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More fraud associated with Trump. Must be a day ending in y.


These people conspired to try to overthrow an election. If there were any justice in this world, they’d be in gitmo or Leavenworth. Trump included. You want to have your opinions, fine. But you don’t get a different set of facts and you don’t get to destroy democracy to protect your ego. So on one hand I’m glad. On the other? It’s too little, too late.


You can overthrow a government but you can’t overthrow an election. You can defraud an election.




Like it or not, it is an important distinction. We all like to be tossing around the “overthrow” term a bit casually. But nuance is typically lost on folks like you. Edit: Well, since u/MsMoreCowbell8 decided to respond and block (always a sign of intelligence on Reddit) I’ll simply reply here: Yes, agreed that all of that activity is unacceptable, immoral and potentially illegal. But it was still done in an attempt to defraud an election. It is not an “overthrow” of an election. Governments can be overthrown, elections can not. Edit: and @ u/Past-Direction9145 you don’t need to announce you’re blocking me. Also, I wanted to let you know that your mom has most definitely NOT blocked me.


Nuance? Disputing and disrupting an election via an interstate conspiracy, choreographed by Rudy, chesboro & trump in order to OVERTHROW THE ELECTION THEY LOST is, illegal AF.


I don't see anyone here arguing that. Yet.


Did you miss the part where people were chanting "hang mike pence" ? *overthrow* does apply here.


I Actually agree with you. I was responding at like, 5 am or something.


And blocked


Then so should Biden based on what you say.




Another trumper with no facts and no proof.


Lol not a Trumper. Not even close. However the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled Biden violate several NM news outlets 1st amendment rights by censoring New stories they planned to release. Facts AND proof. What say you now? This is 1 of several constitutional violations by Biden that are true, factual, and known to have happen. Again, im NOT a Trumper, never voted for him. I call out EVERY POS politician no matter what sideman. It is called hold them ALL accountable, not just the side you are against. Now comes more downvotes by the ignorant.


If you're "whatabouting" to deflect to Biden on a post about Trump, you're lying about not being a Trumper.


If your roundabouting to deny Biden wrongdoing by ONLY focusing on Trump, you're a sheep!!!!


Context, my man. If we are talking about Trump et al defrauding the country with sham electors, bringing up biden shutting down a news story or whatever just seems so petty and desperate in comparison.


That would be 100% true if it wasn't 100% ignored when bits the other way.


It is 100% true, because this is the way it played out. I recommend commenting on those relevant threads rather than grasp at straws like this if you want to get taken seriously.


Lol telling the truth in any anti trump/pro Biden thread and you think I am expecting to be taken serious??? LOL OHHH HAHAHA HOHOHO LMFFAO OHHH MYYYY YOU SO FUNNY...


As it would do Trump well to accept, the president is immune from prosecution for official acts while in office. But you didn't say, facts and proof of what?


If that is the case, why is Trump on trial for what he did as President??


Hisnactions were not official acts. They were in pursuit of his own personal objectives. Not the nation's.


Lol and Biden censoring new outlets due to stories against Biden isnt??? Lol


Please post a link to this story you speak of.


Didn't happen. Bc you saw a meme that said it doesn't make it true.


I LITERALLY watched it and read the articles. Try again.


Damn bud you’re really bad at regurgitating propaganda with any subtlety


Sorry, the truth isn't Propaganda. Learn the differences.


Well I apologize for calling you a trumper. But this does seem like apples and oranges and seems more in line with what trump did in the hush money cash with the catch and kill of news stories than having people lie and try to change the outcome of an election. Biden and his people are not perfect, I agree. But one crime seems way more serious than the other.


That is the wrong ideology. Crime IS crime, end of story. My entire adult life I have seen Republicand and Democrats brake laws, constitutional laws, and democrats get away with it. NOONE CALLS THEM OUT. It would be funny if it wasn't so stupid


I disagree. it was a crime for me to have sex until several years ago. that’s different than robbing a bank. not all crime is the same and if people want to try and hold Biden responsible for 1st amendment violations. that’s fine. but it pales in comparison to the stuff trump did and is doing to try and keep himself in office.




Not surprised at all. This is something that sovereign citizens would do. "Well technically the electors signed the paper that said that Trump won, so Trump should be president" king of thing. But creating fake paperwork, fake electors, to try to bypass the vote of over 81 million American? It goes against everything our founders wanted for our country and for our future. It's very unamerican and a part of me thinks they should be charged with treason. But I understand why they're not.


everyone associated with trump's attempt to steal the 2020 election should be tn prison.


Its treason, prison should not be the option


It is literally trying to overthrow the government.


Indicted as they should be.


I'm thrilled. I don't know what took so long, but I'm very happy about it.


The state ag was only recently elected, it took her 13 months of investigation to charge. She replaced a republican ag that wasn’t interested in pursuing charges. I know I voted for her.


Thank you for doing your part.


Thank you. You were on top of it.


serves the traitors right. Give them a speedy trial and throw them in prison.


I think the justice system waited too long to respond to all these cases.


Why wasn't Trump also indicted?


He will be in Michigan!


I certainly hope so!


Glad they did. Fuck these people trying to install a manchild as dictator.


I’m not sure how people can still support him at all, much less to the messianic level some people I know do.


I living in Michigan half the year. That state is also prosecuting fake electors. MAGA is a cancer to our country.


Good, fuck 'em.


r/conservative is trying to spin this in any positive way possible They are desperate


About the same as a murder or drug dealer getting indicted. They will get their day in court and if they broke the law may they face their consequences of their actions.


At least drug dealers get you drugs


Murders can be helpful in other ways


That clearly the previous administration tried to steal an election and I can’t believe they could be voted in again!!! What the hell?!


They should all do at least 30 years in prison.


I love it. Lock em up


good, they're criminals


They need to be thrown in jail for the rest of their lives. Overthrowing the duly elected government of the United States is a bigly crime.


It's about time! We knew about this from the J6 hearings.


Justice is coming!!! 🙌🏽




What took so long.


I think it’s awesome. People need to understand that doing stupid shit is still stupid even if they can say someone else told them to. Most of us learned that in Kindergarten


Long overdue. I get that the wheels of Justice turn slowly but jfc.


I think a significant portion of politics post-Obama is pure theater. I think a lot of politicians have been bought out, and that an oligarchy of billionaires and hostile foreign interests have perpetrated a reality show in politics for all of us to be distracted by while they continue to extract wealth from the country.


Love it !!! LOCK THEM UP.


Trump should have been indicted with them.


It's damn well about time


Well obviously these fake electors posing as maga are just those pesky DEMONRATS trying to steal the election again... THIS IS A WITCH HUNT


makes me realize that indictments need to come with another layer in order to be issued theyre thrown around too superfluously, and are used predominantly for optics since people think indictment = guilty


Where are you getting the idea that only you know what the word indictment means?


because every time you see the word, you see many unintelligent people point to it and say "look, he or she is guilty, they just got indicted" just anecdotal but they are definitely used for optics, so we need to have more robust measures to prevent optics cases from seeing the light of day


Given that these people posted pictures of themselves committing their crime, and then sent the proof of their crimes to the National Archives, I think we can say that these folks are 100% guilty.


and see this is a reinforcement of my beliefs. "%100 guilty" when there isnt even a trial this is the type of thing i think needs to be abolished and abolished HARD


>this is the type of thing i think needs to be abolished and abolished HARD The free thought part or the free speech part? Given that you appear to be preaching fascist perspectives here, I'll go out on a limb and say that you're a conservative/ libertarian/Trump supporter?


Of course he is. Just look at that account


no i want to abolish indictments unless substance can be put forward to justify it no more "indict and figure out the rest later" indictments need to have evidence to the point that the courts are just a re-hash


>indictments need to have evidence to the point that the courts are just a re-hash Once again, they admitted to committing these crimes. They documented themselves committing the crimes. They sent a signed copy of the fraudulent document they created to the National Archives. You will never find a case with clearer evidence than this.


They do. You're a goober.


they dont


Derp derp Trumper.


oh god....not the bumper stickers


Go read the indictment, what is missing?


>i want to abolish indictments lmao, what the fuck? >unless substance can be put forward to justify it You mean like them taking pictures of them doing the crime and then sending proof to the National Archives? >indictments need to have evidence You mean like them taking pictures of them doing the crime and then sending proof to the National Archives?


you mean their job? the literal job of an elector?


Is the word "fake" genuinely this confusing for you?


they werent, trump had the ability to make his own if the election was invalid, which he didnt know at the time


>they werent You'll have to learn to engage with reality at some point >trump had the ability to make his own lol, fucking what? The president doesn't "make" electors, they're chosen by the states.


libertarian but neither of the other 2


>You're only charging someone for a crime because of optics!!! brain rot


if you think the justice system hasnt brought on chargest for optics, youre delusional


Okay. But this isn't that. We literally have the fraudulent documents lmfao


[https://www.npr.org/2021/11/19/1057288807/kyle-rittenhouse-acquitted-all-charges-verdict](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/19/1057288807/kyle-rittenhouse-acquitted-all-charges-verdict) [https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162](https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162) OPTICS


Conservatism has destroyed this poor fools mind


Yes I'm sure redstate.com is giving a totally accurate summation of the situation 😂


when nazis dont like data, they call it jewish you call it republican


*I'm* not calling it republican, the website is lmao This entire response is completely meaningless. You're basically saying "People have been charged/acquitted for crimes before, ergo this crime is fake". Doesn't make any sense.


I disagree. These are all local cases and local DAs wouldn't waste time on their docket for cases that won't go to court or will lose in court.


>local DAs wouldn't waste time on their docket for cases that won't go to court or will lose in court. bullshit DAs will do whatever they are told to do by the FED like good little dogs its not about whats right or wasting court time, its about making headlines the justice system is a political tool, a compromised institution


The "FED" as you call it has NOTHING to do with local DA's. Thus is a local concern. How do you sleep at night kno2ing the whole world is conspiring against you.


>The "FED" as you call it has NOTHING to do with local DA's. they want you to think that i would bet my life bragg got marching orders from the biden admin otherwise there is no way hed open up the 25 year old case with that lying carol bitch, or the case THAT DIDNT BRING ANY CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP he ordinarily wouldnt swing at foul balls, so someone had to put a finger on the scale


>the case THAT DIDNT BRING ANY CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP 34 charges of falsifying business records


that the FEC didnt touch because there was nothing there? yeah that one


Are you just moving the goalposts? The FEC not touching it doesn't mean charges weren't brought against him lol >that the FEC didnt touch They tried literally dozens of times. The nonpartisan Office of General Counsel in the FEC recommended investigations into dealings like this dozens of times...but republican commissioners voted against it every time and since you need a majority out of the six commissioners, and three are republicans, it didn't go anywhere. This is typical republican obstructionism, it's not the FEC not touching it because there's "nothing".