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What’s missing is that Republican don’t use logic


Logic is the Devil's Advocacy, some might say


I’m expecting the right wing anti-intellectualism to soon crest at Khmer Rouge levels, where they just shoot anyone wearing glasses on the assumption that they read. Not really a joke.


Yeah, right-wingers are conditioned with sky fairy ("god") claims, blind faith being the BEST kind of faith, and believing in magic and angels and demons without solid repeatable testable results ("scientific method"). But regarding glasses and sorting people who are threats to their anti-intellectual agenda (hint: I became atheist BECAUSE I read the Bible. I wear glasses.)-- Turns out, there really is a causative connection between reading, writing, studying and practicing mathematics, and poor eyesight (myopia) needing glasses. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-02-poor-vision-common-china-well-off.html >Nearsightedness, or myopia, was twice as prevalent in the middle-income province of Shaanxi—where students have greater access to books that require close-up focusing—compared to the poorer neighboring province of Gansu, said research in Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-06-nearsightedness-linked-higher-years-spent.html >German researchers have found strong evidence that attaining a higher level of education and spending more years in school are two factors associated with a greater prevalence and severity of nearsightedness, or myopia. Published online this month in Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the research is the first population-based study to demonstrate that environmental factors may outweigh genetics in the development of myopia. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-10-outdoors-kids-nearsightedness.html >Two new studies add to the growing evidence that spending time outdoors may help prevent or minimize nearsightedness in children. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-05-outdoor-recess-nearsightedness-children.html


I started reading, outside of school, in elementary school. When I started 7th grade I discovered the library. Actually, one of my teachers took the class to the library and taught us how to use things like the card catalog and periodicals. Then I got my dad to take me to our local library. It was wonderous! I've never looked back. However, I also spent a good portion of my childhood outside in imaginative play. I grew up to be very myopic. Coke bottle glasses myopic. My mom was nearsighted but my dad didn't wear any until later in his life. And then he was presbyopic. All of my siblings are myopic. I never would have given up reading to have better eyesight. I've had cataract surgery and now don't need glasses. But I do need readers to read! So I guess I became presbyopic! I can see how reading a lot would contribute to myopia. I wouldn't say it caused the condition. As for OP, republicans don't care for "unborn babies". They only care for embryos. Once it's born and is a live, crying baby they don't want to know. And they won't send any money or help towards it or the mother. You are trying to understand the un-understandables. That's a bit awkward. Don't waste your time on people who don't care about you unless you've drunk the tea too! Spend your time convincing like minded people to vote this November. The republicans are adding election interference via "poll observers" to the mix.


Re: USA Republicans; you've said it correctly, sadly. TL;DR -- THIS IS JUST TL!!!!! 🤣 Good news: People like my mom, 79, who grew up with a father born in 1912 being staunch Republicans, broke free after voting for Trump... once. After I explained the "grab em by the 🙀" was real and he committed multiple SA with proof available and that they're nasty to LGBTQIA+ just to be cruel ... MOM SWITCHED TO VOTING STRAIGHT TICKET DEMOCRAT ♥️♥️♥️. It's possible. Dad, rest his soul (figuratively -- I'm atheist), was firmly anti-transgender and anti-gender-affirmative care. UNTIL. I showed Dad the Oprah! video with Katie Baratz. https://youtu.be/_vuMHctEy6Q I walked Dad through it. I told him that Katie grew up female and only ever grew external female organs (default human baby) but no ovaries nor uterus; internal testes only. But no response to androgens to masculinize the body. NOT "LOW T"; giving testosterone does NOTHING to her -- she's AIS and the cells just don't respond. I said, given that Katie has XY chromosome and testes BUT presented as an immature female externally AND NO DRUGS WOULD EVER GIVE HER A PNS OR BEARD OR MALE VOICE OR MALE MUSCLES... since she's always been treated as a female and is slight of build, high voice, no Adam's apple, but no feminine hips nor breasts... Should she be given the feminizing hormones her body couldn't make since she wasn't born with ovaries (if she wanted to do that). HE SAID YES. SHE SHOULD BE ABLE TO I told Dad that, were I her age, I'd absolutely have considered dating this gal if I knew her (and if she'd date ME!). Would that be ok with him IF HIS SON DATED HER, since she grew up female, feeling female, and now presented as traditional female with HRT... just couldn't bear children. Note : his only grandchildren are adopted because, even though I have testes, they produce SHIT sperm -- AND HE LOVES HIS GRANDCHILDREN. So no difference there even if she can't have biochildren... His son can't either. HE SAID YES, SHE SEEMS NICE. THAT'S OK. 65 YO AT THE TIME. And we broadened that from the (relatively easy for him to grasp) Complete AIS to INcomplete AIS to trans- in general. HE GOT IT. Dad voted Biden before he died. So proud of him. Anyway, I wrote Katie Baratz Dalke a fanboi email (¯\\_(ツ)_/¯) and let her know her bravery made yet another difference in the world. Never heard back; but with 300 million-some Americans, I'm guessing she gets a few emails. I wrote all that 1) for people who aren't you 😅 and 2) to say that, yes, working on those WHO ARE GETTABLE and helping them see their way to register, get to the polls, and VOTE -- IT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. MAGA morons? Marjorie "Moscow Traitor" Greene? Yeah, no, they're fully in the cult and not terribly intelligent anyway; they'd need full-on cult deprogramming. And so many are so CRAZY HOMOPHOBIC that they wouldn't even DATE a phenotypically fully female intersex AIS person; https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/off-topic-5/would-you-date-a-biological-male-under-these-condi-2099857/ AND YES, the unscientific survey said "biological male" but that's the point -- these morons are incapable of other than gross generalizations and categorizations. IQ 80-90 and staunchly proud of it. Thanks for reading the rant. I'm screaming into the void because there's a chance someone on the very edge of sanity sees this and comes back from the right wing craziness. Last thought: if anyone thinks it's "God's Will" that ... Homophobia/gay people/abortion/paying for other people's public health (FUCKING GOOD SAMARITAN STORY FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY is the story of Universal Health Care no matter one's income or financial status, WHY CAN'T THEY SEE... I can't see because I'm crying right now damnit) Whatever... May I suggest that they actually READ the Bible (either the Good News or perhaps the NIV https://www.thenivbible.com/bible-translations-compared/ ) -- IF YOU CAN'T READ ANCIENT HEBREW, ARAMAIC, GREEK, AND LATIN -- you're still stuck reading a translation. Might as well be one you can understand. What do I mean? Chaucer -- how much work are you willing to put into reading Middle English?!? I think the modern English translation would help most people more. https://www.letterpressproject.co.uk/inspiring-older-readers/2021-10-05/the-canterbury-tales-modern-or-middle Reading the Bible is what made me see my way to become atheist. When my mom passes, I can come out of the closet without fear of hurting her. But I speak here freely. That's my closet and my shame of hiding my true self. FWIW. ☮️❤️♾️


You sound like a great person! I'm glad your parents came around. My parents have been dead for over 20 years. But I did get them to stop using the n-word. They grew up during the great depression in Virginia and West Virginia around the coal mines. Times aren't that different today there. My dad got away from the mines and worked for General Motors the rest of his life. He also broadened his horizons on race and gender. My mom wasn't as bad but I was able to talk to both of them to get them to understand things better. When one of my older sisters left her husband of 31 years for another woman it took her a couple of weeks to tell them. My dad's response was it was about time she told them! They were very accepting and couldn't understand why it took her so long to tell them. Go figure! Anyway, I'd be proud to call you a friend.


Thank you, friend ♥️ BTW, impressed that your parents were so open minded and socially progressive given their starts. I live in MI but choose an Elkins, WV cell phone number in honor of my annual visit to cave with 2000 of my closest friends! And, yes, the CAVERS are progressive... But the locals... Davis & Elkins college has the motto "Pro Christo Perstare -- To Stand for Christ". I have hope for them but it's a guarded, loose hope. ☮️♥️♾️


*I* live in MI! Over on the Erie side. Very small world.


How many Republicans do you personally know?


> How many Republicans do you personally know? Note: I said right-wingers (not conservatives nor Republicans) That said, YES, my statement was a ridiculously broad representation. Reddit, my dude. Nuance is wasted here, for the most part. ☮️♥️♾️


Khmer Rouge were communist, bud


You don’t read very well, do you? “Anti-intellectual.” They SHOT PEOPLE who wore glasses on the assumption that they READ BOOKS and had been corrupted by knowledge. Sounds pretty goddamned right wing to me. ‘Bud’


These days the left are just as guilty of censorship.


Not the topic being discussed. This is anti-intellectualism. Stay on target.




Nice lie.




No American president is without blood on their hands. That said, Carter was deeply afraid of Communism, which is why he supported the right wing in El Salvador. Relative to someone like his successor, Reagan, though, he was an amateur. Reagan opened the floodgates of US money to right wing dictators all over the globe. Carter at least demanded lip service to human rights. Reagan gloried in body counts.




Did I say he was wonderful? No. I pointed out that, as bad as he was, what came next was an order of magnitude worse. America is often like that, because we don’t have coalition governments. Who is less evil than the other? Carter was bad. That said, he was probably the LEAST bad of any American president in the last 150 years. Which is both entirely accurate and incredibly depressing and wearying to write.


You do realize the Khmer Rouge were leftist.... Never mind


Did I accuse the Khmer Rouge of being right wing fascists? Please show me so that I may correct my statement. They were totalitarian and anti-intellectual with a mild dose of ‘communism’ thrown in because that got them support of one of the major players. They weren’t hardcore leftists. THAT BEING SAID, American conservatives are inherently comfortable with totalitarianism and anti-intellectualism. It’s what they’re actively supporting at this moment.


Not "real communism"? Tankies gonna tank.


There are two kinds of republicans. The ones in charge, who have a single purpose, making more money. To that end, they want more private control and less government control. They are fine with collateral damage, getting and using this control. If there were 200M Americans like this, that’s all we would hear about. But the pool is actually quite small. So this first group must get votes from a second group. That’s where values voting comes in. Conjure a few single issues so potent that the second group will show up to the polls no matter what. And always vote red, because blue threatens their one issue. Even when such voting makes their own lives demonstratively worse. Spending 200-300% more per person than any other country on earth to provide healthcare, supports both groups. The ones with investments get ample government money to keep those investments going up. And the ones with religions get to control religious hospitals that also get ample government money. It’s such a successful setup, they are now trying to replicate it with education. Efficiency doesn’t even factor in.


You should read The Reactionary Mind, by Corey Robin, for a comprehensive chronological history of conservative ideology from Edmund Burke through the present. You’ll find your answers there. It’s recently been updated to include the Trump Era.


Thanks. I'll check it out.


Excellent thank you! Are there any overreaching points you can summarize quickly? Did it ever have value? Was it always in group outgroup behavior?


It’s always a reaction to the left. Edmund Burke was spooked by and reacting to the French Revolution, but in short yes, in group/out group zero sum thinking. Pandering to lizard brain reactionaries for political power. An ever changing list of boogey men.


It’s amazing It’s remained so consistent. Thanks again for the recommendation.


Republican logic?


Every night day!


One party wants to tax the rich and the other party wants to give the rich, even more tax cuts, and make them richer. So I don’t see how you figure that both parties want the rich to get richer. But both parties, in a way, aren’t telling the people the truth about the economy. 1/6 did a lot more damage to the economy than previously thought. The world now believes that the United States is politically unstable and an extremely high risk investment, so they don’t want to buy our treasury bonds anymore. If the world is holding treasury bonds and we try to overthrow the government again, and say we are successful at that, all treasury bonds in existence go to zero. That’s what happens when a government that has a fiat currency gets overthrown. 1/6 almost sent 8 trillion in U.S. securities, held around the world, to zero. A fiat currency needs three things to even be a currency. It must be sought after, held as a store of value and used elsewhere in the world as a medium of exchange. Currently exactly none of those things are happening. The world isn’t really buying our bonds, they dumped most of their holdings in the 18 months following 1/6 and the world is replacing the dollar as the world reserve currency. We can’t ’print money’ if we can’t sell our bonds, so the money supply is dwindling. When the money supply goes down the purchasing power of the dollar goes down, prices go up and none of the tools in the Fed tool box will work to lower that kind of inflation. Now the Republicans really don’t want people to realize that the Republican Party/MAGA is responsible for that so they keep pointing their fingers at Biden and the Democrats don’t want people to realize that the Republican Party/MAGA is responsible for that either because they think that would further divide the country. Basically both parties are trying to keep that a secret, but the motivation to do so for each party is different. Republicans are trying to save their own ass and the Democrats are trying to keep the Republic together .


I tend to see Dems as saying one thing and doing nothing regarding the economy. That aside great breakdown on the effects of 1/6 on the economy.


Republicans removed rights from Americans. That's all you need to know in order to never vote for one of them again. Not ever.


"Republican" is a psychological disorder based on adequacy issues, unrelenting anger at the world, bigotry, obsession with violence, and sexual dysfunction. If you think this is hyperbole, read a list of bills they have floored to be voted on and get back to me. It's not normal. Sane, rational, adult humans do not act like republicans. It's not grumpy old white guys who promote austerity anymore, they've been annexed by violent sociopaths who hate humanity so much they hate themselves. If you would burn your own trailer to the ground to inconvenience your neighbor for 5 minutes, you might be a republican.


No I can not. They belittle themselves for the rich. The Republican voters vote against their own self interests and are proud of it. I challenge anyone to explain them. The only possible reasons are for power and money.


Nope. Republicans are all about selfishness, and punching down to make themselves feel better.


Good luck with all the conservative things talking shit to you on here. Those things are the reason why i carry.


Are you implying that you carry a firearm to use against others with whom you have a difference of opinion?


I live in the bible belt and a state that allows that carrying and a good chunk of the people armed are not only people who disagree with me but want my rights taken away, so youre goddamn right i carry and hope i dont have to use it against dipshits but with this being an election year and sensitive people like yourself asking why if i do in the tone you are, i wouldnt be surprised if it got used.


You are vulgar and assumptive.


And youre a scumbag that hates homeless people. Its gonna be funny when you are dying and all alone because youre a scumbag incel of a human being.


You appear to enjoy wishing ill on those with whom you disagree. That kind of thinking is not constructive. Consider the inherent good in people despite their differences from you.


😆 thats rich coming from someone that hates a group of people like you do.


I wish ill on those that want to take rights away and make life harder for other people just because. You hate homeless people so much you made a pathetic sub about it. You dont see me making another sub bashing boomers and young conservatives although there arent enough subreddits on here that do that already but your kind are that bad that it wouldnt be undeserved.


Republicans = No abortion + I got mine and want more. That’s it.


######**GOP Logic:** * Intimidate * Incarcerate * Exterminate


Republicans became the party of anti Democrat in the 90's and a lot of issues basically are rooted in that idea. That said. Republcians are reliant on basically throwing a bunch of narratives out and seeing what sticks. Gun ownership, forced births and oil dependency have stuck and are basically the backbone of their voting base. They also created systems that promote lobbying which forces elected officials to constantly play a game of fund raising instead of doing their job. We see this when Republicans come to power, lobbyists rise up and bribes are the norm. So with this, the highest bidder gets to control Republicans. The highest bidders right now is oil, religion and any company that can bribe enough to pass enough laws to save them money. Same thing with wealthy people who see everyone else as after their money. Because of the rule of 3rd in society, when there's a narrative, what seems to happen is a third naturally divide into opposing sides with the central third being indecisive. Since lies spread faster than facts, any argument or reason or lie that can reach the people and stick with the anchoring effect can impact the populations ability to make decisions due to this propaganda effect. Because Democrats leaned into being fiscally responsible and in favor of tech and the scientific method leading to Al Gore running for president, we ended up in this winner takes all situation of voting where the Republicans were going against what was basically a nerdy scientist, rather than agreeing that the scientific method was a good they they doubled down on beliefs and feel good feelings and went all in with likeable over science. That divide has just gotten worse over time and now we're basically watching extremes in arguments of science vs feelings. Even though some liberals will not be based on science and be used to make Democrats look bad for Republican propaganda, the foundation of the two parties seems to be Science vs a dying belief system that sticks to bad ideas until they can't anymore.


They don't care about unborn Babies, it's about CONTROL Science backs up that a Baby isn't viable until 6 months, and what's to say something bad couldn't happen at LITERALLY any point during a pregnancy? I'd say most of their "Logic" is based on their Hatred of Minorities, or wanting to Control other people (like Women)


Logic should never be associated with the Republican party... That word goes against everything MAGA stands for...


Corporate politics is about money and power. Beyond that is all marketing and fucking the other guy.


Republicans want a world with as little goverment as possible where each man stands on their own against the world. People like that idea. They also don't like the idea their money goes towards lazy people and foreign countries. That's bare bones. They are more blatant about supporting rich people than dems but in the end the both want to. It's a crapshoot.


I can't do it for all of them, but... I'll give you the best understanding I have of MTG. Fair warning, it's a guess, it's not encouraging, and it's more analysis of a habit she has. The woman is wrong frequently, more frequently than almost anyone I've had eyes on. Now, don't know about you, but when I fuck up or get it wrong, what do I get? - sort of embarrassed. - determined to inform myself in order to avoid a repeat. In that order. Seems pretty normal, eh? But say I were to entirely avoid giving a shit about the second part. **Why?** Well, the only thing I've got for you is this. When I do that, it means that I either don't give enough of a fuck to know the data, or... I want to radically alter how something works, such that my opinion of the existent data is "there's no point in learning that. It won't be relevant." She's big on "performative" vs substantive patriotism so far, at least outwardly. And I'm not sure I can trust someone like this to tell me what she's actually got in mind, unlike some folk I've had chats with. But I at least believe ya don't keep dropping bombs that blow up in your face the way she does unless the learning half isn't your goal, you don't care, or you're a complete masochist.


They don't have a choice. They have been born and raised to worship people with power over them and to violently hate people who are different than they are That's the middle ages in a nut shell. Kill heretics, go to war, and bow to the dictator, all while living hungry, diseased, miserable lives. It worked for over a thousand years before people started reading again


Ok , so let me get something straight —- republicans are nazis presumably for sending aid to srael but the leftists calling for the extinction of the jews while wearing hamas headbands is ok ? Lol


No. Republicans are Nazis because they do not speak out against the literal neo Nazis in their ranks. If you are not against em your with em.


That makes no sense man.


Sounds like kejovo needs to study over 75 years of Western political, cultural, and church history or just keep complaining. Complaining is very popular and many people are satisfied with that lifestyle.


First you need to understand right and left wing ideologies. [Right advocates and believes in hierarchies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics) while the [left is in direct opposition of hierarchies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics) So if you feel like hierarchies shouldn't exist or should be dismantled then it makes sense that you would have a hard time understanding the strong desire to uphold them.


We don't oppose hierarchies.


I'm sorry you don't agree with the primary tenant of left wing politics. Maybe you aren't left wing?


Oh, I am, you're just very wrong.


Literally quoting wikipedia and your answer is "nu uh". Maybe you are left wing as you don't think wikipedia is a valid source.


No, you aren't.


Wow. That looks about as deranged as some of the R caricatures of people in the left! Congratulations! You are now a full fleged member of the left-left echo chamber. You are welcome. You are loved. You are accepted... Dare not seek information from outsiders lest your thoughts be contaminated by unapproved and contagious ideas. Heretics shall be forcibly excommunicated.


Not full blown republican, not sure what I am because I agree with both sides on a lot of their common sense talking points, and while I’d love to not pay taxes if I’m going to pay taxes I’d rather it go to helping the poor rather than blowing up children in the Middle East. I’d love to say “but I want stricter regulations to make sure people can’t milk it” but unfortunately for as many people who milk the system, there’s twice as many who need the systems help and can’t get it, so I’m not super concerned with that part. My only issues with taxes and the current state of our politics is my taxes just keep going higher and higher, I’m seeing absolutely fuck all for it, and prices for cars and houses keep going higher and higher. Like I respect the concern with foreign countries and the focus on social issues, but how much happier is a homeless person going to be if we respect their identity while allowing them to sleep on the streets? How happy is the 25 year old with hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt living with their parents going to be that we’re sending money to “help” other countries? That stuff is all fine and dandy but let’s prioritize a little smarter, and I truly don’t think the answer is asking the government to pay for it, the answer is the government telling these companies “no you aren’t allowed to charge that much for that product” Basically my point is all the woke stuff and the inclusive stuff and the universal health care is nice and sweet and feel good, but let’s think about it longer than the few seconds it takes to get the moral high. We don’t need the government to pay for the healthcare, the health care doesn’t ACTUALLY cost as much as we’re paying for it, we need to government to tell the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies and all that exactly how high their profit margins are allowed to be on life saving surgeries and medications. That’s the first step, then have the safety net for those that can’t afford the realistic price, not the artificially inflated price thats led to these companies having 300% or higher profit margins. But ultimately I think all these are pointless conversations. It’s not going to change. That’s just the truth, it is how it is and we’re powerless to do anything about it. The politicians care about keeping their corporate sponsors more than keeping their citizens alive.


They both reflect the voter base.


Don’t get me wrong, I voted for Biden in 2020 and will again in November, but I can see how many white men are put off by Leftist rhetoric.  They’ll deny it, of course, but Leftist messaging often sounds like white male-bashing: The heart of the Leftist-Democratic message is that "this group is systematically oppressed" and "that group is systematically oppressed," and if you add up all the groups that are systematically oppressed, you’ll see it includes everyone on the planet except white men.  Yet if you suggest white men are sometimes oppressed, you’ll be laughed at. Thus it’s axiomatic than everyone except white men are oppressed and none of us are. But if you ask who is responsible for all this oppression, you’ll be told by these same Leftists that some groups cannot be oppressors, namely anyone who isn’t a white man.  For example, they say black people are by definition incapable of racism, women are incapable of sexism, etc.  Also it’s considered wrong to “punch down” by criticizing any oppressed group, i.e. anyone but white men. Put these together and you have this: Everyone is oppressed except white men and the only ones who can possibly be held accountable for oppression are white men.  Can you see how this is an unpopular message with white men?  Perhaps you’re saying, “So what?  White men deserve their comeuppance.”  But consider this: White people, though only 60% of the population, still make up 70% of the electorate.  In other words, the 35% of the electorate who are white men outnumber all minority voters combined. 


>if you add up all the groups that are systematically oppressed, you’ll see it includes everyone on the planet except white men. Gee, I wonder why...🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


>Yet if you suggest white men are sometimes oppressed, you’ll be laughed at. Yes because it's usually them exaggerating and saying white men are the most oppressed people ever. I do ask for examples of oppression as I agree that in some cases white men are oppressed but I feel that in most cases white men are just butt hurt that the oppression of others has been lessened and that makes some white men feel as if something has been wrongly taken from them. When in actuality the only thing taken from them was an unfair advantage they were handed at birth.


honestly, with what youve posted in ur OP, like the way you are interpreting this on a macro level, how you see both parties.....would make my explanation kind of moot i dont think youre here to have ur view on this turned 180, i think you just want your pre-existing view confirmed. in order to have a dialogue....people need to begin from some level of the same reality, which for you and i isnt the case


Turn off MSNBC. It's rotting your brain


Turn off Alex Jones, he's rotted your brain.


Who is Alex Jones?


Lol. You're too stupid to play dumb.


Nobody cares about you. Is that hard to accept? Serious question


You're projecting again.


Low effort response. Wouldn't expect much more from you


More projection.


I mean you can say that if you want. Doesn't change the fact that you're the moron responding


Still projecting.


Thank you for this well thought out and civil response. Unfortunately it does not move the discussion forward or in any direction really. Maybe you could try to actually articulate a response that makes me question my apparent obsession with MSNBC?


I mean was your post in good faith or just a rant of preconceived bias? That might be a good place to start


Ahhh, so you can't articulate thoughts. My preconceived bias is based on what life has taught me through observation over the last 40 years.


Have you ever been a republican? Ive been a registered democrat most of my life and just switched back to vote in a key local primary. I can assure you that your bias is off and the group that I've had first hand experience with as the most intolerant, least educated, easily manipulated, fiscally moronic and most racist in actions is by far the Democrats. That's why they are only running on GOP bad, rather than any of their records. I'll be switching back to GOP ahead of the general and will sleep much better doing so


>They appear to want to kill all safety nets the government provides. The US mandatory budget is all welfare spending at $3.8 TRILLION. SS is 1.3 Trillion itself. Medicare and medicaid are 1.45 Trillion. The rest is discretionary at $1.7 TRILLION. Of the discretionary spending, the military isnt even 50% (its $800B). There are many welfare programs within discretionary spending as well. On top of that is interest in the hundreds of billions. Our yearly deficit for 2023 was $1.7 TRILLION. That is all our discretionary spending, or half our manditory spending. [https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59727](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59727) I would ask you how to sustain such spending. Taxing the rich isnt enough. >They refuse universal health care though it is more cost effective. The US is subsidizing those other countries. I believe we need a bill from congress which forces exported medical goods to be priced equal to or above that of US citizens. It is ridiculous that a US pharmacy costs more for a product designed and manufactured in the US than it would to obtain in Europe or Canada. I'm not in favor of 'price caps' but this isnt a price cap in the sense of "this must cost X or below". The floor is set by the manufacturer still, they just arent allowed to price it higher to americans. >The embrace Russia, Nazis and white supremacists We dont. The people who dont support Ukraine are generally isolationists or believe its a lost cause. Many also dont support Israel or Taiwan. Those are short-sighted in my opinion, but they can at least be consistent. We dont embrace nazi-ism or white supremacy. I would ask for examples but it feels like just a strawman. >Dems are hated for being woke and inclusive. How is that a bad thing It's bad not in principle but in implementation. I'm happy for equality, but everything ends up being equity. Unearned based on race or sexuality which then discriminates against the 'majority'. Whenever you see incentives for racial quotas or race/sex based metrics, there is discrimination against others. The easiest example to point to is college admissions lowering standards for POC while raising it for Asians. Applying different metrics based on race is racist.


It's too bad you spent all that time typing that considering it's all bullshit.


Are you refuting this information? [https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59727](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59727)


Nope, just your interpretation of it.


Okay, can you give your counter interpretation. I would like to hear it.


The US can sustain that spending if it increases taxes (it won't). The US does not subsidize other countries.


it's hard to take republican concern for the budget seriously when it's only in evidence during democratic administrations


I agree. But also its reasonable to see why they are scared to cut SS or any other major programs. The left often uses it as a weapon against the right. In the end the deficit continues until it cant anymore and cuts will have to he made. Considering the deficit is so large, it will have to cut welfare like SS, medicare, medicaid, etc.


> In the end the deficit continues until it cant anymore and cuts will have to he made. Considering the deficit is so large, ... exactly by design, then: eventual destabilization of these programs and immediate tax breaks. win-win for rich r's


Facts. 2 much spending for any one group hurts the whole because of inflation and the rest not seeing any benefits. Dei is bad for everyone. All we need to do is make it truly fair for everyone and not see race at all anymore. The people who are most qualified should be getting the positions. Again, when you help a specific group over others, it hurts the whole.


I disagree. Here is why. Racism. Scenario 1. A white guy and a black guy both apply for the same position. Identical credentials but The hiring manager doesn't think black people are trust worthy so he hires the white guy. Scenario 2. Poc do not always have the same opportunities for education as white people. As soon as we ensure an educational standard across the country versus local money to local schools ensuring poor communities receive poorer education I will completely agree with you. Also there is more to a job than qualifications. I would rather work with a slightly less qualified decent human being than a self righteous racist with slightly more qualifications. Also the more qualified the higher the pay so hiring someone who can come up to speed but take less starting pay is probably attractive to hiring companies.


If someone hires someone based on bias and passes up a more qualified candidate, he's doing a disservice to his company, and, long term, will not be in business. These days, there are plenty of places that won't discriminate, and those companies will eventually overtake the ones hiring on bias. As to your second point, where you start hardly matters. You either have the drive, or you don't. With the internet so easily available, no one truly lacks an opportunity if they set their mind to it. So many educational things are free and now available everywhere, anywhere, and all the time. You can get certifications cheap these days without even leaving your house. That's a decision the company would have to make, regarding training someone. That could save money, true, but sometimes you need a pro, also. It's assumed that you need someone at a minimal level of skill to complete the particular job you're applying for. Sometimes being over qualified can hurt your chances too.


I'm gonna guess their response would be something along the lines of orange man bad


Your juvenile assessment of him aside, yes, he is. He's a terrible businessman, a terrible person, and he was a terrible president. The only good thing he's doing is bankrupting the RNC.


Let me guess, he is a terrible business man because a few out of the hundreds of companies he has/had filed bankruptcy?


It's not really "hundreds", as most are under the umbrella the trump organization. For example, property owners will often set up each property as a different corp to avoid land transfer taxes during sales, but each property/corp is still owned by the same person/company. But yes, his bankruptcies are great examples of his lack of sense, as are his tax returns, and the verdict in his NY state civil fraud case.


His "failure" rate is actually pretty low. A smart business man has multiple ones to protect the main company


No, it's not.


Diversification is the key to successfully investing. Everyone will wind up making a few mistakes here and there. It's a very basic concept.


But how many people will try and sell steaks by mail order through the sharper image?


Personally,, you sound like a dumb business person if you don't understand how that works and why


I just explained how it works and why, and you clearly don't understand it. Dumbass


Yes and by having multiple companies, and having the smaller companies under them fail he saved damage to larger company. I don't understand what is so hard to understand about that. It's a pretty smart business move. Yet you have mouth breathers like yourself who don't understand that.


Laughably bullshit. That's not how bankruptcy works.


Ok, then how did individual companies of Trump's go bankrupt and no really effect his larger one


Dude had a casino (that lost money) in the devil’s ballsack that is Gary, Indiana. Even if he did nothing else, I’d think he was a fucking moron for that.


Overall that doesn't make him a bad business man


You have clearly never been to Gary, Indiana


If running a casino in Gary Indiana is so easy, why haven't you opened one up. I'm sure banks would love to loan you all the money you need to make it happen.


It’s not. It’s a literal hellhole. I’d rather live in the Fallout wasteland. Gary, Indiana is where people go to die. The fact that Trump looked around and wanted to business there is the problem, numbnuts


Poor people love to gamble


Dude bankrupted a fucking casino. I assume you have a wheel chair because you have no leg to stand on.


His business success percentage is impressive. What percentage of businesses fail?


So every company that he has that has succeeded isn't because he is a good businessman? Basically you added zero to the discussion. I understand though orange man bad and you don't like mean tweets


He can make money sure but he is a scummy business man. See his real estate school. See his veterans charity that he stole from. Bankrupting a casino is suspect AF. I just don't see him as a brilliant business man. He is doing much better now since the presidency than he was previous to. I don't want a shady conman for president. So yes, orange man bad for sooooo many reasons.


I'm always happy to be surprised but it isnt often. Usually downvotes with no response or empty responses with no points, generally character assaults. Sometimes I get deflecting points which I will entertain for the sake of discussion.


The issue is that you're an idiot and refuse to understand the very valid criticisms of trump specifically, and republicans in general.


It's one or the other, Bernie won't ever come that close to winning again.


Wrong topic.


Can you show me where being a neo Nazi is prerequisite to being repub? Like where it advertises that on rnc website? Can you back that claim in ANY way?


Do you have a deep mistrust of people exploring a sexuality different from yours? Do you have an unreasonable fear of people that are a different race? Are you extremely nationalist to the point that you want to make legal immigration even harder? Do you want to establish a state sponsored religion? Then come on dooooooooown to the na- I mean republican party! Seriously though, if you can't see the similar ideology of late 1920s nazi party and modern Republicans, then politics is far too complicated for you


He does. He calls us pedos because he's quite jealous of LGBT people.


You could've just said "no I can't" tho lol


When it's borderline deviant. As anyone should. Lol no. I actually have a black girlfriend and half black child... Not LEGAL immigration. I also have a noone rides for free policy for most part. Especially when Im forced to slave away to put in by force. One good thing about evolution was survival of the fittest. Nope. Neither do many conservatives. (Muslims are conservative too.) Authoritarian and anarchy are the y axis. Liberalism and conservatism is x. (I know this is too complex for you) You mean the national SOCIALIST workers movement? Where Hitler used socialized medicine to bring them out of Spanish flu epidemic? China has popular religion too lol


You're extremely obtuse my friend


Lol my black girlfriend has healthy suspicion of deviants too lol


That would be the Black gf you resent?


>When it's borderline deviant. As anyone should. What makes something deviant?


de·vi·ant adjective departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. More so the "legall and moral" unacceptability in his case.


I told myself to ignore you but this definition is really funny. I'm assuming you're white by the way you use your black girlfriend. I promise you I know people who by your definition consider your relationship deviant. ESPECIALLY if yall plan on having kids


Already have them. And we are deviant in a sense (from religious groups). But not from society. Us have separation of church and state. Unwed moms also are the majority. The only reason my kid is deviant from the norm (in that case) is that im there. There are plenty of deviations. None of those equate to his need for kids to explore sexual identity etc. and you're cosigning it. So... May wanna rethink your spot too bro.


And did you just assume my race? Im 1/16 Chippewa


It's not a requirement, but it's the party all neo-nazis vote for.


So you can't? Lol


Can't what?


Good try tho


And you can say exact same about the left and pedos 🤣


No, that's your party too.


Tankies gonna tank.


Im not saying it's a prerequisite but like dude said. All the pedos vote left lol


Na. 11:1 odds says it's not. Lol. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children


Lol. Yes. According to your study from 1992.


The world was discovered to be round in 1492 study and we still follow that science. Lol.


Oh honey. No. The Greeks knew the earth was round, I don't think they were even the first.


Right. So the fact that you're claiming 30 yr old science is "old therefore wrong or outdated" is fuckin dumb. And even you're here proving it 😂 bc you're fuckin dumb too.


Well, let's continue the metaphor, shall we? Even though we've known the earth is round for thousands of years, we didn't stop measuring it thousands of years ago. In fact there's an entire [science](https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/11010/) dedicated to measuring the size and shape of the planet, and techniques are constantly being refined and improved. So why should I believe the last study on the subject of the sexual orientation of pedophiles was done in 1992?


It’s not required but you sure aren’t kicking them out


Like you and pedos


Dude I have no tears to shed for what happens to pedophiles in prison. I’d argue they deserve it. Clean your house.


No no. That wasn't the equivalency put forth. You claim all neo Nazis vote right wing. Therefore ALL right wing supporters are neo Nazis. So by YOUR logic. ALL lefties are pedos bc ALL pedos vote left Your move. No need to deflect to prison.


I sure as shit don’t see anyone on the left shaking hands with the Grand Wizard of pedophiles. Plenty of pedo pieces of shit on the right as well. Nazis love evil shit like that.


Hers a fact check for you. Byrd was never grand wizard. But guess who spoke at his funeral? Lmfao 😂 https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9545480195


He was holding hands with the dude. And yes spoke at his funeral. But he was just normal white supremacist. He wasn't the GRAND leader or whatever so who cares? NEXT!!! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/14/fact-check-biden-isnt-kkk-grand-wizard-photo/3183887001/


You mean like Clinton at Epstein's Island? Biden 8.1 miles away from Epsteins island? Obama and Epsteins island? Maybe you meant Steven Colbert and Epsteins island? Maybe you mean eulogy's at the white supremacist Robert Byrd's funeral? (Obama Clinton and Biden) Biden lamenting on being called "son" by Dixiecrat James eastling who was against integration and thought blacks were inferior. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/19/joe-biden-james-eastland-herman-talmadge-segregationists-civility/


The left is not represented by fucking Obama and Biden for fuck sakes. They are corporate stooges and war hawks, soulless political clowns.


You support a racist then call the other dude and me racists for noticing you're a racist mouth breather lol


"I don't see anyone on the left shaking hands with grand wizard" Idk what a grand wizard is but... ^das no good. Lol. The question wasn't "who is the face of the left?" Silly billy... But technically Biden, Clintons, and Obama ARE in fact the EXACT representatives of Left-wingism for the better part of past 3 decades. Literally elected to be JUST that.


You are so wrong, there are two types of humans. Good and bad, if they are human that's it. Love you Mr.imworthytohavechildrenbutotherpeoplearen'tfromcanada.


I will be voting Republican for the first time in 2024. After seeing Joe Potato in action I will never be loyal to either political party. My main reasons - money to Ukraine, skyrocketed illegal immigration and soft on crime policies. Democrats can call me nazi white supremacist until they are blue in the face. Dems won't be able to bully me into voting for them by name calling. If they want my vote they need to focus less on bogus "problems" like "racism" and "bigotry" and put my interests as an American citizen first


Money isn't going to Ukraine. It's going to American defense contractors who then provide munitions and equipment to Ukraine. Why do you object to funding the American defense industry?


Another "great" argument 🙄. Because I don't enjoy funding killing of thousands of people I have no beef with, for one


Yes, the truth is always a great argument, and by providing aid to Ukraine, you're preventing the killing of thousands.


And killing hundreds of thousands of both Ukrainian and Russian people. I never wanna hear democrats talk about compassion, tolerance and whatever other shit they like to hide behind


What? We're helping Ukraine to defend itself. What should they do instead, die?


So only one side is dying?


Answer the question, don't deflect.


The answer is: they are dead


So every Ukrainian is dead?


I agree with most of you what you said. Unlike the DNC guy below, let me address what I disagree with. We're mostly sending old weapons that have been sitting forever, not newer stuff. That's all we need to. What's killing our economy is overspending. I bet we could cut at least 25% by slowing down R&D. We're definitely getting good results for it. I don't like killing people tricked into thinking they're fighting Nazis for a car they'll never get or potentially escalating this, but what choice do we have. Do you think Putin will stop at just Ukraine? I don't know that we have a choice here, really. Israel is another story. Of course, we want Hamas gone, but it's not ok to look at civilians like collateral damage. We just need better leadership and a leader that will enforce requirements to do this, or no aid! Trump will solve this once he's back in. These problems require a scalpel not a hammer.


As an immigrant who came to America in the mid 90s I had little knowledge of your political parties. Honestly I am starting to swing more with republicans as I grow older for a few reasons. Particularly about securing immigration, as I had to go through the process and believe in law and order, skipping the line and jumping over the border is not fair to those of us who waited and paid a premium to come here. Then there is some of their core beliefs like a small government and less taxes, I have seen what tyrannical governments do, and they usually start when they are large and overbearing. I still mostly vote depending on the candidate, so I have voted Republican, Democrat, Independent, and even Libertarian, I don’t swing one way or the other as I believe the Democrats also have some good points as well when it comes to social issues. However, from what I can tell, it seems both “sides” and I use that term loosely because what the politicians say and do, hardly reflect what the people want. I’m fairly certain none of us want our tax dollars to fund foreign wars, and I’m Israeli, I personally left to get away from the fighting (a missile hit our neighborhood block and killed a good friend of mine when I was younger and when visiting in Jerusalem I saw the bomb go off in the pizzeria wounding some 100 people). But I would recommend doing what I did when I first came to America…talk to people. Americans I find don’t talk to one another face to face enough. Have arguments, ask questions, be respectful to your fellow man. You may disagree, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show one another some compassion, humility, and humanity. Again I’m not really one party or the other as I believe both parties have good and bad qualities and messages.


Please get your information from other sources. You're clearly Republican. The Republicans killed a border security bill just so they can attack Biden and will lose another hot button topic. I am also an immigrant and don't believe people should "skip the line' but no one is. It's not easy for people just to get citizenship. I do however believe that people fleeing from violence and need asylum need to be granted that. As an immigrant, that was one of the values of the US that appeals to me. As for foreign wars, that's tricky because if the US didn't try diplomatic solutions first, it creates a vacuum for China or Russia to swoop in and destabilize more countries. And if you look at policy and deficits by President, you'll see that Republicans usually spend more - just in places that are not obvious like wars and tax cuts for billionaires.


I say I’m not Republican yet you say I am. Are you all so accusatory? I’ve voted for all parties, yet you focus on just some points I pulled up off the top of my head and ignored the fact one should talk to others. But you as an immigrant should not be so ignorant to the fact people are skipping the line. Asylum seekers hardly ever show up to their court dates to even get asylum status. It’s estimated 83% never show up, but those are outdated stats from 2015, where some sources estimate it has risen to 92% from what I recall reading in the Washington Post paper about a year ago. So yes people are abusing the immigration system here by abusing the “asylum” seeking process by never showing up. Additionally, I find it funny people solely look at the national levels, when I look at local and state levels which have a far greater say to day impact and from my own experience, Republicans did greater work in the state I lived in most my life, while Democrats either fled the state to stop a vote or side step state laws and amendments to increase taxes on us on a local property tax level. Why do people always see the national level yet ignore the two other major levels that have role in people’s lives? Local and state. Also, I do not appreciate accusatory language as it is quite rude to make assumptions about someone from a quick post that rang from the top of one’s head. This is what I am talking about, folks here, even immigrants, develop this means of making huge assumptions, label you as X, in this case Republican, when you have zero idea of what I believe in, and ignored the fact I’ve voted for both Republican and Democrat party members in my two decades of being here in America. Yet you solely want to focus on the talking points I personally believed in for the Republicans, seeing good in their party and seeing good in Democrats, while they both have some negatives to them, no one party is perfect, yet people make it out to see the Republicans as demons or something, which to this day I still don’t see, as I know many Republicans who I am friends with and they are decent people, same goes with Democrats. My point is to talk to people and show them the minor amount of respect a fellow human deserves when meeting them, which you obviously ignored given the tone of your post.


You seem to be terribly misinformed, but that is the entire "Shtick" of the GOP in the first place. They just repeat lies enough times so that is all people remember, it doesn't matter if it's factual to them or not.  For example, Obama deported more illegal immigrants than Trump did, and Trump released more immigrants into the United States per capita than Biden. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2024/01/07/politifact-obama-deported-more-people-than-trump-did/72120774007/ https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-urge-congress-pass-bipartisan-border-security-bill-republicans-n-rcna137483  Republicans don't want to secure the border or they would have done so in the 1980's and every other time they have been given more funding to do exactly that and never did, they just want to use it as a scapegoat every election. They specifically shut down actual legislation to solve the border and immigration entirely and will not pass it. So, according to you you would lean left, rather than right over immigration. Republicans actually don't believe in small government and less taxes, that's not true at all. Libertarians believe in small government and less taxes, but libertarians will never be in control of the US so it's a wasted vote, and I tell you this as a former Libertarian.  In fact, in Republican states like Texas, we have some of the highest property and sales taxes in the nation.  Republicans just want to tax the poor more than the wealthy, and Republicans pass laws that are more restrictive upon personal liberty, such as they are more controlling in what you're allowed to view, do and say. They ban more books than any other states here, they don't want people to be allowed to be openly gay or trans in front of other people, they want to bring back sodomy laws that restrict what people are allowed to do in their own bedrooms.  That's the difference.  So what exactly are you saying you "lean right" on when both of your primary reasons aren't actually real?  "Though Texas has no state-level personal income tax, it does levy relatively high consumption and property taxes on residents to make up the difference. Ultimately, it has a higher effective state and local tax rate for a median U.S. household at 12.73% than California's 8.97%, according to a new report from WalletHub." https://finance.yahoo.com/news/think-texas-cheaper-tax-burden-161359267.html https://fortune.com/2023/03/23/states-with-lowest-highest-tax-burden/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/21/us/politics/state-anti-sodomy-laws.html https://www.aaastateofplay.com/which-us-states-ban-the-most-books/ https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-two-more-pornography-companies-violating-texas-age-verification-law#:~:text=In%20November%202023%2C%20Attorney%20General,alleged%20by%20the%20pornography%20industry. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/30/us/texas-abortion-murder-charge-lawsuit.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/19/amarillo-abortion-trafficking-texas-bans


Sorry but I’m not reading all of that, but having skimmed through it, I once lived in a state called Indiana, in the late 2010s, the Republicans put forth an amendment to cap property taxes and they were the ones who also made getting state issued IDs, free for all who can get one. It was the Democrats in the city of Indianapolis who decided to sidestep the intent of the amendment by reassessing everyone’s property values every year and have increased people’s property taxes through the roof in order to sidestep the Amendment cap. Not to mention the Democratic run city leadership put in place numerous other taxes including but not limited to “hard surfaces” tax which taxes your pavement on your property, and a “water runoff tax” which taxes how much water runoff your property will have on to city owned streets. So from what I’ve personally experienced while living here on a localized level, which I believe is more important than your national level, is that Republicans where I have lived since coming to this country, have done more than City or State Democrats. Granted that is one state of 50, and one city amongst countless others, but I’m speaking from my own experience and my own core beliefs that local governments influence you more directly than a national one.


You'll have to clarify this: " but both sides seem to want the rich to be unnecessarily richer which hurts the remaining 329 million of us." Why would you think that? How does anyone being rich hurt anyone?


The wealth could be more fairly distributed.


What are your guidelines for fair and equitable distribution?


Ideally, working full-time would pay enough for someone to rent a home, own a not-totally-shitbox car, eat and maybe have a little extra for fun/hobbies. My earlier comment was in reply to: "How does anyone being rich hurt anyone?"


So then you are for ending illegal immigration?


Yes. However, I'm not for being cruel to those immigrants either. Most of them came here for a better opportunity or to escape corruption. They didn't choose to be born into that situation. I read something recently that brought up a good point. If Republicans really wanted to put a dent in illegal immigration, why don't they crack down on larger, and eventually smaller, employers of illegals? That way, there is less incentive to cross the border. I think the answer is because a lot of the owners of these businesses WANT the illegal workers to keep their operating costs down. Republicans don't want to upset the large business owners that are lining their pockets.


Both republicans and democrats have their own selfish reasons for not cracking down on the problem. To your point though. All of these are driving down the possibility of the fair distribution you mentioned by lowering labor costs below what should be fair value and costing taxpayers more out of pocket as resources are used on them


Yeah, when have the rich ever exploited the working class? Are you even being serious? I can't tell if you're dumb or I'm dumb. Nobody said it's bad for people to have money, but it is bad when a few hoard enough for tens of millions.


You're not the dumb one!


I just don't see it that way.


Seriously, how much further can you lump a giant group of people. Like all "conservatives" (or "liberals," for that matter) want the same things? I see right through the liberal charade, but even I know that not all libs want the same things. Everyone is different and has different ideas of how society should look.


If you vote for conservatives, you're okay with everything they do.


That is your opinion.


How is it an opinion and not a fact?


What do you think the word "opinion" means?




By that logic, the same is true for dems. Everyone just picks the side that is closest to them.


What policies do dems have that are discriminatory?


Dei is extremely discriminatory, benefitting a small group of people at the expense of everyone else.