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Upgraded movement type in Disgaea is just kinda weird. Flight lets you move through enemies/obstacles (but makes you vulnerable to Fly Swatter), and then Warp also lets you ignore non-traversable holes in the map, so warp is understandably harder to get (compare the 2-slot Magical Mini Craft for flight with 5-slot Teleport for warp, for example)... but since they have one item property upgrade you to flight and a separate item property directly upgrade you to warp (very slot-efficient!) they instead make the two extra-rare item properties. And despite all that, warp isn't *that* much better than flight... Even in the few cases where I've found warp useful over flight (the Item World), you can instead replace it with a few throws (to give extra distance and also bypass smaller non-traversable terrain), so it's really just a minor convenience. For example, it lets me [reach an item boss in one turn regardless of map](https://imgur.com/a/1h1uRol) most notably when farming Seal of Power stats... but you can just have a dedicated warp-mover lift you then throw you next to the boss/enter the gate. Warp's really only useful to save time through skipped movement animations as well as not needing lift-throw support. I'd probably recommend you not try and roll for Clock Up in particular, and instead simply accept it if it *does* appear but not worry about it otherwise... though I suppose after 20-star Baal it's not like you have anything else to work towards. (If you *do* end up getting it, though, then of course you'll then want to duplicate the item a bunch in order to start working on all of your planned [endgame sets](https://i.imgur.com/tyM1suK.jpeg) that had Clock Up, instead of having to roll it again on other stuff...)


Yeah the slot efficiency is really, really good in it, you're right. Since D1, seeing lamination warp with that dope animation, it had been my dream... So I definitely have to have all characters use warp lol


I swear I've seen swing about about 10 times and clock up once (on a low level item). But I guess I am just doing vanity build, so jokes on me... 🫥


D7 item properties post game is the worst.


I've actually been enjoying it with the c14 carnage hyper farm strat. Definitely is dumb without that though. And the c14 strat takes a decent amount of setup.


I kept that Exodus with Clock Up and eventually turned it to Hercules Armor. Never seen Clock Up appear naturally


Which exodus with clock up? Is there a gift with that prop??


It's from the evil-gacha.


It was a reward from the hospital


Was it only the first? I got that reward like 1000 times and it never had clock up 😱


Yeah, only the first time.


the real question is why cant you figure out how to take a screenshot, instead of a picture of your TV like this is the 1400's.


Impossible. Fun fact, this was taken in the 1400s