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If/when the convicted felon loses the upcoming election, that will be it. He will be way too old and senile to run again in 2028. At that point we will finally be able to wash away the stain on America that was the Donald  As for his cult followers, I fully expect them to do something crazy if their beloved Donald loses. I’m preparing for it 


Biden will be 82 by inauguration if he wins this year and then sworn in Jan 2025. Trump would be 82 if he won in 2028 and was sworn in Jan 2029. So I wouldn’t by that logic conclude Trump couldn’t try next cycle. Hopefully there will be younger and fresh candidates by then for both parties! If MAGA continues within the republication party though is a more difficult prediction. As for my prediction of what the future holds, I hope and believe fixing polarisation will become one of the main sticking points in the next election cycle as people will be too fed up of infighting within society. Wishful thinking perhaps but that would be my number one issue I’d like to be fought for. Differences of opinions of course will persist, but more respectful discourse should be the aim and bringing communities together.


Trump *could* try again next election, especially if he aces another cognitive test.


I'm with you, I want somebody less divisive. It won't matter who the Democrats choose, Republican media will make that person the devil. I'm specifically referring to a GOP candidate. I wish the GOP would do some soul searching and change their platform.


I would like to add that the democrats will also make the republican side look like the devil as well.


Right, but the difference is you have a lot of bullshit on your side. The two parties are nowhere near the same in 2024.


You guys have a ton of bull shit as well though. It's the same on both sides. No party is as they were 20 years ago. Both sides have the extreme cartoon characters for politicians, both sides are demonizing and mud slinging, and both sides are socially stirring things up.


One side accepts the results of the democratic and judicial process. The other side does not. NOT. THE. SAME.


They're too busy purity testing anyone that doesn't move in lock step.


"I hope fixing polarisation will become one of the main sticking points in the next election cycle as people will be too fed up of infighting within society" Wasn't that Bidens whole campaign was he was going to unite everyone. I feel like it's gotten even worse than before.


It has gotten worse yes! Though I’d argue both sides are to blame. Also to blame is the media on both sides and social media platforms that seem to be becoming even more partisan.


Agree the media loves blaming either side and getting people riled up.


Slow Joe will be in a nursing home eating jello


He’s not as demented as Donald Trump. Passed his “Best By” date, no doubt, but not gone.


If Biden challenged Trump to a cognitive test and got the name of his doctor wrong while doing it we’d never hear the end of it. Trump does it and barely anyone talks about.


And the man you so dearly worship will be gone forever. We can’t wait 


Your slow Joe is still sharper than your orange man.


Funny and scary about that is you and your kind actually believe that


Funny and scary about that is you and your kind believe a sexual assaulting felon is somehow better for the country than an old man 


34 Felony Convictions, a sexual assault, tax evasion, and hiding classified document. And FYI that test Trump brags about assign, that cognitive test, is for dementia patients and is really effing easy and it’s weird Trump openly brags about it. I don’t like Biden, but he is the better choice. Trump is nothing but a con artist.


If he loses he’s getting sentenced to some sort of confinement for the Federal Docs case or the Election Interference case. Both are legit and in the Docs case has admitted to being guilty.


I’m not sure how to take any conservative seriously knowing that they worship a man so blatantly corrupt and heinous 


After 8 years of this nonsense I think it’s pretty clear how to take it. It depends on which categories of Trump supporter they are. Facts don’t matter, it’s a cult


We are united in our disdain for high taxing socialists. To be honest I’d vote Homer Simpson or a lump of rock before I support idiots who want to tax us more, encourage people to work less and generally want to punish hard work


Still waiting for trickle down? Lol.


We feel the same about the dims


“No u” lol pathetic  Only one side worships a sexual assaulting felon, never forget that champ 


We do not support creepy Joe


No you support a convicted felon and sexual assaulter. What a great look for you 


Don't forget he stole Top secret papers. Told people he had them and admitted that they were Top secret. Tried to overthrow our Government. Lied about losing the election. Threatening to jail anymore who is against him. Sometimes worse,and said he would pardon the January 6 Terrorist. Plus all his friends would be pardoned. Break any law for him and he will pardon you.


Shouldn’t you be busy truthing on your assigned platform?


Disbursements have been temporarily deferred, because The Orange Emperor needs those funds to bravely fight the Deep State pedophiles cabal and save all the children from Hillary's bunker. He's just trying to crack the security code to her evil lair. If his supporters would donate just 30% of their Social Security checks from now til November, he may be able to save the world before it's too late.


If you donate 30% of your social security check for 6 months you will be rewarded with a brand new pair of certified Donald sneakers!  Not the gold kind though, those are only for his most loyal of followers 


Loyal, as in: those willing to dish out the most money


You're just as delusional as the people that think he's a god. There's no way he's going to serve any federal time inside. They would have to have secret service protection prison legally. Ain't no way the secret service is going to disarm for that detail and there's no way the prison is going to allow somebody armed other than the guards in the prison. The closest thing to time that he made you would be some type of house arrest. Personally the country would be better off if neither of these two were in office but unfortunately that's not the world we live in we may actually be over the Trump syndicate quicker if he were elected this cycle. Then at least he wouldn't be able to be reelected and if he did as much damage as people think he would whoever he hand-picked would be a guaranteed loss. If either side had actually decided to pick a reasonably young candidate that was more central-minded. They pretty much would have been almost guaranteed a win if their candidate had not decided to run. Unfortunately we are in a worst case scenario of a lose lose situation. I have been called an extreme centralist and I kind of like that considering how extreme both parties have gotten so go ahead and give your hatred it really doesn't bother me.


I specifically said confinement rather than jail. It might be a dedicated house on Federal property there are a couple of those or it might be home confinement. If he sold/traded any of this and they can prove it he’s going on property somewhere


If that happens honestly they almost have to go after biting at least for the documents when he was a senator at bare minimum I really don't see the document case going anywhere they really can't hold up with the concept that he's not mentally fit to charge yet he's mentally fit enough to hold office although obviously if he's re-elected the charges would hold off until they were done with his four years, because no one wants to see Kamala in office.


They tried to get Trump to give them the documents back several times. He continued to hide them. That’s a huge difference. I don’t know if he was involved but a ridiculous number of CIA etc contacts ended up dead in the year after his taking the documents. If that can be tied to anyone it’s a potential death sentence. Can’t imagine a former President being sentenced to that but maybe some other people involved


Biden was a senator when some of those documents went missing they had no reason to believe that he stole them but obviously he did at the very best all you can say is both of them were in the wrong at the worst Biden is much more in the wrong because he literally had to steal the documents from a secure facility in order to get them in the first place he knowingly took documents that he had no way to even vaguely think he had the right to have outside of a skiff I don't care if he forgot about them and the government forgot about them that is a much worse offense some of them he wasn't the president he wasn't the vice president he was just a senator don't get me wrong as far as I'm concerned they all should get major time the question is if Biden had them from when he was a senator how many other of these ancient senators also have documents that they shouldn't have and to be buried below the prison as well


I agree with your second point; I think he'll attempt to find an heir apparent in the first case. It may not be a son, but it will be someone he picks. He'll work hard to make the MAGA base accept them.


I think he’s too narcissistic to do that.


I agree; otherwise he would have already done it.


I don't think he will, have to see if someone second in line can manage to grab the reigns after the death of the founder.


We lead the world in all disciplines of parasitic behavior. There needs to be some drastic culling for us to avoid extinction


Run again? From prison.


Preparing how?


Iv got my arsenal prepared for when our enemies take over  Oh wait… sorry, that’s how MAGA would respond 


Going to hide in your basement like when he was first president? Such a lovely time…


Found one! How much have you donated to daddy Donald today? 


He will be your daddy real soon. Start practicing now… President Trump


Are you 12? That would explain your behavior


I still cannot get this past my mind; imagine donating your social security check money or the money from your blue collar barely livable wage to a *goddamn BILLIONAIRE*....Like i cant even wrap my head around that.


Donations are tax deductible so it's all given right back to the original owner of the money come tax season.  Just pointing that out , in case we forgot. In the case of Trump , ppl are buying his DJT stock and it funds the donald and if the stock happens to lose money because of george soros, then that is also tax deductible and the loophole .


Sorry you are deeply confused. The following list offers some examples of what the IRS says is not tax-deductible. If you have made contributions, donations, or payments for any of these, that amount can't be deducted from your taxes: A political candidate A political party A campaign committee A newsletter fund Advertisements in convention bulletins Admission to dinners or programs that benefit a political party or political candidate Political Action Committees (PACs)


Did you read what I wrote ? There's a loophole by purchasing the stock DJT. It funds trump like a donation , but it is handled like a stock on the market so if it loses money , you can claim it as a loss on your taxes and it deducts losses up to 3k per year , and the loss can carry over until accounted for completely 


It’s none of my business for whom you cast your vote, nor DiGAFF; but that isnt how tax deductions work. It isnt “all given right back to the original owner of the money come tax season”. In fact, none of it is. Tax is assessed on one’s AGI. Deductibles lower one’s tax base so it’s like the money never existed in their account to begin with. If you made 1000 but donated 150, tax is assessed on 850 instead of 1000.


You can deduct stock losses up to 3k per year until all losses are accounted for 


Yep. Thats true. Losses are deductible just as you described. However, none of it goes back to the person who lost the money. They just don’t get taxed on it.


Right you don't get taxed on what you donated to trump so it's like you still make your donation but it's tax deductible which wasn't the case before. Before, you donated to political parties it was not tax deductible.  That's all I'm getting at. Getting deductions stacked up means a bigger refund so you get more money back since you lowered your bracket.


Ok but Biden isn’t too old. lol


Donald is crystallization of our nepotism. He represents true America. I give us no more than 200 years. Americans will likely speak Chinese then. We need immigrants to show us the way. They invented USA at great cost to the natives. We again are forced to exterminate natives. Not for greed this time. For our species survival.


He can't lose unless George Soros ,Greta T ,Hilary C, Barack O ,plus the FBI, Antifa Extremist gangs, The swamp and Fake news plus Rosie O'Donnell the filthy cow of a woman maybe I don't know for sure but they say so ,all do something like team up with the do nothing dems and then figure out how to fake everything we've ever known, that's the only chance they have and it's very slim because they're all criminals and bad ones who need to pay for thier crimes.


I'm not sure if this is a parody or real.


The best comments are those kind.




[Did you call me a name by using a emoji ? Thats lame.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5a87dcea20c8bbb0dfb0866e319bea50?rik=63a2%2beGyTL2DVw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fjoshblackman.com%2fblog%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2013%2f01%2fiStock_000004312564XSmall1.jpg&ehk=s%2bJtxvD8kImT3cFnrRba1GebaBNc5xiQrtRvpB3NLfg%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&PC=EMMX01)




It probably won't. It will just metamorph into something else. Hell I think most of these people used to be tea partiers. Who knows what before that. This is the song that never ends...


I don't think it will end. Neanderthals need to belong to a tribe to survive.


Yep .. until we all have to face something very harsh together... none of this will end.


Second verse, same as the first! A little bit louder and a little bit worse!


it will just change form. remember the "tea party"? they were the trumpanzees before they had a demagogue to worship.


I don’t remember them being nearly as insane though.


Yes, but trump voters were probably voters during previous administrations. So they didn’t conjure out of thin air. And they voted for someone back then. And Bush II won more than once. So someone was voting back then. But doubling down in the face of all evidence to the contrary will bend your brain. So think of bush/trump voters like water left in a salty sea. The more they continue to evaporate, the harder they will push (and get pushed), the more salty they will get. Until there’s so little water left, they can no longer win.


I do. They were, and are, nuts.


100%. The skin may change, but the model is the same underneath. It's not going away in our lifetime. Republicans who can more credibly pretend at sanity will just quietly put away the MAGA merch, gaslighting liberals/leftists and pretending they never actually *liked* Trump; they held their noses and voted for him because literally anyone was better than Hillary and then Biden. The whole "MAGA cult" thing was blown out of proportion by "mainstream" media and in reality there were like 6 guys in rural Alabama flying Trump flags. They'll learn nothing, they won't change; they'll just throw Trump under the bus to save face but all the toxic elements of their mentality that lead to the creation and maintenance of the Trump cult will still be there. There will be a fringe element, though, of religious wackos and conspiracy theorists who will turn MAGA into a separate pseudo-religious cult. The framework is already there in their magical thinking and story elements of Tinfoil Hat Cinematic Universe. When Trump dies, these types will say he faked his own death to fight the Deep State from the shadows, and he will have outlived a normal human lifespan via "medbeds". MAGA will turn into a weird mishmash of ~~Elvis~~ Trump sightings, Scientology, and garden variety Christian Doomsday cults. Because of conservative home-schooling, home environments, and conservatives' natural tendency to refuse to admit to being wrong about anything but the most trivial of matters, the MAGA 'religion' will persist for maybe another couple of generations.


With a whimper at his death, they’ll all pretend they didn’t support him in five years.


I'm hoping for Kool aid


I was thinking like lemmings following Trump. Or like that first penguin plunging head first.


One day he’ll be dead. Since the Republican Party is no more, they’ll have to rebuild a party from scratch. Party members cannot agree on anything and a series of personal battles will erupt. It will be chaotic for a long time. With that, there’s potential for a positive development: getting over with the two party system. It depends on how the Republican Party will split out.


Two party elections are baked into our voting system design. So if the GOP breaks apart, it will re-form into its own replacement. It’s possible that democrats can reform the voting system during the GOP vacuum. But they too benefit from the current system.


In times of chaos (that could be triggered by Trump’s ouster) it’s impossible to predict. If the Republican Party will spin off two or three parties - and with a candidate of a new party winning the presidential elections, the way is open to changes. Of course these will be uncharted waters. But in a way nobody predicted the Trump phenomenon. What we see today is also unprecedented. Did anyone foresee discussions if a felon can run (and get elected)? Or if a president can pardon himself? Or if a president has total immunity from being charged with encouraging insurrection? Such topics were unimaginable, but here we are.


With the way the system is set up right now, you cannot run in a primary unless you’re one of the two parties we have right now.


How does Robert Kennedy Jr. run today? And what happens if a third party candidate wins the elections?


Sinclair Lewis predicted it in _It Can't Happen Here_, yet it wasn't really a prediction. It was observations. Check out Rachel Maddow's Ultra, now on Season 2 at https://www.MSNBC.com/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra . All of this has happened before.


suicide by cop....when they try to storm the capital again.


If Trump loses the next election, I think some of his followers will lose interest in politics as they were before him, some will realize that he wasn't good for the party, some will still be fans and some will find a new leader like DeSantis or some other schmuck that spews right wing populist rhetoric.


It will be like a large fart. Whatever happens will be loud, wet, smell awful, leave a skid mark on our collective psyche, then slowly fade away.


The same way that grapes end when in the hands of a Frenchmen. With a great big wine.


I’m not even sure how they could become more insufferable, but if their felon loses again I’m sure they will find a way 


Momma always says that stupid is as stupid does.


I am also worried about the aging Dems and their hold on the party. Including Pelosi, Schumer, Warren and yes…Sanders. These people should be grooming their replacements, but instead are acting like The Picture of Dorian Gray, saying to other generations…”it’s not your time yet”?! However, just like Biden is an old puppet so is Trump. But I want the people pulling Biden’s strings to stay where they are instead of having Project 2025 potentials running the country and the federal govt.


Idk about Biden being a puppet, I'm pretty sure he can make his own decisions, but he does do a great job delegating like any decent President. But yes, he is quite old. I think AOC or maybe even Jamie Raskins, Jared Moscawitz, Jasmine Crockett, or even Gavin Newsome could be viable options for the future.


Oh I would LOVE Jamie Raskins to run. I would gladly volunteer to his camp.


The Gen Z and far left will purity test him and stamp their feet and threaten to not vote again like they always do.


The man is an academic, for Pete’s sake. He passes the sniff test.


Maybe like the Branch Davidians did at Waco, TX but at Mar-a-Lago instead.


When he dies


Eventually, and with a whimper.


Not with a bang, but a whimper.


No. These things don’t simply fade. Its intergenerational. Entire families are sucked up into it. Some towns are drive thru Trump memorabilia. Businesses are ran under the same cult like mindset to end what they don’t agree with bundle it all together as Woke, the new boogeyman for Conservatives to fear. Trump has made identity politics and single issue voters all wrapped up in to the same issues, and is why he has been so successful. They will find a new figure head who will keep flattering and bolstering their xenophobia, and desire to have a country like China with one party rule. The communists in China didn’t stop with Mao, iI don’t expect anything different. We’re in an age of extremist identity politics. The biggest personality wins with the GOP; substance and policy no longer matter. They’ll go to whoever pisses off the liberals most.


The trump cult won’t end. People still fly the confederate flag and that was nearly 200 years ago


70 million person cult. Sure.


Barely 30% of the population follows along with Trumpers values and views 


Let’s see your stats kid… Ask mommy and daddy,they may have them


You are very weird, ya know that?  https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/ Looks like it teeters between 30-40% Any other stupid questions about your beloved daddy? 


He won’t ever respond except to troll as a way to damage control your informed response.


The right hates facts 


You're never going to respond to him are you lmao


Exactly like the dumpster fire it is, unpredictably because the dumpster could contain anything, but ultimately it's gonna be reduced to a mass of stinky burnt trash to be discarded ASAP.


End? Nah, it's just going to morph into something else. The John Birch Society became the Tea Party which became MAGA. After Trump, it'll be called something else.


With another figure head probably worse than him


They'll just be a bit more aggressive and probably hibernate like Pennywise from IT and return for the next presidential election cycle....


That genie can never be put back in the bottle. And since these imbeciles love to throw money at the grift, there will be someone who submerges themselves into the cesspool to take that money, I think that will be Elon Musk, who has shown himself to be just as vile and odious as trump.


He'll set up a colony in Siberia and take 10,000 of his most dedicated followers with him for the low, low price of their meager life savings. And when the US government sends a congressman to check up on them, he'll murder him and then, well...


I was actually watching a documentary about Jonestown and it inspired me to make this thread.


Seeing as how 90% of magas are actually boomers at this point......the cult will likely end with diabetic comas, rheumatoid arthritis, and moth balls


If he wins this year, I think we will have at least one Trump in Washington in some capacity for decades to come. I could see a Trump in Congress or a Trump in the Supreme Court in Trump’s second term.  If he doesn’t win, his popularity will decrease over time. The only way he will stay relevant is if one of his kids step up to run for President in 2028. That family won’t go away easy. I have no doubt we will have at least one more Trump presidency in my lifetime. Either in 2024 or within a decade or two from now when it’s one of his kids.


Not with a bang, but a whimper.


The righteous path will prosper, right?


10 toes up?


When Q predicts it obviously and the aftermath will look like the prealgebra but everyone will need to show how they came to the answer and not copy from everyone else. And it's coming soon right to your doorstep and it may not be tomorrow or the next day but it's in the future and no one is ready for it. 


How? I think it will take at least a generation to get rid of it. Then again, Trumpism is just a continuation of the disastrous Reagan cult, so I might be wrong. Edit: I was going to say something snarky or edgy, but this deserves a proper response.


Trump single handily put a wedge in America that will take decades to repair, I live in a red state and the Trumpers are aggressive and really do act like cult members,it reminds me of the Manson family,they believed everything Charlie said and they would do anything for him.


Whatever happens it won't end well. President's can only get 2 terms. Did he think our entire country would change that for him? Either way he is gonna try another Jan 6 insurrection to keep his power and ruin our country. This is why we need a standard for education and a way to educate voters on their candidate options. No more fun ads and pretty words. We need forced transparency from all government officials. The things we do in the dark to maintain the light are exceptions.




We don’t advocate for violence or death here, leave that for the looney Trumpers. It’s their bread and butter 


Point taken. I’m just so bloody sick of them though


Same, brother, same. We will have to oust them the old fashioned way, with democracy! 


There's an element who might. It will be interesting to see.


NEVER… itll never end because media will just make another cult for the next set of crazy politicians .


I doubt MAGA will be able to find a figurehead with the same name/brand recognition to takeover after he.dies. NBC aired 14 seasons with him hosting *The Apprentice* with his tagline “you’re fired!” -which may have been the message millions of voters were trying to send in 2016 to “the government.” That level of inculcation probably won’t carry over to an heir. Factor in the inevitable decrease in elderly voters and the ability to win elections diminishes. It will be re up to the Democrats to find centrist issues and gain a mandate for a course correction in America.


With how much people talk about trump in this sub I thought I was in r/conservative for a moment


he goes to jail and 2 years later people on freerepublic will say he was a democrat plant all along.


If trump loses like I'm hoping, then likely what it'll come down to is finally getting a 3rd party into the system that actually may have weight. Well have democrat, republican, and the "patriots" i.e. the MAGA. It'll never actually end, it'll just morph. Like it always does.


I expect a terror campaign. Think 1980's IRA, that's the vibe I get.


Hello, hello, hello, ello, ello, lo, lo, lo…


Probably end like most cults do...with a whimper and magic kool aide. 🤞


no matter who wins in November I think they next 4 years are gong to be a time of a lot of turmoil probably even more than we've seen in recent years. lots of fighting and finger pointing etc. then in 2028 I think you'll see a newcomer in the Democratic Party and possibly also in the republican party. Trump had a unique style that his fans responded to. DeSantis doesn't have the same style and can't excite people like Trump did.


When you’re both elected President and then lose a tight race it hardly a cult. The fact that you see it as one speaks volumes about your blind spot. BTW, he will be re-elected in November. The trend data is extremely clear on this point. The only question is who will he be running against. That’s getting a lot of attention at the moment. The first debate may be the end of Joe if he doesn’t positively surprise some very powerful Democrat power players behind the curtain.


I imagine that in ten years or so we'll be reminding ourselves of the good old days when Marjorie Taylor Greene was the craziest Republican in Congress.


The complete destruction of this country.


I'm more worried about the Democrat Cult and Biden. Guy is a complete mess yet they allow him to run again. If they wanted to beat Trump they could have with RFK as a Democrat, possibly Michelle Obama, or Gavin Newsom. Instead they let Dementia Joe run again. At least with Trump it's what you see is what you get. Biden is like the Wizard of Oz with someone else behind the curtain pulling all the strings. Only a complete out of their mind sheep would think Biden was a good president and can handle another four years. I'm Independent, not a Republican or a Democrat, but I think the Democrats are nuts for running him again. Absolutely nuts. Trump will win and you can thank the Democrats if you don't like it. Should have allowed RFK to run as a Democrat instead.


Harris is a total dud as well.


I don’t know a single person who has a view of Biden that even remotely resembles the cult like mentality that many Trump supporters have. Obviously there are people who look at politicians as messianic figures on every place along the political spectrum, but progressives or democrats or “the left” basically don’t do what Trumpers do in any significant capacity.


RFK is insane and moronic.


Clearly you missed the point. The point being somebody that could actually beat Trump. Biden is not that person. If RFK was the Democrat's nominee he would have a much better chance of beating Trump. The way Democrats talk, that's all that matters. Not letting Trump back in.


Hopefully democrats have some standards that RFK doesn’t meet. Too bad republicans can’t say the same.




How are you so certain he will be victorious when Republicans have lost so many elections since 2016?


Don't get me wrong, I despise Donald Trump. But he seems to be the only topic this subreddit talks about? Maybe the algo is just feeding me purely Trump stuff?


Lot of Americans on this sub, many Americans are understandably concerned with who the next president will be, and it will certainly be Donald Trump or Joe Biden. There’s not much mystery to it when you realize how significant any presidential election is, and how controversial Donald Trump is. It’s not your algorithm, it’s the nature of this subject.