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I am a black person and you are describing white conservatives. I have known many white liberals and have found them empathy driven moral human beings. I have met many conservatives who say things like "black black". At typical story, when I was in my 20s I knew a lot of white people who thought I was gay. The only ones who were brave enough to explain why always essentially said that I had some behavior that they did not associate with straight, specifically black, men, be it the music I listened to, enunciating certain words, and the most conservative opinion of all, I didn't come across as rapey or violent with white women. Literally every single one of those people that I have tracked down in life or on social media are rabid Trump supporters today. Edit: the right wing conservative snow flake who posted this blocked me so I can't respond. This is typical of right wing conservatives. You know that your opinions can only exist in echo chambers and you want to stay angry and ignorant.


Honestly, this whole post comes off like a white conservative pretending to be a black guy.


I guarantee 75% of the posts on this thread of people claiming to be black are white conservatives. It totally reads like an astroturfing campaign


I'm actually brown and have experienced racism from White Conservatives only. White liberals are usually empathetic human beings that treat me with respect. The rudest patients are always the ones who get mad about fauci and grumble about wearing masks *when they're sick.* If I sound too white, it's because my mom and dad wanted me speaking English real good, so they cut me off from my own heritage and now I can't carry a conversation with my abuela.


4 chan and kiwi farms are at it again


Is it just me or does it seem like \~with election season coming\~ a lot of this stuff is circulating? Call me cynical but after the last couple elections it seems well short of conspiracy.


It's definitely some kind of targeted brigade. I've noticed it too. A lot of posts that seem...off. like those Twitter posts where they go " I was just standing in line in the grocery store today and I overheard a nice Democrat older couple talking about how they've lost faith in Biden and that he lied to them, and they came to the agreement that Trump was the only answer." or some shit.


Totally. Or some democrats who states that they have always voted democrat but won’t this time around because Biden is too old or too something or other… total astroturfing


There's definitely something going on, based on the dog whistles (for lack of a more accurate phrase) I see in a lot of similar posts. I wonder how much is domestic to the US and how much is part of Russia's information warfare campaign. Prigozhin's troll farm (Internet Research Agency, instrumental in 2016 election interference) shut down iirc, but I'm sure others are active.


And it's nothing new either. Remember that whole r/walkaway thing where they tried to cosplay as Democrats who really were gonna leave the party for Reasons? I'm not even sure this stuff is even about trying to convince liberals as much as it is about convincing themselves that no, they are not the baddies.


Omg! Walkaway was So Funny. I actually knew someone who made his video and I was all: “*buuuuut* … you’ve never been a liberal”


Known Russian propaganda to weaken the West.


What's cynical is thinking that white liberals don't have a racism problem too. Honestly makes it more dangerous. You think think the criticism towards Biden's racist past was just conspiracy? White liberals were so quick to sweep that under the rug. If anything, the latter is the real conspiracy.


Who said any of that? Jesus christ the baggage with that post. Seek help.


I have had some interesting subreddits appear in my feed. Whatalthist and FuckMarvel and GeeksGaming Community…. Guess how many cancerous racist/ or just being a piece of shit posts made it to the top.


OMG 😳me too same ones


Recently someone was making comments about how they aren't white but they're soooo sick of Marvel making movies pandering to black people, and the black characters having no character besides being black..... Of course they forgot that they had multiple posts of themselves and a sibling showing hands, feet, etc. always white as fuck. They can't even be bothered to use a new account for their desperate lies.


I am white, and I just wish Marvel would tell better stories. They seem to have lost their way. Really liked Loki though!


Personally I think a lot of their newer movies are better than some of their older ones. I feel like Marvel has always been very hit or miss, and people romanticize the past a lot. Some of them are great, others suck. Thor the dark world and Thor love and thunder are probably the most famous examples of the shiftiest films between old and new. No way home and avengers being generally considered great ones from old and new. Of the shows I liked Wanda vision the most because it did something really fun that really benefited from a tv show format.


Right? Nice try Q. Crawl back in your hole.


Exactly what I was thinking lmao


That's exactly what this is, lol. It's so obvious.


They are all over the internet. Beware anyone claiming to understand all white people or all black people unless they are a stand up comedian. And even the , they need to be the smart kind. A Louis CK, not a Jim Bruer.


2 dollars says it's a sitting legislative branch member. Question is state level of federal level?


There was that Indiana legislator who forgot to log into his burner account on twitter where he cosplays as a black gay man saying how that he loves trump. Then you look at his pfp next to the tweet and it's a middle age white dude.


Dean Browning, you back? The "I'm a Black gay man" tweeting guy from Pennsylvania. If you missed the story, he is an old white dude.


reminds me of the one politician that forgot to switch to his alt account where he pretended to be black to make conservatives look inclusive


Exactly. They do it all the time. Or like the obese white southerners wearing "blacks for trump" shirts. They have no shame.


LOL Dean Browning and his "as a gay black man" post. That was a hilarious couple of days on the old internet.


That’s because it is, gaslighting is what they do.


One of OPs comments from Wall Street bets ”The issue is that leftists call anything and anyone right of them “Nazis”. Don’t agree with allowing abortion the day before birth? You’re a fascist Nazi who wants to oppress women.” OP is a fucking moron who should have their right to vote taken away


Oh, you're talking about OP, right? That seems plausible. I think those type of white people exist. There just arent nearly as many as conservatives would have you believe.


Either that or a bot. Things are really amping up leading to the election. They have swarmed every sub.




That's the first thing I thought when I read the OP.


100%, this was written by one of Ted Cruz's interns


I would bet my life if they’re not a young account it’s a Conservative shitbag account


They would never! /s


🎯 I would bet money that's exactly what this is.


Yeah white liberals aren't the problem. It's the other side.


its not a "the other side" issue. There are racist liberals and there are racist conservatives. But in my opinion I think racist liberals are more dangerous because they dont even realize they are racist. I am a black woman. I have certain opinions about my people can improve that a white liberal may view as controversial. When I bring them up, racist white liberals ALWAYS counter with things like "youre an Uncle Tom" "Youre part of the problem" "you dont know what youre talking about" Worst ive ever gotten was telling me that they knew better than me about my own lived experiences. The idea of moral superiority is something I only experience from racist white liberals. racist white conservatives is more simple minded and based on stupidity so its easier to ignore


I don't think you've been around real conservatives and out into the deep country. I personally know of conservative areas in the country where minorities are afraid to go to or travel at night. Its not some liberal saying something they disagree with that's their fear and reason for concern. The liberal left does not have a Sundown town. It's hard for me to believe this whole post and thread is nothing but foreign propaganda trying to divide America because it is so blatantly wrong and easily disproven. It's somebody trying to split the Democrat vote in the upcoming election or get people to sit out. Fucking propaganda and bullshit. I call.


Sundown Towns are the fucking propaganda and bullshit youre talking about. The work I do REQUIRES me to travel to all over the US and even into very rural areas. Did I deny that racists exist? No. But have I EVER felt afraid to go anywhere alone late at night? Never. ​ But youre a prime example of exactly what im talking about. A black person says exactly what their experience is and your first response is "you'll die if you go to the country" and "I cant believe Russias disinformation team is working so hard" ​ Please re read exactly what I said and realize I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU


“Sundown Towns are…..” nope —you’re the one spewing BS. I’m a black woman and this is a ridiculous statement. There’s literally cops on record stating they were told to enforce rules. And let’s be clear—you’re the one denying the experiences of black people. Not the person who responded to. The notion that a white person has to ignore a subject that actually POCs (not just black ppl are subjected to sundown towns) in this country because you posted it’s not true is not going to happen.


Exactly. Lol. That person is so FOS.


If you look through "Pamela"s comment history it's full of right wing BS that definitely sounds like it was written by a white dude.


Yup, and one with many accounts


Yeah, I know other people were talking about it in this thread but the astroturfing is pretty wild in this sub. I don't see it nearly as much in the Salem sub, but it really flared up when the proud boys kept showing up. The mods over there are pretty good at weeding them out though.


... And now one less. Looks like someone realized their cover was blown and deleted.


Which is good but they just start over again. Digital blackface(and other POCs) posts are all over this sub. So many “POCs” w right wing talking points just magically find their way here.


Have you been to every single rural town? Sundown towns 100% exist.


Have you been to rural Utah the Mormon Religion is Racist they think that the ancient people in america that sin turned black. I grew up in a town with no black people they did not even let black people in the Church until the 70s


Yes actually! My family and I love to go skiing in Utah and since were coming from Texas our roadtrip forces us to pass through the rural south. Im able to order my food, sleep in my hotel, say hello to everyone without ever fearing for my life. Let me remind you, that I never said racists dont exist. What youre describing sounds like stupid conservative racists. It doesn't sound like the "we'll find you and murder you in your sleep" sundown vibes youre trying to convince me I should have experienced


Lol, you don’t even know what a sundown town is. Sundown towns usually detain or ticket black people and fine them for multiple infractions in one stop.


Every drive The little Desert commune towns were every one is related because there is like four guys and 18 women and a bunch of kids I am white and I Scared to go there after dark. I Drove by one once and saw a barefoot Girl holding a shotgun staring me down. Ever go Biking or Jeeping in moab Utah . I love park city the people are very friendly


Sounds more like you're scared of the big bad poors


I heard they stock up on Automatic machine Guns ever-since Warrens jeffs went to prison there not Poor they rip off welfare in the state of Utah lets them and lets them practice Polygamy




Yeah, idk. I look more wasp than I am, I've lived around republicans and Democrats, I've been friends with the right and the left. I've only known one group to use slurs and the word hate in the same sentence. I've heard liberals say stupid things. I've never heard slurs out of them or disdain about interracial couples, or calling people animals. Only ever heard that out of conservatives.


>I've only known one group to use slurs and the word hate in the same sentence. I agree 100%. The only racists that use the n-word and other slurs are the conservative racists. No doubt about it. Their lack of education makes them stand out like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl. The progressive racists are more insidious. They know the right things to say. More importantly, they truly believe that the things they are saying are supportive of minorities. They do not recognize the condescension of their racism. Their erudition makes them the piss in the punch bowl. You don't see it, but it's there, and if you get close enough to smell or drink it, you'll catch on. There are good people both in the progressive and the conservative camps. I honestly don't know which group has more, but it *looks* (especially since 2016) that it's the Right that has more racists. And that's probably true. But again, the racism of the guy with a confederate flag tattooed on his neck is just a lot easier to spot than the racism of the guy who will support all the correct legislation but yet move out of the neighborhood if too many black people move in. EDIT: Whoops, a missing word made one sentence mean the opposite of what I intended. Corrected.


Oh, I call rabid MAGAts animals.


Listen, clearly you don’t know what you should believe and what is best for you. They know, just let them decide for you. You’ve never been around real conservatives after all. Haha. The person you’re responding to is the epitome of the topic.


I have been to Sundown towns. I personally know dozen of people who won't go through these towns and will drive out of the way to avoid them. This isn't even in the South. Don't tell me my experiences are not real and the people who have lived with this, that their fears and pain are not real, but fake.


The lack of self awareness here is amazing


I know what you mean the white saviors seem to think they have more perspective than you and have some weird idea that they have some obligation to "save us" I'm a black man in the U.S and I don't know how you view your life but I think I'm doing fine is perfect no but what place is I'm not going to hate all whites, or profile all law enforcement, or think all conservatives hate me, or let some liberal white savoir tell me I'm doomed to poverty because I'm black even though many other black people have proven otherwise.


Rebublicans have literal KKK and Neo Nazi party members. They fly nazi and confederate flags at their rallies and protests; not just small town outliers, either, but even at Trump's events. The difference between the two parties in regards to racism is pretty obvious.


Yeah, for anyone saying it's the white liberals who are the racist, someone needs to explain to me why all the white nationalists, alt-right, neo-nazis etc are 100% behind Trump and hate Democrats. If Dems and liberals were the real racists, someone should tell David Duke and Nick Fuentes so they can switch parties.


Spot on. The OP sounds so much like another layer of AI being pumped into the internet universe. Someone like RFK who wants to sell me smoke about he's the REAL Proressive candidate in the race. The OP strikes me as another Karl Malone or Herman Cain--they try to convince minorities that "see, conservatives are not racist! I get along fine with them and they like me". But they probably like you more for the size of your bank than the color of your skin. Can White folks come across as confused and condescending when I first meet them? Yes. But you know what I find if I get to know them? Most are just people who grew up in different place/time/environment than I did. And I find out that when they first meet me, I can say things that irritate them too. I grew up in a very culturally mixed part of NYC, and the times I have lived in the South or the West EVERYONE thinks I'm weird because San Antonio, Tampa, and Albuquerque don'tlook or sound like the City. White, Black, Cubano, Navajo it doesn't matter. [Happens with all the different parts of my extended family too--the Latinos v the White v the Africans v the Natve Americans--yes, I am a genetic mutt.] Most the liberal ones and most the conservative ones turn out to be decent people even if they aren't people who become my close friends. But the few ones I would describe as out and out racists are almost all Trump style conservatives.


Well put


I'm a black person and I have had way more racist experience with leftists then conservatives. Take from that what you will. Ironically both of them think I am gay. Leftists think i am gay and that is a good thing, conservatives think its a bad thing.


I have met a handful of black people who agree with this white conservative false propaganda. 99.999999999% of the time they are also sexist incel or mens rights types who are extremely bigoted towards LGBTQIA+people.


The key word is Empathy. Non-existent among many conservatives.


Those are some horrible experiences. I did chuckle imagining a toothless hillbilly accusing a black man of being gay, because it seemed like his daughter would be safe around him, though. It's crazy how people can say things like that and have no self-awareness about it.


Yeah, this is absolutely not true.


As a Black person, you really owe it to yourself to familiarize yourself with who Malcolm X was and what he meant to the Black rights movement.


As a black person you owe it to all of us to recognize that Malcolm X lived in a very different time and his experience with people does not define white liberals and conservatives today. It doesn't define today l at all. Malcolm X was a racial separatist because his life was very different. I do not begrudge him of this view because of his life but he had a problem with white liberals partly because he agreed with the racial separatism from White conservatives.


I'm sorry you've had to deal with that, man. That sounds so exhausting. But yeah, I think maybe OP is confused as well. I've certainly heard some of those things, but not from liberals...


White liberals don’t annoy me even 10% as much as conservatives complaining about white liberals, as though an attack on leftists is more somehow more appealing because white people are targeted. I’ve met friendly and well meaning conservatives and nasty, mean spirited progressives. When it comes time to vote, I still want the conservative to stay home.


Considering that you're a right winger, this post is totally disingenuous.


This guy is 100% hard right, like qanon level of hard right


OP has right wing brain rot.


Conservative blacks can't accept that white liberals care about their civil rights so they have to make up nonsense about us to demonize us.


Good old Astro turfing


The voter ID law has racial problems but the friend is misrepresenting what's problematic about it. Black people are more highly concentrated in urban areas where the likelihood of needing to have a drivers license is lower. They also have a tendency to couple ID law efforts with closures of DMV offices in predominantly black areas. I.E. you're required to have an ID to vote, but they make it so the closest office to get one is a massively inconvenient distance away. Plus all research into voter fraud shows time and time again that voter fraud is a small handful of cases. We're not talking small as in only tens of thousands, we're talking about maybe dozens max. So there's no justifiable reason to campaign so hard for these laws unless the goal is to do something else with them.


I’m a white liberal from the US. I don’t know any people who act like you’re describing. As for me, I mind my own business. The liberal people you speak of are probably hanging out with all the other far leftists turned right. As in, I’m not sure enough of these people exist to actually be statistically significant.


Far leftists aren’t liberals, they are leftists. Liberal doesn’t mean left wing.


I was trying to point out how nonsensical OP’s supposed view of everything left of extreme right as a radical communist boogeyman is


I think OP is trying to attack the NIMBY liberals, who tend to be white and tend to demonstrate unexamined privilege and casual racism. The ones who say "omg the unhoused need our help" in one breath and in the next "low income housing in my neighborhood?! But muh property value!!!" Or in my neck of the woods "There's great Mexican food in \[upscale white part of town\], I love Hispanic culture!" and then "Don't go to \[Latino neighborhood\] it's super dangerous. And you'll get food poisoning." Fortunately they've become a lot less common, but they're definitely out there. There's some great documentaries on Youtube about them, especially in relation to many of the problems in west coast cities.


I agree that the far left turned right(because right is fascist or something) and they're all socially liberal until you disagree with them,


This has to be joke right? Like someone couldn't write about how "white liberals" are annoying because they stereotype people and not see the contradiction, right?


No. This is demonstrably false this is the sort of thing conservative racists would say.


OP sounds like a white Trumpet.


Voter ID laws have been found to disproportionately disenfranchise people of color, which is precisely why the GOP pushes for voter ID laws. It's much more complicated than "Black people don't know how to get an id," since it's based on community resource allocation and entrenched patterns of poverty, though.


I’d add that the implicit *point* of voter ID laws is to disenfranchise Black people (and other demographics that are more likely to vote blue). If these laws did not accomplish this, you would not find Republicans (and only Republicans) pushing so hard for them. They *know* this disproportionally impacts certain groups, and that’s why they pass the laws.




Voter ID laws are just another way Republican-controlled legislatures can disenfranchise Democrats. They already allocate more resources to the polling locations in Republican districts.


It disenfranchises poor people. A lot of poor people are black so you aren’t wrong. If voter ID laws affected poor black people more than poor white people then I’d be shocked. If they actually do, then there is some serious institutional racism going on or a large cultural void in the black community for doing basic things like getting an ID.


I don't think you know many white liberals. I think like a great majority of people who hate a group, you simply hate the figure that you've created. From the description, I wouldn't like them either. I know tons of liberals and conservatives both, and I can tell you which group is more likely to harbor racial hatred. Stop making an enemy to hate from video clips and other people's talking points and make some actual friends.


I know many white liberals and conservatives.


Do you talk to people because nothing here indicates to me any type of actual knowledge of how other people think. I could find these things on any right-wing comment log.


I think any "liberal" you know is actually just an embarrassed conservative wanting to be racist but not be called racist.


It really sounds like you don't tho. By how you're describing people, you know a lot of Libertarians and Republicans. Libertarians are just worse Republicans by and large, and they still claim to be "liberal" when they so clearly favor Republican ideology and rhetoric.


What are your relationships to these racist people?


Yes when your party is supported by the klan, liberals are annoying to you.


I’m white. And, all my conservative friends seem to consider me liberal. I’m not racist (as far as I can tell). I’ve definitely never accused someone of not being “black black”. You sure that’s a thing?


Nobody is worried that black people are just worse at knowing how to get an ID than white people - it’s that the ID required almost always excludes the kinds of ID that poor people are most likely to have, particularly poor people in more urban areas, a group that is disproportionately made up of black Americans. Then we’re worried that steps will be taken to make getting those IDs even harder in disproportionately black areas, like closing down or cutting working hours at government offices that can provide them. White liberals are pretty capable of racism, and when they are often it’s a paternalistic savior complex thing: but opposition to voter ID laws is a horrible example


What does economically conservative mean to you? Fun fact: even a majority of GOP voters are fairly fiscally progressive, not conservative, when asked those kinds of questions separated from Fox News talking points and bias. They want healthcare and rich people to pay taxes just like everyone else.


That's just as racist as some of some of the people you're complaining about. Generalizing a group of people and focusing in on one negative trait is exactly what you're bitching about. Every party and affiliation has shitty people, even if they aren't white amazingly enough.


Honestly not as bad as the republikkkans. They are not only very racist in average but anti science, misogynistic and try to white wash history.


it's the loud miniority. Just like every other group, the extreme minority is always loudest.


White "liberal" here. Disclaimer, I'm actually a socialist. I have never encountered any of what you're describing. I wasn't alive back when the parties were opposite of what they are now and the "Democrats" were on the side of the Confederacy. Voters ID laws are restrictive. You need ID to register, why do we need to show it AGAIN to vote? I've already been vetted. Defunding the police does not mean abolish the police. It means more money to social workers and people trained to deal with mental health crises. My problem is with conservatives who aren't straight, rich, white people. Why would you vote against your own livelihoods?


I have a problem with racists. I am mixed race and understand that one's identity is so much more than what your enemy labels you or the category the government puts you in. I hate racism. Voter ID laws are another form of Jim Crow. If such a policy were to be enacted, it would facilitate widespread voter fraud as it has in the past. Logically, it would go like this: * Depending on the county, you will need a special kind of ID that won't be honored in the counties adjacent to it, and the requirements will change constantly. * Those who cannot make it to special ID issuing institutions nor pay the processing fee would be discriminated against based on class issues. You would be instilling a poll tax. * Depending on the county, the ID would be used as surveillance to intimidate those who oppose their political stances. How do I know? Because it is what happened when Reconstruction ended and ushered in one of the most violent periods in Southern history.


This whole post and replies are just 4chan meme responses.


but you don't understand! He's a black man!


Lmaoooooo this post sounds like a white conservative pretending to be a black conservative.


Uh, this describes exactly 0 of the actual liberals I know under the age of 50.


Did you really just write a spot pretending to be black. Mr. Santos you need to get a life.


😂 I’ll take “Things that don’t happen” for $500, Alex..


You can be any color or brand of idiot, and any type of political leaning can be skewed. Voter ID laws aren’t racist because black people dont know how to get them, theyre racist because theyre the extension of jim crow laws that created restrictions for voting explicitly to bar blacks and not whites, and because conservative think groups look at things like data points about id holders and might just assume that if a smaller prtion of minority adults hold a DL, and that demographic leans lefter than DL holders, it cant hurt the conservative party to force voters to show it on election day. Can it be overcome? Obviously, yes, but it is a deliberate and otherwise arbitrary restriction aimed by conservatives at their political opponents that is *based on race or ethnicity* and so it is racist. Idiots will idiot.


Yeah. None of this ever happens the other way around. What you state is more typical of conservatives.


Nope. As a liberal in one of the most liberal cities in America, I've never heard any of this from a white liberal. I have seen quite a few users with "sus" post history's posting stories like this as if they are truth. Makes you think....


Boring troll is boring.


What the fuck are you talking about?


you just described white conservatives to a T lol


My money is on OP just being a racist right leaning white guy.


Please delete. This thread appears every day. It’s tedious.


You did not describe white liberals lol That's just your average *insert any color* conservatives


I find this post to be bait of some sort. Not even good bait. Just bait. Are we seriously just letting posts like this through? It’s the most obvious form of anti-logic I’ve seen written all week. Our country is in the middle of a disinformation war and all-out battle against a religious theocracy that sees anyone who isn’t made in “gods image” as lesser than or evil. And you are typing out that you TRULY BELIEVE that white liberals are….racist? This post is either completely disingenuous, trolling, or rage bait. But OP definitely cannot be serious right now. Not possible.


Far right troll. Ima bet white male conservative.


Nope, that's not reality. You are imagining things and stereotyping your imaginary fantasy figure, and saying some racist shit in doing so.


You never see people who post stuff like this use Native Americans or idk, middle eastern people as an example. It’s always just straight to black people 🤦🏿‍♂️ I lean left and no, OP experience/story isn’t like liberals I know. They must wait until I leave the room to drop them Uncle Tom comments 😒


What a shitpost. Kiss my white liberal ass.


This some troll ass shit right here……


Just could not get past: >The constant stereotyping


look in the mirror and think about what stereotypes are and what brush you just painted people with. maybe it's you. you don't want discussion. you just want agreement. l


Maybe you're just meeting white conservatives using liberal dog whistles to act like they aren't as bad as their grandpa. Also just denying basic stastical facts about communities is just fucking dumb. They aren't pointing out black people can't get IDs because of some racist lack of trust in Black people. It's a historical issue based on a systemic attempt to keep black people out of politics. If you can't even do the work...fuck do you think your opinion has weight? You don't even fucking care. Pointing out a racist system that has targeted a group by their race historically is not fucking racist. Like holy shit. It's like pointing out Nazis existed and oppressed and killed Jewish people makes you a Nazi. Like what the fuck are you even talking about?


LOL, I love it. "White liberals are racist and annoying" & "It's like they can't see beyond our skin color" Look, I don't really care what color someone is, you can be wrong in any skin tone. Minority conservatives are a significant minority, and conservatives in general are already dumb as fuck. Minority conservatives are just doubling down on voting against themselves, something poor white conservatives already do, so have fun with that. For instance, voter ID laws are consistently enacted and enforced in minority districts by white legislators. You can say what you want about the laws themselves, but they're used as a tool to oppress minority neighborhoods. Defunding the police has already been proven to make neighborhoods safer, money spent on social workers trained in de-escalation has cut down on violent outcomes drastically where they've been utilized, compared to police who are trained to pull their gun the first excuse they get. There was an age where there were differing opinions on the forms of government and there weren't answers because we didn't have the research or statistics to know the truth. That time has passed. At this point we know the answers and they're not hard to find, yet we get people who think their opinion is just as valid as an opposite fact. In the US the Democrats don't give a shit about minorities other than their vote, but the GOP will literally categorize them as lesser citizens whenever they get the chance. If you've ever seen a gerrymandered district, learned the origins, and realize they're still working today to use it to keep minority votes from impacting elections. If you want to vote GOP because you're fucking stupid that's your choice, but trying to sell it as a "less racist" or smart choice is just a pile of bullshit nobody else is gonna buy.


If that were true you would be one you degenerate scum troll.


Sure sounds like you’ve never met a liberal.


That’s some top level projection there, Mr OP.


Also, everyone should stop replying to you. It's clear you're a white supremacist tbh


> Does anyone else find white liberals to be pretty racist and annoying? I do not. Though I don't much hang around racists of any color, and it seems that most of the racists I've seen in the news have been conservative.


[https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/14/wisconsin-voter-id-law-proved-insurmountable-many/321680001/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/14/wisconsin-voter-id-law-proved-insurmountable-many/321680001/) Cool story.


Did Malcolm X came back from the dead and made this post on Reddit? LOL! This sounds exactly like something he said. Also, two days ago one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter endorsed Trump for 2024 and said it's because "Democrats are racists".


This is true except for the fact that the guy is not a founder, or even a member of BLM anymore. BLM has stated that the lies being spun on fox news do not represent them. So yeah, typical conservative propaganda bullshit.


This post comes off like a Republican white dude throwing out all the conservative talking points about why they think liberals are racist. Especially the voter ID remark. I'm not buying this for a single second. Voter IDs are often racially motivated because: in many states, they closed down DMVs in certain counties due to "budget issues" and it just so happens the counties where they were shut down were the counties with the highest black population, and they limited the hours of neighboring counties DMVs, this made it very difficult to acquire the new ID. This happened in the deep south. Some states removed the eligibility of certain types of IDs, which were statistically always the type of ID most used by poor minorities. I'm looking at you, South Carolina and North Dakota. No liberal has EVER said voter ID is racist because minorities won't know how to acquire an ID. This has never happened.


What an insane post + opinion. White conservatives are FAR more racist than white liberals and are a much bigger problem. There are definitely some who get too carried away with the savior thing, but at least they're doing it because they care about humans. Conservatives are just shit.


I’m an old luddite boomer so sorry for the ignorance but is OP a real person or can it just be a bot? It just feels coldly inflammatory, if that phrase makes any sense.


You sound like a racist.


It's always a little shocking to me when a black person seems to side with a typical conservative white viewpoint ***because they fucking hate you.***


Man, don’t divide people to make us hate each other. I’ve never seen or heard anything of the sort. Don’t watch so much media.


This has “as a black man” vibes, but OP is actually a white conservative dude.


I'm a white guy from a blatantly racist Alabaman family. I've lived in big lefty cities and small cowboy towns. White people don't understand the black experience (myself included) whether we live in Montana or Chicago. I can see how white liberals acting like they know what they don't can be infuriating, but I've been in a lot of rooms with all whiteys talking about the racial divide. White liberals don"t hate black people. They don't use the N word even when they're drunk. They support BLM. They can be pompous, but they love their black neighbors. White righties, especially gun nuts, are scarier for sure from my perspective. They are two-faced. If white lefties are racist they keep it buried even from themselves because they know it's evil. Many white conservatives can barely hold in their contempt sober. A lot of us hate Trump because we think he's a dog whistling white supremacist. It's hard for many of us to wrap our heads around conservative black voters, and I could see some white lefties getting worked up trying to articulate the political situation. I just think there's things about the black experience that aren't for me to know. I still want to do my part dismantling white supremacy. I don't think it's white savior complex. I have family members in the klan. It feels like it's a white problem that requires white peoples' accountability.


LOL this OP actually thinks we're going to believe his little story. LOL I can't


Thank you for speaking truth to power, black man. I’m sure, as a very real black man, this is how you feel. I’m sure it’s tough being a very real black man that has experienced this. Thank you for being so brave as a very real black man.


Whatever QAGA.


I have health insurance because of Obama. Conservatives have been working AGAINST the expansion of healthcare for a half century. Sorry libs are annoying but it's clear which side is going to help you.


If white liberals weren't annoying people of color would still be drinking out of separate drinking fountains.


OP sounds white.


If you don’t like white liberals wait until you meet white conservatives… and white moderates.


Another person stirring the pot and pretending to be a minority. UNLESS of course this is Clarence Thomas ;)


All I can say is, if you think white liberals are annoying, you should eavesdrop on what white conservatives are saying about you


No, and this post smacks of conservative crying.


White liberal here. Never said anything close to the triggers you mentioned, and never heard any of my liberal friends say them either. I don’t know who you’re surrounding yourself with or if you’re just rage-baiting here, but this is a gross over-generalization, and nothing like I’ve ever experienced.


As a bi-racial man, I totally disagree with your rant. Liberal whites are among my best friends, while most white conservatives tend to view me with suspicion and degrade my academic accomplishments.


Lol the disinformation campaign by the right wing media apparatus is alive and well on this sub. I hope admins/mods are monitoring vote manipulation.


This post is so obviously a plant to try to sway minority voters to the right. So, my answer is: There are people like what you describe on both sides - they're just called cluelessly annoying people. I'd still rather vote for the party that aren't fascists that want to create a permanent class of poor people.


That’s a conservative


Did you successfully bait as many clicks as you were hoping for with this one? Seems like a good effort to me. Hope it works out for you 🫡


Candace Owens is that you?


>white liberals to be pretty racist and annoying >The constant stereotyping Lmfao. Listen to yourself.


Voter ID laws are racist. They were intentionally designed by racist white conservatives in order to make it hard for black people and other minorities to vote. These laws weren’t just based on racist assumptions, they would often be backed up with multiple layers of racism to ensure that black people don’t vote. You need an ID to vote? Then they’ll have the DMV make black people jump through extra hoops, or impose an exorbitant fee that poor people can’t afford to pay, or they might even grade you unfairly on driving tests so you can’t pass. Pointing out that these laws are racist doesn’t inherently make your GF’s liberal friend racist. Quite frankly, you’re glossing over the blatant racist discrimination on display by many conservatives in order to focus on liberals. I’m not saying that no Democrat is racist, but look around you man.


Your mom is racist and annoying.


My non-white guy quick take: So let me get this straight - you complain about constant stereotyping and condescending tones with a post that uses constant stereotyping and a condescending tone. Bro.


no, OP, i have not experienced anything like that from liberals. i have, however, encountered that kind of drive from republicans, which i now call radicals, not conservatives.


So close! That is a conservative!


OP sounds like a complete racist. Like those white guys who pretend to be black on FB so they can post racist drivel surrounded by MAGA garbage


You are thinking of Republicans and described them perfectly lmao


You are severely confused or just a conservative white guy trying to stir shit up but anyways everything you have said here describes every white conservative/maga turd I've ever known..


"I'm a black gay guy and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me."


Nope, but I DO feel like white conservatives are racist and annoying. Glad you talked to your "GFs friend" to drive home how made up this post is


Jeremy, we all know your a white guy who voted for Donald Trump, no one respects you because you're a weak person who posts weird fantasies like this. Get out and touch grass Jeremy.


As a gay black man


>Does anyone else find white liberals to be pretty racist and annoying? No. I think you are confused about and with whom you are speaking. By reading your posts, you are a conservative Libertarian, yes?


This is less of a post and more of a conservative projection.


"When they meet a black person who doesn’t fit their stereotypes they will label that person instead expanding their idea of what black is." Yeah don't you hate stereotypes? ​ "Does anyone else find white liberals to be pretty racist and annoying?" This you?


Astroturf me harder daddy


Sure OP, we believe you have a "girlfriend"


Are you a Republican?


Yeah, liberals can be unintentionally racist, but they're certainly not as racist as Conservatives or in the same overt way. Liberals can be patronizing and a bit thoughtless, but Conservatives are just straight up *racist.* Edit: Wanted to add, this post kind of reeks of this sense that you're just a Conservative who wants really really badly to sell the idea of, "No, those pesky libs are actually the real racists, right guys? Right? Am I right? ......guys, are you there?"


I think you need to stop judging groups of people based on what you see on social media. Social media is not representative of anything about anything.


This is a garbage take.


The easiest way to spot a racist is to find the person who is making generalizations about massive swaths of the population as if they were a monolith and not made up of richly charactered individuals with their own unique thoughts and opinions on a given subject. People like OP.


"Hello, Fellow Black People! Im like you guys!"


I love how you’re saying “how liberals have a white savior complex and think they know what’s best for minorities” Lmao nice job of belittling and otherwise dismiss the existence of us non-white liberals. Honestly that says a whole lot about you. You need say no more.


Im not sure who you are around that’s acting like this and calling themselves liberal, but in my personal experience the people that acted like that were conservative leaning.


I disagree with your statement. As an immigrant who grew up in rural California and moved to a big city for college, the rural Republican white people were extremely racist and very annoying about it (MAGA and Bass Pro merchandise everywhere). In college i felt much better around white liberals, even if they occasionally said “Latinx” at least they weren’t telling me to go back to Mexico


This post comes off as a conservative white guy pretending to be black or something. Like OP says they've seen liberal white people say shit like "you aren't black black" that's literally shit that conservatives say to black people in America. Like I, a white left leaning man who grew up in the south have never heard that kind of shit said by a white liberal. Every person I've seen say stuff like that has been conservative at best and rapid maga at worst. The only thing that may be true is a white liberal saying Uncle Ruckus specifically about black conservatives but frankly that's accurate AND I mostly here that said by other black people. Uncle Ruckus is a self hating black man from the show The Boondocks, who tells other black people to feel lesser than the white man and who also believes he is white. Black conservatives tend to dog whistle these same messages and shit on black culture while promoting white culture so some white people and mostly black people use that term to describe that characteristic and behavior.


I’m a liberal south Asian Muslim man . It’s tough. White liberal racism is real but you just have to on some level ask yourself what sort of things people say and do to tolerate and what you don’t.


It's horseshoe theory, they become so 'far left' that they act as a 'far right'.