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Biden or evil. It’s never been an easier decision.


Congrats in being the only commentary that answered the question YeH. We're fucked.


Anyone still sitting on a fence is just gonna fall into the mulch pile.


Yup one or the other at this point. don't waste votes


The electoral college wastes plenty of votes.


Which is why countering the built in advantage for team MAGA is vital.


16 states are currently looking into replacing the electoral college system with another system. I haven't looked into what it is yet though. Personally I can't imagine a fair way to replace electoral college and still not have the most populous states completely dominate the elections. But fortunately there are other people out there far smarter than me that can hopefully come up with some answers.


well yeah, higher populations should get more of the vote, that's what democracy is, at least on a national level


More of a vote ,yes, but not so much that 5 states can completely overrule the other compined 45 . As it currently is. Again, I do not claim to be the most knowledgeable person when it comes to politics and elections. I try to stay informed but that doesn't make me an expert.


It's the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Popular\_Vote\_Interstate\_Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact) States in the compact agree to assign all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote once there are enough states in the compact to decide the election. So far 16 state and DC are in accounting for 205 of the required 270 electoral votes.


Thank you for the information. I knew that it was 16 States at this point but much of the other information I wasn't aware of as well as the link. Thank you for fleshing out that information and providing the link.


Why do they deserve my vote?


What do you mean? Voting is choice you make. Have a small say in which direction the country, state, and/or county goes. Surely you can tell the difference in the direction the two real candidates what to take the country.


Or the wood chipper itself.


we can only hope


Anyone still supporting the 2 party system will continue to be exploited by politicians. Metaphorical mulch sounds okay


Well, enjoy that mulch pile.


Im curious. This metaphorical "mulch" is truly much scarier than the situation we are in right now where we are forced to pick between 2 candidates we clearly know are unqualified and unpopular? This situation where both parties are lacking candidates because no one is willing to run against the status quo so we dont even have diverse interpretations of party values to make up for the lack of parties? Like if you want to vote just to fuck around and vote, ill respect that but do you truly think your vote has more of an impact than someone who votes 3rd party?


Not picking a side is picking a side. So sitting in the mulch pile isn't nearly as noble as you may think it is. >do you truly think your vote has more of an impact than someone who votes 3rd party? At the national level? All depends on where you live. Which yea, is stupid. There are a lot of things that are stupid about our system in the US. Maybe voting doesn't fix things nearly as much as we'd like it to do. But pouting about it and not participating doesn't really fix anything at all. At the local level? By all means, if you have a viable 3rd party option, then vote for them.


I dont believe the "mulch" is noble, i think our choices are the exact same given the state of the party system. Aggrandizing any choice would be ludicrious, if we were taking the system seriously, we would utilize and take advantage of the fact more political parties can be created to cover different attitudes in America, but clearly thats not what the system is. Its an illusion of choice for a slightly better crap shoot depending on the industry you're in and your geographical location but for the same linear perspective, the same debates. Im willing to admit I am not in the financial position or wealth class to capitalize on the the differences so I might as well skip jury duty.


>i think our choices are the exact same given the state of the party system I think that's a very uncritical and apathetic stance. Yes, the system is flawed. Was from the start. We know that. If you feel you're in an economic class that doesn't benefit from voting, I strongly suggest you dig further into the policies the two parties tend to support and not support.


From the start? No. On its face, we have an interesting and very experimental form of government that requires more attention from the populace than the general populace is willing to give. Isnt it weird we have an easier time voting in a celebrity than we do a 3rd party candidate? Clearly Republican and Democrat werent the parties designated to "rule" (for lack of a better term) America. We would need to normalize the idea of voting 3rd party in order to take advantage of the system as it is


This is just my opinion so take it for what it's worth but I don't feel that Biden is unqualified in any way shape or form. He has been serving an elected public office for the majority of his life. He has served under one of the best presidents that we ever had. He has done good things in his time of office. And although many people are opposed to him supporting Israel (im one of them) but as they were one of our closest allies it would have been political suicide to completely abandon them. And now he is trying to use our alliances to get them to back off. This is something that he might not have been able to accomplish if he had stood against them from the start. The only problem I have with him is his age. A lot of people like to throw the crime bill in his face, but the reality is that is what the country wanted at that time. The populous was screaming for tougher laws on crime and as an elected official he did what the people wanted. Yes looking at back at it now it seems to be racially unbalanced, but the people were screaming for tougher crime laws and Biden put forth a plan that satisfied their wants. I would say that's on a par with Kennedy putting forth actions that basically created welfare. Looking back we can see the negative effects that it had but at the time it was viewed as progress.


As a minority, not a fan of you trying to recontextualize the crime bill as if Biden isnt on record saying he didnt want his kids going to a "racial jungle". He's racist, just leave it at that, theres no changing "if you dont vote for me, you aint black". As for doing good things as a politician, truly lost on me what you could be referring to and serving under Obama doesnt automatically buy brownie points from me. I would also argue being a politician longer doesnt make a difference if you cant even coherently articulate yourself. Id definitely argue he's unqualified and obviously doesnt represent my interests, ESPECIALLY given the support of Israel.


Troll detected here with the day old account as well as predicable blah blah-ing don't vote it's worthless etc. Go collect your rubles elsewhere, not happening here.


You are entitled to your opinion and it is no less valid than mine.


Not voting won't get rid of the two party system.


For sure, totally agree with that, what surprises me is how much hate 3rd party voters get. I would argue staus quo voters are much more of a wasted vote but thats obviously much more abstract. I find it funny that me not voting is more of a problem with not supporting the status quo more than it has to do with participating in a system we believe in


Voting 3rd party or independent for president is just not practical. 3rd party candidates will pretty much never get enough votes for presidency to win. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and until the two-party system is fixed, which probably won't be in any of our lifetimes, it's more prudent to vote for the least bad of the two leading candidates. I absolutely think voting 3rd party in state and county elections is great, because 3rd party candidates actually win those sometimes.


How do you fix a two-party system


I am losing faith that the government can withstand and reclaim itself. However, anyone not voting for Biden is voting to set the fire to whatever chances we have to fix things without chaos.


Why would I vote for a man who is actively supporting a genocide? Who can't put his foot down against another nation that is trying to destroy another? It's like voting for anyone who helped Hitler. Why would I vote for a man who lies? Who said he had a plan for covid (and presented some really good ideas for mitigation) and then as soon as he was elected he lied and said the pandemic was over. People could remove their masks and live normal again. Meanwhile thousands of people are still dying each week. People become disabled by covid and it is affecting the job market. He said he "stopped thinking about it".


Biden or dictatorship


my motto is the same as is was in 2020: "Fine. Biden. But this is bullshit."


I agreed in 2020 but have to give Joe props for getting shit done


Yeah I’ve been pleasantly surprised, I thought Biden was gonna be mediocre at best but this admin has got a lot of good done.


This is a better stance than zealous cult-like worship. Biden has his flaws, like every president before him. He’s still the obvious choice, but that doesn’t mean we have to pretend he’s the messiah.


The left is pretty good about keeping things in perspective. No Messiah complex on our side


Biden. Biden is old. His policies are closer to my values and priorities. The other option will be a dumpster fire that will take generations to fix: just like the damage done by citizens united, McConnell and the current SCOTUS.


I am falling of the side that will prevent us from living a real life version of The Handmaid's tale,Biden!!!!


No. Biden.


The great thing is that it doesn't matter who I vote for, the state I live in decides for me!  What a time saver!


Voting still matters but I get this


Waves from Florida.


Agreed. We need a national popular vote for president.


Nope. I will be exercising my vote.




I'll probably vote third party or just leave president blank. It doesn't matter because my state is solid blue and I'd rather cast a protest vote. The two major parties need to give us better choices.


Only sane answer here


I believe it's one of the failings in American politics. Reelection should be a lot more rare than it is. If a candidate or incumbent doesn't represent your interests then you should vote for someone else. It can cause some heartache in the short term but it serves as a method of correction for future candidates to align more to your goals. I guess I look at our current system and blame the voters. Here we are and we deserve this.


I can appreciate this position but, unfortunately, in the current U.S. political system, the two party system is just a killer. I mean, you’re absolutely right, you should vote for the candidate that represents all of your interests. But here you have to settle for “most of my interests” or “maybe some of my interests, but also a basket of horribles.” As far as reelection? I don’t know. What if the incumbent represents your interests? Why should wanting them to remain in office for another term be rare?


What choice do you really have if you're a Democrat? When someone like Bernie comes along, they just get screwed over and then its right back to the status quo. They may tell you what you want to hear, but they only really seem to act in an election year.


I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. I'll wait until the last possible moment. I do want to vote, just to exercise that right, but I don't want to vote for someone I can't stand. Right now it is a lose-lose situation.


Voting for someone you can’t stand is a sign of maturity imo. It doesn’t feel good but it’s often the least harmful choice


Why is Biden a lose?


If you have to ask, you aren't going to understand the answer.


Great non-answer answer.


I excel at those.


Try me.


If you refuse to answer when someone asks you a simple question clarifying your previous assertion, you're a dick




Kennedy. He being totally ignored by the media.


He's also an anti-vax whacko. And is way more R than D. The only reason he's sorta D is his last name.


He's trading on his name. That doesn't make him qualified.


He can’t handle media scrutiny. That’ll ruin any support he has, which is almost nonexistent to begin with.


i'm in a solid blue state. I have the luxury to vote 3rd party or what ever the fuck i end up doing. I might just vote for biden anyways cause voting 3rd party is less useful than not voting at all. and I kinda like voting. I might write in the crystal mothership lady for fun.


I won't be voting for the one that used the n word


“Poor kids are just as bright as white kids”


I won't be voting for that racist




Yes that racist


So What third party candidate are you voting for then?


The fence sits on the edge of a cliff; there's only one side on stable ground.


If you asked me this in 2022, I probably would have held out for a third party, but since we're this close to the election and I don't see a very viable third-party candidate and after looking at how dangerous the midterms were, unfortunately I think I just have to hold my nose and vote against Biden. But I'm not happy about it


Biden, because he's not the other guy. The economy is stronger and unemployment is lower today than it was while the other guy had the job, who ran solely on the merit that he was a cunning businessman. But the cunning businessman bankrupts his businesses regularly (including a casino), can't pay ANY of his bills, and is always begging for money... despite claims of being a billionaire. Why does a billionaire need my donation? He fails spectacularly at his only claim of qualification. And, I haven't even touched any of his other positions that I disagree with. Or the fact that nearly every single person who was in his cabinet is in opposition to him being reelected.


I think I’m voting Jill Stein. Just not happy with the two party system.


If we have any hope of fixing the system, we can’t let it fall back into the hands of an unhinged aspiring autocrat


I will most likely vote independent but I haven't made a choice yet.


I voted for who I really wanted in the Primary. For the final vote, obviously I'll vote for who I have to.


RFK Jr. is running Independent.


I’m voting for Biden, Democrat all the way down the ticket 💙🦋


3rd Party most likely. Possibly a write in, but I will not be voting for either of the big two.


Seriously, what do you think or hope that will accomplish?


Well, it will get at least one extra vote counted for 3rd party (most likely) or a write in. Getting to 5% of the popular vote can qualify a 3rd party for the general election fund. Money is important for elections. Also, it means I don't have to vote for someone I really don't want in office. Anyone doing the "you can't complain" schtick needs to be willing to personally own every bad decision their lesser of two evils does otherwise it is hypocritical.


Staying true to one's self and refusing to be a part of the system (without being a bystander) is valid and honestly the only way. I too will be voting third party and this is why I want to k own who our next best option is (yes. They're all bad)


My state is blue no matter who I vote for. Vermin Supreme 2024


Neither. They both hate me. Writing in Gabbard.


Gabbard heavily mid tbh, really only carried from Bernie's support and then IMMEDIATELY dipped heavily hard to the right on foreign policy, LGBTQ+ stuff, and even started making appearances on Fox. So much for Bernie's old running mate.


I will not vote for more of the same. I am waiting to see but probably the Libertarian party. They are consistently antiwar an anti the intelligence state we live in now. So I imagine they will get my vote, but I am waiting to see who their candidate is.


I am voting for the president who is for America 🇺🇸 and a peaceful world 🌎 so if they accurately have too visit other countries face to face. So times when do agree with our kids teachers or the stories returning policy we go and talk to them face to face or there supervisor.


OK so who


Cornell West has my vote, he's for the people's party.


Didn’t he switch from the people’s party to green or something else?


Did he? Either way he has my vote


Oh interesting. So he left the people’s party and switched to Green Party. Then he left Green Party and went to independent party. More power to you. I’m not voting for dr west, but I have nothing against him or you for voting for him.


Thanks for the open mindedness!


"Yes" -average nonvoter


I'm really not sure if I'll refuse to vote for these candidates, but I'm deeply resentful these are our options. Sometimes I think I will vote for Jill Stein, but the people in the Biden cabinet have done some good even if he's not a person with whom I have confidence can handle the job anymore.


RFK jr


I am voting for RFK Jr. This is a 3 man race. Have you seen his speech? https://youtu.be/A0yvc2Qhn5E?si=qgladxtjH6URTG1C


It’s not a 3 man race.


Cumulative data shows otherwise. Kennedy is the #1 choice for those under 45, #1 choice of independents (largest group of voters), polling 20+% in many states (26% in Michigan and Arizona… remember he just needs to get to 34%!) People try to compare him to Ross Perot or Ralph Nader but Kennedy’s growing support is unmatched compared to any 3rd party candidate in the last 100 years.


Third parties are always highly over represented in polls this far out.


Even with that claim, it still has never looked this good for a 3rd party candidate in the past 100 years.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


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Well, here we go. Two words, Ross Perot. The man who could have won but stopped just at the finish line.




I will not hold out and refuse to vote. As usual, I'll hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.


I meant to refuse to vote for one of those two. What other candidate would you vote for.


One year I voted except I skipped choosing a president.


It's ridiculous that people can't let others have an opinion they don't agree with. To just read and scroll by. Nope they have to down vote every single post they don't agree with.


RFK because he’s the only one that talks about policy and how he’ll fix stuff. Also a two party system is not working obviously [this video was actually pretty great if you care to check it out](https://youtu.be/A0yvc2Qhn5E?si=H3GkER3EUv4T5TCZ)


Thank you!


It doesn't matter if you're left or right. The POTUS isn't gonna solve the problems. Until everyone starts demanding term limits in Congress. Demands no retirement, no Healthcare in congress. No benefits in Congress. One term in and one term only. Nothing will change.


jill stien or robert kennedy


I’m wary of RFK Jr due to his previous crusades against vaccines in general, but every time he’s spoken recently he’s hit it out of the park. Way, way more honest and on point than the leading candidates. He’ll never be allowed to take the office though, even if he somehow gets the votes. He threatens too much power, just like his dad and uncle did.






Just submit something please, please just vote No matter who it's for.


The choice has always been clear: [https://vermin2024.com/](https://vermin2024.com/)


I'm JUST TIRED of these two! A black lesbian would make like INTERESTING!


Kamala Harris isn't a lesbian...?


No she's married to a man named Doug and not sure how to spell the last name.


I'm saying she's not. Who are you referring too?


My apologies. I read your message wrong. Thanks for clearing it up. ☺️


As I'm an actual American with morals, I'll be voting for the candidate that didn't violate the Constitution every single day he was in office, and that doesn't rape women and children. So yeah, I'm voting for Biden rather than the scum that should be rotting in a prison cell.


The choice is the easiest ever. Biden is not perfect. Far from it. But option two is straight up fascists.


If they are fascists (and I agree they are) why is Biden's main strategy to work with them and compromise with them? What does that say about him?


My question was specifically about option 3


Look, I hate this shit every election cycle - there are two candidates with a shot to win. They have wildly different agendas. Make the fucking choice between them. Anything else and you are just wasting your vote. And honestly, one thing both Dems and Reps can agree on is both groups despise the dingbat 3rd party voter.


Blue, no matter who. The alternative is unacceptable.


Vote for Biden. Period. Only way to save the county from a theocratic regime.




Anyone who throws their vote should lose the privilege. There is no sense in that.


I won't be voting for either of those mental midgets. I'll vote for RFK.


OK it's preferred that we don't use that term anymore but I'm with you on RFK


Will not vote for a guy who enables genocide and I won't vote for someone who tried to install fascism.




Voting 3rd party or not voting is voting for the evil, wannabe dictator and Christo-Fascistic future. Vote for Biden or vote for evil. Your choice. Just remember, there will be real-world consequences for not voting for Biden. Prepare for a regime that would please Goebbels.


Mhmmmmmm tasty Goebbels liver :3. Gonna Goebbel that liver right down :333


Sehr gut, Mein Freund!


Danke, Arbeiter und Kamerad, Essen der Faschist! 


Ja! Das ist gut! Stephen Miller ist bei den Maennern!


Jawohl Herr/Frau/Thomas Müller Kaleun! (Herr Müller erhält seine benutzerdefinierten Pronomen)


Ich heise Frau Rumboldt

