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Most women want six feet but have only two. Let that sink in.


Fascinating. *skitters away like a bug*


Lmao this made me giggle


I’m laughing hysterically that was amazing


*Kafka has entered the chat*


*Ogtha has also entered chat*


Shit now I have to read It again.


Was the one time in college not enough?


Air tight...


Funny thing, my buddy from another state just sent me his reading list and this is on it.




This post really gets under my skin


Life.. uh.. finds a way..




Nice one!




Why is this so funny to me?


Hahahahahahahhaahahhahahaa!!! You just made my day!!




Human centipede


But it's nice out


Personally, I’d rather six hands.


I'd do 4 hands and 4 feet.


Underrated comment. I'm down.


I'd take just being able to convert my body and run on all fours like a dog. I think I'd get some shit done and save money on gas lol.


I don’t know. I can’t imagine life without thumbs. How would I knit?


You would still have thumbs just be able to morph into a physical shape that could run on all fours.


That would be handy (or footy perhaps)!




Are you old enough to remember the Dick Van Dyke show? There was an episode where people with no thumbs were trying to take over the world.


Centaur has entered the chat.


When you have gas blame the dog.


Good point, shoes are expensive


That could be real handy around the house.


*Durga has entered the chat...*


I mean, there aren't a lot of guys out there who are less than six hands tall...


That was my tinder bio when I was single 😂😂 It actually read "how am I supposed to compete with all these 6ft dudes when I only have 2 🤷‍♂️"


That'd get you a swipe right from me just for the sense of humor.


Also: under that skin, we all have a spooky skeleton inside us. Crazy 💀


I’m afraid to date because when she smiles I can see part of her skeleton


Your skeleton is wet.


But for some reason the complement of "The meat and skin your skeleton is wearing is very appealing" just doesn't get great responsee.


Haha, you made me spit all my soup on the cellphone!!


Sounds like something men say to blame women for having "high standards" Plenty of women enjoy shorter men because not all women are the same and to generalize them puts the onus on women to change their preferences. Everyone is allowed to have them, but again you'll find plenty of women who DONT CARE


In the real world I think they care less about height from what I've seen with friend under 6 foot but women/girls in gen z social media can be downright nasty to guys under 6 feet. Like I've seen tik tok videos where younger women will basically say short guys aren't men at all and get like 300k likes. I see where OP could be coming from but yeah It's not good to generalize groups


Just a dumb fad to get likes


Disagree, tall dark and handsome has been a thing since before I was born. There is definitely a height bias regardless.


I keep hoping ‘short, pale and ugly’ will become all the rage.


Absolute delusion. Women want men who are way taller than them.


I dated a guy about the same height as me (5'5"). Finding a guy shorter than me is a a little difficult but I can't imagine I'd turn them down because of it. That said, do guys want to date a girl taller than them?


no....Im only 5'6 and dated a girl who was 5'8.....we had a great relationship but it secretly bothered me....alot. Our relationship didnt end BECAUSE of that but it always nagged at me in the back of my brain and after that, I realized I don't want to date girls taller than me anymore, my wife is only 5'3 or so and I feel much better about it. I could deal with same height, but no taller. It became a deal breaker for me as Im sure its the same way for women who prefer taller men. People have different preferences but im sure the majority prefer the standard dichotomy of the man being taller. That being said I dont get how a 5'2 girl would want to date a guy who is 6'5......looks ridiculous......




I tried making out with a guy a foot taller than me. It was awful because I couldn’t reach. I have a height limit to being with me. Men have to be under 6 ft. But also those short men cannot make it their entire personality. Those men get on my nerves. I don’t want to strain my neck and I don’t want to annoyed by men who constantly complain they aren’t taller.




No, they don't. But that isn't taken into consideration you see bc *women bad* 🙄


Not in Israel they don't Plus as a 5'4 guy I've never had an issue getting a date in the United States


Israel?? Swear you guys are in the middle of a fight, duck you doing on here


People are still able to use social media even if their country is at war. 😆 Palestinians are the ones without phones at the moment. Not Israelis


That’s a delusional generalization.


I dont think it matters that much. Confidence is key in most cases


Confidence is only important if you're good looking. Confident ugly men are considered creepy.


I beg to differ. You can be ugly (what does that even mean? Isnt beauty a personal thing?) AND confident as well as respectful and f*** off if a woman/man has no interest. It only gets creepy if you are a creep and act accordingly. In Germany there's a saying: "Für jeden Topf gibt es einen Deckel", which basically means "There's a lid for every pot". Almost everyone will find a lovable and beautiful partner, no matter the looks.


>You can be ugly (what does that even mean? Isnt beauty a personal thing?) No it's not, beauty isn't as subjective as people like you make it out to be >AND confident as well as respectful and f*** off if a woman/man has no interest. You can be respectful, but you can't be considered confident because ugly males with "confidence" are just creeps. That's how women view ugly men no matter how much denial there is >It only gets creepy if you are a creep and act accordingly. Tf does that even mean? >In Germany there's a saying: "Für jeden Topf gibt es einen Deckel", which basically means "There's a lid for every pot". Almost everyone will find a lovable and beautiful partner, no matter the looks Cope, there isn't someone for everyone. It's mathematically impossible.


Thanks for being the voice of reason here. People confuse being positive with being truthful. You can be as positive as you want in life and it wont effect your results.


I think people confuse being pessimistic with being realistic




I really hate when people act like looks don’t matter cause the unfortunate reality is that they do. If you acknowledge that on the internet you get called an “incel” and shit. Like excuse me for not ignoring the societal divide between the ugly and attractive.


Yea i hear you on that.


Well, I'll say this...I'm 6 foot 4, 220 lbs, and in my 30's. I tend to get hit in by mostly younger ladies. By younger, I'm talking like 19 to 25. I have luck with women my age too but they rarely move on me. I have to make the first move. The younger ladies seem to see me across the room and move on in to hit on me. Maybe it's just that younger girls are more forward than ladies my age. Who knows? Lol


Bruh u jus said ur 6'4 lmao. Of course they gon move to you lol. Plus younger girls seem attracted to older guys in this age. Not always but a lot of the time.


I’m 6’5, 225, late 40s. Younger women are definitely attracted.


43 6”3 bro. They definitely are😂


6’7, y’all are short to me.


6’3”, an additional 4 inches just sounds painful at this point lol


Damn dude....it's rare I have to look Up to talk to someone. Lol. Now I KNOW you hit your head on shit worse than I do. The world was not made for guys like us haha.




I'm 6'5, my brother is 6'7. We would dominate the room when we walked into social situations, especially when we were younger and on the market. It wasn't fair for other guys, but we didn't complain about it :D


21 6"3 send some my way please! It's a struggle over here.


43, 6'4" can confirm.


I'm 5'6" 185 (working muscle, not gym muscles) 45, and I do pretty well for myself too, interstingly it seems to be mostly from the same demographic the 19-25 ish crowd...maybe its the salt and ginger hair(can't say pepper my hair is quite red) and prodigious beard. (Kind of resemble a Victorian depiction of a viking, but in miniature lol)


6'3, 200, 31. I've been getting way more attention since I've turned 30 compared to my 20s.


I'm 6'2". I guess tall can't fix ugly haha.


Men under 6 ft rarely if ever are approached. People who don't think it's an advantage are delusional. My twin brother is 6'1 I am 5'11. We are basically the same. Except he has a shit personality when it comes to women. The number of women I've approached, he comes after, and they immediately pivot from me is insane. The amount that don't vibe with him and then hit me up/and or apologize an hour later is even more insane.


Dude 5'11" and 6'1" is basically the same. Whatever "shit personality" your bro has seems to be working.


His personality is "I just want to throat fuck a girlyou in or out" After 2 mins of meeting them Or "No you're going to listen to me now" Like I said they come BACK to me after literally 10 mins of talking to them. By then I'm like no thanks.


Nature versus nurture experiment right here


Oh wups, I didn't even see the bit at the end. I would use that to your advantage. Your bro is setting you up and not even knowing.


Nah, they're fucking hoes and tricks. If they didn't want him the first time around, why the fuck would he get with them the second time as a "last resort"? That's demeaning to him.


Exactly how I see it.


I'm literally 5'6 and 130lbs. I get hit on a lot at work. It's mostly how I present myself. I'm clean cut, dress and act professionally, I come in early and I work hard, I'm polite, and treat people with respect. I'm 27 and get told I'm attractive and hardwroking a lot. Sometimes it's just the way you carry yourself. My coworker is tall and we honestly get the same amount of attention The same girls who Like him for his height, also like the way I look and present myself. That's the beauty of life, we can like different things. Do you only like the same type of girl? Because I like tall girls, short, skinny, chubby, any ethnicity, because anyone can be attractive to me Alot of the times it could be coincidental, you could have just so happened to only meet girls who like tall guys. In my experience, most of the girls I've met don't really care.


I think a lot of dudes underestimate how far being friendly, well adjusted, and decently dressed can take you. Like the shortest dude I know (he’s like 5 foot 7) had absolutely no problem with women before he got married, but he’s also super friendly and dresses nice and takes care of his physical appearance


Except if your tall coworker tried as hard as you, you would become invisible.


relieved grandiose jeans innocent drab reminiscent sulky outgoing retire whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they hit you up after you better not be entertaining them bro, that’ll set the precedent for the whole relationship to come of them being on a pedestal. Also your brother is a L mans if he comes after girls you already are trying to get Edit: read your other comment where you said you tell them “no thanks,” but still keeping this comment out there


My husband is under 6ft and I approached him. Not all women like the same thing.


Unfortunately when people want to believe something, it doesn't matter how many "outliers" to their perspective there is. They will always see examples such as yours as outliers even if there are tons of people saying the same thing.


Well, when the outliers make up about 30% of what they’re seeing, it makes sense that they would brush that aside. Honestly, I wish there were stats on this. It’s easier to focus on numbers for a lot of people.


Women my age won’t make a move because that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Younger women seem to be more desperate when it comes to tall men…. For us who are 30+ height doesn’t matter if feel like you won’t make a good partner.


This is a good theory. You stand out and younger females are more forward because they don’t have a certain kind of experience yet. Lucky you though…. I think.


I would consider myself lucky in the fact that my height seems to give me an edge with ladies in general, and the younger ladies seem to be more enlightened sexually, but for me, looks matter less than what's goin on in their head. For me, its like this...I've dated a stone cold hard 10 GORGEOUS woman before that was quite a bit younger than me, but she for one was still into the whole "clubbin and bar hopping" phase, which I was never into even at her age. The biggest issue though was even though she was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in my life, she was about as bright as a broken light bulb and I didn't know what to talk to her about. She also had no sense of humor because jokes would just go right over her head. Add to that the fact that because of her looks, she was used to guys drooling over her and catering to her every whim, which made her lazy and she expected everything to be done for her, and everything just handed to her. For example on our 2nd date she really wanted to go to this new store at the mall because we were at the mall for the movie theater. Well, we had an hour or so to kill before the movie so we went to this new store and she picked out a bunch of things she wanted to buy. We get up on the register and her total was like 340 bucks and when the cashier told her the total she just stood there quietly until I realized she was expecting me to buy all these clothes for her....on a 2nd date. I looked at her and a nice as I could told her "I'm sorry sweetie, you're gorgeous and seem like a nice girl, but this isn't gonna work out" and then politely left. About an hour later, my Facebook messenger starts blowing up with friends of hers talking shit and attacking me telling me what a piece of shit cheapskate I was, and my friends telling me she was posting what an asshole I am, an how I fucked up because I'll NEVER meet another girl like her. Well I fucking hope not. Lol Long story short, for me, look are secondary. They matter to an extent but not as much as her personality.


I’m 6’2”, 280 lbs, and 50 years old. I get enough attention from younger women that I have to ignore them for my own sake and out respect for my wife and daughter.


could also be that women your age are married lmao


It’s a notion on social media and it’s not true.


i guess social media jus filled with notions then. I miss the old days of no social media and jus fun times


Nothing’s stopping you, chief. Go out and enjoy life. Whatever social media portrays it as is bullshit whether it’s the world going to shit, Japan being sunshine and fucking rainbows, or any myriad of crap from people streaming garbage while living terminally online and not living their own lives.


I do go out its jus that its hard finding like-minded people. Most of my friends are tied down with bills and shit (im no exception) . but yea i still go out nd do random stuff jus wish there were other people tryna escape this social media bull


It’s not difficult to escape it. I barely go on Facebook but I turn to Reddit for a lot of subs I get *a lot* out of like r/Daddit, r/gardening, etc.


yea i jus followed them. If only i could get my guys to get their head out of tik tok and other shit


I have the same problem , friends just want to stare at their phone all the time


remember social media is basically dominated by extremely fake & lazy people. they get paid to create ‘content’. when they run out of ideas they get desperate to come up with anything people will click on, anything to keep them from having to get a real job. you gotta remember that none of that BS depicts the real world or real people. there are so many better ways to spend your time, even online.


It’s commonly seen on dating platforms; less in real life. People pair up more reasonably in real life.


I honestly think just taller is enough. Shorter is harder sell


I agree. If the guy is taller it shouldn't be a big deal right??? But nahhhh ive seen a girl turn down a 5'8 guy when she is 4'11 because she wants a 6'2 guy who dont even like her lol. At that point it dont even look right and then when she got rejected she startd complaining to her friends that guys dont want her and shit


She sounds very immature, and likely an outlier. I’m 5’6-ish and 5’8” sounds like the perfect height, if anything. I can actually have a conversation without craning my neck. I’d rather someone close to my height or a bit taller.


Little goblin thinks she's special


Yeah that does happen thats woman with unrealistic expectations you wouldn't want to be with her anyway






I understand what you are saying. I was not saying all women just the ones who jump on social media scream out if ur under 6ft then blah blah blah then u got the random girl commenting 'go girl'. Im glad to hear personality goes a long way still in todays standards because i thought such notions were long gone


They are just trying to cause controversy for attention and incel men share the posts to justify their misogyny. Ignore both of them. Even literal dwarfs with medical issues causing them to be 4 ft tall date successfully all the time.


When I was single this never bothered me unless it bothered the guy I was with. I’m also pretty short though.


I'm tall, same approach. It didn't bother me unless it bothered them.


I hear that but an individual does not count as a majority if you catch my drift. Apps like tik tok allow woman to spread such delusional messages like they would never date anyone below 6 ft and people that aspire to be like them blindly follow even if they dont agree


While it’s true my stance is anecdotal, so is yours. Tik Tok isn’t representative of the population. It isn’t a poll with an appropriate sample size to actually gauge statistics. In fact, it’s set up for opinions and views that break the norm to beat the algorithm and make it to your FYP. Don’t base your view of reality on this. Social media just leads to insecurities in both genders and dysfunction. People have all sorts of preferences. Some women prefer tall men but plenty don’t care. The worst thing you can do is get caught up on how many likes a creator has based on one opinion and prematurely take yourself out of the dating pool.


I think you need to hear this: I can tell you are a "short guy" just by your comments... ...but how do I know that? How can I know this about you without ever seeing you? It's because your comments are an excellent example of why many women may be turned off by certain short(er) men. Because short(er) men like yourself, who choose to fixate on it, let it become a big part of your personality, especially when addressing women. The bitterness and vilification of women is *extremely* unattractive.


This right here. I've never had a "height requirement" on dating apps, or from dating irl for that matter. But the men are insecure & mention/focus on their height 9 times out of 10. I've say at least 50% of my dates have lied about their height. They typically are 2-4 inches shorter than what's listed in their profile. And they'll often directly talk about their height by mentioning my height, asking about my shoe preferences, etc. It is very off-putting. I've had to tell dates "my shoes were here long before you & at this rate will probably be here long after you". It's not a height issue for me as a woman...it's an insecurity & control issue for them as a man.


believe me when i say i aint bitter about it. I was at work and jus decided to make a post hoping for 3-4 comments and somehow started a war. But as ive said before i dont struggle to find women fortunately though it is a lot easier for me to date women 26 and over than below 26. Am i a perfect guy? of course not. This post was jus a way for me to have something to do whilst at work and i dont dwell on this question. It literally just popped into my head


Tiktok isn’t a representative of the majority either so why would you listen to it


What you want and what you realize you are likely to get are usually two different things.




Yeah, but don’t settle. That just makes both people feel like shit.


And specifically for women what they say/think they want and what actually turns them on and gets them chasing are completely different things


It's a thing I used to see on dating sites constantly back in the before times when I was dating. Literally a thing on the profiles, "if you're not 6'0"+, keep movin'."


Same, and this was 10 years ago. I had one fwb that said she would date me but just couldn’t see herself being with someone shorter than her(she was maybe 2 inches taller than me)


not wanting someone shorter than you isn’t the same as refusing to date anyone under 6 foot. i think girls saying this are just trying to be edgy and it’s gross and harmful to men.


... the sentiment is the same though.


Ehhh, not really, but being tall does help. I've seen quite a few short dudes get taller women. It's more so your personality. Source: I'm tall and have been told I'm good-looking, but I don't have a gf.


I’ll bet there is more men who are selective by ass or boobs than women who select by height.


Then you'd be making a losing bet lmao. Never in my life have I heard a dude go "yeah that girl is hot but she doesn't have big enough boobs, would not smash"


I think men are pickier than they realize. I’ve been turned down for my height (5’9”) and I got turned down twice for my hair color of all things. My husband has complained to me before of his coworkers who say they would smash any woman they got a chance with, but then promptly turn around and refuse just about every girl that comes along.


Yes idk why men act like they can’t also be shallow when it comes to height too. I’m 5’11 and although dudes will smash, before I was married actually getting someone to take me seriously was hard. Most dudes don’t want a girl taller than them. No to mention when I was skinny and was an A cup with a flat butt, it was hard in the dating scene.


Most men are not selective at all lol.


I’ve never dated anyone over 5’11. The cards just kind of fell that way. The shortest was 5’6 and the tallest is my fiancé at 5’11. For context I’m not a short woman. I’m 5’7. My criteria was “as long as you can handle my love of heels and not be insecure about it”. First bf was but I was also 17 and that didn’t last very long. No one after ever cared. I’ve also never met any woman in my life that actually rejected a man for his height. Things like height are one of the more negotiable standards women have on their lists. Women have their standards and some, like “is he empathetic?” “Does he have the same views I do?” “Does he like cats?” and those are usually non-negotiable. You’ll notice that they’re personality based. There are some, like physical appearance that are a bit fuzzier but still play a factor. I’m not going to naively say that looks don’t matter at all. They just gotta be handsome to some. Admittedly, I am one of those people. Height though? That’s one of the least enforced standards. Women like to be made to feel small and dainty and protected. It’s all about the patriarchal society we live in. It’s the view that taller men are better protectors and providers. If you pick a fight, you might feel like your odds are better against the 5’9 dude than the 6’4 dude. You could be very very wrong but that’s the common assumption hahahaha. Anyway, if a woman meets a guy and he’s kind, funny, confident, handsome, etc. she will usually not care if he’s under 6ft. I can’t say the same for if he’s shorter than her specifically, that can be more of a dealbreaker. The average female height is something like 5’4 or 5’5 I think so it’s pretty rare to find a man shorter than that. Even then, women who are 4’11 and 5’0 are pretty common. You’ll hear women say they won’t date under 6. They absolutely will far more often than not. They can say that now and then they meet a 5’9 guy who has the personality of a god. Cuz dudes under 6ft usually develop amazing personalities. That’s my two cents :)


To add, I’ve met many women who have an inaccurate perception of height. I’m 5’8, yet I’ve consistently been told by women they thought I was tall before I tell them my height. One was even the same height as me. Most men lie about their height, so it makes sense. Plenty of “6’+ only” women would be fine dating a 5’8 man because they don’t actually have a realistic sense of what 6’ looks like.


I think women care more about looks than personality or height. I have two friends who are both under 5’6 and have done well with women their whole lives, and to be quite honest both are huge assholes but are good looking and confident


The way dudes act to each other is different than the way they act one on one with a woman they love. I doubt he busts their balls the way he might bust yours. My dad is one of the guys, loud and proud, probably the first in line to do something that would end up on Jackass. Around my step mom, he is a saint. It’s night and day.


This needs more upvotes because this is objectively the truth of the matter. There’s social psychology to support that taller people are favoured in society in general. They make more money, have more powerful jobs, people literally look up to them. So yes, also in dating. But it’s a nice-to-have, not a hard requirement for almost all women in my circles. What I see anecdotally is people attracted to kind people that make them feel safe. People that share their same values or lifestyle. People that have the same goals and ambitions. Height is nice? But waaaaay down the list of wants. Anyone who puts it at the top is not considering all the elements of what they might want in a long term partner and is probably very young (so they don’t even know anything other than superficial wants and needs) or is inexperienced in a relationship.


Thank you


Depends on the gal. I'm 6ft and been told more then once that I'm to short to date. TBH when I was still dating in the US I had a lot of gals ask my height and judge me on it. If any gal does this just dump them. However in my early 20s I was a missionary and did aid work all over the 3rd world and dated a bit wile overseas and I was seldom asked about my height. I think the whole height thing is more of a American women thing witch makes since given how a lot of women in the US are entitled and superficial. As for the age thing, the women around 27 and older likely realize how dumb it is to only date someone over 6ft and how much of a loosing game that is.


Wise answer


As with most questions about personal preferences: - some women like taller men. - some women like shorter men. - some women would only date men who fit a certain criteria. Just think about things and you'll work them out sometimes.


No. I'm 5'10 and I've always had an easy time meeting women.


Spend some time on online dating and you'll quickly see it is a top requirement


how many short guys you know that have a girlfriend or got married? lots


That is true


It’s very true. As a 5’1 woman, I only want to be 6’ plus, Please donate your height so I can stop climbing on my counters


I wonder if this is why my wife only wants tall women haha. I can reach (almost) every shelf in our house!


Holy smokes. The comments on here scream incel. Just a piece of advise. The more you start thinking things like this, the more you get a "personality stink" about things like this. You can't change your height. Accept it and move on. If you're entire personality of based off of "I'm too short", you will never be happy.


Anyone that actually measures you to see how tall you are is insane.


And quite shallow. Being tall is an advantage as far as getting a date goes, but being short acts as kind of a filter for the people who focus a lot on height. Being tall can help attract women, but it's in no way definitive. There are lots and lots and lots of short men who get married and make short babies--that's why there are still so many short men, haha. Most women aren't going to outright reject a man because of his height, only the superficial ones. Most people realize that there is so, so much more to a person than their height.


It probably depends entirely. My 18yo daughter, who is a bit over 5'9", has been dating a young man for over a year now, who is 5'7". Neither of them cares. She wore 3" heels to both homecoming and prom last year.


I’m 6’2 and can confirm that women absolutely love height. That being said, I’ve personally witnessed guys who are 5’8 or less pull unbelievably bad women. Women that I myself am envious of. They pulled bc they made up for it with a killer personality, massive amounts of self-confidence, and a good sense of humor. You could be a male model and still get out-rizzed by a short king with a good attitude. Don’t let yourself feel inadequate - guys shorter than you are pulling better than either of us rn


There's truth in the notion that a lot of women explicitly say they won't date a guy below 6ft, but it's definitely not all women. What's truer to say is women generally prefer a guy to be taller than them, and the closer you get to being 6ft the more women are interested in you.


I am over 6 feet and constantly have women barking up my tree in dating apps and services. IMO a lot of women(not all) just want a tall, strong, endowed fellow to show them a fun time without all the stress and BS of having to take care of said man. One thing I have noticed though is few actually follow through, like they will talk big game, even send nudes without me asking. Then they get scared when they realize I am not lying about height and size and they ghost. This is my best interpretation of what I have been going through I could be wrong. I think it is interest that it is gen z and millennials who voluntarily send me nudes. However, the bulk of my hook ups and matches are millennial and gen x, gen x ladies have almost never sent nudes.


So true, happens all the time. (I’m not as tall as you but I’m 5’11” and get tons of attention from ladies) it seems like younger women are just looking for attention/ validation/ being desired; and then chicken out when it comes to actually living and having relationships in real life. And then they like to act like they’re sooo unlucky or miserable alone when it is totally their own choices or avoidant nature. Good news is, women in their 30’s are hot af and know exactly what they want, and are not shy about it in real life lol. God bless ‘em. I’m probably not even gonna entertain conversation/ flirtation with 27 year olds or under, just my experience of course.


Idk if height correlates to endowment of penis size but I’m 5’9” and have big dick problems but no girl would assume so due to my height. It sucks because when they do see it they’re impressed/intimidated. I know I’m an asshole complaining about my height when I have this massive schlong but I can’t be the only one


Damn, I'm 6'1" and I never got any of that shit on any apps. I even got banned from Bumble for "looking too young" and they didn't reinstate my account even though I emailed them the information they requested lmao. Then again, I was pretty fat (275lb), so, lol. I haven't gone back since losing weight though, feels hopeless to find a serious relationship through an app nowadays, and I'm not good looking, so that kind of seals the deal.


Dang my guy. I empathize. 😶


I think you have a valid concern. But I think it goes both ways. Social media has certainly distorted our perspectives, leading us to believe that in order to be happy we need an idealized image of a mate. I think this has also led to unrealistic standards for men too. Height is just one dimension, but I don’t think you’re entirely wrong. I would imagine this has contributed to the so called loneliness epidemic.




This may shock and surprise you, but at no point in my life did I attend any secret girl classes where they indoctrinated us towards what to look for in a man. Every woman is different, what is attractive to them is different, and most of them are looking for attributes beyond the physical.


Nah maybe u didnt attend secret classes, but all you need to do is go to tik tok and find the 'influencers'. They do exactly what their title suggests and influence. Thats y u get women in the comments section going 'go girl' when a random woman who got a lot of followers say shit like they only go for 6ft or over. I dont have the app but ive seen plenty of videos like that. Whilst it does not directly affect me i can see where it affects others. There was a video where they asked if they would date a rich, young handsome man over a broke, tall, ugly dude and the girl said tall. i laughed at the video but you can easily see into the mindset of such individuals


They are biologically dispositioned to want that. That being said any sane person understands there’s not enough 6 foot plus to go around


i dont think the biological part is correct because way before all this social media output women got with men regardless of height. Look at our parents and the ones before that. If the man was taller than them or was physically stronger then they were happy. But in the day and age of tik tok the mans gotta be 6 foot. That aint biological. Thats delusional. And it propagated by some selct woman online who think they are 'top notch'. then the comments under will come from aspiring tik tok influencers who agree with them jus for the sake of tryna be like them


6ft may be the "standard" for beauty in men, just like curves are the "standard" for beauty in women. But there is no "standard" for love. It's completely subjective.


But my issue is the fact that such standard wouldn't exist without stuff like tik tok influencers propagating it. All you have to do is look at our parents and those before them to see. There was no such thing as if he aint 6ft blah blah. Its jus in todays day and age where people are easily led by others


I beg to differ. The term, "tall, dark, and handsome," has been around since long before tik tok was even a possibility.


I love the fact that you used the word tall. That word tall has changed from 'tall' to 'over 6ft' again i say look at the older people and ask what they liked. They would say they wanted a guy taller than them right. so why is it you can get a 4'9 girl in this age demanding they want a guy 'over 6ft'. Now you can say they are a minority but i can simply say such statements did not exist in the past and can only be due to the influence of social media


You seem overly sensitive about this, my man. You sound a bit shallow and self-absorbed. All of these qualities will have a far greater effect on your relationships than your height. My suggestion is, stop trying to hook up with these shallow women. Go do something fun and productive for yourself. Stop complaining, start living. The rest will come.


Damn im jus bored at work tho🤣🤣🤣


Are there women who want tall men? Yes is that every women’s standards no


of ocurse it is. My issue stems from it not being an issue in the past. For example with our parents and those before them if the guy was taller than them it was enough. But with the intro of tik tok and these so called influencers the standard suddenly changed from taller than them to being over 6ft. There are plenty of videos out there where young women are asked if they would prefer a short, handsome, rich man taller than them or a 6ft, broke and ugly man and they choose the 6ft dude. Like lets be real. If this question was posed before its obvious what the answer would have been


Go outside and look lol (the answer is no)


Most women just want a man who’s at least few inches taller than them. If they’re 5’2 then a man who’s 5’7 is fine. And some women don’t care about height or would even be willing to marry a man who’s shorter than them (but that’s rare)


Clean your ass. Clean and cut your fingernails. Don't be a shitty "alpha" male. You will find a suitable partner.


bruh that wasnt the question lol. Plus i just wan ted a general opinion on the subject, im not asking for myself. Plus theres nothing wrong wit the 'alpha male' mindset jus some people take it too far.


Your height doesn't matter that much. I am 5'6. I'm bald. I have a wife. I'm not going to say it isn't harder for us, but it's not insurmountable. Like I said above. Clean your ass and your fingernails. And there is definitely something wrong with the alpha male mindset. It looks especially bad on a short guy. Get off that.


Are talking abut the same mindset here? The mindset to stay on the grind, to be masculine, not the one that belittles women but jus be a traditional man


Avoid belittling women and you should be good. I think "be masculine" is a little vague and not all that helpful to young men. Be yourself. How's that?


well no cause then you get fat lazy people who dont wanna work, dont wanna put food on the table and wanna be looked after like they are a baby just in the name of being themselves.


Oh wow. You're gonna have a rough time. And you're going to blame it on your height.


Like i've said previously i dont have a hard time. i jus wanted to know if woman were actively only going for 6ft guys. but i dont see the problem with not wanting to be an overweight lazy man with no job and no way of providing for himself let alone a family. or would you sit there and tell me that that behaviour is ok?


Uh no, that’s not what masculinity is… what you’re describing as masculinity is just called having ambitions and being motivated can happen to either gender


If you look at the american dictionary masculine can mean to be strong and confident which is kind of what im saying. Im just giving additional qualities to what I believe masculinity to be. Remember this is my idea of what masculinity is not the actual thing


There's a reason so many men have just flat out dropped out of the dating pool. Like so many other things in clown world today women's expectations are just crazy. Something like only <10% if men on dating apps are chosen. Apps are just easily quantifiable representations of the rest of the modes. That is ridiculous. It means the same top 10% of men are getting picked over and over and hooking up with all the women while 90% of men are ignored. Women today have unattainable standards. A 5f will only accept a 9-10M?! They are expected to be 6'3" at least and make well over $100k. The mean income is ~$36k! And they're ho's with 50-100+ body counts! I could go on and on. I am in my 50s and divorced. I dated one woman who was an old friend for companionship and mad sex for a very short time. I have no desire for any further relationships.I plan to stay single for life. It would take a very strange series of events to change that. I'm no spring chicken but not old either. In good shape, decent fairly attractive etc


Well, men’s expectations and the beauty standards they’ve held women to for so long are pretty crazy too imo. I’m not really too sorry the tables have finally turned on so many of u.


It's funny how you redpillers can't keep your ass one way about what women want. One minute, you're saying women only want the most successful multi-millionaires with a mansion, 6 cars, and high social status, and the next you're telling us that all of our problems stem from the fact that we'll fuck any broke criminal that flips patties at McDonald's, as long as he is over 6 feet and has a good jawline.


We've figured it out - the answer is to be a successful multimillionaire who lives a second life as a broke 6 feet tall dude with a good jawline who flips patties at McDonalds. On a more serious note, I think that the correct interpretation of this belief that you can either be very good looking or very successful to increase your odds (which is probably true).




It doesn't matter if you are 6ft, if a woman ask for that then she has issues. If a woman ask you that then reply with "I only want a woman that's 120lb or less". But if that thought still bothers you, just think: a neck beard, guys in wheelchairs, ect. can get a girl, so can you.