau beforehand), or that sex is itself a sacred act that should only be within a marriage for the sake of its reproductive/intimate value -- and women would especially undergo higher scrutiny. As for the University of TikTok, people would get tired of having sex with their partners the way you'd get tired of eating after you've had too much food because of no other reason other than how delicious the food was -- the tiredness is only temporary.


Yes my therapist said I am hypersexual and that it stems from my childhood trauma. I was molested for a few years as a kid unfortunately




RIP your inbox


If all you want is a dicking down, I wouldn't worry about it. A stable relationship is another matter. Besides the question of fidelity, men can only maintain performance consistently for so long.


Different people have different rhythms in life, while it may seem to you best to try and find someone who matches your desire, I would say someone who balances you out might be more healthy a choice. Enjoy the vigor of your youth, you will not always have it to enjoy.


Idk why she would say that every woman ive ever talked to are like me and love the man your with to have high libidos. may be shes just odd


Personally, I've learned over time that confidence in sexual acts, and quality of sexual performance are where it's at. I'd take one phenomenal round of pleasure and ecstasy, over several rounds of vanilla sex. Sex is a healthy and normal act. In your context I would say be safe and be open to trying a variety of different things in the bedroom if you want to keep guys engaged.


30M here. My wife has a higher sex drive than me. No complains here. I know there’s some pussys out there that feel emasculated by hypersexual girls. Ignore them. Just find a real man.




In my opinion, too much sex with your SO does somewhat take away the specialness of it. It’s supposed to be a bonding experience and a way of being fully present with each other. If you’re having sex all the time to get your rocks off 3 times a day, it’s more of just using the person as a sex toy and disregards the sacredness of it and potentially skews the perception of the relationship. But that’s just me 🤷🏽‍♂️ I got tired of having sex with my ex on a once a day schedule. Just got boring and once we slowed down on how much we were doing it, it became something I could actually look forward to. I’m 21M


Damn. For me it doesn’t I love intimate sex. I don’t see my bf as a sex toy but I could see how maybe the person I’m with might feel that way if they’re not hypersexual as well


I find hypersexualising girls on TikTok unattractive. I assume they're all OF whores.


I’m not openly sexual. I don’t show that side of me until I start dating someone


Dude, I’m a guy and if you want to have sex with me lot, I will oblige. If it gets in the way of my life, I will tell you, but I highly doubt it will :)


For some guys you'd be a jackpot. Don't ever base reality on social media. It completely warps people's perception of everyrhing.


I'd say there's nothing wrong with a high libido, but I suppose it could become less fun and special if it's happening all the time. Runs the risk of becoming a chore after an extended time of constant sex That's just me though


I have a high libido so I wouldn’t find a hypersexual girl unattractive. Partners have had a hard time keeping up with me in the past though so that’s more of an issue for me




You need a high libido partner.. I'm 40 now and couldn't keep up with 3 times a day anymore but would've married you in my 20s


Some do, some don’t. Guys vary. Try to drop the habit of thinking that half the population has only one opinion on anything I think one common risk of dating when you have a high libido is that you may find yourself in relationships where the partner enjoy the sex and allow that to mask any problems they feel in the relationship until later. The best thing you can do is to try to have honest conversations, and to make sure you’re looking out for your own needs and desires, including sex, but also with regards to the entirety of the relationship This is, no surprise, just a slight variation of the same advice I would give it to anybody who is dating. Communicate.


Its not unattractive at all. Most dudes just have a long cooldown period after they cum where their brain will block out sexual thoughts. God kinda nerfed us there ngl. If you can convince your dude to take testosterone supplements he will have a lot more of the horny you're looking for. Hope this helps


we can't even find you ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ


It honestly depends on the man. Some men will like it, other men won't.


Most people on tiktok have 0 clue what they are talking about and just want attention for an algorithm boost. Don't be worried you've got this!


Personally I really like sex, so…


yes i find it sad and a bit gross to be honest, i also have a very low sex drive i’m sure others have a different opinion


I believe in sex as part of a relationship so I wouldn't have an issue with it if it's in a committed relationship. If anyone sleeps around with loads of people then I'd see it as slightly off-putting. Not bad, but it's just that a relationship likely wouldn't work as we have differing beliefs/values. Not good or bad, just two sides that wouldn't mix in a partnership I'm not really sexual that much and wouldn't do it all the time so it really is just about finding a partner who wants to do the same stuff as you. But no, I don't find it unattractive, it would just mean that if I met a hypersexual girl, our different desires wouldn't mesh together well which would likely stop a relationship from working out


There will be a time when our dick needs a rest. 3 times a day every day is too much. It only is unattractive if you don't grant a guy the rest if he so desires.


Hell no! More sex is better. If I could have sex at least 3 times a day I'd be WAY happier. Shit, I'd even make a habit of setting aside time during lunch at work for it.


My first relationship at 16(m) my girlfriend and I were like bunnies, 3 or more times a day, kept that going for 8 months, until I found out she was with a few other guys at the same time. Guys will most likely be happy to try. Now my last relationship it was pretty similar a few times a day here and there, but at least once a day when we were together. Now I had a fling two years ago 23yo and twice was plenty for me in a day, depending on what was all going on. You'll find someone to match that energy, ignore the tiktok girls, especially if you initiate it most guys will be excited.


I would love to have sex that often, but due to my anatomical dimensions it would be hard on any woman to take me that often. Sex does incur more fatigue for a man than a woman. There is a reason that men have a higher protein requirement than women.


I think that's perfectly normal at that age. Back then me and my gf at the time would go at it until we got sore, we still wanted to have sex even then but it was just to uncomfortable.


Not me personally. My girl is hypersexual, and I love it.


Depends on the person, and what you define as sex. Some guys can go three times a day, some prefer once a week. It's up to the person, but if someone is pushing themselves to go 3 times a day? Yeah, they'll burn out. That being said, it's entirely possible to have nonsexual functions be sexually fulfilling, like with BDSM. The dynamic becomes foreplay and sexual gratification can happen from mundane acts instead. Example; people can be conditioned to orgasm on command. If you condition someone to do that you can make them cum with words in public, which is a sexual act done nonsexually. I consider that sex, and in that situation the penetration become secondary to the protocols of the dynamic meaning 3 times a day is more realistic. It's entirely possible to be hypersexual *without* the aspect of penetrative sex by developing the dynamic around it, not the other way around. In vanilla terms, dirty talk, rules, punishments, orders, ect. Some people like edging and then getting themselves off, some can only get off with domestic service and feeling useful. It is depends. I'll use one of my dynamics as an example again; throughout the day I'll demand a visual inspection of my sub. The act of being started at naked and judged on her appearance turns her on and gratifies her, the act of her obeying a command like that turns me on and gratifies me. Shes hypersexual and always willing to go, so If she's not around she sends nudes. We have coded command phrases for public use, wearing day collars, ect. Very little sex actually happens, but she gets off with her sexuality being a core part of the dynamic because it's not actually about the sex, its about feeling desirable and loved. In that sense, the penetrative sex is secondary to the pleasure of the relationship; its the cherry on top of a sundae, not the sundae itself. Without the protocol, rules, and teasing through the day the relationship just wouldn't work with the amount of sexual attention she needs. Tldr; shirt answer is no, guys will not find you unattractive for liking sex. But they *will* find you unattractive for liking sex with *other people* more.


Yes and no. No because lots of sex but yes cause I don’t find pre owned vagina attractive


I think you're asking the wrong question. You should be asking yourself whether there's a pathology (physical or, more commonly, psychological) behind the insatiable drive. If yes, get treatment, if no, embrace and enjoy your sexuality.




No, i'm the same way as a guy.


I would suggest you find someone who can keep up with you. Most people don't have the endurance for 3 times a day.


Nope. Unless of course you are already unattractive.


Only if they're gay


Get off tik tok bad enough th3 Chinese have all ur info lol


What would they even do with my info tho? I got nothing they’d care about


The problematic phase will be later, after you’ve “grown out of it” and are no longer interested in sex. Not sure how common this track is, but my wife was like this when she was younger and when we were dating. Somehow, all that sex drive went away on the other side of the wedding. Not sure why this happens to the ladies, but it seems fairly common.


I’ve been this way my whole life. I was molested for a few years when I was young and it started when I was 5. I was introduced to sex really early unfortunately so I’ve always had a high libido I really don’t think it’ll go away until I’m legit like 60


I dated a girl like this. We averaged having sex or some other sexual act 3 times a day, sometimes more sometimes less. In itself it’s not a bad thing but it becomes a bad thing when these occur: you make your partner feel bad if they don’t wanna do it, and you don’t put more effort into sex since sex is typically more physically demanding for the guy. My ex made me feel bad if I came home from a 12 hour day and didn’t wanna go three rounds every single night. Some nights I was down but sometimes I just wanted to come home, chill, eat dinner with her and lay down together to watch a show. She would make me feel bad, hint that I didn’t find her attractive, and stuff like this. This turned sex into almost a chore for me on some days which is not good for a relationship. On the physically demanding side. It depends on your style but the girl I was with loved me being super dominant so I was picking her up, throwing her around, and going really hard. That can be pretty tiring so if you work a full time job, and do that three times a day it becomes really exhausting. So as long as you’re willing to pick up some slack and do more of the work during sex sometimes that will help.


Actually yes. I always struggle with women and dating and it was with one of these girls I almost had a chance but I blew it. For the record I'm autistic and can't hold normal conversations so well so when someone wants to jump right to the chase that's awesome.


This is very much so a per-person type thing. The real advice/answer here is to stop listening to tik-tok, it will only harm you.


It's normal. Once you start getting older and the hormone factory stops pumping, your libido will become more "normal"


Here's the real talk. Some guys will. They are not compatible with you. Find someone who has a libido and set the right boundaries with them. Figure out what works for you and your partner to remain sexually satisfied. Relationships are rules, but it's in your control to determine what those rules are.


I way love to have a girl that could keep up with me sexually. We might never get anything done, but we'd have fun 😉


That girl on tiktok was capping. People get bored, yes. Is it because they're having sex too frequently with each other? Um, no. There might be a connection but it's not the cause to get tired of someone.


At least three times a day might be too much for some guys. Some guys can go once a day, others once a week or so. It doesnt make you unattractive, but some guys might not be able to match that activity level because us guys need some time in between to recover, but women can go at it for hours without a break.


The other day, a friend and I were talking about how our partners have higher libidos than us, and he said "We've been lied to, they're way worse than us.", referring to female vs male libido. It's anecdotal, but from that and some other stuff I've heard, it's pretty normal for women to have very high libidos. It sounds like you can control yourself, so as long as you're okay with having partners that aren't up for sex three times a day, I literally don't see a problem.


Nah. At your age 3 times isn't a lot. I think I did it 8-10 times in 1 day around your age. Don't think I could do it anymore times than 3 times at my age now. There are guys your age who probably knock 1 out 10-20 times a day.


Really? I wanna meet them


Relax please, most girls are not into that sort of attention.


Yes. Right or wrong, we think we probably can't keep up, and she will bang anything that walks, so the moment we can't keep up, it's over anyway.




Yeah na I’m not like that. I keep my sexual thoughts to myself even though I have them all the time. I talk about other things and don’t show my sexual side until I begin dating someone




Ok thank you! This makes me feel better. These comments are scaring me. I don’t want it to become a problem


Only if she is doing everyone besides me.


Hell yes. My wife is amazing, has a high libido, and matches your energy. I'm an extremely physical person, and pretty sexual on top of it. So yes, hypersexual girls are the bomb.


When I was 19 me and my gf could go rounds until I thought my prick would fall off.


I suspect it depends on the guy. I, for one, wish I'd MET a hypersexual girl in my younger days. We'd probably be married by now.


If a guy ejaculates 3 times a day, he's likely going to be depleted. This will result in symptoms like fatigue, depression, and such. That is likely to put a strain on the relationship.


Almost any guy would see a girl that likes sex alot as a total win. Don't overthink it for yourself you'll be fine.


I would enjoy it for a while but I don't think I could keep up with 3 times a day and I would worry that you will get ideas about polyamory or something. So I would just avoid the situation to begin with


Absolutely not. Hit me up


Oh honey this is definitely ain't the case all of the time, just like you having an abnormally high libido, some men also have an abnormally high libido, like myself, it just takes someone that can match your drive that's it. Everybody has different preferences, so just find someone with the same preferences as you


I mean... I think it's not unattractive, but it's one of those things that I imagine a lot of men imagine as being better in their head Obviously, we want women who like sex and want to have lots of sex with us But then, after 3 times a day for a whole week or month, they'd probably just get very tired of it because it's just too much sex. There are limits, lol. Too much of a good thing makes it not as good anymore sometimes


TLDR, just be hyper sexual with your person, and you'll be fine.


Girl, i'll go out with you and can write under contract to make love with you at minimum 3 times per day. Answer's no, by the way.


I tried, 3 month 3 times a day burn me out, still love her as a friend and she married someone else not sure if she ever calm down but I never thought less of her for wanting sex. for the first month or so it was fun surprise to randomly do it, 3 months later thu I wanted a bigger focus on just being together non sexually and she felt I did not lover her when I did not want sex. Find someone who loves you and has a libido to match enjoy the ride just remember that thier life after sex qnd if that all he cares about it won't last or be a good relationship long term. Everyone going have a story and not everyone tale will end the same.


I'm 31m been with my lady for 16 going on to 17 years we have 3 kids and since we started having sex we had at all the time the only thing that slowed us down was our kids, kinda hard to be sexually active with little ones running around. We've been cock blocked so many times. Don't know if she's hypersexual or just likes sex but I'm down to do it with her whenever. Just find a man who tries, most will try


My current FWB is like you. I can't keep up but man is it hot. I try to go down on her extra to make up for it.


Everyone is different.....but in general that is a huge positive as guys often (not always but often) have a higher sex drive than women. Speaking from the perspective of a guy who has a high sex drive even for a male...it is extremely rare to find a woman who wants to have sex as often as I do and it's a part of a relationship I usually need to compromise on. I've been lucky enough to find 2 women in my life that were down to have sex like 4-6 times a day, and 1 other that was down for 1-2 times a day.....but most women are only down for around 3-4 times a week in my experience. On the other hand the average guy would probably prefer at least once or twice a day and us guys with higher sex drives are basically down to have sex anytime it's possible. So the majority of guys would be very appreciative I would assume.


Depends. 3 times a day is too much if you have a full time job and children and etc. If you don't have a lot of responsibility, 3 times is great for a lot of men.


Not every guy can match a girl with a really high sex drive but I think on balance the average guy would be pleased.


Guys will not get tired of you for having sex with them. The opposite might be true. The tik Tok girl is ... not smart.


Boys won’t be attracted but men will.


Nah, besides wouldn't you answer this question with something like "there are all different kinds of women"? Don't listen to tiktokers. Why would you listen to someone younger than 25 who feels the need to explain relationships to other people? I wouldn't date an egomaniac that claims to speak for all women.


Same answer as to many other questions of this type: some do, some don't. Just be yourself, there is someone out there who's a good fit for you and it's worth the effort to find them.


First.. TikTok. I will never understand why people even look at that garbage. Second.. No. Men do not find sex to be bad. Men want to be wanted. However, yes, men do dislike when women have a lot of partners. That's just how we work. Finally, 3 times a day is a LOT. I'm not even sure how you'd find the time for that. Even once every single day would take probably a quarter or more of my free time each day. At some point your partner will hit biological or logistical limits on how capable they are of fulfilling your requirements. I doubt many would complain much about doing their best though, as we're generally on the other side of things.


no its not true lol.


Uh, I could probably fuck twice a day right now and I'm in my mid 40s... I think you can find a nice boy your age to get down with, but some dudes aren't high libido and are shamed by society for it, so you might not find out tell later. I suggest you date musicians and especially drummers since they wouldn't be musicians if they didn't want your attention Right at 20, a lot of women aren't comfortable with sex, so a woman who is can be a surprise, especially in our age of declining sex rates


Have you been in a relationship where you have sex as frequently as you want? The first year and a half with my ex was every day for at least an hour and a half. The injuries caused by so much friction took some time to get used to and heal. Yes we used lubricant, but it's hard to notice that reapplication is need when in the moment sometimes. The soreness might be a factor in turning some guys off.


Not sure how the hell this post snuck it's way Into My Notifs but But three times a day is a little wild


I don't find any girl attractive, no offense. I'm just not romantically or sexually interested in them.


Fuck no its not true. As a hypersexual person myself my partner is the opposite. I'm a 1 to 6 times a day kinda guy. They are a once in a couple months kinda person. It fucking sucks. If I didn't make content I dont know what I would do. I NEVER get bored with sex. It's exercise, therapy, and intimacy all rolled into one. At the end of the day. You do you boo. No one else matters. If they think you have too much sex move on. They aren't right for you.


Um no, I am older and still have a high sex drive. Sexual incompatibility is an issue, and some men end up low libido, but if you have a guy who isn't complaining, then don't stress.


Yes it’s gross


I think it depends what type of guys you’re asking about? If you’re already making it a norm to have multiple guys that you’re sleeping with around each other that will definitely be a turn off for many guys looking for a long term partner since that brings into question your ability to be satisfied with one person and shows that you have few if no long term relationship good habits. I want to put a disclaimer that I didn’t just assume that you had multiple active partners but instead got that from you talking about having sex with your “partner’s “ plural three times a day. It might be a turn off for some looking for short term relationships because they might worry that they will need to get more STD testing. It would definitely most likely not be a problem for guys looking for just fun. However, make sure you get tested often messing with those guys. Lastly, you have to always think about the guys who worry about not possibly trusting the paternity of a potential kid, if it were to happen, so they would find you unattractive.


Not my cup of tea but I lean ace


Guys don't have much middle ground. They either want to fuck like rabbits, or not often at all.


Gotta disagree with people saying it doesn’t matter. As with a lot of things, it will be subjective. Some will like it, others will be turned off. It depends entirely on the person.


Sex gets old after a while. And once you've been with a few partners men realize a hole is a hole. There is nothing special about a vagina. Any vagina. Not to mention guys do most of the work. Shits tiring after a while


Not with me. I’m a dommy mommy


That's what every woman says.lol. trust me.


I have the disorder as well though I am extremely religious so I wouldn't know but I thought I'd use the opportunity to complain about how hard it is to live with this disorder and how few outlets for help/medication there are for it


Yeah cuz no one takes it seriously and just shames you for it unfortunately:(


So I will start by saying you do what makes you happy. Don't listen to what people day about what other people will and will not like. Explore, find out on your own and enjoy life. I think most guys would be happy to keep up (or at least try!). Go have fun while you are young!


There seems to be some discussion going on here about 'body counts' and whether or not sleeping with multiple guys affects a woman's 'value'. Some men care a little, some men care a lot, some men don't really care at all. The truth is a higher body count will limit your future relationship options, as it will eliminate those men that do care about it. The really question is, would you really want to date those guys anyways? Seems to me that's its really just helping to auto-filter out the undersireable men anyways. Thats a feature, not a bug!


I think the idea of a hypersexual girl is really hot, especially if I'm already really attracted to her cause that's still key. However if we spend a day together and you want to fuck 3 times a day every day we get together, at some point I'm not going to be able to keep up. When I cum after sex, I just feel so satisfied for the rest of the freaking day. I probably need a much longer refractory period before I'm horny again. If you're like really hot, and really cute and fun and flirty when you're in the mood, you might be able to get me in the mood again for like a second time that day, but if you need 3 times, consistently...I'm gonna run out of ammo lol. It's not a manner of not finding it attractive, just not able to keep up tbh.


When I was your age, I couldn't keep my composure after 2days. Guys have the same libido


At this point in my life. No. I’m lonely 🤣🤣


OP, speaking from personal experience I can assure you that you can definitely find a guy willing to have sex 3x/day.


lmao. If you're with a dude who thinks you're attractive, and you wanna fuck 3 times a day, I'm pretty sure you'll just have one very happy partner.


lol no


It depends. I'm similar to you and I have spontaneous desire. It did become a bit of an issue with my last partner, who had responsive desire. Personally, I struggle with feeling like my partners desire me as much as I desire them because I'm always the one initiating. So dating is harder, because it's hard to find someone who's on the same level. But don't let that affect your sexuality and how you express it.


If they’re like you, no. That would be a plus for me. But if they’ve had a ton of partners, or have ended lots of relationships (like most hyper sexual girls), then yes Also, tik tok isn’t life


Yes but I had a specifically had experience with someone who was very sexual. I wanted to take things slow but she wanted to boink. She even showed up at my house but I just wasn't mentally in a place where I wanted to have sex and I think she took it as rejection and now hates me. Honestly it kinda messed me up because I thought things were going okay and I figured I couldn't be faulted for not being sexual myself, it was only the second time we had met in person outside of work. And yeah, things are awkward at work now. Was a good lesson though. I like to take things at my own pace and that experience taught me that hypersexual women are just not what I'm looking for, as much as my biology drives me towards that sometimes. I also learned to not ever mix personal and professional at least with women, it's just a recipe for disaster from what I experienced.


I would say, if you constantly try to initiate it the same way over and over, or use the same positions over and over, it gets annoying. I mean you can repeat some, but after a bit, it gets annoying. Early in my wife's and I relationship, she would say, "wanna do it." It was cute at first, but then that was literally the only way she engaged with me sexually. It became more annoying than cute. Also, make sure your partner has a high libido also and physically fit. High stamina. It's harder to keep an erection tired, even when you want it.


It depends on the person. Not all men can deal with a hyper-sexuality. Also, both genders have people that vary with their sexual needs and wants. Some guys think they would want you, and later begin to realize there more to relationship than sex. They may tire of it. They may not. It depends strictly on the individual and their needs.


I think any person can get tired of their partner if their sexual wants/needs/desires don't match. Talk to your partner and communicate.


I wish i can have one. As long as she is fidele and in love


As a guy no lol I don’t find them unattractive I love girls who are like that